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2007-02-20 12:18 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

An interesting article about STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE! Kiss

My main problem last year, I believe, was a lack of direction. I was doing lots of volume, but no HR zones, no "key workouts". No speed work. Just lots of volume. And if I was exhausted, I pressed on. I'm sure I did more harm than good. Although I did make 2 lifelong friends.... I didn't do much for myself triathlon-wise. I know that now.

Read this article

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


2007-02-20 10:46 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Great article, thanks Whizzzzz! Junk miles are pretty common when I talk to people in training--it always seems to be all about volume. Structure and purpose--I've heard that somewhere before......

I have incorporated speed work in both my swims and bikes. I need to do more of that during my run workouts. I will also start using a heart rate monitor in March to ensure I stay in the proper zones. I actually do okay using RPE and can pretty much guess my heart rate within 5 or so beats.

I even scouted out some hills to use for hill repeats for running and biking close to home (a couple of blocks).

Todd-we have pretty much decided to do LG. The course sounds great and it is much closer to home than Pigman. We would love to have you show us around. I like to know what I am getting myself into by driving the bike course and then biking it at some point.
2007-02-20 11:18 PM
in reply to: #697653

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

You guys are welcome anytime. Just let me know and I'll roll out the red carpet!
2007-02-20 11:24 PM
in reply to: #696959

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I know I probably have a bunch of junk miles in my swims January-March. It's driven by my desire to meet my mileage goals for this swim challenge. My swim endurance HAS improved quite a bit since I probably would not have done 3 mile sessions until next year, but I still look forward to having the challenge behind me. Then I will focus more on drills and a single endurance session per week.
2007-02-23 9:37 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Weekend update time--what do you have planned?

Friday-biking on the trainer and weights
Saturday-swim and yoga
Sunday-run and swim

I may move things around depending on if the big snowstorm arrives or not. Sure sounds like we are really going to get hit on Saturday night and Sunday. We could elect to get a swim in late Friday night after Eric is done with work.

I will also be updating my new polar heart rate monitor. Please take a look at what I came up with for training zones. I used calculators from to determine my max heart rate and training zones.

Maximum Heart Rate Calculations*:

226-Age = 178
209-.09xAge = 166
206.3-(0.711xAge) = 172
217-(.85xAge)) = 176

*I averaged it out to 174 to determine my training zones.

Training Zones*:

Z1 -- Recovery sessions - 132-142
Z2 -- Long, slow, distance - 142-153
Z3 -- Lactate Threshold - 153-163
Z4 -- VO2 Max - 163-174

*For biking add 5 beats to each of the zones. I'm not sure if I agree with that or not.

Does this look reasonable? Does anyone have a better method or website calculator to use?

Have a great weekend!
2007-02-23 10:52 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

NOt sure what my weekend will hold in store for me.  I'm trying to get my bike in today (was supposed to be yesterday). It's getting warmer out so I may try an outdoor run Saturday.  Snow coming Sunday night so we wil see where that leaves me. 

Hubby and I are gonna finish up turbotax and efile this weekend 

2007-02-24 11:50 PM
in reply to: #700460

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
From what I've read, you typically have different HR zones for run, bike, and swim. I haven't had the will power to do a LT test on the bike yet and probably never will for swim. There are a couple of good articles on doing LT tests on BT from Mike Ricci, but I don't have the links readily available.

I had planned a swim and a run for Saturday, but bagged the swim (see my log for the full drama) and have a 10 mile easy run on Sunday. With the lousy weather, this will wind up being another long treadmill run. Gotta love those. As long as I manage to finish the 10 miles in 99 minutes and 59 seconds (see log from last Sunday for treadmill details), I can do it without stopping.
2007-02-26 9:27 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

is it too late to join??

2007-02-26 9:44 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I think we can handle one more...

Give us your background, your goals, your upcoming races and a little information on your training thus far... we've got a great group here and we'd love to have you be a part of it. Kiss



2007-02-26 10:19 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I'm in pure spin zone about upcoming move - I have lot's of energy as I'm excited about the new job and location (mostly), but I really can't do anything productive about getting myself there.

I opted out of the 1 Apr Marathon because I'll be driving 8 hours that day to get to DC. I miss the long runs and the focus that goal provided. Since I don't know what my schedule will be at new job, I can't begin to focus on specific races yet. I'm trying to be more balanced in my training now with 2-2-2-2 of swim/bike/run/weights.

I'm also taking time to visit with friends and family before I head off for Active Duty. If my training suffers for that, then so it does.
2007-02-27 5:37 AM
in reply to: #704396

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

That's a good attitude... seriously... if you are in this as a lifestyle choice, then taking time off for what is really important... whatever that is for you... family, work, friends, volunteering, Church, whatever... is a good and healthy attitude. It doesn't mean you're not an athlete. It just means you are an athlete with changing priorities and many different facets. (!!!!) Laughing It's all good!


Congratulations on your upcoming move. And good luck, too!



2007-02-27 6:54 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Thanks whizzzz for letting me in the posse so late

NAME: pigfinn/Kat

STORY: Let's see... I've always been an athletic one.  Born a tomboy to 3 older brothers, and a sis... and a neighborhood full of boys   Played all sports in gradeschool, and highschool, but none in college.  Played on a women's ice hockey league in my 30's, and when I got tired of that, I started running in my 40's (2003).  Did my first 5K and swore I'd never do a marathon.  Well that was two marathons ago, LOL... Chicago and NewYork... and countless 1/2 marathons and dozens and dozens of variable length races.  I even managed to climb PikesPeak on a runners ascent organized race... now that is what I call a race, LOL!!

Well 2006 was a year of a foot fracture and being forced to bike instead of run.  I was introduced to spinning and dusted off the mountain bike in my garage, and took her for a spin.  I had forgotten what a great feeling it was to ride a bike   I took her out just about every weekend and really enjoyed it.  At the end of summer, a little voice in my head was saying "road bike, road bike, tri, tri", and I would tell it to hush.  Well I have a new Giant OCR-composite3 beautiful road bike in my living room just waiting to be broken in, and I'm posting on a triathlon forum... so you can see how much I hushed that voice, LOL!!

So that brings me here.  I'm a fine swimmer, and I can run and I can bike... so I thought I'd give tri's a try

FAMILY STATUS: Single / have one feline boy, orange... 3yo, 12lbs... name is Sampson  Prior to that, was the proud Mommy of my little Jazzy... who I had since she was just 8wks old.  I had her for 10.5 years until I lost her in May 2005 ... but there is always more to love, as I then found Sampson

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I'm just running small miles to get my basic mileage down, before I pick it up into the higher mileage runs.  I didn't run all summer or fall due to the foot, so I want to start slow in 2007.  I spin 2x a week, run 2x a week, and swim 1x a week.  I hope to find some good triathlon training plans come Spring.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: Didn't do too many races in 2006 due to the fractured foot.... but my running career has included Chicago Marathon 2004, New York City Marathon 2005, Pikes Peak Ascent 2005,  approx 20+ 1/2 marathons, and countless 10 milers, 10K's, 8K's and 5K's.  I have a draw full of bibs, he he

2007 RACES:  I am registered for Racine 1/2 Ironman, Chicago Accenture Tri (Oly), Chicago Marathon, PleasantPrairie Tri (Oly), MS150 Ride, FolksOnSpokes Easter 50mile ride, and hopefully on Thursday I will be registered for the 100K of the HorribleHillyHundred.  I plan on doing lots more than that, but those are the ones I'm registered for and committed to

WEIGHTLOSS: Since May 2005, I've lost about 15 lbs.... and I'm maintaining there.  I'd like to lose about another 10-15... which I hope to do come Spring.  It's kind of hard during winter, and I haven't been so good with watching the calories, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!  I never had to lose ANY weight until I turned 42, move back near my family and was visiting MaMa nightly for some cooking.  One year later, I was 20-25lbs heavier!!, whaoooooooooo!!, how did that happen, LOL!!... but I hid it well, but still... 20 extra lbs feels crummy ... so I made a commitment in Spring 2006 to lose it.  I lost 15, but need to get rid of another 10lbs or so.

So that's it.  Thanks whiizzzo for taking me in so late in the game   I have really enjoyed this forum, and hope to meet some of you at the races   I have got alot out of the forum thus far, and am really looking forward to hanging here and learning more about tri's in 2007... and am REALLY looking forward to my first tri!!!


Edited by pigfinn 2007-02-27 7:03 AM
2007-02-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Welcome Kat!  Glad to see another Illinoisan here.  Good luck with all that you set out to accomplish. 


My training is seeming tostart to slide and I know that I should be hitting the gym more but it seems like life (hubby, kids) and school is getting in the way.  At this point in the semester my grades aren't what I want them to be so I'm more than a little frustrated.  I know that I need to readjust my priorities and Mike has been very supportive but just when I think I can change things his brother hits me with the exercise makes your brain work harder saying.  I already know thatBUT sometimes other things take precedence.  Like knowing that I need a good GPA to get a job when I get out of school.  ARGH!!!! 

It  felt good to run last night but I really hate exercising late at night.  \

Sorry---vent over!!!

2007-02-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Welcome Kat!  Glad to see another Illinoisan here.  Good luck with all that you set out to accomplish. 


My training is seeming tostart to slide and I know that I should be hitting the gym more but it seems like life (hubby, kids) and school is getting in the way.  At this point in the semester my grades aren't what I want them to be so I'm more than a little frustrated.  I know that I need to readjust my priorities and Mike has been very supportive but just when I think I can change things his brother hits me with the exercise makes your brain work harder saying.  I already know thatBUT sometimes other things take precedence.  Like knowing that I need a good GPA to get a job when I get out of school.  ARGH!!!! 

It  felt good to run last night but I really hate exercising late at night.  \

Sorry---vent over!!!

2007-02-27 10:04 AM
in reply to: #704603

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

See my post in response to Laura (Episcopit)... same thing... don't beat yourself up. Stay committed to the sport and the lifestyle in general and it's OK to let other things take precedence from time to time... We have lives! (Don't we?) Wink Heh.

Don't forget to add Kat as a "friend" in your blog! We will be checking in on you Kat!

Happy Tuesday, everyone.

We are coming up on MARCH. Let's update! 

  • How are you all doing with the goals you set in the beginning of the year?
  • What does March hold for you?
  • Have you planned out your races for the season and registered for them?
  • Anything else you want us all to know!??

Edited by Whizzzzz 2007-02-27 10:05 AM
2007-02-27 11:55 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Let's see--goals for March---


I'm registered for an INdoor Tri in late March.  My training is coming along.  I feel comfortable with my swimming (not fast but I can make it from point A to point B without stopping) and running has never been particularly fast but I can finish the alloted mileage without too much trouble.  Biking OTOH is a different story.  It's still too cr*ppy out to go outside and the stationary bike just isn't like my bike. 

Mid-terms are coming up and I really n eed to focus more on my grades.  I'm hoping for all B's (minimum) at midterm Basically a 3.5 would be good. 

A personal goal is to make more time to spend with hubby outside of the workout arena.  Our date nights have taken a huge hiatus due to school. work/ exercise schedule.

I'm also still quite a ways a way from my target weight goal.. I started at about 142-4 and am around 131 now.  Wnat to get to 125 before the end of March (APO Spring Formal) and 115 before Memorial Day weekend.  These are both doable goals if I watch what I eat and continue to exercise.  I am just dying to wear a 2 piece tri suit to my first outdoor tri in July.



2007-02-27 7:24 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
The March Update:

How are you all doing with the goals you set in the beginning of the year?

My goal was to train consistently through the winter and I have managed to do that for the most part. I wanted to run outside more often but the cold and melting/refreezing snow made it a little too risky. My reintroduction to weight training has also gone well.

What does March hold for you?

-Running time per session-increase from 45 minutes to 50-60.
-Biking time per session-increase from 60-70 minutes to 75-90 minutes.
-Swimming yardage-increase from 1800-2000 to 2200-2400 yards.

Have you planned out your races for the season and registered for them?

-I wouldn't want to rush into that yet. Quote from my swim coach, "she will do it, until she talks herself out of it." In a nutshell, this is how racing normally goes for me.

Anything else you want us all to know!??

Long overdue thanks to Whizzzzz, our mentor supreme. Thanks for keeping it real and fun! I am looking forward to meeting the members of the Whizzzzz Posse at a race in southern Wisconsin or northern Illinois some day.

Happy training everyone and get after it in March!
2007-02-27 9:41 PM
in reply to: #705594

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi all.... thanks for allowing me in the group

I ran my normal scheduled 4 mile run tonight on the treadmill... I am not sure how much more of his mill running I can take, where is Spring, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I need the outdoors!

I also got in 100 crunches   I started doing crunches a few weeks ago when I realized "not like them" was not an excuse to avoid them.  So I've been trying to get in a few 100 a week at least.  They are getting easier

That's all for me   I've added you all as my friends on my BLOG, I'm getting so good at figuring out this forum!!

Hope you're all having a good night

2007-02-27 11:00 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Welcome to the group Kat!

I know just what you mean about the dreadmill. Running outside over the last month or so has been difficult--either below zero windchills or melted and refrozen ice and snow. This is the first time I have ever used a treadmill for running, blech, I hate it. We had a total of 24 inches of snow over the weekend, the running paths are not even remotely clean.

I added you to my friends list.

Happy training and have a great week!
2007-02-28 11:33 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Well, I got my run in today.  Now it's off to see if my blood wants to share today!
2007-03-02 7:08 AM
in reply to: #706286

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

well I missed my workout last night... just too tired, dang I am sick of this cold dark weather, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

My boyfriend?, ex-now-boyfriend?, is driving up today to see me   He lives out of state.  Long story... dated 1.5 yrs and he left me in June... because we could not get it together on moving near each other   I was heartbroken and devasted... cried all summer   Shows up at my door on Christmas , and says he can't live without me, LOL... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh love or whatever it is, I don't now... but it aint' easy, LOL!

So he will be here tonight, and we will go run and swim tomorrow... but I am short my Thursday run this week   Oh well...

oh, and I got picked for Alcatraz on a late entry lottery... what do I do!!!  The entry fee is now $350.00!!, that's alot of money!!!

Edited by pigfinn 2007-03-02 7:09 AM

2007-03-02 9:46 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
anyone up to the AB challenge?
2007-03-02 12:03 PM
in reply to: #708861

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

bootygirl - 2007-03-02 9:46 AM anyone up to the AB challenge?

what's an AB challenge?

2007-03-02 4:45 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member

Yes! What is the AB challenge???

Also had a quick question I wanted to pose to you guys...

WHAT do you do to keep yourselves motivated? WHAT do you do to keep yourselves accountable? 


Everyone but bootygirl lives in the frozen-tundra midwest...

I had a really difficult time this morning... I woke up early, the wind was howling, the snow was blowing, and I had a 5:45 am date with a swimmin' pool. I didn't want to go. I *REALLY* didn't want to go...I wanted to stay in bed, wrapped in my blankies. But I went. Why? I'm not entirely sure myself. Probably because I was already up and it was easier to just keep moving. Tongue out

What keeps you motivated?


2007-03-02 7:12 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I am definitely up for the AB challenge. Just tell me what to do.

WHAT do you do to keep yourselves motivated?

Let's see, registering for a race (or in my case thinking about registering for a race). My best motivator has been this BT mentor program, posting my workouts in the training log, and getting inspiration from all of you, really! Seeing the whole month and the volume chart is a great motivator--keep those white and yellow squares away. I am doing so much better this winter compared to last year. I also evaluate my options. For example, if I skip a workout today then I will have to double up on another day (do I really want to put myself in that situation very often?). Choices--consequences.

WHAT do you do to keep yourselves accountable? Methods I use or have used:

-Telling co-workers, family, and friends about my planned workouts/races. My co-workers are very good about asking how my workout/race went the day before and if I did what I told them I was going to do.

-Finding a dedicated workout partner/group, someone to get you going when you really don't feel like working out. Make sure you find a partner that will push you when you need it, get after you when you don't show up.

-Setting an appointment time in your planner is another method to use. Treat your workout as an appointment, pretend it is a meeting with your boss, you better be there. The appointment system in Outlook with those annoying reminders works especially well.

-If you have a home gym or a place to put up a chart with your planned distance/time totals for a month and filling it in as you work your way to your set goal total--similar to the contribution $ goals for a charity. Reward yourself with a new swimsuit, tri toy, running shoes, clothes, etc. if you hit your goal total.

-Have a plan B if the weather, facility (pool is closed), or something is sore/hurts. Have an alternate activity that at least gets you doing something. Something is better than nothing.

Bottom line--sometimes your body will tell you it is tired and needs rest, listen to it, there is always another day. Don't expose yourself to unnecessary risk by running/biking in bad weather conditions. Be flexible and don't beat yourself up too much.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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