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2011-01-23 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3316946

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:10 PM
asking, based on your advice.  edit.  i want to know what you think.   but i'm going to question.

First of all remember that Sam has a coach, so I am sure he has much more information on her full training regime and what Pace advice he wants to follow if she decides that Pace is the way she wants to train based the goals of that workout.  I will leave that to the paid professionals.   

But Ok...I know I will regret this...but I will bite on your question on what "I" think.  The testing procedure that I use and has been used successfully by others......copied and pasted without permission from RnP from "Endurance Nation Guide to Triahlon Training with Pace," 2009.    

Test Protocol

Warmup well; include 3 x 1' pickups to loosen up. Then run a 5k as if racing. Experience has shown that holding back slightly on the first mile, if only by a few seconds, will enable you to finish strong. Ideally, do this on a measured course you can repeat for future tests.  Remember that you will want to test several times over your training cycle to ensure that you are running to pace levels that reflect your true fitness.  Even though you might not be doing the work to get faster as you lead up to race day, changes in your body composition or other areas of your fitness could impact your vDOT. When you do retest, do your best to keep it "simple." In other words, just go out and run that course as hard as you can. Don'tcheck your watch every 30" for indications of speed, etc., just start it, run hard, and stop at the end.

Then use the Daniels Running formula using your 5k time to calculate your Vdot score.

These Paces are then used based on the objective you are attempting to receive based on your training goals for that run, etc.  My run pace is set by my training plan for each run.

****  Obviously, this is a overly simplified discussion and some other issues need to be taken into account.  But I don't want to kill 15 pages with really deep information and backup that only a few of us really care about. 

2011-01-23 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3317016

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2011-01-23 8:57 PM
dalessit - 2011-01-23 5:45 PM LOL, I figured I would type what we are talking about.

Basically since your goal is to qualify, you run whatever pace you need to get that time.

IMO doing that is different than trying to run for a PR.  Basically run that pace for as long as you can, if you can't hold it for 26.2 miles the race doesn't matter.  Actually easier way to race, takes the guess work out of it.

Having done that and failed big-time... I will say it is in no way an "easier" way to run a race. I held my pace for 15 miles and then it dropped off and it hurt more than anything I have ever done. In hindsight there is question about my taper not being long enough, but who knows. MacMillan certainly said I could do what I set out to do, and I trained religiously at the paces (LSDs, tempo runs, etc). But whatever I did in my training didn't work for me at this point. Oh well, on to the next race!!


Well, for me it would be easier I suppose, less stuff to worry about.  I always worry about RPE, HR, am I going to fast too soon, am I saving too much, etc, etc.  For her 3:45 pace, run 8:37's for as long as possible, and that's it.  Doesn't make the running any easier, but less stuff to worry about. 
2011-01-23 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3317024

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 8:59 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:10 PM
asking, based on your advice.  edit.  i want to know what you think.   but i'm going to question.

First of all remember that Sam has a coach, so I am sure he has much more information on her full training regime and what Pace advice he wants to follow if she decides that Pace is the way she wants to train based the goals of that workout.  I will leave that to the paid professionals.   

But Ok...I know I will regret this...but I will bite on your question on what "I" think.  The testing procedure that I use and has been used successfully by others......copied and pasted without permission from RnP from "Endurance Nation Guide to Triahlon Training with Pace," 2009.    

Test Protocol

Warmup well; include 3 x 1' pickups to loosen up. Then run a 5k as if racing. Experience has shown that holding back slightly on the first mile, if only by a few seconds, will enable you to finish strong. Ideally, do this on a measured course you can repeat for future tests.  Remember that you will want to test several times over your training cycle to ensure that you are running to pace levels that reflect your true fitness.  Even though you might not be doing the work to get faster as you lead up to race day, changes in your body composition or other areas of your fitness could impact your vDOT. When you do retest, do your best to keep it "simple." In other words, just go out and run that course as hard as you can. Don'tcheck your watch every 30" for indications of speed, etc., just start it, run hard, and stop at the end.

Then use the Daniels Running formula using your 5k time to calculate your Vdot score.

These Paces are then used based on the objective you are attempting to receive based on your training goals for that run, etc.  My run pace is set by my training plan for each run.

****  Obviously, this is a overly simplified discussion and some other issues need to be taken into account.  But I don't want to kill 15 pages with really deep information and backup that only a few of us really care about. 
2011-01-23 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3316854

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dcon - 2011-01-23 6:22 PM
Techdiver - 2011-01-23 9:06 PM Sorry on the bottom.  Guess I should provide a tiny bit more detail hey.

Give this a read.  It may help you sort out what is wrong.  Massaging the bottom of your foot (or rolling the muscles with a ball - tennis ball, rubber baseball, etc.) may do the trick.  It has worked for me in the past.   There are quite a few muscles anchoring on the bottom of the foot. 

FYI: Leigh's also got great explanations for all of the muscles groups.   

Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou

Amazing link I just zoned out in it for a while.

I would say my pain totally was in the AbDM

It felt like it extended just a bit beyond the drawing in the diagram on the bottom of the foot.. but that is pretty darn much it.

So your roller suggestion is probably right on. I figured the deep snow and some ice etc. Changed  how I was striking. But I also Belive that Suzy was right as well that my Motion control shoes did not allow any freedom of my foot and pronation that occurs. I did stop wearing these shoes when I was finally starting to run distance. I had though with it being snowy and slippery they might help I think the combination was wrong and these BEAST shoes will be retired to Lawn cutting this summer or maybe just hang them on the wall as my first pair of RUNNING SHOES that I actually ran in.

Thanks again GREAT info I am passing this on to some friends.
2011-01-23 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3317024

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 7:59 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:10 PM
asking, based on your advice.  edit.  i want to know what you think.   but i'm going to question.

First of all remember that Sam has a coach, so I am sure he has much more information on her full training regime and what Pace advice he wants to follow if she decides that Pace is the way she wants to train based the goals of that workout.  I will leave that to the paid professionals.   

But Ok...I know I will regret this...but I will bite on your question on what "I" think.  The testing procedure that I use and has been used successfully by others......copied and pasted without permission from RnP from "Endurance Nation Guide to Triahlon Training with Pace," 2009.    

Test Protocol

Warmup well; include 3 x 1' pickups to loosen up. Then run a 5k as if racing. Experience has shown that holding back slightly on the first mile, if only by a few seconds, will enable you to finish strong. Ideally, do this on a measured course you can repeat for future tests.  Remember that you will want to test several times over your training cycle to ensure that you are running to pace levels that reflect your true fitness.  Even though you might not be doing the work to get faster as you lead up to race day, changes in your body composition or other areas of your fitness could impact your vDOT. When you do retest, do your best to keep it "simple." In other words, just go out and run that course as hard as you can. Don'tcheck your watch every 30" for indications of speed, etc., just start it, run hard, and stop at the end.

Then use the Daniels Running formula using your 5k time to calculate your Vdot score.

These Paces are then used based on the objective you are attempting to receive based on your training goals for that run, etc.  My run pace is set by my training plan for each run.

****  Obviously, this is a overly simplified discussion and some other issues need to be taken into account.  But I don't want to kill 15 pages with really deep information and backup that only a few of us really care about. 

I would love to try that out some day but right now I feel like my biggest problem is I have not practiced running the pace I need to run the race I want.   And from all of the articles I've read that seems to be a big thing for people who want to hit a certain time.

Anyway, my coach does have me scheduled for a training test in 2 weeks to measure my progress.  It is a 26km run at marathon pace.  We are going to duplicate as much of the actual race day as possible.  Based on that training run, I will evaluate my goals for Shamrock.  I certainly hope to be close to a 8:37 and maybe even a little faster.
2011-01-23 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3317001

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dalessit - 2011-01-23 7:48 PM
kkcbelle - 2011-01-23 8:46 PM Fell behind again -- have some catching up to do, but have a funny kid/tri story to share.

Took the fam out for sushi last night, still trying to find things we love that the kids will eat too. So, I was telling my son he could eat terryaki, or miso soup, or hey!! You could get a bento box!!

"A bento box?" my daughter exclaimed. "Oh mommy, I want a bento box! Please?? Please can I have my very own bento box??"


"Sweetheart, do you know what a bento box is," I asked, wondering why she was just delighted with the idea of getting compartmentalized food. 

"Yes!! It's one of those things that zips up, that you put on the front of your bike," she says excitedly. "You know, you can put your keys and phone in it, maybe a few snacks? Oh mommy do I really get one??"

She was so bummed when I told her that no, the sushi place was not giving her a bento box for her bike. (Might have to get her one for her birthday in April, though -- she is still talking about it!


ROFL, that's awesome.

LMAOROFL!!!  Too funny.

2011-01-23 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3317046

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-23 8:14 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 7:59 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:10 PM
asking, based on your advice.  edit.  i want to know what you think.   but i'm going to question.

First of all remember that Sam has a coach, so I am sure he has much more information on her full training regime and what Pace advice he wants to follow if she decides that Pace is the way she wants to train based the goals of that workout.  I will leave that to the paid professionals.   

But Ok...I know I will regret this...but I will bite on your question on what "I" think.  The testing procedure that I use and has been used successfully by others......copied and pasted without permission from RnP from "Endurance Nation Guide to Triahlon Training with Pace," 2009.    

Test Protocol

Warmup well; include 3 x 1' pickups to loosen up. Then run a 5k as if racing. Experience has shown that holding back slightly on the first mile, if only by a few seconds, will enable you to finish strong. Ideally, do this on a measured course you can repeat for future tests.  Remember that you will want to test several times over your training cycle to ensure that you are running to pace levels that reflect your true fitness.  Even though you might not be doing the work to get faster as you lead up to race day, changes in your body composition or other areas of your fitness could impact your vDOT. When you do retest, do your best to keep it "simple." In other words, just go out and run that course as hard as you can. Don'tcheck your watch every 30" for indications of speed, etc., just start it, run hard, and stop at the end.

Then use the Daniels Running formula using your 5k time to calculate your Vdot score.

These Paces are then used based on the objective you are attempting to receive based on your training goals for that run, etc.  My run pace is set by my training plan for each run.

****  Obviously, this is a overly simplified discussion and some other issues need to be taken into account.  But I don't want to kill 15 pages with really deep information and backup that only a few of us really care about. 

I would love to try that out some day but right now I feel like my biggest problem is I have not practiced running the pace I need to run the race I want.   And from all of the articles I've read that seems to be a big thing for people who want to hit a certain time.

Anyway, my coach does have me scheduled for a training test in 2 weeks to measure my progress.  It is a 26km run at marathon pace.  We are going to duplicate as much of the actual race day as possible.  Based on that training run, I will evaluate my goals for Shamrock.  I certainly hope to be close to a 8:37 and maybe even a little faster.

I second the philosophy.  I grew up better using Daniel's VDOT with Lowell.   I cannot remember the exact way we got there, but I swear I ran an actual 10K race to get it.
2011-01-23 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3317046

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-23 8:14 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 7:59 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:10 PM
asking, based on your advice.  edit.  i want to know what you think.   but i'm going to question.

First of all remember that Sam has a coach, so I am sure he has much more information on her full training regime and what Pace advice he wants to follow if she decides that Pace is the way she wants to train based the goals of that workout.  I will leave that to the paid professionals.   

But Ok...I know I will regret this...but I will bite on your question on what "I" think.  The testing procedure that I use and has been used successfully by others......copied and pasted without permission from RnP from "Endurance Nation Guide to Triahlon Training with Pace," 2009.    

Test Protocol

Warmup well; include 3 x 1' pickups to loosen up. Then run a 5k as if racing. Experience has shown that holding back slightly on the first mile, if only by a few seconds, will enable you to finish strong. Ideally, do this on a measured course you can repeat for future tests.  Remember that you will want to test several times over your training cycle to ensure that you are running to pace levels that reflect your true fitness.  Even though you might not be doing the work to get faster as you lead up to race day, changes in your body composition or other areas of your fitness could impact your vDOT. When you do retest, do your best to keep it "simple." In other words, just go out and run that course as hard as you can. Don'tcheck your watch every 30" for indications of speed, etc., just start it, run hard, and stop at the end.

Then use the Daniels Running formula using your 5k time to calculate your Vdot score.

These Paces are then used based on the objective you are attempting to receive based on your training goals for that run, etc.  My run pace is set by my training plan for each run.

****  Obviously, this is a overly simplified discussion and some other issues need to be taken into account.  But I don't want to kill 15 pages with really deep information and backup that only a few of us really care about. 

I would love to try that out some day but right now I feel like my biggest problem is I have not practiced running the pace I need to run the race I want.   And from all of the articles I've read that seems to be a big thing for people who want to hit a certain time.

Anyway, my coach does have me scheduled for a training test in 2 weeks to measure my progress.  It is a 26km run at marathon pace.  We are going to duplicate as much of the actual race day as possible.  Based on that training run, I will evaluate my goals for Shamrock.  I certainly hope to be close to a 8:37 and maybe even a little faster.

Your coach is way smarter than me when it comes to these things, but that is an awfully long race to determine VDOT.  you might want to read Daniel's book or at least look at this and check out this.
2011-01-23 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3317017

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Techdiver - 2011-01-23 8:58 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:07 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 8:01 PM  However, if you are going to use Pace....make sure you are using the right pace.  Have you tested to figure out your Paces? 

how do you determine "the right pace"?  

what test should be done to determine this? 

You could use a HR monitor with GPS     sorry had to....

ha!  awesome

and it happens to be most (only) useful info posted here this evening.  
2011-01-23 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3316044

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tpnguyen10 - 2011-01-23 6:56 AM
SoccerGK - 2011-01-23 9:09 AM

I just wanted to pop in and tell you guys that I am OFFICIALLY registered for the Door County Half Iron Tri on July 17th! 

I'm nervous and excited and a whole lot of other things at the same time.  I have a LOT to train for now!

That's great! Can't wait to hear all about it.  That's on my list of races to do. 

Great I am sure you will do well
2011-01-23 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Today was suppose to be my 35mile ride, But I just don't have any energy after yesterdays trip. Last week was my recovery week and sure didn't feel it seemed like I struggled with every workout. So I am going to take an extra rest day today because I it looks like start into the meat of the plan. More distance.
I hope I am making the right decision. Biking and running are my strongest so missing a bike I don't think will matter as much as swimming

So today was nothing but laying around watching football and sleeping.

2011-01-23 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3317082

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 8:41 PM
Techdiver - 2011-01-23 8:58 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:07 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 8:01 PM  However, if you are going to use Pace....make sure you are using the right pace.  Have you tested to figure out your Paces? 

how do you determine "the right pace"?  

what test should be done to determine this? 

You could use a HR monitor with GPS     sorry had to....

ha!  awesome

and it happens to be most (only) useful info posted here this evening.  

I know this is a response in your usual boyish charm but I don't get it.  Do you really think that the information posted tonight is worthless?  Yes, the only real fact is running that pace on the day of the race or not.  Plain and simple.  But since I am not a gifted runner who can easily achieve this goal, I have to try and formulate then practice my plan.  And I'm using the best tools that I have access to and that includes this group, my coach, my experience and the internet. 

BTW - what do you do?
2011-01-23 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3317119

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-23 10:09 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 8:41 PM
Techdiver - 2011-01-23 8:58 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:07 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 8:01 PM  However, if you are going to use Pace....make sure you are using the right pace.  Have you tested to figure out your Paces? 

how do you determine "the right pace"?  

what test should be done to determine this? 

You could use a HR monitor with GPS     sorry had to....

ha!  awesome

and it happens to be most (only) useful info posted here this evening.  

I know this is a response in your usual boyish charm but I don't get it.  Do you really think that the information posted tonight is worthless?  Yes, the only real fact is running that pace on the day of the race or not.  Plain and simple.  But since I am not a gifted runner who can easily achieve this goal, I have to try and formulate then practice my plan.  And I'm using the best tools that I have access to and that includes this group, my coach, my experience and the internet. 

BTW - what do you do?

perhaps you should learn to decipher boyish charm from calling out bs... anyone can regurgitate sh+t posted online, which seems to be the case here for a few that are handing out advice on things they probably shouldn't. 

what do i do?   kick a$$.  of course. 

2011-01-23 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Hello, all!

Checking in from 75 degrees and sunny California!!!!   Almost makes the property taxes worth it!  Spent most of the sunlight driving to and spectating at water polo.  Sweet, but not too productive.

Had my MRI of my ankle on Friday, will get the results on Tuesday.  Doc told me that the injury wasn't acute, so he didn't have an issue with me working it this weekend.  He may put me in a boot on Tues, so get my miles in.

Hubby doesn't agree with respect to the running, would like me to park it.

So, he's on a plane to Seattle (say hi, Kyla!) so I ran.  It's sore.  Stuck in the (unheated) pool upon my return for the ice bath effect, we'll see how tomorrow goes.

Other than the ankle pain, running feels better than ever.  Really hating this.

Can't make the calculator site work.  With the exception of the ankle, or even allowing for it, I'm running faster than ever.  Strongly considering the coach idea.  I'm feeling like there's more in me.....just not sure how to pull it out.  John, that's not an euphamism for ANYTHING - just sayin'.
2011-01-24 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
FYI: I hate cow pose!
2011-01-24 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3317154

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 9:29 PM
sdalessio - 2011-01-23 10:09 PM 

I know this is a response in your usual boyish charm is you acting like an A$$ but I don't get it.  Do you really think that the information posted tonight is worthless?  Yes, the only real fact is running that pace on the day of the race or not.  Plain and simple.  But since I am not a gifted runner who can easily achieve this goal, I have to try and formulate then practice my plan.  And I'm using the best tools that I have access to and that includes this group, my coach, my experience and the internet. 

BTW - what do you do?

perhaps you should learn to decipher boyish charm from calling out bs... anyone can regurgitate sh+t posted online, which seems to be the case here for a few that are handing out advice on things they probably shouldn't. 

what do i do?   kick a$$.  of course. 

Still waiting for an answer to her question.  And IMO your rhetoric on other's opinion, which is what has been offered, being "BS" is uncalled for.... Professor.  Now, Go play with your academic friends.

2011-01-24 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3317227

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
velcromom - 2011-01-23 10:16 PM Hello, all!

Checking in from 75 degrees and sunny California!!!!   Almost makes the property taxes worth it!  Spent most of the sunlight driving to and spectating at water polo.  Sweet, but not too productive.

Had my MRI of my ankle on Friday, will get the results on Tuesday.  Doc told me that the injury wasn't acute, so he didn't have an issue with me working it this weekend.  He may put me in a boot on Tues, so get my miles in.

Hubby doesn't agree with respect to the running, would like me to park it.

So, he's on a plane to Seattle (say hi, Kyla!) so I ran.  It's sore.  Stuck in the (unheated) pool upon my return for the ice bath effect, we'll see how tomorrow goes.

Other than the ankle pain, running feels better than ever.  Really hating this.

Can't make the calculator site work.  With the exception of the ankle, or even allowing for it, I'm running faster than ever.  Strongly considering the coach idea.  I'm feeling like there's more in me.....just not sure how to pull it out.  John, that's not an euphamism for ANYTHING - just sayin'.

If the doctor took an MRI isn't that sort of a sign that you should lay off it?  I'm kind of in the camp with your husband. I  have been foolish more than once and then had the ability to slap myself up for 2-5 months rehabbing.   If you are running really well taking a few days off to get the results isn't going to change that.....and before John jumps down my throat and pulls out my tongue this is only an OPINION!
2011-01-24 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3317446

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2011-01-24 6:41 AM FYI: I hate cow pose!

Is this a yoga thing?  I feel like if it has something to do with a cow, I should know about it!
2011-01-24 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3316983

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-23 5:39 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:07 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 8:01 PM  However, if you are going to use Pace....make sure you are using the right pace.  Have you tested to figure out your Paces? 

how do you determine "the right pace"?  

what test should be done to determine this? 

I am a big fan of the McMillian Running Calculator even my coach uses it as a reference.  So you plug in a recent race and it spits out just about every pace for any type of race and/or training run.  It gives long, easy run paces all the way down to 200m interval paces.  I have found it to be pretty accurate.

Now that said I did things a little backwards and pulled in the pace I want to do at Shamrock which is backwards and not what you are supposed to do.  In my defense though, I ran a race in Nov. pretty close to those paces so I am not way off base.  But I wanted numbers that I should be practicing in order to run a 3:45 marathon.

I know you have a coach who is probably watching out for you, but all of those warnings about not doing that are there to protect us from hurting ourselves!  You don't want to overstress your body by training at a pace too hard and then try to recover at a pace that's not easy enough.  I guess though, if your fitness has changed to the point where those paces are right for you, then all is good.  And I am thinking you would know that by the tests you have done for your coach.

Right now, I am being asked by my coach to pay less attention to heart rate and focus on pace for awhile.  Which kind of freaks me out!  The paces, though, are based on a test I did last week and new vDot stuff.  I will refrain from answering your HR vs. pace question, because I honestly don't think there is an easy answer to that.  My heart rate monitor has been acting crazy for the past month or so, and I am not even paying attention to it anymore whereas I used to be super reliant on it.  I am getting very good at RPE and just tell myself z2 is marathon, z3 half mary, z4 is 10k and it works pretty well.

p.s. john, you are forbidden from responding to this post!

2011-01-24 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3317633

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-24 6:22 AM
DougRob - 2011-01-24 6:41 AM FYI: I hate cow pose!

Is this a yoga thing?  I feel like if it has something to do with a cow, I should know about it!

Suzy, that made me laugh!  I was wondering the same thing myself?  MOOOO! 
2011-01-24 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3317700

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2011-01-24 9:44 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-01-24 6:22 AM
DougRob - 2011-01-24 6:41 AM FYI: I hate cow pose!

Is this a yoga thing?  I feel like if it has something to do with a cow, I should know about it!

Suzy, that made me laugh!  I was wondering the same thing myself?  MOOOO! 

It is a yoga pose. I just don't seem to bend this way!

2011-01-24 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3317721

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2011-01-24 9:52 AM
kt65 - 2011-01-24 9:44 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-01-24 6:22 AM
DougRob - 2011-01-24 6:41 AM FYI: I hate cow pose!

Is this a yoga thing?  I feel like if it has something to do with a cow, I should know about it!

Suzy, that made me laugh!  I was wondering the same thing myself?  MOOOO! 

It is a yoga pose. I just don't seem to bend this way!

We used to do that stretch before BJJ class.  I've pretty much lost all flexibility since then.
2011-01-24 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3317691

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2011-01-24 8:42 AM
sdalessio - 2011-01-23 5:39 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-23 7:07 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-23 8:01 PM  However, if you are going to use Pace....make sure you are using the right pace.  Have you tested to figure out your Paces? 

how do you determine "the right pace"?  

what test should be done to determine this? 

I am a big fan of the McMillian Running Calculator even my coach uses it as a reference.  So you plug in a recent race and it spits out just about every pace for any type of race and/or training run.  It gives long, easy run paces all the way down to 200m interval paces.  I have found it to be pretty accurate.

Now that said I did things a little backwards and pulled in the pace I want to do at Shamrock which is backwards and not what you are supposed to do.  In my defense though, I ran a race in Nov. pretty close to those paces so I am not way off base.  But I wanted numbers that I should be practicing in order to run a 3:45 marathon.

I know you have a coach who is probably watching out for you, but all of those warnings about not doing that are there to protect us from hurting ourselves!  You don't want to overstress your body by training at a pace too hard and then try to recover at a pace that's not easy enough.  I guess though, if your fitness has changed to the point where those paces are right for you, then all is good.  And I am thinking you would know that by the tests you have done for your coach.

Right now, I am being asked by my coach to pay less attention to heart rate and focus on pace for awhile.  Which kind of freaks me out!  The paces, though, are based on a test I did last week and new vDot stuff.  I will refrain from answering your HR vs. pace question, because I honestly don't think there is an easy answer to that.  My heart rate monitor has been acting crazy for the past month or so, and I am not even paying attention to it anymore whereas I used to be super reliant on it.  I am getting very good at RPE and just tell myself z2 is marathon, z3 half mary, z4 is 10k and it works pretty well.

p.s. john, you are forbidden from responding to this post!

Thanks gang - I've gotten a lot of good info both on and offline.  And in case I caused some confusion my 26km training race is to gauge my current marathon effort and not to set training pace zones.  I will review my McMillian #s that I created and compare them to my Nov 1/2 m race.  I don't think they are very different but I should check to prevent hurting myself.  I'm also going to read up on Daniel's VDOT test.  I got a lot of recommendations to check that out.

:-)  Happy Monday!!!
2011-01-24 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Back at it today.  Should be interesting, never taken such a long break.  If anything I am definitely ready to go.
2011-01-24 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
So with my new super charged running agenda I feel the need to do an iPod check.  I need some good tunes.

Here are my favorite upbeat songs right now.
Dynamite - Taio Cruz
Hey, Soul Sister - Train
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Bleed It Out - Linkin Park
Yell Fire! - Michael Franti & Spearhead
Amazing - Kanye West
California Gurls - Katy Perry

Older but still good
What I've Done - Linkin Park
8 Mile - Eminem
So What - Pink
Dammit - Blink 182
Guns n Roses
Bon Jovi
Jesus Walks - Kanye West
Hella Good - No Doubt

I know there are other great running songs out there so let's here them.
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