BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-03-06 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4082923

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Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
bzgl40 - 2012-03-06 12:53 PM
Rudedog55 - 2012-03-06 9:42 AM

Here is a vid of the start of the race and some in the middle


i am in the white kit on the left of the screen

You all look way to cold to me.  lol 


haha - very cool video - all i could think of is 'wwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' - looks like fun! 

2012-03-06 5:42 PM
in reply to: #3946905

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Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
I really love this mentor group. James great post. Rudy, cool stuff. On another note, it was 61 degrees Minesota. Took my Pugsley out for an amazing 7 mile slog through the mud. Absolute blast.
2012-03-07 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
James- thanks for your post on coping with adversity. Putting things into perspective I am happy and glad that I can do what I do and really, I have nothing to complain about. Glad I am able to say, Thank God! For what I have.

up at 4 and in the water by 5 swimming with the Tri peeps. Swam 3000m- All pull buoy- which I really like using.

<\p>Fred- keep enjoying you family vacation- it's all about building memories rudy- couldn't see the link on iPhone but ended up taking a peek at the Bethel Crit - some guy with camera and writing notes on video- don't know if it was you, but certainly fun to watch a road race. Tom- Fred is correct on the comments about IMLouisville. It is a fantastic venue and probably one of the best finishing areas for spectators. Spectator friendly course. My wife loves it there. It's all about managing the heat and humidity. Two years ago temps were 98 to 104 in some spots and that is not including heat index. Last year was mid to high 80's. Nutrition is primo! The bike course is not to bad, it is just never ending rollers that eat at you slowly for the 112 miles. Three big climbs that you have to do twice. Also is the best swim start- Time trial.. Anyway, I could go on and on- Love this place that I've done it twice. Have a great day everyone!

2012-03-07 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4083412

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
ChrisM - 2012-03-06 3:30 PM
tasr - 2012-03-06 12:25 PM

ChrisM - 2012-03-05 2:22 PM
What are your coping mechanisms to get through injury?

Ok so sorry this may be long winded and I hope my thoughts come out in type ok.  Please forgive me if I seem brash.  It is not my intent to seems so or any other way other than sincere.

Disclosure:  I have had only one sports related training injury outside of a race.  It was so called shin splints.  It happened in the early eighty's at my feeble attempt to break the 4 minute mile barrier.
So with that being said I am no expert on dealing with sports related injuries and the personal stresses that can occur because of.  What I can say is I have my life dealing with some very hard life and traumatic experiences.  I also have as my most recent illness and treatment, which was no piece of cake.
I learned this a long time ago in a deep despair of my own private hell, no details needed.  My treatment and coping mechanism is; I have to call on a inner piece coupled from hope and faith.  I try to stay as positive as possible no matter how bad it gets; knowing that soon it will get better.  That is my key and my hope.  Knowing that I will never stand alone is my faith.  It's simple but requires a mental strength and works for me.  Yes there is weakness in outcries of, “How could this happen to me” and “Why”.  
I truly believe the mind is weaker than the body.  Experiencing hardships is a way that the mind can become tougher.  A simpler way is try to understand how others can live life with all the hardships.  My world travels have shown me a glimpse of this.  Truly there is always something worst.
One of the most memorable experiences of my athletics life was racing in criterium against a guy with one leg.  On reflecting after the race on how he must endure with loss of his leg and yet competing with athletes that are whole.  That was truly inspiration for me. To make me realize that I can deal with more than I could imagine.  It really put into perspective how my pitiful life was pathetic thinking I had problems.  
The other day I had met a man that was truly amazing and inspirational.  He came into the pool area in the morning during the busiest time.  For those that don’t know I am a Aquatics Director at a major health club.  I could see that he was going to do laps.  He quickly prepares himself, hops in and started swimming.  He swam like most dedicated lap swimmers for about an hour.  When he completed his laps I walked over to introduce myself and ask if he need any assistance.  We ended up talked for a while, he said he just joined the masters group, was training again for the Chesapeake Bay swim (4+ miles).  He enjoys endurance swimming and has been doing so for nearly 4 years.  We finished our conversation and I saw him out of the pool area.  I thought what a true amazing man and that all my hardships truly meant nothing.  I’ll see him in a few days and hope to learn more from him for we are now friends.  By the way Craig has no limbs, but all I saw was a amazing person that had no limits. True store



Great post, thanks James.

Perspective is everything.

x2.  Great post.  Thanks.

2012-03-07 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Well I was wide awake at 3:30 am this morning due to a teething baby so made the best of it.  Figured this would be a good opportunity to get a longer mid-week ride in.  Was able to ride for 95 minutes this morning with some alternating intervals.  Nice to have that all done before 6 a.m.  Well maybe not that nice...I would have liked some more sleep.

Have a lunch meeting so nothing else happening for me today.  Planning on a 15k hilly road race here in a couple weeks so excited for that.  Hoping to get under 1:01 on this tough course and then shoot for sub :60 this summer at a flatter venue.

Nice swim Thomas!  You were up early too...just me, you and the birds get up that ridiculously early.

2012-03-07 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
sigh, I need a good case of HTFU with regards to swimming.  Bailed part way through my swim (well, I always do, but extra early today) as I just mentally couldn't take it anymore.  I am ready to finish the HIM and take a short break from swimming.  I just need to keep at it so I don't lose any swim fitness at this point.

Edited by bzgl40 2012-03-07 8:24 AM

2012-03-07 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4084405

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

bzgl40 - 2012-03-07 9:23 AM

 sigh, I need a good case of HTFU with regards to swimming.  Bailed part way through my swim (well, I always do, but extra early today) as I just mentally couldn't take it anymore.  I am ready to finish the HIM and take a short break from swimming.  I just need to keep at it so I don't lose any swim fitness at this point.

Gains in fitness breakthroughs are archived (I believe) by pushing oneself past the comfort level.  If you want to be a fitter triathlete then swim your prescribe workouts. 

I am not going to say do more but to push harder.  Keep telling yourself that you will be a better cyclist and runner by being a better swimmer. 
Don’t look at the workout as omg I have to swim 3000yds.  Instead look at it positively in increments; 300 WU check, 3x200 check, 6x50 on :50 check  etc…If you can find a positive swim partner that WILL most certainly give you a boost. 


2012-03-07 1:50 PM
in reply to: #4084693

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2012-03-07 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Day 3 of IM training - in progress.  Woke up and did the optional 60 minute bike.  I need to 'become one with my bike'  so i need to do it as much as possible

Tonight, we are going to the coached tri swim session which i think will be tough on both DH and I. We haven't really been swimming and most certainly not with any intensity.  I am very glad Friday is a rest day on my plan. 

2012-03-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4084405

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

bzgl40 - 2012-03-07 9:23 AM sigh, I need a good case of HTFU with regards to swimming.  Bailed part way through my swim (well, I always do, but extra early today) as I just mentally couldn't take it anymore.  I am ready to finish the HIM and take a short break from swimming.  I just need to keep at it so I don't lose any swim fitness at this point.

You know you're getting to peak training when you're craving a break. 

You'll be racing soon enough and it will make you thankful for the time you did spend in the pool.

2012-03-07 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4084405

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

bzgl40 - 2012-03-07 6:23 AM sigh, I need a good case of HTFU with regards to swimming.  Bailed part way through my swim (well, I always do, but extra early today) as I just mentally couldn't take it anymore.  I am ready to finish the HIM and take a short break from swimming.  I just need to keep at it so I don't lose any swim fitness at this point.

I'm getting to be the same at all three, S/B and R.....    I think next year I won't be signing up for an early season HIM again.  Makes for a very long season when you start training in December and race through September..... 

2012-03-07 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Looks like my run is being flipped to tomorrow, meaning I have to run 4 days in a row, something I rarely do.  With the second day of high winds they are recommending folks not exert themselves outside and since I have asthma I guess I will listen.  And not just cause I was looking for an excuse.    Anyone else have to deal with asthma?  Mine is not horrible but late in the evening it gets worse for some reason.  It's an odd one.
2012-03-07 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4085511

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2012-03-07 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4085546

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2012-03-08 5:36 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

I had my first outside ride in a long time yesterday.  This was maybe even the first since Oct 10’ and definitely the first real climbing ride since. 

So I decided to test out my climbing fitness yesterday.  I love climbing hills, just going up.  I love the quite, hard, sweat drenched, heart pounding effort.  Thing about climbing for me I can make it fairly easy or very hard.  I was happy with the ride overall but I have a lot of work to do on the bike.  My bike fitness is now my weakest part and I would say maybe at 60%.  As apposed to my swim and run fitness which is much higher. 
I have a noon swim with Lindsay and I will probable do another bike ride after that.   

Have a great day everybody!  Laughing




2012-03-08 6:02 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
80's back down to 60's here in Tucson, which means a lovely 35 outside right now, but I can't hear the winds so that is a good sign.  Morning easy pace run and a speed bike later on this afternoon.  I've got a ton of meetings on my schedule right now so the ride depends on if someone else ruins my schedule and adds anymore of them. 

2012-03-08 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Hi guys,

Into Day 4 of ironman training.  Did the planned fartlek run this morning - i was quite sleepy and it took a while to warm up but did get it done.  Felt really good for getting out the door when i did because not 10 mins after getting in did it start to rain.  It was also crazy warm! Temps will be dropping all day.  At 15C I couldn't believe the number of runners i saw out in tights and jackets looking all bundled.  I was in capris and long sleeve and i was hot.  A lady out walking her dog told me i 'looked like spring!'

So, there are two more workouts on the plan for today - an optional swim which I think i will do tonight and a short and easy strength workout which i think will be my kettlebell workout

The weather is looking amazing for the weekend and provided the rain clears som of the salt we may just ride outdoors this weekend!!! I'll need to clean off my roadbike which was co-habitating with DH's woodworking projects ...

How's the day for everyone else?

2012-03-08 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Oh and i went to a coached swim session last night - and the coach put in what i see as the equivalent of the 'beep test' we had to do for running in high school.  We did it as a group and I sucked - but i just kept going ...

so, question - what is your most dreaded workout and why?

2012-03-08 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-08 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4086030

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2012-03-08 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4086605

Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
juniperjen - 2012-03-08 11:47 AM

Oh and i went to a coached swim session last night - and the coach put in what i see as the equivalent of the 'beep test' we had to do for running in high school.  We did it as a group and I sucked - but i just kept going ...

so, question - what is your most dreaded workout and why?

I will go with the 20 minute FTP test on the bike haha.  I sometimes cannot sleep at night if I plan on doing this first thing in the morning.  Knowing that I may fall off my bike in the last 2 minutes of that test due to pure exhaustion and fun!

2012-03-08 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4086862

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
rymac - 2012-03-08 10:29 AM
juniperjen - 2012-03-08 11:47 AM

Oh and i went to a coached swim session last night - and the coach put in what i see as the equivalent of the 'beep test' we had to do for running in high school.  We did it as a group and I sucked - but i just kept going ...

so, question - what is your most dreaded workout and why?

I will go with the 20 minute FTP test on the bike haha.  I sometimes cannot sleep at night if I plan on doing this first thing in the morning.  Knowing that I may fall off my bike in the last 2 minutes of that test due to pure exhaustion and fun!

X2.  Probably why I never did one this year and am just using last years numbers  

2012-03-08 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Most dreaded workout?  Ha, all of them right now.  kidding.  Right now I am struggling with my "easy" workouts, keeping my HR low as the coach wants, so I get frustrated with them and have the most mental struggles.  But in reality there is no workout I hate overall.  I do hate using the pool bouy though
2012-03-08 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Uninspired CT ride this a.m., trying to go a little easier this week so no intervals, just a straight ride.  Did a little warmup, and was getting tired just holding 200 watts so did the last :30 at 185.  Not my most shining moment.....
2012-03-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: #4086873

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