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2013-04-23 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4711031

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
TriathletePT - 2013-04-23 5:41 AM
GomesBolt - 2013-04-22 9:30 PM
TriathletePT - 2013-04-22 4:55 PMI don't think they have really developed Robb's character much in the show. And they didn't in the book either, so while I was shocked when I was reading that Red Wedding stuff, it did seem to fit well into the storyline. Really looking forward to the Red Wedding scene and the Death at Dinner. I won't if they will get a couple of other dwarves to entertain at the feast.

You won't like it? The Dwarves are an important part of that scene though because they're Joffrey's way of making fun of Tyrion. Followed by Tyrion being accused of killing him.

Gosh, my multitasking skills are for crap. Typing and talking aren't good. Meant to say "I wonder"

Oh, gotcha.  I would think so.  Peter Dinklage has made being a Dwarf (a real dwarf, not a regular person with CGI or a kid made to look like a dwarf) cool.  Like I said, it's a pretty critical point in the story that Joffrey even on his wedding day is taking nasty jabs at Tyrion until he suddenly finds it hard to live... mwhaahahahahahahaha 

I like how the show portrays Margery warming-up to him.  People who haven't read the books must be like "Oh man, she's just as bad."  

We all know the real truth though don't we.  She's a sly devious one that one.

2013-04-23 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4711228

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
GomesBolt - 2013-04-23 8:24 AM

TriathletePT - 2013-04-23 5:41 AM
GomesBolt - 2013-04-22 9:30 PM
TriathletePT - 2013-04-22 4:55 PMI don't think they have really developed Robb's character much in the show. And they didn't in the book either, so while I was shocked when I was reading that Red Wedding stuff, it did seem to fit well into the storyline. Really looking forward to the Red Wedding scene and the Death at Dinner. I won't if they will get a couple of other dwarves to entertain at the feast.

You won't like it? The Dwarves are an important part of that scene though because they're Joffrey's way of making fun of Tyrion. Followed by Tyrion being accused of killing him.

Gosh, my multitasking skills are for crap. Typing and talking aren't good. Meant to say "I wonder"

Oh, gotcha.  I would think so.  Peter Dinklage has made being a Dwarf (a real dwarf, not a regular person with CGI or a kid made to look like a dwarf) cool.  Like I said, it's a pretty critical point in the story that Joffrey even on his wedding day is taking nasty jabs at Tyrion until he suddenly finds it hard to live... mwhaahahahahahahaha 

I like how the show portrays Margery warming-up to him.  People who haven't read the books must be like "Oh man, she's just as bad."  

We all know the real truth though don't we.  She's a sly devious one that one.

See, I don't think Margery is bad... she just knows how to work the system, so to speak. But I think she's actually a good gal, who wants to get ahead... I don't think she has devious motivates like Cercei (? spelling) has when she's being nice to people. I think Margery really is a nice person who is smart.
2013-04-23 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4710527

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
GomesBolt - 2013-04-22 4:39 PM

I found it funny how many women were like "Booyah! Danerys Targaryen is a bad-azz!!!" last night on the interwebs.  

If they had read the books, they would've seen that coming.  

I wonder how freaked out people are going to be when Robb and Catelyn die a horrible death or how giddy when Joffrey keels-over.  mwaahahahahaaa.

When Joffery died that was the most awesome part of the book! I couldn't believe it when I was reading it. The same with Robb and Catelyn getting killed. I was shocked!

I didn't see what Danerys was going to do, but I also don't try to figure out a plot ahead of time... simply because I want to be surprised by what happens.

2013-04-23 8:47 AM
in reply to: #4711031

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
TriathletePT - 2013-04-23 5:41 AM

GomesBolt - 2013-04-22 9:30 PM

TriathletePT - 2013-04-22 4:55 PMI don't think they have really developed Robb's character much in the show. And they didn't in the book either, so while I was shocked when I was reading that Red Wedding stuff, it did seem to fit well into the storyline. Really looking forward to the Red Wedding scene and the Death at Dinner. I won't if they will get a couple of other dwarves to entertain at the feast.

You won't like it? The Dwarves are an important part of that scene though because they're Joffrey's way of making fun of Tyrion. Followed by Tyrion being accused of killing him.

Gosh, my multitasking skills are for crap. Typing and talking aren't good. Meant to say "I wonder"

They need to... because Penny shows up later in the book and plays a part on the boat and when they are made slaves.

2013-04-23 12:50 PM
in reply to: #4711263

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
KSH - 2013-04-23 8:40 AM
GomesBolt - 2013-04-23 8:24 AM
TriathletePT - 2013-04-23 5:41 AM
GomesBolt - 2013-04-22 9:30 PM
TriathletePT - 2013-04-22 4:55 PMI don't think they have really developed Robb's character much in the show. And they didn't in the book either, so while I was shocked when I was reading that Red Wedding stuff, it did seem to fit well into the storyline. Really looking forward to the Red Wedding scene and the Death at Dinner. I won't if they will get a couple of other dwarves to entertain at the feast.

You won't like it? The Dwarves are an important part of that scene though because they're Joffrey's way of making fun of Tyrion. Followed by Tyrion being accused of killing him.

Gosh, my multitasking skills are for crap. Typing and talking aren't good. Meant to say "I wonder"

Oh, gotcha.  I would think so.  Peter Dinklage has made being a Dwarf (a real dwarf, not a regular person with CGI or a kid made to look like a dwarf) cool.  Like I said, it's a pretty critical point in the story that Joffrey even on his wedding day is taking nasty jabs at Tyrion until he suddenly finds it hard to live... mwhaahahahahahahaha 

I like how the show portrays Margery warming-up to him.  People who haven't read the books must be like "Oh man, she's just as bad."  

We all know the real truth though don't we.  She's a sly devious one that one.

See, I don't think Margery is bad... she just knows how to work the system, so to speak. But I think she's actually a good gal, who wants to get ahead... I don't think she has devious motivates like Cersei (checked spelling for ya) has when she's being nice to people. I think Margery really is a nice person who is smart.

Oh, I agree completely.  She did charity stuff in Dorne and then again as soon as she got to King's Landing.  She's got a good heart.  Even if it's so that she is loved by the masses, it's still good.  

I stirred the discussion over in the shows thread.  It's interesting to see what someone's impression is just from the shows (no books) because I can see them painting Margery in a conniving light when she's just smart. 

2013-04-23 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4707532

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
wingsfan - 2013-04-19 3:55 PM
GomesBolt - 2013-04-19 2:07 PM
wingsfan - 2013-04-18 8:38 PM 

Well no, they didn't decide to spare Ned Stark or replace the dire wolves with pink kittens, but some characters' personae and motivations we see are often more different than I'd prefer. Doesn't mean they aren't still doing a great job overall.

Some changes (Arya and Tywin interacting at Harenhall) are curious choices even if they made for some interesting scenes. Why create new material that doesn't contribute to a major story arc when you are cutting and combining left and right already?

Tyrion being more likable and much less rough looking (eyes, beard, keeping his nose) than in the book is probably something some people like and some people don't. Certainly can't complain about the job Peter Dinklage is doing.

Robb marrying a completely different character than in the books might have a reason and might even be a more interesting story line, but necessary? 

As for the Jaime and Brienne fight, it was a huge lost opportunity. In the book, it is a long, savage exhausting fight between two expert fighters and the pivotal point in their relationship. From both of their eventual POVs, Jaime would have won had he not been weakened by his captivity. Brienne finds herself fighting for her life, taken aback by Jaime's skill and ferocity, is wounded and finally turns the tide when Jaime slips next to the stream. Even then, the desperation continues as she holds his head under water demanding that he yield so she doesn't have fail her mission by killing him.

For his part, Jaime realizes that Brienne is indeed a legitimate warrior and physically stronger than him. The respect he gains is in large part the reason he cons the Brave Companion leader (not a group dispatched by Roose Bolton) into sparing her virtue and probably her life in the process.

Instead, we get Brienne contemptuously swatting away Jaime's sword after less than a minute and a half. I didn't find it dramatic in the least. Heck, her armor isn't even blue for Pete's sake. Cool

I suddenly have the urge to watch the end of Rob Roy....

Arya and Tywin- They had to establish Tywin's character more because he's almost never seen in the show except dressing the elk and talking to Tyrion.  I didn't think it detracted from the story though.

Tyrion keeping his nose- Yeah, that's one that they clearly did.  Peter Dinklage's people were probably opposed to anything that would obscure his face in some way.  The book was pretty consistent that his nose was half-off whereas in the show, he has a rather average looking scar.

Robb marrying a completely different character- The way they met, fell in love, got married yes.  But she is still the daughter of a lower lord.  And she still dooms his kingdom...

Jaime would have won had he not been weakened by his captivity- I'm not so sure about that.  I really think that he was just overhyped.  He was made a Kingsguard at 15 after he and Dayne beat the Smiling Knight.  It's not clear if he won many tournaments or jousts because he was knighted so early and then sent to the Kingsguard so he couldn't compete.  He really is only known for killing the king and a bunch of pyromancers.  He was caught in the only other battle he fought in.  I'd say overhyped.  His POV passages are all full of bravado until he loses his hand and then he goes the other direction.  

Brienne on the other hand beat Sir Loras, killed Renly's guards, and beat Jaime.  She's clearly a good warrior.  But still rather humble in her POVs. 

I was wondering about the Roose Bolton thing in the show/book.  I think they did so to keep from introducing too many people and to link it to what is going on with Theon Greyjoy.  They really accelerated that process. I do like the way they presented his hand getting cut off in the show though.  It was rather accelerated too. 


Brienne's own POV of her fight with Jaime:

Brienne remembered her fight with Jaime Lannister in the woods. It had been all that she could do to keep his blade at bay. He was weak from his imprisonment, and chained at the wrists. No knight in the Seven Kingdoms could have stood against him at his full strength, with no chains to hamper him. Jaime had done many wicked things, but the man could fight! His maiming had been monstrously cruel. It was one thing to slay a lion, another to hack his paw off and leave him broken and bewildered.

Sure, he falls into Robb's trap and gets captured at the Battle of Whispering Wood, but he didn't exactly drop his sword and surrender.  The 10 men he single handedly cut down trying to fight his way to Robb (after he realized the battle was lost) would probably attest to Jaime's swordsmanship. An even better testament, his creator says Jaime is "one of the great swordsmen of the history of Westeros". 

http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/MTV_Worldcon_Interview_Versus - Fun interview if you haven't seen it.


As for cutting the Brave Companions/Bloody Mummers from the series, I'm sure it helps keep things less complicated for people just watching the series and a good move in the grand scheme, but I was like - "WhoTF is this Locke guy?"

Just realized I never responded to this one.  I thought I typed it up but must not have hit submit.  Typing again:

You win this round wingsfan!!!

But that's the mark of great stories, you can get multiple interpretations.  

I highly doubt Shakespeare thought of Hamlet in all the complex ways you can look at that story.  Don't get me wrong, the author is the "authority" on his text, but readers are free to interpret it how they will.  Just ask Salman Rushdie...


2013-04-23 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4711270

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2013-04-23 12:57 PM
2013-04-24 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4711831

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

GomesBolt - 2013-04-23 12:56 PM


Just realized I never responded to this one.  I thought I typed it up but must not have hit submit.  Typing again:

You win this round wingsfan!!!

But that's the mark of great stories, you can get multiple interpretations.  

I highly doubt Shakespeare thought of Hamlet in all the complex ways you can look at that story.  Don't get me wrong, the author is the "authority" on his text, but readers are free to interpret it how they will.  Just ask Salman Rushdie...


Yup, I'd say that makes us both winners for having enjoyed the books well enough to kick around ideas on such rich and complex characters. 

2013-05-01 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4713202

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

I'm 1/4 the way through the first book and it occurred to me the other night than other than the onslaught of characters/names in the fist 20 chapters, that the book is a relatively simple read.  You just read it...

Maybe that doesn't make sense to some.

For example, TO ME, The Hobbit is a fun and simple read.  I pick it up and get entertained.  The Lord of the Rings seemed more of a slog for some reason.  Had it's moments, but felt a little like work.

Game of Thrones seems effortless so far (again, save keeping the names organized).  No long side stories or long dissertations of what a character is thinking...  There was a dream sequence that had me saying "ok, fine, dream about flying, let's get on with the story".  Obviously it's an omen to something, so I read it.

2013-05-01 2:45 PM
in reply to: #4722750

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

Is there eventual discussion on how the wall was built?  Or how long it took?  I assume they go into the specifics of why it was built as well, even though you can infer why based on the start of the book.

I just ran into one sentence that said the Watch would spend their summers building it and wondered it they go into more detail or if it's something that's just there.

2013-05-05 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4684684

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
I didn't remember that line about Chaos being a ladder from Littlefinger in the book, but I liked it.

2013-05-06 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4728433

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Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

GomesBolt - 2013-05-05 7:03 PM I didn't remember that line about Chaos being a ladder from Littlefinger in the book, but I liked it.

I don't remember it in the book either but it worked great with the different story lines they put in the show.

2013-05-06 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4684684

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall Gendry getting captured by Melissandre.  To be honest, I skipped much of Stannis or Melissandre's parts in the Feast for Crows.  

2013-05-06 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4728968

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Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
GomesBolt - 2013-05-06 10:16 AM

Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall Gendry getting captured by Melissandre.  To be honest, I skipped much of Stannis or Melissandre's parts in the Feast for Crows.  

No, they used the blood from "Edric Storm", on of King Robert's other bastards.  Gendry stayed on with the Brotherhood.  I actually like what they did, as it simplifies the story for TV and gives Arya more reason to run away from the Brotherhood.

2013-05-06 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4728985

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
jcnipper - 2013-05-06 9:24 AM

GomesBolt - 2013-05-06 10:16 AM

Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall Gendry getting captured by Melissandre.  To be honest, I skipped much of Stannis or Melissandre's parts in the Feast for Crows.  

No, they used the blood from "Edric Storm", on of King Robert's other bastards.  Gendry stayed on with the Brotherhood.  I actually like what they did, as it simplifies the story for TV and gives Arya more reason to run away from the Brotherhood.

OK! Thank you! Right before the show my boyfriend asked if Gendry's storyline was done. And I said it was. Then he's back on the show. I stated I didn't think the show was following the book. I'm glad it didn't. Thought I had lost my mind! Ha!

2013-05-06 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4684684

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Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

I wonder if the Gendry story line is arbitrary in the show or because the writers know Martin's end goal of the story if they are leading it that way. I have always thought Gendry would be a big part of the end story.

2013-05-06 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4729146

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
Big Appa - 2013-05-06 10:20 AM

I wonder if the Gendry story line is arbitrary in the show or because the writers know Martin's end goal of the story if they are leading it that way. I have always thought Gendry would be a big part of the end story.

I agree.  I think it explains why the stag is still very prominent in the opening.  I would've thought they'd change it to a Lion for last season, a rose or a dragon for this season.

2013-05-06 1:22 PM
in reply to: #4729146

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Extreme Veteran
Vine Grove, KY
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
Book 3 is going to be 2 seasons correct? Do you think the HBO folks tell the Book 4/5 story together since it takes place over the same period of time? That could almost be 4-5 TV show seasons. Maybe by then, that would be what 2018ish, GRRM would have book 6 ready.

Wow, thats just sounds like an absurd amount of time into the future to wait for these shows to be produced.

2013-05-06 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4729690

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Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)

TriathletePT - 2013-05-06 11:22 AM Book 3 is going to be 2 seasons correct? Do you think the HBO folks tell the Book 4/5 story together since it takes place over the same period of time? That could almost be 4-5 TV show seasons. Maybe by then, that would be what 2018ish, GRRM would have book 6 ready. Wow, thats just sounds like an absurd amount of time into the future to wait for these shows to be produced.

Book 3 is the 3rd season.

2013-05-06 1:49 PM
in reply to: #4729719

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Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
Big Appa - 2013-05-06 2:30 PM

TriathletePT - 2013-05-06 11:22 AM Book 3 is going to be 2 seasons correct? Do you think the HBO folks tell the Book 4/5 story together since it takes place over the same period of time? That could almost be 4-5 TV show seasons. Maybe by then, that would be what 2018ish, GRRM would have book 6 ready. Wow, thats just sounds like an absurd amount of time into the future to wait for these shows to be produced.

Book 3 is the 3rd season.

Book 3 is being split, it will be seasons 3 and 4.

2013-05-06 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4729146

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
Big Appa - 2013-05-06 10:20 AM

I wonder if the Gendry story line is arbitrary in the show or because the writers know Martin's end goal of the story if they are leading it that way. I have always thought Gendry would be a big part of the end story.

Something I have noticed in the books... is that the author will start on a story line, get you interested in that person, then completely drop the story line never to pick it up again.

He has Rob's Mom (Catelyn) come back a "zombie" after being killed at the wedding, and we get a glimpse of her when Brianne (? spelling) is brought before her and hung. Then Catelyn isn't mentioned again. What a great storyline that might be!

Also, did anyone else get the impression that Brianne was also brought back from the dead?

2013-06-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: KSH

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
Season's over. I guess it's time to pick the books back up again...

I thought they did a bunch of good things with the show that weren't in the books. Podrick has to be the best one.

I guess the show writers are telegraphing that Jeyne Westerling isn't coming back anytime soon by having her seemingly bleed-out on the floor instead of going home to the Crag. I think that gave us much better closure on that part of the story.

What else did we like/dislike? I'm sure the youtube videos from Joffrey's wedding will be equally as fun to watch as these...
2014-05-03 10:15 PM
in reply to: GomesBolt

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Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
What is everybody reading????? while waiting for "Winds of Winter" ???
2014-05-07 7:38 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
Originally posted by strykergt

What is everybody reading????? while waiting for "Winds of Winter" ???

I've been reading the Jack Reacher series. Starting on 61 hours. Tom Cruise is No Jack Reacher, but he did ok for a movie role.....

Been reading a Centurion (Roman Soldiers) called the eagle series by Symon Scarrow.

Any idea of a release date for the 6th book of Game of Thrones/Fire and Ice?
2014-05-09 2:28 PM
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Subject: RE: Game of Thrones - BOOKS Discussion (Spoilers)
Originally posted by BellinghamSpence

Originally posted by strykergt

What is everybody reading????? while waiting for "Winds of Winter" ???

I've been reading the Jack Reacher series. Starting on 61 hours. Tom Cruise is No Jack Reacher, but he did ok for a movie role.....

Been reading a Centurion (Roman Soldiers) called the eagle series by Symon Scarrow.

Any idea of a release date for the 6th book of Game of Thrones/Fire and Ice?


Glad your busy reading , have not read any fiction when Tom Clancy died. I am currently reading Wheel Of Time Series 5/14. The rumors for
"Winds of Winter" is late 2015, theres a strong pressure from the producers of the TV show. One of the episodes just quoted directly from an advance chapter reading of Winds of Winter.

Edited by strykergt 2014-05-09 2:28 PM
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