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2008-05-21 6:01 AM
in reply to: #1413353

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Great race last weekend. Great overall, but particularly well on the bike! 60 degree water, that's got to wake you up! Looks like your season is in full swing.


2008-05-21 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1413730

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
shaggy28 - 2008-05-20 12:46 PM

I have a couple questions for you guys though.

1) Is it preferred to log workouts by time and then distance or distance and then time?  Example: Should I swim 1500m and see what my time is or should I swim for 1/2 hour and count my laps?

2) How long (distance or time) should my training swims, bikes, and runs be in order for Olympic success?  I am training for the Marine Corp Marathon w/ a running group starting in late June so that will dictate my run training but what about the other two?


1) I build my workouts around time... Like this week. Sun 60min run, Mon off, Tue 90min ride, Wed 45min run, Thur 90min ride, Fri 45min run&30min swim, Sat 2hr ride

With that said though... I chart out a course by mileage using my normal average speed. I know that a 30 min run is about 4miles, 45min is just under 6, 60min is 8mi, etc. I do the same thing with the ride...

Swim wise I am unorganized. I just do what is comfortable when I walk into the workout. I don't really do many drills... I just swim. I really should do more to work out the kinks that I know I have in my form... but it is not the area where I need the most improvement. There are definate benefits of testing (ie swimming 1500m straight, 1000m TT, etc) but a lot of time I do endurance sets 3x400 or 800 with 100 kick or 100 fist swimming in between each set. Others more organized than I can help.

2) running you are all set. It is 10k and your doing a heck of a lot more than that already. The only thing I suggest is doing bricks after your rides to get used to running off the bike.

swimming: Be able to do 2,000+ continuous in the pool. In most Olys it is OWS. You dont have a wall and you don't have lap lanes. Try to get in your local lake or even try to swim at the event site before hand. Get comfortable with sighting and bi-lateral breathing.

riding: be able to do 30-40miles of riding and work on running off the bike at race pace.

Success though depends on your definition. Is success a podium place within your age group? Is it just finishing? The above answer the second of just being able to finish and finish comfortably.
2008-05-21 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1415570

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Justin has given some sound advice.

i will add a bit too that.

with total time, cycling is the most important to worry about time vs milage. its the
longest part, and it is the most effected by terrain, wind, and things like this. i can
do a 40 mile ride at school in granville, or a 40 mile ride around my house (northen
union county OH), and i will see stunningly diff times. 40 mi in granville on a hardish
ride will take me close to 3 hours, at home i can hit the same distance in under 2 hours.
so it is very important to make sure you are getting hte saddle time you need.

for running and swimming, i go by distance a lot more, (swimming is completly distance, running i split about 80% dis/20by time).

As far as an overall plan, justin pretty much touched on everything, but just make sure you are ok doing the distances in practice, and once or twice do a longer brick that includes two of the total distance, (1500m swim followed by the run or bike, or bike then the 10k run etc). or break it up, two 45 min rides each followed by a 2-4 mile run. the exact distances/setup dont matter as much (unless you need the mental safety of knowing you can do the distances back to back).

as a general goal, to finsih comfortably, do what you need to to get to that level, will vary a lot depending on athletic ability, age, and background. for an age group top 3 most races would require around (this is very approx): 18-25 miles of running a week, 4-6 hours of riding, and 4-7k of swimming give or take.

for an overall spot/around or under 2:10 you are looking at needing to put in 25-40 miles of running, 8-14 hours riding, and 6-14k of swimming.
2008-05-21 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1415486

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

i was not wildly pleased with how it went for me, i deff could have done more in all three sports, but i have been racing a lot the past month (this was my 4th race since april 19th) so my legs are a little flat right now;-)

i have a LONG training/racing weekend this coming weekend with TTT (if you dont know what it is, its 4 races over the weekend: friday night is a proloug race of a 250m swim/5mile bike/1im run,
sat's first race is an olympic, sat evening there is a another olympic, but the order is bike/swim/run, then sunday is a half IM. they add the total time together and your palcing is determined that way. all of this is down in portsmouth ohio, so it is very, very hilly.

the weekend after that i finally get some time off to let TTT sink in, then rockman half IM the weekend after!
2008-05-21 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1416245

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
You can't always PR but a good solid effort can be rewarding too. I have finally gotten through some running races (one marathon and 2 halfs) that I signed up for long ago and was not optimally prepared for yet had to respect enough to taper for. I found them rewarding in that I gave them good efforts, but know that I am not in best form so I can appreciate your feelings about your last race. Those races have kind of messed up my early Spring training schedule, so I look forward to getting back to some solid training.

I have seen the TTT a few times, but hadn't asked so thanks for the info. Sounds like a tough weekend, finishing off with a HIM to boot. I could see where that might even be tougher than a straight out ironman. It should definitely get you prepared for Rockman. I look forward to hearing how it goes, sounds like the weather might be pretty nice.

I am going to get my first chance to open water swim in my new wetsuit! I am sure the lake is cold, given the kind of Spring we have had so I am glad I have it. I still have to pick out my first Sprint coming up. I think some time in late June. Still a bit scared, but the swimming is coming along. Do waves and site breathing slow your times down a lot in fresh water lake races?
2008-05-21 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1416332

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
times can be all over the place, and that is assuming distances are correct. in smaller races they are often not exact, and looking at times relative to other people is much more worth while than overall times.

waves deff slow you down, as does not being able to push off the walls. other people can, but if draft behind them you will go faster/it will be easier just like in cycling.

2008-05-21 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Ok I have offically lost my mind...... or maybe it has to do with tapering and the TTT.

I will explain.  I did a load of laundry and went into the laundry room. Put the dryer sheet in set the timer and left the room.  30 min later went to check on the wash...WTF??? no clothes in the dryer. :0  Little Miss distracted forgot to put the clothes in the dryer!

Must be Taperitis.....Everyone have a great day and hopefully your day is going well. Just wanted to share.


2008-05-21 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1416802

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
chrisrunzs26 - 2008-05-21 2:59 PM

Ok I have offically lost my mind...... or maybe it has to do with tapering and the TTT.

I will explain.  I did a load of laundry and went into the laundry room. Put the dryer sheet in set the timer and left the room.  30 min later went to check on the wash...WTF??? no clothes in the dryer. :0  Little Miss distracted forgot to put the clothes in the dryer!

Must be Taperitis.....Everyone have a great day and hopefully your day is going well. Just wanted to share.


That is one strong case of taperitis...

Usually I just get cranky and have way too much stored up energy. I normally don't have the focus issues.
2008-05-21 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I know its sad isn't it? I usually just get the grouchies and twitchy but I have been really focused on this race and as it gets closer it is like tunnel vision. Oh well....soon it will be Fri and then I can just get back to normal.....well as normal as I get anyway
2008-05-21 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1416895

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
chrisrunzs26 - 2008-05-21 3:18 PM

I know its sad isn't it? I usually just get the grouchies and twitchy but I have been really focused on this race and as it gets closer it is like tunnel vision. Oh well....soon it will be Fri and then I can just get back to normal.....well as normal as I get anyway

Hopefully after a little recovery... The race looks like a lot of fun... but would be really hard.

Good luck Chris... and you too David!!
2008-05-21 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Hey Guys,

So, I need some help guys. Any and all input is welcome!

I've been training diligently since mid-January and have made good progress. My running is feeling strong, I'm improving on the bike and my swim volume/speed is getting there. Overall, I'm pretty darn happy with my progress. However, after training for five months and without another race until is getting a little monotous.

So, I am toying around with the idea of adding in a sprint race in about a week and a half. I've done all three distances individually (500m, 15, 3.1) so I'm not really worried about finishing. However, I've got all these crazy thoughts running through my head like "I've never changed a tire, so what if I flat?", "I've never even worn a wetsuit much less raced in one!" and "I haven't even done a brick yet!". And honestly, it is really screwing with me and making me nervous. Plus, I've got a pretty busy month in June...trip to Aruba, girlfriends birthday, trip to NYC, work, etc.

So, I'm wondering. First, do you ever really feel ready for your first race? Second, do I schedule the race despite my trepidation and lack of time to prepare? Or do I wait a few more months until I'm more comfortable and have more time to get myself together?

Thanks for the input.


2008-05-21 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1417676

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DO IT;-)

the tire and brick you can live without, if you want to learn to change one (which you should know, go into the shop, they will show you in 5 min.

if you can do the distnaces ,just sign up and have a blast!

and no, you dont ever feel ready, if you did, you waiting way too long to race!
2008-05-22 7:04 AM
in reply to: #1418107

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-05-21 10:17 PM

DO IT;-)

the tire and brick you can live without, if you want to learn to change one (which you should know, go into the shop, they will show you in 5 min.

if you can do the distnaces ,just sign up and have a blast!

and no, you dont ever feel ready, if you did, you waiting way too long to race!

Thanks and that is pretty much what I assumed. I think I'll do it especially since Scott from our group is doing it as well...:-) I'll sign up today and figure out the logistics over the weekend.
2008-05-22 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1417676

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Concretechris - 2008-05-21 7:27 PM
"I've never changed a tire, so what if I flat?"

Easy... What type of tire??? Clincher? Tubular? Clinchers are real easy. Tubulars take a little more time due to glue. Search YouTube for your type and practice. My first flat on my clinchers took a while... but that was because I had no clue WTF I was doing.

"I've never even worn a wetsuit much less raced in one!"

I have never worn or raced in a wetsuit either... The water will be cold... but you can do it in your tri suit or just you swim suit. First three sprint races were just done in the jammers that I wear during swimming training. No joke.

"I haven't even done a brick yet!"

So do one tonight... Go for a 45 min spin and then go run for a mile or two. They are not comfy but the first ones teach you a lot about how it feels and what you need to do to get your legs underneath you.

And honestly, it is really screwing with me and making me nervous. So, I'm wondering. First, do you ever really feel ready for your first race? Second, do I schedule the race despite my trepidation and lack of time to prepare? Or do I wait a few more months until I'm more comfortable and have more time to get myself together?

You are just getting nervous... I get nervous before every race. He!! I am nervous about possibly entering an Oly at the end of June and am freaking out about my upcoming HIM right now and it is in August!

Trust your training... Trust your self... HTFU (Harden the F@$k Up) ... and do it. You won't regret it.
2008-05-22 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Yea Chris, toss in a sprint.  Once you a mile and a half into the run, you won't feel much pressure.  You should feel like you know your racing, but you'll understand that "it is what it is".

You'll learn a few things about transitioning too.

The brick:  Get some in this weekend.  Saturday, Sunday, maybe Monday.  When I ride on Saturday's at home (been glued to the trainer so far this year), I do a ride like this:

Ride 12miles, Run 2 miles, Ride 10 miles, Run 2 miles, Ride 12 miles home.  I bungy the shoes to the bike and take off.  I've got a safe spot to leave my bike during the runs.  I actaully enjoy those workouts.

If I flat in a sprint I'll withdraw from the race.

Let us know what race you sign up for.

2008-05-22 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1417676

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
another thing, dont swim in the wetsuit for the first time in the race. if you want to wear it (and i would), take it to the pool once or twice before hand and do part of your workout in it. ify ou do that, two things, people are gonna look at you like yo uare nuts, and make sure you wash it out after, chlorine is not good for them.

try swimming hard in it, so you understand how it is tight across the chest etc.

2008-05-22 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1418988

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-05-22 11:22 AM

another thing, dont swim in the wetsuit for the first time in the race. if you want to wear it (and i would), take it to the pool once or twice before hand and do part of your workout in it. ify ou do that, two things, people are gonna look at you like yo uare nuts, and make sure you wash it out after, chlorine is not good for them.

try swimming hard in it, so you understand how it is tight across the chest etc.
Sage advice...and already something I was going to try to do ;-) Thanks though...also, I will work in a brick (or two) this weekend to get over that hurdle. As for the tire issue, I've seen it done and I've watched a few tutorials...just never done it myself (and I'm a tactile "learn by doing" kind of guy). If I have the time this weekend I might just make a dry run of it one afternoon this weekend, which would also let me test out my nifty CO2 pump at the same time. I don't want to flat and have to pull out the directions ;-)

Thanks for all the encouragement, guys. I'm looking forward to it even though I've got a lot to wrap up in the next week. This type of interaction is exactly what I love about BT!

2008-05-22 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1419050

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
dont get to caught up in worrying about a big brick right now. at this point all its going to do is let you understand how diff it is then running on its own. its not enough time to really get into shape for it.

any mid distance ride and a short run after will do. start adding them in full time after the race, but if its in the next two weeks i would not do a lot diff than you have been, changing things up now is a recipe for disaster.

bricks are good, not not wildly nessisary. just know that the first half mile of the run is going to feel a lot harder and your legs are going to be angry, they will come back, jsut start out with shorter quicker steps.

you are in the shape to do this, now you just need to put it to work
2008-05-22 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1419050

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Thanks for the replies on my questions yesterday.  Definitely helps me fill in my training plan. 

It'll be a fun race Chris.  I sent you the race packet a little while ago.  The lake is small and the run course is two loops.  It'll be my wifes first race too and she has done a whole lot less training then you.  Need to get her to swim at the pool in her WS though... but she is very self-conscious (even though she has no need to be).  Any tips?  I think there will be a lot of beginners in this race because it's the first year and very manageable w/ a 500m lake swim.

Seeking more advice on something... I was 208 when I registered for all my races as a clyde.  I am now fluctuating between 199 and 201.  I doubt I'm going to podium in any of these but I'm guessing I will either lose a little more or begin to stay steady around 198 this summer.  Should I be contacting the race directors and changing my category to 30-34?



2008-05-22 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

David, if you can answer Scott's Clyde/Age Group question, maybe you can answer mine too.

At HFP's races the lowest Clydes category goes down to 185lbs.  I am about 193 when fed and hydrated so I easily qualify.  So far this year I have only raced in the 40-44 age group because I want to see what USAT ranking points I can get in my first year (and because of the people who think I am a cheater because I am not fat).

If I ever chose to race Clyde, would the USAT still rank me at 40-44?



2008-05-22 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1419387

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
as far as i know they would not, you would be ranked in the cat you race, or not at all (not sure if they rank clyd?).

Personaly i would race in my age group if i was at all comepting for a spot, there are a lot of bigger athletes that are very fast.

i am not 100% certain on this though.

2008-05-22 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1419332

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
if you did that you would prob gain a lot of respect from the people around you, a lot of people try to get into that cat to get a medal/podium spot (its uselly a smaller field).

but if its not a big race dont worry about it, its not a huge deal and swtiching it might be harder than its worth for you or the race Dir.
i would shoot them an email or call and just check and see.

either way, good luck to both you and your wife, and i would love to hear how it all goes!
2008-05-22 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1419404

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Thanks David.  I'll definitely let everyone know how it goes. 

I'll email the RD too see what they think.

Edited by shaggy28 2008-05-22 1:14 PM
2008-05-22 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1419404

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

newbz - 2008-05-22 1:30 PM as far as i know they would not, you would be ranked in the cat you race, or not at all (not sure if they rank clyd?). Personaly i would race in my age group if i was at all comepting for a spot, there are a lot of bigger athletes that are very fast. i am not 100% certain on this though.

I guess I could have looked results up in USAT before I asked you.  I just did that with 4 races and found 5 Clydes ranked in the age group rankings.  So, I guess they would rank me in 40-44 even if I entered Clyde.  I am still strongly leaning toward age group, and one of the Clydes (some guy named Mark Reams) is a bit fast (not David Savoie fast, but 43 year old big guy faster than me).  It kind of jabs at me to finish a race then hear the announcer boasting that the first Clyde's finishers are coming in when I was done 3-6 minutes earlier.

My four duathlon fishishes so far in age group 40-44 are:

2nd, 7th, 1st, 2nd

The same results if racing in Clydes would have been:

2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st.

I did OK in age group, but its a lot of fun for the boys to see me "win" or "place".  I know I am not any faster, but its fun for them and legal.  I'll give it some thought.


Edited by DieuEtMonDroit 2008-05-22 1:33 PM
2008-05-22 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
So I since I just got my USAT card and did my first race I wanted to check my rankings... No dice... How many races do you have to do before they start ranking you?
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