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2008-05-18 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1409422

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
lesleyann - 2008-05-18 4:55 PM

My boyfriend did a less than adequate job on the pix But I did get some none on the run though because it was on a wooded trail, just at the end.

I got a medal


OMG Lesley!!!! That is so fantastic! You were really prepared for the race and look how it payed off!!! A medal, wow!
Can't wait to meet you this Saturday at the tri. I'll be the one with the knees knocking together and the deer in the headlights look.


2008-05-19 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Way to go! Hardware in your first race! That's AWESOME!! Too bad you had to deal with rain, but at least it sounds like it held off until the run (personally, I don't so much mind running in the rain, but prefer to ride on dry roads!) Have you written up a race report?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Okay... onto my weekly goals....

Life sort of got in the way for me last week, and I ended up missing one swim, bike & run session.... Oh well. That's the way it goes sometimes.

I begin my taper this week for my first HIM in (GULP!) TWO WEEKS!! So, I'll start to scale back on the volume, but try to keep some intensity in my workouts.

Workout goals this week:

Swim 4,000 - 5,000 yards
Bike 80 - 95 miles
Run 18 - 20 miles
Ride ENTIRE Black Bear course...

Tentative schedule:
Monday: Brick (30-35 mile bike, 6 mile run, close to race pace)
Tuesday: Swim
Wednesday: Bike, possibly run
Thursday: Run intervals/swim
Friday: Bike
Sat: Long run (8 - 9 miles)/swim (outdoor pool opens this weekend!)

Other goals: Be mindful of my nutrition: eat good recovery meals, keep calorie intake in line with decreased training time/volume. Set aside time to stretch. Get adequate rest/sleep.

Have a great week, everyone!
2008-05-19 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

My weekly goals are pretty much the same -- be mindful of snacking and make sure I follow my schedule:

Monday: Off

Tuesday: Swim: 45 min, Run: 35 min (4 mi)

Wednesday: Bike: 60 min

Thursday: Run: 5 mi Fartlek

Friday: Swim: 45 min 

Saturday: Bike: 120 mins

Sunday: Run: 10 miles (maybe a little more

2008-05-19 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

My goals for last week were met in intensity if not to the T.  I missed one swim and one run but got an extra ride in.

I will keep the same goals this week.

Monday - ride 20 plus mile if the weather allows, spin class and a 3 mile run on the track if not.
Tuesday - Step class plus 1500 yds swimming
Wednesday - rest day
Thursday - ride 20 plus miles and a 3 mile run through the park if the weather allows, 6 mile run on the track if not.
Friday - 3 mile run plus 1500 yds swimming
Saturday - long ride
Sunday - long ride 

2008-05-20 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Extreme Veteran
Horsham, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Hello everyone....

I have been somewhat out of commision recently due to work issues and internet issues.  Since I am finally able to get on the internet and I am not working, I will tell you what I have been doing and my plans for this week.  Last week was ok for me.  I have been having difficulties getting up in the morning to do early workouts.  I wasn't really following a schedule since my 1/2 marathon in April. I decided I need the structure of a schedule, so this week I started a Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon 12-week schedule.  It is only Tuesday and I already feel better with the prescribed structure.  I am training to be the runner on a relay team for the Timberman 1/2 IM in August.  I am also in the May BT challenge as an EAST COAST, I have some additional goals to accomplish. To make things more challenging, I found out I have to travel next week for work.  I have no idea how much working out I will be able to do, so I am trying to do as much as possible this week.

My goals this week are to stick to my new schedule and get in as much working out as I can to meet my challenge goals.

Congrats to all the people who have successfully completed races already this spring.

2008-05-20 11:08 PM
in reply to: #1415188

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Kinda late, I know, but my goals for the week -3 swims, one an endurance swim (two down and the endurance to go) -- 2 runs with one an 8 miler -- I'm trying to up my mileage slowly each week. (one run done).  Two strength training sessions -- one done, one to go. Two bikes, one at least 1:15 minutes -- one down.

Last week I met my goals. :-)

I also volunteered at a tri on Sunday. It was great. Weird to get up so early and not participate though. I wanted to give back to the sport. The volunteers mean a lot when its you out there.

I have a bike question -- I keep shrugging my shoulders up and I constantly have to remind myself to relax them down. Anyone else have this issue and if so, what did you to stop. I'll need chiro care daily if I keep this up. :-)

Thanks -- oh what's the Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon plan and where can I find it?


2008-05-21 6:06 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Welcome back, Linda! Good to hear from you!

Lynn - I do the same thing on the bike sometimes... I'm not sure what to tell you about how to fix it, other than reminding yourself to drop your shoulders when you notice what you're doing... I'm sure you already do that, though!

Here's a link to Hal Higdon's Half Marathon plans: one of many good running plans available out there in cyberspace....

Good luck to Teash, who will be racing her first tri this weekend! GO TEASH!!

I'm probably going to wind up short at least one swim on my goals this week. Headed down this weekend to visit my brother, who's been in & out of the hospital for the last month or so. He's finally coming home today, and up for some visitors. That's more important than getting in a workout, any day!

Keep up the good work, everyone!

2008-05-21 6:36 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

did you end up getting a wetsuit??? My friend just rented one online for gretna and they 2 day aired it to here. There is still time, probably.

If don't have one I will definitely be able to pick you out. I will be getting my packet on friday night and I can email you my race number so you can find me. I plan on doing some tailgating action. I have some family in mout gretna so we can either go there of just hang out. I am bringing some champagne for mimosas and maybe some other goodies! We can celebrate your first race! It feels good to have finally completed one after months of training!

2008-05-21 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1415489

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

jHeaded down this weekend to visit my brother, who's been in & out of the hospital for the last month or so. He's finally coming home today, and up for some visitors. That's more important than getting in a workout, any day! Keep up the good work, everyone!


Extend well wishes to your brother from CA -- I was thinking about him yesterday. 

I'll just keep reminding myself shoulders down.

Goooooooo Leticia ---  all your work will pay off! Have a blast.


2008-05-21 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1415523

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
lesleyann - 2008-05-21 7:36 AM


did you end up getting a wetsuit??? My friend just rented one online for gretna and they 2 day aired it to here. There is still time, probably.

If don't have one I will definitely be able to pick you out. I will be getting my packet on friday night and I can email you my race number so you can find me. I plan on doing some tailgating action. I have some family in mout gretna so we can either go there of just hang out. I am bringing some champagne for mimosas and maybe some other goodies! We can celebrate your first race! It feels good to have finally completed one after months of training!


I sent you a PM. I am going to be there on Friday too. I'm sure we will find each other. I didn't get a wetsuit..... but a friend is trying to borrow one for me.
2008-05-21 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1416371

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Extreme Veteran
Horsham, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Best of luck to Leticia and Lesleyann this weekend in your races!  You guys will be great!

As a non-biker, I want to tip my hat to all you bikers out there.  I have to say that I really do not like riding a bike at all!  I know I have not given it much of a chance, but this is truly more torturous than when I first started running and counted every landmark to make the run finish more quickly!  I am really in great shape, but the bike wears me out!  So, to all you bikers out there....YOU ROCK!  Keep up the good work!....

2008-05-22 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Thanks Linda! Should be a fun one. Much more people then my first last week...120 vs 700!!!! Weather looks much, much better too.

Rode the gretna bike course yesterday and my chain popped 4 times!!!! I had just had the bike in for a tune up. Well, they really tuned it up! I am going back today to have it looked at!

Question on swim starting position:

Last week there was only 2 waves, men and women together and my wave had most of the people. i started on the inside towards the back, not very back but far back. I figured I was a pretty crappy swimmer and didn't need the added stress of running into anyone. However, apparently i wasn't that bad of a swimmer because i had decent swim time. There were times within the first half of the swim that i wanted to move ahead but there was a wall of people in front of me and I couldn't sneak between them. Eventually then slowed and seperated and I was able to move past but it really slowed me down because I keep hitting there feet and would pop up to breast stroke to see how I could get around them. I think the waves this week will be about the same amount of people 60-80 and should be all women. Any advice on were to start in the pack. I originally thought last week I would do back, outside but my friend told me not to do that because I can end up going way off course and swimming longer. Listen, I am not trying to win or anything, BUT I like to do the best I can and be smart about things.


2008-05-22 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
I think the advice of starting to the outside makes sense for someone who thinks they might get freaked out being in the middle of a group of people splashing through the water all around them. Starting to the outside gets you out of the mass of people... But you've done some open water swimming now, and you've experienced a swim wave start, so as long as you feel comfortable swimming with the crowd, there's no need to start to the outside. My typical strategy is to start somewhere in the middle, more toward the inside than the outside, and maybe second or third row of swimmers (they're not actually in rows, of course, but two or three people behind the ones who line up in front because they expect to go out fast). I still occasionally get stuck behind someone, but usually this position works pretty well for me. For comparison, I would say I'm usually somewhere around the top 30% of swimmers in my wave, depending of course on exactly how they divide the waves....
2008-05-22 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1417795

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Best of luck at Mt Gretna -- I wish I were racing this weekend since I had an unplanned taper

Well, tomorrow is a new day and I'll be cheering you on virtually on Saturday! Margot
2008-05-22 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1418489

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

lesleyann - 2008-05-22 7:17 AM Much more people then my first last week...120 vs 700!!!! 

My one and only tri had about 20 people total!

2008-05-23 6:38 AM
in reply to: #1416371

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
This morning I remembered that if you do get your hands on a wet suit -- you may want to do a last second $10 splurge on some Body Glide -- you put some on you before doning your suit -- and it's much easier to get it off at T1.

2008-05-23 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Good luck to all who are racing this weekend!

Edited by tri4mom 2008-05-23 7:42 AM
2008-05-23 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1420872

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Best of luck and FUN to Lesley and Leticia this weekend.--and anyone else racing Margot's got a run, I believe. Hope to hear all about it. Hope your weather holds out for you, too.


To add on about getting the wetsuit off easier-- Pam cooking spray or off brand cooking spray works well, too as does a greasier type of spray on sunscreen. I used the sunscreen at my first tri and it slid off very easily -- switched to a different kind of sunscreen at my second and didn't work so well.


Edited by lmscozz 2008-05-23 12:32 PM
2008-05-23 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Hi all!

I'm about to take off for a weekend visit with my family. Just wanted to wish our racers good luck once again, and hope the rest of you have an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend!

Oh, and one more alternative for easing wetsuit removal is baby oil. I use the gel kind...
2008-05-23 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
I have mad major issues lately with my snacking. No good! Training has been going pretty well, but I just feel hungry all the time and it's bad since I work at home and have food available all the time. Plus I went grocery shopping after a workout this week when I was super hungry and what did I buy? Candy! Lots of candy. I need help with my sugar addiction.
2008-05-23 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Thanks everyone for the well-wishes!

I got a last minute borrowed wet suit and it FITS! I will sleep better tonight. Especially since the lake is 60 degrees at the edge!

Ready or Not!!!

Oh and I didn't find Lesleyann yet.....hopefully, tomorrow!

Leticia (aka teash)

2008-05-24 6:33 AM
in reply to: #1417795

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

starrlinda - 2008-05-21 7:19 PM   I have to say that I really do not like riding a bike at all!  I know I have not given it much of a chance, but this is truly more torturous than when I first started running and counted every landmark to make the run finish more quickly!  I am really in great shape, but the bike wears me out!  So, to all you bikers out there....YOU ROCK!  Keep up the good work!....

Linda, I have to say I feel the same with swimming.  The first time I tried to swim the length of a pool, I really wondered what I was getting myself into.  I kept at it, really disliking every stroke.  Yesterday, I swam 1500 yard in the best time ever, but still disliked every stroke.  I want to do triathlons and I know that in order to do this, I have to swim.  I don't think I can ever like it, but I will keep at it because it gets me where I want to be.

2008-05-25 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Sorry I missed you this weekend. Had some unexpected bike problems and had to miss the beginner clinic. I hoped it helped. Great to hear you had a wetsuit. I don't k ow about you but I was sooo nervous. This was so much larger than last week. 10 waves! Wow, I was so overwhelmed. My heart was racing just before. I had a miserable swim. Got what seemed to be easy off course. I didnt make a sharp right turn at that 2nd bouy. My stoke was so off. I was just surviving and trying to settle down my breathing. Finally felt good after the last turn coming in the home stretch and started passing some flailers. They should have had a bouy at the beach to site off of.

I had a decent bike but I would say that is my weakest area despite the fact that in my head I can't swim or run! LOL! I was 10th in my age group of 38. 47th overall female of 180. My bike was 19 th of my age group which needs work. I have probably only ridden my bike 10 times this year so that needs to increase. I was going spin class and some work on my trainer. I actually knocked somebody over right before going up pinch road because you know how you came down the hill and it was a slight left then up pinch, well the girl basically stopped at the base of the hill and didnt know where to do then started going left and I was passing her on the left and took her out. I left bad but kept going. She obviously didnt know the course and that makes things dangerous. My brother and sister in Law live at the steeepest part of pinch and there was a good group there cheering me on. I actually had a good cheering sprinkled throughout the entire course, as I live 20 mins away, which was really fun and exhilerating.

When the race was over some friends had us over for a cook out and I housed an entire bottle of champagne! What a fun day! I want to do things race very year from now til as long as they have it!

The most important thing I learned this weekend is that I reawakened a part of myself I left behind a long time ago. I was an athlete all through high school and played some college basketball. It was my entire existence from 3rd grade til about age 20. Then I left it all go. I am a fierce competitor, a little border line obsessive but I really enjoy getting goals for myself in that respect. My goal time was 1:45 and I did it in 1:38. I was really happy since I just started all this 13 weeks ago and I couldn't run a mile or swim a 50!

I swaggered around gretna all day with my race tshirt on and my faded markings and I felt like an athlete again! Priceless!

Thanks to all the well wishers.

Can't wait to hear your experience!


I might try to ride black bear tomorrow because it is only 20 mins from where I am staying this weekend and it is so mentally beneficial to know you can handle the course before the race.
2008-05-25 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Wow, Lesleyann. I love the self-discovery you shared with us. Funny how we sometimes need re-introduction to ourselves. Let me know how you feel about the Black Bear course. I'm doing the sprint next weekend there and it's my first race of the season.

After my unplanned taper during the week (never even bothered with goals), I had a good start to the weekend with a 5 mile run yesterday. Then I took my 91 yo grandmother to a wedding. She kept me up past my bedtime! So I snapped awake at 7am on less sleep than usual and decided to join our local bike group for a 40 mi ride. Considering my riding has slipped the last 2 weeks, my rear only hurt a bit for the last 5-10 miles and my neck, back, and shoulders held up too. There was a woman on the ride who's doing the Philly Insurance Tri and we ran a quick 1 mi brick after the ride together. Tried swimming in the pool with my wetsuit this afternoon . . . what a trip. It feels so bouyant and restrictive around my neck. I think I'm going to continue to swim with it on since it's definitely looking chilly for Black Bear next weekend and the Philadelphia Insurance Tri might be a cool one as well.

Hope everyone is enjoying terrific weather on this long weekend, Margot
2008-05-25 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Well I did it! I finished my first triathlon! Congratulations Lesley! That time is awesome! I didn't know your age group, and was asking around on the beach before the start for Lesley and everyone thought I was a nutcase.

I was really glad I had the wetsuit. A super nice friend of a friend lent me his wife's. I might have bailed without it, as the water was REALLY cold. I was in the 9th of 10 waves. I tried hard not to panic and kept telling myself to just swim (I did panic a couple of times and flipped on my back to kick), and I did overtake some of the swimmers from the wave ahead of me, so I figured I must be doing ok. This kept me going....

I totally was confused during the T1. I dried my feet, wet my feet, dried them again.. I have no idea what I was doing!! I had planned this out in my head beforehand but still got confused. I did run my bike to the mounting and got on really well without any mishaps.

I thought I had a good bike leg, but I am not that great on hills. I wanted under an hour and I did it. I was held up by a big truck pulling a flat bed with a helicopter on it... no kidding... how often do you see that?? My dismount was fine, although I was so wobbly! Talk about jelly legs, but I did run to transition.

My T2 was tops! Very happy with that.

I totally couldn't run! I had no legs at all. About 1/2 mile in at least 6 people from my age group passed me. I guess I was doing well until then! I think it was at least 34 minutes to complete. I am very disappointed in a way, but I did my best!

I put my hands up as I crossed the finish line with a smile on my face! That was my goal for my first tri! My husband is really proud of me!

I didn't spend much time looking at the results sheet since it was hard to get to it, so all I know is that I was 11th in my age (45-49) (which I doubt had more than 12 or 13). My time was around 1:53 and I was 123 (out of 180 according to Lesleyann) for the women. I hope I was reading the list correctly, it was a mob scene. I am waiting for the website to post the results to see how I did on each leg and the transition times, and make sure I got it correct.

My first reaction was "I am never doing this again" (actually this thought occured to me in the middle of the lake), but this morning I woke up planning all the ways I can improve for next time!!!

Thanks to everyone for your encouragement!!


Edited by teash 2008-05-26 12:05 PM
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