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2011-11-21 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3746842

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I wanted to share this, so I copied it from my blog cuz I'm lazy:

Had a bit of a breakthrough on the eating front last weekend. I was at the store feeling kinda bored, noticing the ice cream, etc, and thinking what do I want... I caught myself and REALLY asked myself, "What do you want?" (not aloud, so as not to get any strange looks) The answer was crystal clear... I want to be fit, thin, and look like the athlete I am. That is what I truly want, not any of the items masquerading as food in the store. I bought the couple items I went there for and left. Now if I can just keep that focus...

Since then I have been keeping that question in mind, and it is really helping me with avoiding unnecessary eating

2011-11-21 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3910134

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
RoniS - 2011-11-21 1:00 PM

I wanted to share this, so I copied it from my blog cuz I'm lazy:

Had a bit of a breakthrough on the eating front last weekend. I was at the store feeling kinda bored, noticing the ice cream, etc, and thinking what do I want... I caught myself and REALLY asked myself, "What do you want?" (not aloud, so as not to get any strange looks) The answer was crystal clear... I want to be fit, thin, and look like the athlete I am. That is what I truly want, not any of the items masquerading as food in the store. I bought the couple items I went there for and left. Now if I can just keep that focus...

Since then I have been keeping that question in mind, and it is really helping me with avoiding unnecessary eating

That is award-winning behavior! Good job. Send some of that mo-jo my way. Though, I did exceptionally good in the store today as well. Bought all the stuff for a big dinner or two and ate an apple in the car instead of buying something trashy for me.

2011-11-21 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3910134

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2011-11-21 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Great job, Roni - that really is exactly the right question.  It's a struggle for me, sometimes, just to be mindful of my behavior.  I get in a funk and repeatedly - habitually - reach for comfort foods and make bad decisions.

My good news/bad news...

The bad news is that I had people over for the Bears game yesterday and definitely over-indulged.

The good news is that I brought every last bit of bad-for-me leftovers here to the office so it's not in my house (despite the fact that my roommate would have liked me to keep it around for her).

I just can't even have it in the house; if it's there, I'll eat it.

2011-11-21 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3910163

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2011-11-21 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3910134

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
RoniS - 2011-11-21 3:00 PM

I wanted to share this, so I copied it from my blog cuz I'm lazy:

Had a bit of a breakthrough on the eating front last weekend. I was at the store feeling kinda bored, noticing the ice cream, etc, and thinking what do I want... I caught myself and REALLY asked myself, "What do you want?" (not aloud, so as not to get any strange looks) The answer was crystal clear... I want to be fit, thin, and look like the athlete I am. That is what I truly want, not any of the items masquerading as food in the store. I bought the couple items I went there for and left. Now if I can just keep that focus...

Since then I have been keeping that question in mind, and it is really helping me with avoiding unnecessary eating

Awesome, Roni. I need to practice this. I hate how unfit, unthin and unathletic I feel when I give in to my cravings, or when I comfort myself with food. I'm doing a lot better lately, but I can still improve. Thanks for sharing!

I'm back into the swing of things. I'm motivated by a few of my soccer teammates getting their training going for the Xterra in March next year. We're planning bike rides and swimming together and it's giving me that itch to kick it up a notch. Did a strength workout and swam last night. I'm SORE today, so I'll run tonight.

Have a great evening!

Edited by Blanda 2011-11-21 2:51 PM

2011-11-22 6:39 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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2011-11-22 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3910211

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
wgraves7582 - 2011-11-21 12:45 PM
StartingToTri - 2011-11-21 1:15 PM

Great job, Roni - that really is exactly the right question.  It's a struggle for me, sometimes, just to be mindful of my behavior.  I get in a funk and repeatedly - habitually - reach for comfort foods and make bad decisions.

My good news/bad news...

The bad news is that I had people over for the Bears game yesterday and definitely over-indulged.

The good news is that I brought every last bit of bad-for-me leftovers here to the office so it's not in my house (despite the fact that my roommate would have liked me to keep it around for her).

I just can't even have it in the house; if it's there, I'll eat it.

You forgot to mention Cutler broke his finger and can't get his butt handed to him in Denver when they go there for a payback game

Good job on clearing the food out - safest bet

You're right -- Cutler probably did that on purpose because he was a-skeered of those Timmy Tebow Broncos.  

2011-11-22 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3911147

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
wgraves7582 - 2011-11-22 6:39 AM

Saw 173 on the scale again.  Curbing my snack attack is really working!

2 days to feast though

Great job!  Thanksgiving is going to be tough, though!

2011-11-22 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3911361

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2011-11-22 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3911364

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2011-11-22 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3911147

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
wgraves7582 - 2011-11-22 9:39 AM

Saw 173 on the scale again.  Curbing my snack attack is really working!

2 days to feast though

Woo hoo!! Nice job.

2011-11-22 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Sorry I forgot to check in Friday!!  I'm somehow down to 145... Haven't been working out much but then again I've really cut down on my snacking, been drinking more water and eating healthier so I guess that's where the weight loss is coming from  
2011-11-23 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3912093

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2011-11-23 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Thanks peeps! I'm down 2 lbs since last weigh in... doubt it'll show Friday morning though. Oh well, Thanksgiving is just once a year. Just have to get back on plan right away after. Have a fantastic holiday!!!
2011-11-23 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Hope everyone has a great holiday and safe travels for those venturing out for the day or weekend!

I certainly allow myself to eat what I want on the major holidays, but I need to remember how AWFUL I feel when I over-indulge.  Like, actually sick.  I'm not a good "eat-in-moderation" kind of person (I need to either allow myself something in an unlimited fashion or never at all), but that's my goal for tomorrow!

Here's a common sense article about controlling holiday eating.  Nothing too earth-shaking, but some good reminders as to how to enjoy the holiday without feeling like a beached whale by the end of it:


2011-11-23 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3913333

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
StartingToTri - 2011-11-23 1:19 PM

Hope everyone has a great holiday and safe travels for those venturing out for the day or weekend!

I certainly allow myself to eat what I want on the major holidays, but I need to remember how AWFUL I feel when I over-indulge.  Like, actually sick.  I'm not a good "eat-in-moderation" kind of person (I need to either allow myself something in an unlimited fashion or never at all), but that's my goal for tomorrow!

Here's a common sense article about controlling holiday eating.  Nothing too earth-shaking, but some good reminders as to how to enjoy the holiday without feeling like a beached whale by the end of it:


You are right, not earth shattering.....but good common sense reminders nonetheless
2011-11-23 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3913544

Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

My tip for the Holidays, always praise the cook for how fantastic the food looks, what a great job they did, etc and pass the bowl to the left.  You don't have to explain.   Remember, nothing tastes as good as being iron fit feels.

Stay healthy everyone and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

2011-11-24 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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2011-11-25 5:46 AM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Hi, guys! I hope you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving no matter what you did.

I forgot to check in this morning. I left at 4:45am for the start of an 8 hour, Black Friday shopping trip. Came home, had lunch with the family, then we were out again for a couple more hours. Two fabulous scores, a bike rack that holds 4 bikes, and a new camera (we had two that broke on our trip to the states over summer) that's waterproof, and shockproof. Made for me!

Anyway, turkey dinner that lasted till 11pm had me up a pound from last week: 141

Not happy, but far, far from my usual damage. Big positive.

Have a great Friday!

ETA: Didn't make it to the Turkey Trot, but I did get my 5k run in when we got home from shopping. It was late, I had just eaten a heavy Chinese dinner, but got 'er done. Working on the Runnersworld run streak challenge.

Edited by Blanda 2011-11-25 5:50 AM
2011-11-25 5:58 AM
in reply to: #3746842

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Hey everyone!  Well first weigh in since my cruise and the results are mixed.  It's not unusual for me to gain on holidays - usually around 5 pounds or so.  So the good news is - I only gained a pound and a half.  I was hoping it was salt retention from all the food.  It's a bit annoying though as I REALLY tried to make healthy choices.  So while everyone else seemed to be eating pounds of bacon and 6packs of sticky buns I chose a hard boiled egg and fresh fruit but... I did enjoy the drink of the day daily... or more   So ya... it is what it is. 

For the past two years I've been trying to eat clean - lots of fruits and veggies and lean protein and I've had some good results and have slimmed down - become leaner but I feel as though I've hit a wall and can't get below a certain threshold.  I was thinking back to my diet while I was at my most fittest - very low body fat - and I was almost a vegetarian.  I cycled a LOT, my job was an active outdoors one, I ate like a horse but it was all grains, veggies, fruits and beans.  I did eat eggs and only ate meat (lean) on the weekends.  Most of this was related to $$  I was paying down student loans and a can of beans was way cheaper than chicken breast.   I look at the runners I know that are lean and almost all are vegan.  A friend tried a vegetarian diet for 3 months out of curiosity and said she dropped 10 pounds in 5 weeks.  So ya... I'm thinking about it!  As a little experiment - one that won't likely go over very well with my hubby!! 

Curious to hear what everyone's thoughts are on this....?

2011-11-25 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3746842

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2011-11-25 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3746842

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

I didn't get to the gym to weigh this morning before eating so my weight won't be real......Woke up with a nasty headache around 5 and once I took meds and went back to bed it was after 7 when I got up but the rebound headache was coming if I didn't eat something......

Did well limiting portions and not preparing enough food for an army since there are only 4 in the family.


Kim, I think vegetarian or near vegetarian is good.....but I'm with you, there are a million family members who will fight it in every way and preparing different meals is a drag.  Good luck incorporating more of a vegetarian lifestyle!!

2011-11-25 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays

Well, overall I'm still headed in the wrong direction -- up a pound from last week -- but to give myself a nugget of positive to hold on to, my weight stayed the same from Thanksgiving morning, pre-run, to this morning.  So, I didn't do too much damage!

And have started a 30 Runs in 30 Days challenge (doing it on Facebook... anyone wants in, let me know ... started yesterday, will go through Christmas Eve) ... this will force me to be active every day... and when I'm consistently active, I make better choices.

So, here goes nothing!

2011-11-25 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3746842

Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge Round 2: The Holidays
Not doing to well...was 219 upon awakening. However - was down about 2 pounds by midday. Whatever that means.
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