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2014-02-03 2:16 PM
in reply to: JMart

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by JMart

NAME: Jill

STORY: I'm 31 years old and I'm brand new to triathlons. I've fallen in love with endurance training over the past 2 years. I used to hate running. In fact, I swore I never would have anything to do with it, and then I made a deal with a friend that resulted in me training for a half marathon. Since 2011, I've run 5 half marathons and a full marathon. I gave thought to training for an ultramarathon, but my I don't think my knees would take it. I have a friend who trains regularly for half and full-length triathlons and I decided that triathlons would be better for me all around. I've always wanted to do one but been too nervous about the running. Now that I have the running part under control, I'm excited to enter into the world of multisport.

I rowed crew in college and then again as a masters rower for several years after college. Rowing taught me a lot about mental and physical toughness, and although I was never the best at it (I'm far too short), my competitive personality meshed well with the "go hard or go home" attitude that most rowers bring to the sport. I think that it what draws me to endurance sports. There is a mental toughness there that appeals to me.

The biggest reason that I'm looking for a mentor is that I am struggling to find a supportive group that understands the difficulties of training while being a parent. I became a single parent 3 years ago, and after relocating to the East Coast in 2012, I became a 100% full-time single parent. My parents are able to help me once every couple of weekends, but for the most part, I have to fit my training in either first thing in the morning, on my lunch break, or after my daughter gets to bed. Single parenting definitely comes with its challenges, but I refuse to believe that this is impossible to handle. Some people try to convince me to just give up the training and the competitions, but I'm a better parent and a better person when I'm training and exercising.

FAMILY STATUS: Divorced, single parent. One daughter (3 years old).

CURRENT TRAINING: For the next 12 weeks or so, I'm doing 3 bikes (indoors for now - it's cold and icy in the Northeast right now), 2 runs, 2 swims, and 3 weight lifting sessions per week. I can run 12-15 miles without much issue right now and I can swim 3000 yds without a problem. I can ride for at least 2 hours without much concern. I haven't pushed my limits on my bike yet to see where I max out. My goal is to build biking endurance, since that is what I will really need the most to do the longer tri distances.

2014 RACES: This sounds crazy, but I'm signed up to do Vineman in July. Yes, it's a stretch to try to come out of the gates with a full tri, but I'm not really interested in racing the shorter sprint or Olympic distances. I'm also hoping to do the Rev3 in CT in June as preparation for Vineman.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is the biggest thing I need to work on. I know I can build the endurance if I train consistently. But the stress of the last few years has pulled my focus from good eating habits and I need to lose about 40 pounds. Weight loss is the highest priority for me. I think I will get more out of losing a significant amount of weight than out of any attempts to gain power or speed.

Awesome go for it!!! I signed up for Ironman Canada after only doing a couple sprints that year (and almost quitting triathlon) and a half marathon! I did a marathon, Olympic & HIM for practice leading up to the big day for IM.....I had a almost 3 year old at the time too.... we don't have any family support where we are but I do have a very supportive hubby who would make my meals and ensure I got training in....We had a good dayhome too that was flexible. It's totally doable and biking will come in the spring, there was definitely some really long ones but I would head out early and be done by noon so I still had the rest of the day. Enjoy training !!

2014-02-03 4:16 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by smithat05 Alrighty, My DW is out of the house so I actually get to use the computer, DS is over playing with something, Uhhggg someone asked about sleep? The lack of sleep just keeps getting worse, He will sleep 3-5 hrs in crib then its into bed with us. Just looked at my training plan as it starts tomorrow and it says "just keep up on your sleep this week" Yeah sure. I have been running a lot as its still the easiest to get in. Did 2- 3 mile runs on the treadmill and a 6 miler. Yesterday I got a 14 mile run in outside with group we run with. It felt great to go long like that. I only swam once this week, Hopefully will go today. My plan starts tomorrow on MOnday, I am doing the beginner Triathlete's free HIM plan, I know I am in good enough shape to do that, but my question is, My run is definatly more advanced so, would you think its ok to step up the running on days that I only have runs scheduled? 140 days till my first Half Ironman, Getting Nervous a little.

I don't see why you couldn't add running to the plan - just remember not to sacrifice the bike time.  I know i find running the most comforting but being strong on the bike will give you the most gains on race day. (Fresher legs for the run)  That said, i know lots of plans are easy on the run and it can be pretty easy to add in tempo work or extra distance on the weekends to keep up more volume and that will help you!  I've done it plenty of times - especially with race season in the early spring.  

Thanks for the Info,
2014-02-03 4:20 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

I've seriously been considering going to sleep at 7:30 when DS goes to sleep so that I can get in a stretch longer than 2 hours in a night, so I definitely feel your pain. hopefully both of our sons will start sleeping better soon.

As for the runs, I think that increasing the run distance on run days will be okay, if you are already beyond where the plan is, but I wouldn't ADD runs to the week. you'll need time to recover.

Yes sleep would be greatly appreciated about now,
We have also joked about going to bed at 7;30ish when we put our DS down.

I was planning on just adding some distance/time to my runs yes not adding additional runs for the week. I know I need to work on my biking I have definatly let it slack a little?

2014-02-03 4:47 PM
in reply to: JMart

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by JMart

NAME: Jill

STORY: I'm 31 years old and I'm brand new to triathlons. I've fallen in love with endurance training over the past 2 years. I used to hate running. In fact, I swore I never would have anything to do with it, and then I made a deal with a friend that resulted in me training for a half marathon. Since 2011, I've run 5 half marathons and a full marathon. I gave thought to training for an ultramarathon, but my I don't think my knees would take it. I have a friend who trains regularly for half and full-length triathlons and I decided that triathlons would be better for me all around. I've always wanted to do one but been too nervous about the running. Now that I have the running part under control, I'm excited to enter into the world of multisport.

I rowed crew in college and then again as a masters rower for several years after college. Rowing taught me a lot about mental and physical toughness, and although I was never the best at it (I'm far too short), my competitive personality meshed well with the "go hard or go home" attitude that most rowers bring to the sport. I think that it what draws me to endurance sports. There is a mental toughness there that appeals to me.

The biggest reason that I'm looking for a mentor is that I am struggling to find a supportive group that understands the difficulties of training while being a parent. I became a single parent 3 years ago, and after relocating to the East Coast in 2012, I became a 100% full-time single parent. My parents are able to help me once every couple of weekends, but for the most part, I have to fit my training in either first thing in the morning, on my lunch break, or after my daughter gets to bed. Single parenting definitely comes with its challenges, but I refuse to believe that this is impossible to handle. Some people try to convince me to just give up the training and the competitions, but I'm a better parent and a better person when I'm training and exercising.

FAMILY STATUS: Divorced, single parent. One daughter (3 years old).

CURRENT TRAINING: For the next 12 weeks or so, I'm doing 3 bikes (indoors for now - it's cold and icy in the Northeast right now), 2 runs, 2 swims, and 3 weight lifting sessions per week. I can run 12-15 miles without much issue right now and I can swim 3000 yds without a problem. I can ride for at least 2 hours without much concern. I haven't pushed my limits on my bike yet to see where I max out. My goal is to build biking endurance, since that is what I will really need the most to do the longer tri distances.

2014 RACES: This sounds crazy, but I'm signed up to do Vineman in July. Yes, it's a stretch to try to come out of the gates with a full tri, but I'm not really interested in racing the shorter sprint or Olympic distances. I'm also hoping to do the Rev3 in CT in June as preparation for Vineman.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is the biggest thing I need to work on. I know I can build the endurance if I train consistently. But the stress of the last few years has pulled my focus from good eating habits and I need to lose about 40 pounds. Weight loss is the highest priority for me. I think I will get more out of losing a significant amount of weight than out of any attempts to gain power or speed.

Welcome to the group Jill

I would also suggest doing at least a Half Ironman before Vineman to get the feel for transitions, nutrition, wobbly legs from the bike among other things.
Sounds like you have a pretty good control of your training time so far, I would like to be able to workout that much, keep doing what your doing and you willl have a great first Tri.

2014-02-03 8:56 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Well, started my training plan today, was the perfect day for it.

plan said 40 min run at RPE 4

then swim
WU 200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull, 200 swim

1 x 1500

Good Golly miss Molly,

Ran for 40 mins got 4.9 miles in HR didnt go over 135

Swam the WU then did the main set in 29:16 mins

Thought that was pretty good. Felt strong throughout, actually kept looking at the time at the 100 mark and was picking up the pace on the last 6-8 50's

My Birthday tomorrow and I will be working like 16 hours, Uhgg pretty much won't see my wife and DS at all.
Ohh well

2014-02-04 7:54 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN


Here's hoping it's a good work day - even though it will be long! 

2014-02-04 10:02 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Well, started my training plan today, was the perfect day for it.

plan said 40 min run at RPE 4

then swim
WU 200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull, 200 swim

1 x 1500

Good Golly miss Molly,

Ran for 40 mins got 4.9 miles in HR didnt go over 135

Swam the WU then did the main set in 29:16 mins

Thought that was pretty good. Felt strong throughout, actually kept looking at the time at the 100 mark and was picking up the pace on the last 6-8 50's

My Birthday tomorrow and I will be working like 16 hours, Uhgg pretty much won't see my wife and DS at all.
Ohh well

Happy fellow February birthday! Mine was on the 2nd and so lucky that the ground hog saw his shadow and we are supposed to get more winter Hope you can still sneak some cake in there sometime during the workday.
2014-02-04 10:11 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Ugh, more WINTER!!! New Jersey got hit with another storm yesterday, and that may be just the first of the week. I was going to skip my workout yesterday because I couldn't sleep Sunday night; however, we sent DS to daycare for 2 hours until I decided I wasn't going to work because of the weather. I then was able to get in a 40 minute trainer session. No workout this morning. Not entirely sure when I'll be able to run outside again because we are expected to receive rain/freezing rain tonight into tomorrow and then this weekend, they are saying that the snow will be measured in feet. Did I mention I hate the treadmill, but I might have to do some hill work on it this week. At least I should be able to get my Friday swim in.

In other news, I picked up a pair of Aero Bars on Sunday. The shop recommended going with Bontragers over the Profile by Design bars. I didn't have my bike with me so installation is on hold for a week or two, not a big deal.

BTW- Happy birthday to all celebrating this week!!!!
2014-02-04 11:25 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Happy Birthday to Tera and Todd! lots of early year birthdays in here since Seth had his the other week. Mine isn't until the late fall.

Missed swimming last night, but the time DH got his workout in and DS got to bed, and I made dinner, we were finally sitting down to eat dinner at the time I needed to be heading out the door to swimming. I have been grocery shopping on Monday afternoon, I think I have to change that if I'm going to go swimming on Monday nights.

Parent and Tot swimming class this morning. The first half is in the regular pool and J is still too small for it. He is not a happy camper in the colder water, cries after every submersion and shivers the entire time. The second half is in a warm water pool (I think it is kept around 95?) and he loves it in there. does the submersions with no tears, smiles, and actually put his head under on his own (I think by accident) and was okay with it. Glad we are driving to Brantford for the lessons, the woodstock pool is too cold for him for now.

Will try to get on the treadmill later. Will probably do a super easy run after J goes to bed. Last night he didn't wake up until 1 am the first time. Wahoo! got 2.5 hours of continuous sleep!
2014-02-04 2:39 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Happy birthday to you, too Tera! 

Seth, that's fun about the aero bars - will make training more fun when you get them on.

Laura - i didn't say congrats on the new home! That's very exciting!  When is the projected move?  We bought in the ridiculousness of Toronto home prices for our very small home and we'll have some hard thinking to do for big renos or buying again when we think about baby 2.  I don't even want to - I grew up in Strathroy where houses are a mere fraction of here ... oh well. 

2014-02-04 2:42 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Today i bought a new pair of runners that I will use for treadmill running only for the time-being.  This crappy winter means my shoes are gross after an outdoor run ... I am not usually one to have two pairs of shoes on the go but the weather has forced me into it! And, Seth, Laura and I are on the way to more snow too.  Bleh.  Supposed to start later tonight and go into tomorrow.  

Planning to run today but i might do the trainer instead. Just not feeling a run ... but maybe i'll change my mind.

2014-02-04 2:48 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy birthday to you, too Tera! 

Seth, that's fun about the aero bars - will make training more fun when you get them on.

Laura - i didn't say congrats on the new home! That's very exciting!  When is the projected move?  We bought in the ridiculousness of Toronto home prices for our very small home and we'll have some hard thinking to do for big renos or buying again when we think about baby 2.  I don't even want to - I grew up in Strathroy where houses are a mere fraction of here ... oh well. 

Since we are building it looks like we'll be moving in July or August. The builder is flexible and will give us a year to move in if our house doesn't sell quickly. We think it will though, we have done a lot of work to it and it will show very nicely. I can't imagine for you. My step sister just bough a 15 foot wide townhouse that needs renovating (I think only 2 bedrooms) for $500,000. We are building our dream house on a quarter acre lot backing onto conservation land for less than that. Part of the reason why we decided to stay in woodstock was the housing price difference between here and kitchener. In Kitchener for the same home we'd be looking at around $700,000, I'm sure in Toronto it would be a million though . I have friends with two kids in a two bedroom home in old south London, they are making it work (just shy of 1 and 3), but are starting to look at moving.
2014-02-04 4:51 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

Happy Birthday to Tera and Todd! lots of early year birthdays in here since Seth had his the other week. Mine isn't until the late fall.

Missed swimming last night, but the time DH got his workout in and DS got to bed, and I made dinner, we were finally sitting down to eat dinner at the time I needed to be heading out the door to swimming. I have been grocery shopping on Monday afternoon, I think I have to change that if I'm going to go swimming on Monday nights.

Parent and Tot swimming class this morning. The first half is in the regular pool and J is still too small for it. He is not a happy camper in the colder water, cries after every submersion and shivers the entire time. The second half is in a warm water pool (I think it is kept around 95?) and he loves it in there. does the submersions with no tears, smiles, and actually put his head under on his own (I think by accident) and was okay with it. Glad we are driving to Brantford for the lessons, the woodstock pool is too cold for him for now.

Will try to get on the treadmill later. Will probably do a super easy run after J goes to bed. Last night he didn't wake up until 1 am the first time. Wahoo! got 2.5 hours of continuous sleep!

THanks for the bday wishes. We were supposed to start parent and tot lessons yesterday - but this darn weather kept us home. It looked like a blizzard in the morning! and right now its -32 with the wind chills...sometimes I think I'd rather warmer temps but falling snow......Hopefully tomorrow will be better and we can go to tomorrow's class!

SO exciting that you guys are building your dream home! Hope all goes as planned!

Gonna do my usual run & then swim at the local pool tonight.....Really liking the little gym it has....and so far everyone I have shared a lane with actually follows lane etiquette!

We bought snowshoes for our oldest this weekend. Hubby and I had them from when she was little and we could backpack her. But now the little guy gets the back pack and she gets to join us! We let her go in the back yard with them and she was ripping up a storm in them , so cute. Just hoping it gets warmer for this weekend so we can head out to Canmore for a trek & then also able to check on our trailer there!
2014-02-04 4:59 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
have any of u guys done an indoor triathlon?? One of the pools out here has set one up for March- the one and only in the city! I'm super stoked for it- it was really cheap and being in March I think will be the perfect timing as it's when my HIM plan will start. It's been getting me to the pool which is great!
2014-02-05 11:39 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Super cool you can build your dream house. I wish we could where we live but the price would be unfathomable. Just buying a lot here would be an outrageous amount. Developers are scooping up the farmland and building developments though (I live in one of them right now).

We've moved on from snow to ice and rain with more snow in the forecast. Anybody else in the Northeast USA dealing with this? Seriously, I think we're getting closer to actually getting me on a treadmill. Did another bike workout this morning- at least I'm building a base on the bike which is good because I had zero biking experience prior to last summer but I really need to train for the Rutgers U. Half Marathon in April.
2014-02-05 8:02 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

Happy Birthday to Tera and Todd! lots of early year birthdays in here since Seth had his the other week. Mine isn't until the late fall.

Missed swimming last night, but the time DH got his workout in and DS got to bed, and I made dinner, we were finally sitting down to eat dinner at the time I needed to be heading out the door to swimming. I have been grocery shopping on Monday afternoon, I think I have to change that if I'm going to go swimming on Monday nights.

Parent and Tot swimming class this morning. The first half is in the regular pool and J is still too small for it. He is not a happy camper in the colder water, cries after every submersion and shivers the entire time. The second half is in a warm water pool (I think it is kept around 95?) and he loves it in there. does the submersions with no tears, smiles, and actually put his head under on his own (I think by accident) and was okay with it. Glad we are driving to Brantford for the lessons, the woodstock pool is too cold for him for now.

Will try to get on the treadmill later. Will probably do a super easy run after J goes to bed. Last night he didn't wake up until 1 am the first time. Wahoo! got 2.5 hours of continuous sleep!

Isn't it amazing that we are so happy when we get 2.5 hrs of continuous sleep.

2014-02-05 8:07 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

have any of u guys done an indoor triathlon?? One of the pools out here has set one up for March- the one and only in the city! I'm super stoked for it- it was really cheap and being in March I think will be the perfect timing as it's when my HIM plan will start. It's been getting me to the pool which is great!

I have not done one but there are a lot of them around here. The Tri club I am in hosts a few throughout the winter.
2014-02-05 8:09 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

Super cool you can build your dream house. I wish we could where we live but the price would be unfathomable. Just buying a lot here would be an outrageous amount. Developers are scooping up the farmland and building developments though (I live in one of them right now).

We've moved on from snow to ice and rain with more snow in the forecast. Anybody else in the Northeast USA dealing with this? Seriously, I think we're getting closer to actually getting me on a treadmill. Did another bike workout this morning- at least I'm building a base on the bike which is good because I had zero biking experience prior to last summer but I really need to train for the Rutgers U. Half Marathon in April.

Seth I am in Cleveland OH, and yes we are getting hammered. Shoveled the drive twice today. 8-9 fresh inches today.
2014-02-05 8:11 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
soooo 2nd day of my training plan, 60 easy spin, 30 easy run, how boring. I am so not into these slow workouts but I know I need them. I wanna do some freaking intervals and almost pass out on the bike thats what I am use to.

Ohh well, lets see how I do.
2014-02-06 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4915239

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Got up early for a swim, I can't count in the morning I guess. I kept losing count of my laps, 3x 400 turned into something less or more I don't know. Ohh well.
2014-02-06 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4945251

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

2014-02-07 7:36 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by smithat05
Originally posted by sethjk Daffodil- Super cool you can build your dream house. I wish we could where we live but the price would be unfathomable. Just buying a lot here would be an outrageous amount. Developers are scooping up the farmland and building developments though (I live in one of them right now). We've moved on from snow to ice and rain with more snow in the forecast. Anybody else in the Northeast USA dealing with this? Seriously, I think we're getting closer to actually getting me on a treadmill. Did another bike workout this morning- at least I'm building a base on the bike which is good because I had zero biking experience prior to last summer but I really need to train for the Rutgers U. Half Marathon in April.
Seth I am in Cleveland OH, and yes we are getting hammered. Shoveled the drive twice today. 8-9 fresh inches today.

Not in the US but getting way more cold and snow than we are used to.  And i have to say - Toronto is stupid in the winter.  There's no room for it!

We were getting passive-aggressive with our next door neighbour. We have a shared driveway with both houses having our parking in back.  this is our third winter here and last winter we barely got any snow but my hubby did any shoveling just trying to be a good neighbour - we didn't even have a car.  This winter our neighbour, a single guy, hadn't shoveled once and he drives to work everyday.  It was getting annoying this winter with continuous snow - it just didn't seem fair.  So we were purposely not shoveling (of course keeping our sidewalk clear and a walkway).  I would have just asked but the guy never comes out of his house!  The kicker is that a bunch of neighbours went in together a few years ago and bought a snowblower and I didn't realize until I saw it but the neighbour had it in his garage and hadn't pulled it out!!!!

FINALLY, another neighbour came and got the snowblower on Wednesday when we got a huge dump of snow so he did all the sidewalks and the guy next door finally did the driveway.  Finally. But Toronto is super annoying in a bad winter - narrow roads, shared driveways, and parking is ridiculous at the best of times ... sigh.  I guess i just had to rant  - back to tri talk ...

2014-02-07 11:53 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by smithat05
Originally posted by sethjk Daffodil- Super cool you can build your dream house. I wish we could where we live but the price would be unfathomable. Just buying a lot here would be an outrageous amount. Developers are scooping up the farmland and building developments though (I live in one of them right now). We've moved on from snow to ice and rain with more snow in the forecast. Anybody else in the Northeast USA dealing with this? Seriously, I think we're getting closer to actually getting me on a treadmill. Did another bike workout this morning- at least I'm building a base on the bike which is good because I had zero biking experience prior to last summer but I really need to train for the Rutgers U. Half Marathon in April.
Seth I am in Cleveland OH, and yes we are getting hammered. Shoveled the drive twice today. 8-9 fresh inches today.

Not in the US but getting way more cold and snow than we are used to.  And i have to say - Toronto is stupid in the winter.  There's no room for it!

We were getting passive-aggressive with our next door neighbour. We have a shared driveway with both houses having our parking in back.  this is our third winter here and last winter we barely got any snow but my hubby did any shoveling just trying to be a good neighbour - we didn't even have a car.  This winter our neighbour, a single guy, hadn't shoveled once and he drives to work everyday.  It was getting annoying this winter with continuous snow - it just didn't seem fair.  So we were purposely not shoveling (of course keeping our sidewalk clear and a walkway).  I would have just asked but the guy never comes out of his house!  The kicker is that a bunch of neighbours went in together a few years ago and bought a snowblower and I didn't realize until I saw it but the neighbour had it in his garage and hadn't pulled it out!!!!

FINALLY, another neighbour came and got the snowblower on Wednesday when we got a huge dump of snow so he did all the sidewalks and the guy next door finally did the driveway.  Finally. But Toronto is super annoying in a bad winter - narrow roads, shared driveways, and parking is ridiculous at the best of times ... sigh.  I guess i just had to rant  - back to tri talk ...

That is super annoying. I haven't been able to take J and Cooper (the dog) out for a walk since Tuesday because the roads have been a mess and too hard to navigate with the stroller. This winter is ridiculous.
2014-02-07 12:47 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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New user
San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

STORY: Single dad with three kids (9,7, and 20 months), and my own business. I am taking a big jump this year and moving from Sprints/Olympics up to Halfs and a Full. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep my training up with all of the scheduling that goes into being a busy parent. I live near San Francisco, California, so there are plenty of great places for me to get outside and exercise.

I started doing triathlons because I was tired of being a couch potato, and needed to refocus my life and help with stress. I love to ride, and that is where I have focused most of my attention. I am currently working with a swim coach to help with efficiency. As for running, I am building my endurance and just taking it slow after a hamstring injury last year.

FAMILY STATUS: Single dad with three great boys.

CURRENT TRAINING: . I run, bike and swim between 2 to 3 times each week. Additionally, I see a swim coach once a week to help with form. I am training between 8-10 hours a week right now, but know that it will increase over the next few months. Right now I am really working on consistency, changing my diet, and staying healthy. With three little guys in the house with me, I am exposed to anything and everything under the sun that they bring home.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have three races this year that I am planning for, but that depends on drought conditions in California. Folsom Half Ironman on June 8; Vineman on July 27; and Austin Half in October. I am sure I will throw in a few sprints/Olympics for fun.

WEIGHTLOSS: I started at close to 200 lbs last year which was the most I ever weighed. After seeing my brother and dad at the holidays in 2012 I decided I needed to drop weight to stay healthy. Triathlons were a great fit for me. I just want to maintain weight now (180) but I am most likely going to drop another 10-15lbs over the next few months.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am motivated to finish the Vineman in July. Because of my motivation, I will be checking the forums and plan on using BT to log my workouts.
2014-02-08 6:49 PM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Happyinmarin


STORY: Single dad with three kids (9,7, and 20 months), and my own business. I am taking a big jump this year and moving from Sprints/Olympics up to Halfs and a Full. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep my training up with all of the scheduling that goes into being a busy parent. I live near San Francisco, California, so there are plenty of great places for me to get outside and exercise.

I started doing triathlons because I was tired of being a couch potato, and needed to refocus my life and help with stress. I love to ride, and that is where I have focused most of my attention. I am currently working with a swim coach to help with efficiency. As for running, I am building my endurance and just taking it slow after a hamstring injury last year.

FAMILY STATUS: Single dad with three great boys.

CURRENT TRAINING: . I run, bike and swim between 2 to 3 times each week. Additionally, I see a swim coach once a week to help with form. I am training between 8-10 hours a week right now, but know that it will increase over the next few months. Right now I am really working on consistency, changing my diet, and staying healthy. With three little guys in the house with me, I am exposed to anything and everything under the sun that they bring home.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have three races this year that I am planning for, but that depends on drought conditions in California. Folsom Half Ironman on June 8; Vineman on July 27; and Austin Half in October. I am sure I will throw in a few sprints/Olympics for fun.

WEIGHTLOSS: I started at close to 200 lbs last year which was the most I ever weighed. After seeing my brother and dad at the holidays in 2012 I decided I needed to drop weight to stay healthy. Triathlons were a great fit for me. I just want to maintain weight now (180) but I am most likely going to drop another 10-15lbs over the next few months.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am motivated to finish the Vineman in July. Because of my motivation, I will be checking the forums and plan on using BT to log my workouts.

Welcome Dan, I hope you keep finding the time to get your workouts in. I am also doing my first Half Ironman this year here in Ohio. I would recommend loggging your workouts on here, its pretty easy.

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