BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-02-07 2:39 PM
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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by sisu13

Thanks for the welcome! My name is Matt Bruno. Feel free to call me Bruno. I live and train in the Metro Detroit area of cold Michigan. Today I swam for 45 minutes, I am working on my front crawl, breathing every 3 strokes so when I hit the open water - I won't veer too much.

I’m 31, typically a runner – but signed up for my first Tri this June. Detroit Olympic Tri with 3 Disciplines. I have some general questions and it sounds like there is a ton of experience here in this forum. I look forward to continuing to train and push myself. After adding Cycle and Swim - I am hungry all the time! ha

- When do you typically start a ‘plan’? If the race is June 15th – what would you suggest? Currently I swim 3 times a week, Cycle 3 and run 2 (I’m most concerned with building up the Swim and Cycle)

- Will I always smell like chlorine? Any tips on getting the smell off?

- I have an old Wakeboarding wetsuit that I might wear – other then that… I’m just starting. What brands have you found to be good quality for Cycle shorts? Or do you wear the Tri shorts? Do you wear soxs while you cycle and run?


Hi Bruno, welcome aboard! Its nice to have another Michigander. I live in the Tawas area and Mitch is in Detroit metro area.
Most training plans have a specific number of weeks set out in them, so all you have to do is subtract back from your event date. They are generally designed so that you peak on race week and will include a training taper. I've never used a plan myself, I have base miles I try to hit and then start building from there and then a couple of weeks out start to taper.
During my heaviest training periods I am hungry all of the time too. My problem is I forget to stop eating at the end of the season.
I can't tell you about chlorine, I do 90% of my swimming in Lake Huron ( I don't get to swim much in the winter) Every solution I have heard of sounds a lot like a concoction you would use to take skunk odor off of a dog.
I like Zoot, for both tri shorts and running shoes. I don't like the cycling only shorts, I think they feel too much like a diaper. The tri shorts have a thinner chamois. I like the Zoot running shoes, because I don't like socks and don't wear them in training or races. This is all personal preference stuff though. Several other people wear socks for both.
I did my first sprint tri in a shorty wetsuit that was designed for water skiing. It was ok, because it was only a spring distance. The problem you might have is with the wakeboarding wetsuit it will be thicker in the arms and shoulders and swimming the distance for an Oly could lead to a serious chaffing issue. You can find some cheaper tri wetsuits on ebay. Or make sure you use a lot of body glide.

Bruno -

What part of metro D?

I concur with Jim on the training plan. Find one and subtract back from race date and follow it. Look at it now so you know what level of base fitness you should have before embarking on the plan.

Whenever I swim religously, I am hungry all the time. Nothing makes me hungrier than swimming.

Don't worry to much about the breathing every 3 strokes. Practice sighting in the pool, but sometimes breathing every 3 can reduce the amount of oxygen you are getting which can make the swim more strenuous than need be.

Chlorine - I find a good shower gets rid of most of the smell. That being said, if I swim at lunch I just rinse off in the poolside shower and go back to work. Maybe a bit of moisturizer on the face to combat the drying effect of the chlorine. But in the shower at night you can definitely smell the chlorine coming off. Embrace the smell - it means you're getting fitter.

I wear tri shorts for most of my rides where I know I will run after. I swear by the Desoto sports brand of triathlon and cycling clothing. It isn't cheap but the quality is great and the customer service is even better. The tri shorts have a much thinner pad and I don't feel it at all when running. On longer rides I've taken to wearing bib cycling shorts. Look ridiculous but are much more comfortable than normal shorts.

Wetsuit - I have a Desoto wetsuit that I really love. I've done June triathlons in Michigan without a wetsuit - but was only a Sprint. I echo Jim's comments - a wakeborading wetsuit isn't a good choice for a 1500M swim. There are some deals on this site at times for I believe the xterra brand (see banner ad above).

Socks - when training yes. During a race - sometimes. You can have difficulty getting socks on when your feet are wet. You can roll them off your feet (like a condom - sorry for the reference) and then in transition roll them back on your feet. If you are going to run sockless (cycling not so much an issue) then practice to ensure you won't blister in the first mile and be miserable.

Edited by trisuppo 2014-02-07 2:42 PM

2014-02-07 3:33 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
JB. Thanks for the Body Glide advice - I never thought about that... with my marathons I've always hit a few areas with BG, but with a wetsuit - that could get crazy. Tawas area... nice and cold. Beautiful Sun rises I'm sure.

Mitch. I live in Beverly Hills. (insert a laugh. or the song by Weezer) It's located by Birmingham / West of Royal Oak. Thanks for the gear advice, I'll have to head out to Livonia when the new TriShop opens. As for the Chlorine, I'll just own the smell like you said. I will avoid the tomato juice idea that JB alluded to. gross.

Great thoughts on the wetsuit. I never put thought into chaffing. June will be warm enough - I was just thinking the neoprene might help me float a bit. I'm not rocking a large percentage of body fat... I blame it on the Marathons. We'll see as the months progress if I feel like I'll 'need' the wetsuit.

Socks. Because I'm new with the transitions, any advice helps - hilarious rolled up sock tip. That would work. Like you said - I don't want to blister in the first mile and be miserable. I hear the June 15th Triathlon has 2 different transition areas - So I will have to plan accordingly. I think I'll try to find a Sprint Tri in May so I can experience the transitions and such. Or at least find a race to go watch. I'm not looking to win or anything / but I do want to be set-up for a great race day.

2014-02-07 6:07 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by sisu13

JB. Thanks for the Body Glide advice - I never thought about that... with my marathons I've always hit a few areas with BG, but with a wetsuit - that could get crazy. Tawas area... nice and cold. Beautiful Sun rises I'm sure.

Mitch. I live in Beverly Hills. (insert a laugh. or the song by Weezer) It's located by Birmingham / West of Royal Oak. Thanks for the gear advice, I'll have to head out to Livonia when the new TriShop opens. As for the Chlorine, I'll just own the smell like you said. I will avoid the tomato juice idea that JB alluded to. gross.

Great thoughts on the wetsuit. I never put thought into chaffing. June will be warm enough - I was just thinking the neoprene might help me float a bit. I'm not rocking a large percentage of body fat... I blame it on the Marathons. We'll see as the months progress if I feel like I'll 'need' the wetsuit.

Socks. Because I'm new with the transitions, any advice helps - hilarious rolled up sock tip. That would work. Like you said - I don't want to blister in the first mile and be miserable. I hear the June 15th Triathlon has 2 different transition areas - So I will have to plan accordingly. I think I'll try to find a Sprint Tri in May so I can experience the transitions and such. Or at least find a race to go watch. I'm not looking to win or anything / but I do want to be set-up for a great race day.


I live in Troy. Where are you swimming? There is a small Tri shop in Birmingham.
2014-02-07 10:37 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
5k Parkrun this morning. With the warm up it was more than 30 min, so 1 point for me.

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 7 9:40:20
Mitch 6 5:44:48
Jim 6 4:52:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 6 6:21:00
Jennifer 5 7:04:00
2014-02-08 9:04 AM
in reply to: markz


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
10 mile run this morning. Very cold 13, with the feel like temp of 3. Legs did feel a little heavy with all of the ramping up this past week. Tri training along with 1/2 marathon training is making me tired....and hungry! For the week I skipped the long ride, but got in both swims, so that is a win in my book!!

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 7 9:40:20
Mitch 6 5:44:48
Jim 6 4:52:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 6 6:21:00
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
2014-02-08 9:37 AM
in reply to: jklosterman


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I meant to ask in my last post. I feel like I need to follow some type of swim training. Currently I am doing the prescribed minutes, just focusing on breathing and form. I'm not doing any type of drills or specific work. I think.....I am ready for more than just back and forth. I need some type of challenge. Does anyone know where I can find a good plan? Maybe12-16 weeks long?
I know very little about the swimming underworld.

2014-02-08 9:37 AM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
1:45:00 on the bike this morning. 2x16' @ 92% FTP plus 10' at 98% FTP for good measure.

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 7 9:40:20
Mitch 7 7:29:54
Jim 6 4:52:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 6 6:21:00
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
2014-02-08 12:15 PM
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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by jklosterman

I meant to ask in my last post. I feel like I need to follow some type of swim training. Currently I am doing the prescribed minutes, just focusing on breathing and form. I'm not doing any type of drills or specific work. I think.....I am ready for more than just back and forth. I need some type of challenge. Does anyone know where I can find a good plan? Maybe12-16 weeks long?
I know very little about the swimming underworld.

I saw your previous posts, but need more details:

(1) what's your current swim fitness?
(2) what are your swimming/fitness goals?
(3) what are your current swim workouts like? are you following a plan or structured workout?
(4) what other non-swim training are you doing during the week?
(5) how comfortable are you in open water?

This will help us point you in the right direction.

Edited by JoePetto 2014-02-08 12:20 PM
2014-02-08 3:15 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I live in Troy. Where are you swimming? There is a small Tri shop in Birmingham.


I am swimming at La Fitness. Maple and Coolidge.
I'll have to check out the Tri shop in Birmingham - I'm sure it's like a toy shop with gadgets and hammer products.
2014-02-08 8:29 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
sprints in Gym 1:20

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 7 9:40:20
Mitch 7 7:29:54
Jim 7 5:12:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 6 6:21:00
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
2014-02-08 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4917388

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Today 2hr in the trainer + 40 min run

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 8 12:23:20
Mitch 7 7:29:54
Jim 7 5:12:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 6 6:21:00
Jennifer 6 8:35:00

2014-02-09 1:13 AM
in reply to: sirgab

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
2hr ride this morning along the ocean, so 1 point for me.

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 8 12:23:20
Mitch 7 7:29:54
Jim 7 5:12:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 7 8:21:00
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
2014-02-09 4:54 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
RDO on Friday. Short 50min ride then the day shopping with my wife. I think that should be counted as a workout. Did a sprint Tri on Saturday at Cottesloe Beach in Perth. For those that have not heard our government is placing drum lines with baited hooks to catch any shark over 3m. Its caused huge protests and other things. Any way stand on the beach waiting to start and see the boat pull up to the drum line is not the best way to start a beach race. Considering the negative thoughts in my head it all went well. There is a saying here that to avoid a shark attack swim with a fatter friend. Thankfully there was a few large then me on Saturday.

Matthew 6 7:55:40
Gabe 8 12:23:20
Mitch 7 7:29:54
Jim 7 5:12:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 7 8:21:00
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
2014-02-09 6:39 PM
in reply to: Matthews

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by Matthews

RDO on Friday. Short 50min ride then the day shopping with my wife. I think that should be counted as a workout. Did a sprint Tri on Saturday at Cottesloe Beach in Perth. For those that have not heard our government is placing drum lines with baited hooks to catch any shark over 3m. Its caused huge protests and other things. Any way stand on the beach waiting to start and see the boat pull up to the drum line is not the best way to start a beach race. Considering the negative thoughts in my head it all went well. There is a saying here that to avoid a shark attack swim with a fatter friend. Thankfully there was a few large then me on Saturday.

In May when I start swimming in the lake again and think about complaining because the water is 50 F. I will think of you and remember at least nothing here can eat me, or sting me or maim me. It would take a lot for me to keep from bailing as soon as the boat pulled up. admittedly my greater fear is Jelly Fish, I saw a guy get stung in the eye when I was in the Coast Guard. The freakiest thing I have ever seen.
2014-02-09 7:40 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Finally got to the pool this week. Slowly working back into swimming...750M today. Got to get some stamina built. Ran another 3.5 miles. Best week of training for triathlon in about 9 months.

Gabe 8 12:23:20
Mitch 8 8:17:16
Mark 7 8:21:00
Jim 7 5:12:40
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Matthew 6 7:55:40
Joe 2 2:53:27
Kate 1 0:56:00

Edited by trisuppo 2014-02-09 7:42 PM
2014-02-09 7:50 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by Matthews

RDO on Friday. Short 50min ride then the day shopping with my wife. I think that should be counted as a workout. Did a sprint Tri on Saturday at Cottesloe Beach in Perth. For those that have not heard our government is placing drum lines with baited hooks to catch any shark over 3m. Its caused huge protests and other things. Any way stand on the beach waiting to start and see the boat pull up to the drum line is not the best way to start a beach race. Considering the negative thoughts in my head it all went well. There is a saying here that to avoid a shark attack swim with a fatter friend. Thankfully there was a few large then me on Saturday.

In May when I start swimming in the lake again and think about complaining because the water is 50 F. I will think of you and remember at least nothing here can eat me, or sting me or maim me. It would take a lot for me to keep from bailing as soon as the boat pulled up. admittedly my greater fear is Jelly Fish, I saw a guy get stung in the eye when I was in the Coast Guard. The freakiest thing I have ever seen.

You know they once found a Bull Shark in the Chicago River...swam up from the Gulf via the never know Jim. That coupled with the possibility Asian Carp and 4 foot long northern pikes...

2014-02-09 8:49 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

New user

Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hello, I would like to join this group.

NAME: John Hensler

STORY: I lost 100 lb and have kept it off now for 2 years. I started working with a trainer two years ago to get into shape to do a sprint triathlon. I struggle with my swimming even though I swim 2-3x a week. I still can't get any forward movement with my legs and more than 2/3 of the time in the pool is with training fins on. I recently found out that I need a hip replacement, but the sports doc and chiropractor agree I can wait until after my races unless the pain gets too bad. I was also told that my lower lumbar spine is in an "s" curve and bone on bone. However, I have no back pain and I can bend over and almost put my hands fully flat on the floor. I also have very little hip pain, it was just bugging me a little and clicking, so I went to the Dr.....after a year of living in denial.


CURRENT TRAINING: I pretty much work out daily, with a swim, bike or run or combination, I also do yoga and adapt/active stretching. I cross train by doing elliptical and strength training.

2013 RACES: Last year I did 2x5k runs and 1x8k run. 2014 RACES: I have signed up for 2x5k and 1x8k so far in addition to a duathlon and 1 sprint. I plan to sign up for at least one more sprint.


WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: Looking for input from others on training and nutrition. Also any swimming tips will be appreciated.
2014-02-10 12:53 AM
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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
John, welcome to the group!
Looks like you're motivated and very disciplined! If it was me, I would ask for a second opinion on that hip replacement. It is a serious surgery after all.

1hr, 10k very hilly run after work today. 28c and humid made it hard.

Gabe 8 12:23:20
Mitch 8 8:17:16
Mark 8 9:21:00
Jim 7 5:12:40
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Matthew 6 7:55:40
Joe 2 2:53:27
Kate 1 0:56:00

Edited by markz 2014-02-10 12:59 AM
2014-02-10 7:14 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

I would love to join the group.  I am 48 years old and married.   I am working on my second year of HIM's and hope to do IMLP 2015 as my first full ironman as well as climb Kilimanjaro in the fall of 2015.   I have always been athletic: high school swim team, bodybuilding, horseback riding, kayaking, scuba, mountain climbing with rock and ice climbing as well.  I got into triathlons back in 2009 after a 5 year lay-off of everything.  I had put on 35-40 lbs and needed a focus.  My husband (recovering from an illness) was not quite up to par to begin our old ways again and doing the aforementioned sports without him didn't seem right.  Since he was never competitive, I thought Triathlon's would be perfect to start with.   Almost 5 years later I am hopelessly addicted.    Running was my worst sport.......hated it with a passion but had to learn to make peace with it.  I took up trail running and fell in love.  After several injuries, I had to hire a run coach to help "fix" me.  I am still prone to injuries during the run and have to be careful but now, running is one of my most favorite sports. 

I find myself with very little time for much else but training, working and time with  the hubby.  I don't have any kids....I don't know how you guys do it!!!!   I am up at 3:30AM-4AM to get my training in before heading to work as a nurse manager.   I get home by 5, eat dinner, spend a small amount of time with the hubby and I'm in bed by 8-8:30PM to start it all over again the next day.  Sometimes it pisses me off that the gym doesn't open til 5AM.   LOL



2014-02-10 8:43 AM
in reply to: Seren

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by Seren

I would love to join the group.  I am 48 years old and married.   I am working on my second year of HIM's and hope to do IMLP 2015 as my first full ironman as well as climb Kilimanjaro in the fall of 2015.   I have always been athletic: high school swim team, bodybuilding, horseback riding, kayaking, scuba, mountain climbing with rock and ice climbing as well.  I got into triathlons back in 2009 after a 5 year lay-off of everything.  I had put on 35-40 lbs and needed a focus.  My husband (recovering from an illness) was not quite up to par to begin our old ways again and doing the aforementioned sports without him didn't seem right.  Since he was never competitive, I thought Triathlon's would be perfect to start with.   Almost 5 years later I am hopelessly addicted.    Running was my worst sport.......hated it with a passion but had to learn to make peace with it.  I took up trail running and fell in love.  After several injuries, I had to hire a run coach to help "fix" me.  I am still prone to injuries during the run and have to be careful but now, running is one of my most favorite sports. 

I find myself with very little time for much else but training, working and time with  the hubby.  I don't have any kids....I don't know how you guys do it!!!!   I am up at 3:30AM-4AM to get my training in before heading to work as a nurse manager.   I get home by 5, eat dinner, spend a small amount of time with the hubby and I'm in bed by 8-8:30PM to start it all over again the next day.  Sometimes it pisses me off that the gym doesn't open til 5AM.   LOL



Welcome to the Team!
2014-02-10 8:45 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Can we get a current role call from everyone who has indicated they would like to join this mentor group. Can I also get you to self indentify as a beginner, intermediate or veteran from a Triathlon perspective. Finally, add the date of your first race and type. Thanks! I'll start...

Mitch (Trisuppo) - intermediate - Early June, Half Marathon

2014-02-10 1:48 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by trisuppo


Can we get a current role call from everyone who has indicated they would like to join this mentor group. Can I also get you to self indentify as a beginner, intermediate or veteran from a Triathlon perspective. Finally, add the date of your first race and type. Thanks! I'll start...

Mitch (Trisuppo) - intermediate - Early June, Half Marathon

Mark (markz) - intermediate - Early July, Marathon
2014-02-10 2:13 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Gabe (sirgab) - intermediate - June 29, Iron distance Challenge USA tri - Atlantic City

Matthew, LOL, good one! "There is a saying here that to avoid a shark attack swim with a fatter friend. Thankfully there was a few large then me on Saturday.  "

Jim, in my book you are still allowed to complain from your swims in the lake at 50F (nothing close to that in Guatemala!)

Welcome to the group John and Serenity!

Yesterday I took a nice rest day (just boogie boarding with my daughters on the beach).  Today my first 10 mile run since IM Cozumel in December, my ITB injury felt a lot better today

Gabe 9 13:59:43 
Mitch 8 8:17:16 
Mark 8 9:21:00 
Jim 7 5:12:40 
Jennifer 6 8:35:00 
Matthew 6 7:55:40 
Joe 2 2:53:27 
Kate 1 0:56:00

2014-02-10 3:39 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Please add to the list:

Gabe (sirgab) - intermediate - June 29, Iron distance Challenge USA tri - Atlantic City
Mark (markz) - intermediate - Early July, Marathon
Mitch (Trisuppo) - intermediate - Early June, Half Marathon
2014-02-10 4:21 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Gabe (sirgab) - intermediate - June 29, Iron distance Challenge USA tri - Atlantic City
Mark (markz) - intermediate - Early July, Marathon
Mitch (Trisuppo) - intermediate - Early June, Half Marathon
Matt (Matthews) - Novice - 29th March - 1500/60km/12km
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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