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2007-03-02 7:51 PM
in reply to: #709106

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
pigfinn - 2007-03-02 12:03 PM

bootygirl - 2007-03-02 9:46 AM anyone up to the AB challenge?

what's an AB challenge?


In the "Challenge Me" forumns.   there are teams.   

If I was more sophisticated, i would post a link.

Edited by bootygirl 2007-03-02 7:52 PM

2007-03-02 11:47 PM
in reply to: #709638

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Walworth, WI
Question: WHAT do you do to keep yourselves motivated? WHAT do you do to keep yourselves accountable?

Answer: Two things - 1.) a written plan with an end goal and 2.) public humiliation.

I have a running schedule for Grandma's that I follow pretty strictly, unless my body tells me otherwise. For the past 3 weeks, that means that I have been doing 5 of the 6 runs per week. If I don't do a scheduled run, that's up to me, but the end goal does not change: they run on June 16 whether I am ready or not. I have set a 4:30 goal for the race, but secretly (not so secret now ) I am trying to build my endurance and speed to achieve a stretch goal of 3:59:59.

Being part of a team for the swim thing has introduced the element of public humiliation. Actually it's more like peer pressure, but you get the idea. Our lead team member has an obscene number of miles logged so my goal is to put in more miles that the guy that invited me and finish second on the team in mileage. That has been the only thing that has kept me going to the pool more than twice a week or swimming more than 2500 yards per session.

Finally, the ability of others to see what I have actually been doing on this website keeps me from being too lazy. That is a very good thing because lazy is my natural state.

If it ever stops snowing, I need to find someone(s) to run and bike with. It's a lot harder to blow off a workout if someone else is planning on you being there. It also helps because my naturally-occuring competitive streak (despite my inherent laziness) causes non-solo workouts to be a bit more productive.

2007-03-03 1:58 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
WHAT do you do to keep yourselves motivated? WHAT do you do to keep yourselves accountable?

Some self motivation comes from knowing I feel better for moving. But trying to convince myself of that 2 hours before work when I can roll over and sleep is when that self motivation fails.

-- peer pressure - hanging out with people who work out, in some form or fashion
-- smug superiority - I show up to work on a bike - I'm use to hearing excuses of why the person in the elevator next to me can't
-- not showering at home - (most of the time) - I'm in the habit of showering at the gym or work, so I might as well work out before
-- professional pressure - weight standards and PT test

Accountability comes from logging workouts
2007-03-05 3:13 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
What is on the schedule for this week's workouts (as always, you have the right to change your mind-which I do at an alarming rate)?

-Monday-Biking on the trainer/a few weights
-Tuesday-Hopefully my very last run on the treadmill/yoga
-Wednesday-Biking on the trainer
-Thursday-Run outside?

I have another question for those that use clipless pedals. I am not very smooth at unclipping which has caused two tip overs (yes, I am a full fledged member of the club). I have Look Keo pedals and I am wondering if another type of pedal/cleat system would be a little easier to clip out of. I like a little lower stack height and am not a fan of the Speedplays. Any ideas or do I just need to do something different when unclipping?

Have a great week everyone!
2007-03-05 3:52 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

EEEEEEEEEK! No rest day, Lori! Give yourself a rest day.

IMO, we all need at least one rest day. To keep ourselves sane. To do laundry. To read a magazine or a book! Laughing In my case, to SLEEP IN!

As far as pedals.... I started out with SPD pedals... they were easy to clip into and out of... I switched to Ultegra pedals and cleats last year. These are considerably harder to get into and out of.

I just plan ahead, practice, and hope for the best. If I know I'm going to be stopping soon, I unclip before I need to. I've fallen over several times myself, though... so perhaps I'm not your best resource on this topic. Wink Anyone else got anything to contribute???

2007-03-05 7:24 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I don't have anything to contribute about clipless pedals as McFuzz has just ordered me a pair.  I am having my own problems with motivation though!

It seems like I'm behind the 8ball in everything I'm doing right now and so when I do get something done it is only half a$$ed.  I know I need to go workout right now but now that I'm home I don't want to go out again (not that it is that far to walk to the gym-- 2 blocks). 

 I miss my mojo! I was doing so well and then it all went away about 2-3 weeks ago (bout the time that we couldn't find our oldest while at college).  Any ideas?

2007-03-05 8:45 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I've only used SPD pedals - I have them set so it's easy to clip-in and out of on my city bike, and harder on my road bike. I use the same shoes most of the time for both bikes. If I change to other shoes, I have to adjust the tension on the pedals - important to check before the first stop.
2007-03-05 10:58 PM
in reply to: #712213

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Walworth, WI
Subject: Clipless Quandry
I stole my Time pedals off my mountain bike, so I don't have much to contribute by way of road pedals. The Diadora shoes that I use are MTB also, but they are 2 strap velcro which make them very easy to get in and out of. They are not stiff like road shoes so I am sure I lose a little in the way of pedaling efficiency, but they are a lot easier to walk in. Those pedals are a dream to get into and out of: easy in and out. I have never had a problem coming out of them when I needed to, and can't remember every coming out of them when I didn't want to.

As for laying the bike down with feet still attached, I did it in a big way. I was coming back into our little downtown area during our Corn and Brat Festival and laid myself down at the intersection across the street from the festival. There were no physical injuries because I was at a dead stop. However, I was more than a little embarrassed because the foot that was stuck was on the underside of the bike. For those of you who have had this happen, I don't need to explain what kind of time and contortions are necessary to free yourself with a couple hundred of your closest friends watching.

2007-03-05 11:05 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I don't know what to tell you that will make you feel any better. We have all been there--too much to do, not enough time to do it all, tired, etc. Being overwhelmed and wanting to do everything well is a tough position to be in.

When I get in situations like that, something has to give. Set your priorities and do what is most important to you first. If working out is one of your high priorities, set an appointment time that day to do it. Hold yourself accountable for making that appointment. Could you find a workout partner that might help to get you to the gym?

I know a lot of times I don't feel like working out but if I can just get there and get started I'm fine. So, I push myself to get to the pool, or get my running clothes on, or get my biking clothes on and........just do it.

On the other hand, I watch my stress levels and ensure the "workouts" don't overfill my plate for the day--balance is the place to be. Sometimes when the plate is too full, the workout is skipped or something else goes undone. I never feel guilty, I make my choice and that's it.

Hang in there, spring is on the way!
2007-03-06 8:41 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I don't think my plate is any fuller than normal!  I just have NO motivation!  I went for a swim this morning (had to kick myself out of bed) in order to get it done.  The pool is only open for lap swim 6-7:30 m-f.  I need to get some homework done and I need to get some laundry started.  I can start the laundry but I can't work here at home--too many distractions--like the laundry that needs to be finished/started! 

I'm frustrated with the kids for not helping out as much and when I tell them about it I just get the glazed over look   MCFuzz is busy wwith his own stuff.  Yesterday was a particularly bad day and it was compounded by the fact that the kids didn't have school, I did, and McFuzz wanted me to bring him BOTH of his bikes and all of his gear so he and his buddy could ride after work.  Not a big deal BUT not everything was in one place (although he did tell me wher most everything was), couldn't find the bike rack, and I had a paper and a test last night that I wasn't prepared for.  My swearing jar had a 1.50 added to it last night   Not a good day yesterday.  I don't know if I'm frustrated with me or everyone else more.  Probably me. 


OK enough whine (think I'll go find some cheese now).  Thanks for letting me vent.

2007-03-06 9:57 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Good for you for getting yourself out of bed and swimming this AM. Be proud of yourself!

Sometimes when things get disorganized you don't have to be any busier than usual to have a temporary motivational meltdown or set back.

It's not the end of the world... Smile Get back on the wagon and do the best you can!

We're all here to cheer for you and support you!

2007-03-07 7:53 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Good morning All!  Today a short run is on tap.  That should be doable.  It actually calls for a 17 minute run but I will likely make it about 20-25 because I'm just weird like that.  The only time I don't go excessively long is when it is a long workout to begin with (like the 58 minute bike coming up ).  I'm feeling a little better about my mojo but that may be because spring break is coming up and I feel like I might be able to get caught up!


2007-03-07 7:26 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Glad to hear your mojo has returned! Seriously, with kids, a husband, school, wow, I have it really lucky--I don't have to balance all of that. got your run in today--good for you!

2007-03-08 12:07 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
40s and sunny this weekend! Who's getting outside?
2007-03-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Might try to but this weekend is looking to be pretty busy.  My exercise time may not come until after dark and I hate running in the dark.
2007-03-08 3:00 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I have my mojo going these last 2 weeks.  made it to the gym consitantly, longer duration.  Also added a 20 minutes pre-work walk, which is going to plump up my weekly total, but at a low intensity.  I am not a morning person, but getting the blood moving sets the tone for the whole day.  I am also using it to look for houses for sale.  Also making sure I eat something for breakie, as I have been just a coffee at the office person for a while now.  

If my weather holds, I should be able to get out on the bike....   where is my bike????

2007-03-08 3:44 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

HOOORAY! Everyone is doing great! You guys are an Awesome Posse!


 Stick to it, everyone! See if you can get outside this weekend!

 I think that will perk us all up, and get us out of the winter blahs!

2007-03-10 9:13 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey, it's spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to get outside this weekend. What does everyone have planned? Two swims and a run outside for me.

We are going to Bike-O-Rama. Budget Bikes and Machinery Row have a huge sale weekend that started yesterday. I don't really need anything but I might find a great bargain that I can't resist.

Olbrich Gardens has a special spring flower show, they fill their whole atrium with daffodils, tulips, etc., a pond and waterfall, and piped in singing bird sounds. We might have to check that out.

I will be amping up the running next week in preparation for the Madison Marathon half marathon at the end of May. One of the BT'ers suggested Hal Higdon's Half Marathon training program for novices. Minimum of running three times per week. I am going to jump in at week 5 and repeat some weeks. The program starts out a little too easy for where I am currently with my running.

Have a great weekend everyone and get out and enjoy the weather!
2007-03-10 6:27 PM
in reply to: #718275

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Never been to Bike-O-Rama or Machinery Row before. How are their regular prices? How were the sales?
2007-03-10 6:29 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
It's spring here - most days are at least approaching 60.
Battle Assembly weekend here. We have a 5 mile run scheduled on Sunday morning, but it may rain (and sometimes it rains on the Army if it's the MedCorp). After final formation on Sunday, I'm going riding with a friend. Along with a couple of sessions of Army PT and Drill & Ceremony, it will be a fun weekend.
2007-03-10 8:11 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Well, we went to the big bike sale today. I picked up some gel bar tape that was $10 off, some Cytomax Lite raspberry ice tea flavor packets that were 75 cents off a piece, and a polar insulated water bottle that was over $5 off. The jerseys and bike shorts were pretty picked over. Of course they had some European maker (Craft, Castelli) bike shorts and jerseys that were $95 and up on sale, some sale.

I made the mistake of looking at the tri bikes. Some models, a QR Seduza ('06), a Giant Trinity ('06), and a Litespeed Saber, were $1000 off--$2500-$2900 on sale. I don't know if that is a good price or not. I don't seem to be able to get a good fit on an off the rack bike with my long arms, longs legs, and short torso. I am tempted by both the Giant and the QR bikes.

Hands down, the most beautiful bike I saw was an Orbea Diva carbon road bike--absolutely gorgeous, steel gray and light blue. If I needed a road bike I might have made an impulse buy.

Off to swimming.

2007-03-11 10:03 AM
in reply to: #712213

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

hi guys   Sorry I've been MIA.  For those of you who pm'd me, thank you, your thoughtfulness is so sweet and brought tears to my eyes, thank you!!  As some of you know, my Mom was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma this past week, a type of blood cancer... so it has been kind of hard for me to get on here and post    Sorry I haven't been contributing.  Regarding her cancer, we will know more in a few weeks when the tests results come back from the two scans she has to go through... which determine what stage she is in.  We are really hoping for an early stage because she has absolutely no symtpoms, and they found it by a high elevation of protein in her blood.  So I am trying to hold on to the thought that she's in a very early stage and treatment will be successful, but again, we won't know more until 3/20.  I have learned through reading this week and talking to people that this is a very non-aggressive type cancer and people live with this for years.... being treated and going into remission.  The success rate is very high... especially if you caught it early, like we are thinking and hoping.  I guess they say it's one of the better cancers to have, if that makes any sense.  My Mom is 73yo, and she is such a tough lady.  I lost my Dad at an early age of 5yo, and then lost one of my brother's when I was 14yo, he was 19yo.  My Mom has been through alot and has gotten through some really tough times, and she says "this is a cake walk compared to what I had to go through when your father and brother died".   She says to me "so stop worrying, and don't cry"... and I laugh at her and say "Mom!!, how I am not supposed to cry?!!", and she says "simply, just don't!"... and we both laugh because she is such a goofball when it comes to things like this.  She is just so strong   So I am going to be strong like her, and think positive, and hope that there is a happy ending to all of this... but it might be hard some days I'm sure.  I love her so much, and the thought of her not here with me just devastes me to the core... but I know that's reality whether now or later... and I guess if this teaches me anything, it teaches me that we really don't have forever on this earth.  I guess when it hits you smack in the face like this, it's hard to push that reality aside   So I am going to give this all the strength I've got, and love her and support her, and pray for God's will, and pray that we all have the strength and courage to deal with what lies ahead.

So thanks for thinking of me, I just wanted to let you know what was up.  I still plan to bike and do all my races, and my super Mom would not want it any other way... and she's such a goofball... she said "Kat, now you can run in those cancer races"... I said Mom!!, but that's how she is, she attacks things head-on.  Gosh, she is just such a strong lady

Anyway, thought I'd give a little update... and in a few days, I'll start contributing more to the mentor thread. 

Thanks guys..... and for being a newbie here, you sure have proved to be some darn good people to be concerned about a newbie like me... and that is just priceless.  Thank you so much


Edited by pigfinn 2007-03-11 10:08 AM
2007-03-13 7:51 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whatcha all up to Whizzzzz's Posse?

What great weather, puts a smile on everyone's face! Did my first outside run in quite awhile, I have an aversion to below zero temps and two feet of snow for some reason.

I discovered that the treadmill work was actually good for my stride. My stride was longer and smoother on my outside run today. Down side was the pounding of the pavement in place of the cushy treadmill.

What do you have planned this week? Are you racing in the near future? How is your training for March progressing? Are you meeting your goals?

I started Hal Higdon's 1/2 marathon training plan this week. Three runs per week with biking, swimming, and weights fit in throughout the week. No races are in the very near future. I am very happy with my March totals so far. I really need to work on my running speed but the swimming is coming along swimmingly!

Have a great week!

2007-03-13 8:51 PM
in reply to: #721950

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
See, treadmills aren't all evil :-)

Weather here has been wonderful. I've managed to get outside most days.

So far, I've managed to keep training even though I have no specific races in the near future. I'm trying to work on back strength so I don't become a disabled American Vet again.

I'm heading out tomorrow evening for a vacation to Key West, FL. I'll return sometime before next Thursday when I'm scheduled to work - really. I'll get a couple of runs in, but I doubt I'll be swimming or biking.
2007-03-13 9:04 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

First of all... here are some good vibes for our comrade Kat...




Good luck with your Mom and the fight ahead of you both! Here's to hoping for a full recovery!

Meanwhile, the weather has been absolutely fabulous here in Chicago! Today it was 73! I had the top down, wind whipping thru my hair... it was wonderful. I suppose this means I should start running outside again, huh? Am still worried about pavement pounding on my knee... but will likely suck it up and run Thursday AM outside before my trainer ride...

Today was my rest/recovery day and I largely spent it stuck in traffic. Tongue out Sux.

Happy Tuesday eve to you all... Anyone have any races this weekend? Stop by coredump's log and wish him good luck on his 20K and Half Marathon this weekend... (yes, BOTH!) EEEEEK! He's going to have some tired legs!

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