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2009-05-31 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2184141

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
cadmus - 2009-05-31 10:33 AM

dalessit - 2009-05-31 7:30 AM Just curious if this post will get us to 100 pages.

will this one steal Tony's thunder?


2009-05-31 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Edited to change my comment.  Thought I would get to 100

BTW... wow, 99 pages

Edited by Havin'Fun 2009-05-31 10:09 AM
2009-05-31 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Congratulations Trevor!!! Great job!!!!
2009-05-31 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2184134

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Havin'Fun - 2009-05-31 7:28 AM
SSMinnow - 2009-05-30 6:58 PM
Plainsman AU - 2009-05-30 5:24 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-05-30 2:21 PM
Plainsman AU - 2009-05-30 12:40 PM Roni, I have a similar question to pose to the group...

I have an olympic on the same day...June 13.  My thoughts for training the next two weeks:  Stick with my HIM plan which is still in the prep weeks, but kick up the intensity for this next week...doing some intervals etc.   Then dialing it way down the week of the race.  Does that sound logical?  I am thinking that since I have never trained race pace or done much speed work at all, that I should try to incorporate that in this week.

Hey Barry

Is this Oly and A race for you? or a stepping stone to something bigger like the HIM?  I categorize my races at the beginning of the season and treat them differently.  For example, the Oly I am doing next weekend is a C race for me.  Since I have never done this distance, my goal is to feel good about the swim coming out of the water and practice fueling on the bike for the run both of which will be important for the HIM.  My overall time is pretty irrelevant.  As a result, I am training through it.  No taper, just focus on training up for my A races.  If it were an A race for me, I would be doing short bricks with practiced transitions (which I totally stink at) and no long rides or runs.

Also remember that nothing you do 10 ish days before the race will affect fitness.  It will only teach you about how your body feels at race pace after swimming, biking or running.

Hope that makes sense.


This is my FIRST race...would that make it an A race?  Actually my HIM is my A race, but there is 4 months until that race.  Obviously, I would like to do as well as possible, and was thinking that I may pile it on this week as a fairly heavy week and then taper off next week.  Do you think that would be a bad idea?  All this is foreign to me! 

At what point does training not benefit your upcoming race?

I would treat it as a normal week, whatever is in your HIM plan is what you should do.  The only possible exception is practicing transitions.  The following week I would back off on volume and goose up intensity.  Remember this is coming from someone who runs and has only done Sprints, but from what I have read it applies for triathlon too.

I have always read anything 10-12 days before the race does you nothing for fitness.  My running coach used to always espouse this when I tried to add volume.

I agree with Suzy.  Basically keep with your HIM training plan, only back off a little a couple days before your race - rest and practice transitions.  That way you can race "rested" and have a good experience and then get right back to the training plan after your race.  You are far enough out from your HIM that a few days is not going to impact your HIM training ... I think having a good expereince in your oly is important.  Good Luck!   

2009-05-31 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Suzy, Thanks for the comments on my July Marathon. Yeah, I kinda figured I wouldn't have any residual fitness from my last marathon, since it was quite awhile ago... mostly just wishful thinking. I definitely plan to approach this as just a fun one. In fact, this is a walker friendly marathon, open for 8 hours, so if all else fails I can walk it out. I really love the experience of the marathon, and have a goal of becoming a marathon maniac so that's my reason for doing it.   I'm wondering though with Boise coming up and having taper and recovery how best to handle my run training until July 13th. I don't want to mess up my taper or recovery for Boise, since it is my A race, but would like to do as much as I can to be as ready as I can for the Mary.
2009-05-31 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
I believe this gets us to page 100!

(100 toppage!!!)

Edited by roni_runnw 2009-05-31 10:20 AM

2009-05-31 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
OK, really dumb question here.....
Tell me about Infinit (or other energy drinks).  I saw you guys talking about it and I looked at the Infinit site and it looks really cool.  I went through the questionaire and "built" a drink.  I worry about taste...I am really picky, still haven't found a gel I can get down.  Yes, I read a lot of the hype, but what do you real folks think?  I have only used Gatorade drink in any race.   Is this stuff (Infinit) really better than plain old-fashinoed Gatorade? 
2009-05-31 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2184192

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Havin'Fun - 2009-05-31 10:29 AM OK, really dumb question here.....
Tell me about Infinit (or other energy drinks).  I saw you guys talking about it and I looked at the Infinit site and it looks really cool.  I went through the questionaire and "built" a drink.  I worry about taste...I am really picky, still haven't found a gel I can get down.  Yes, I read a lot of the hype, but what do you real folks think?  I have only used Gatorade drink in any race.   Is this stuff (Infinit) really better than plain old-fashinoed Gatorade? 

Hi Linda

I have a very picky gut.  I have tried almost every gel out there and everyone makes me sick.  I have also tried a lot of drinks and have the same issue.  The beauty of Infinit is you can make the taste as light as you want it.  Just move the slider to the lighter side.  It won't affect calories only taste.  I use the organe or lemon lime, but can barely tast it.  I don't use any protein in mine.  The protein tends to clump a little as it gets warm in your fuel belt and it doesn't sit well in my stomach.  I also do not use any caffeine in mine.  I totally swear by this product.

If you have any questions you can cal Michael directly (contact info below):

Michael Folan, President, INFINIT Nutrition LLC, 513-791-3500 
He is the Founder of the company and totally accesible. Or you can email customer service and they will help you.

One other thing I use pretty regularly is CarbPro.  It has NO taste and provide a lot of calories.  You need to supplement with electorlytes though.  It is purely straight carbs.


2009-05-31 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2184181

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
roni_runnw - 2009-05-31 10:18 AM Suzy, Thanks for the comments on my July Marathon. Yeah, I kinda figured I wouldn't have any residual fitness from my last marathon, since it was quite awhile ago... mostly just wishful thinking. I definitely plan to approach this as just a fun one. In fact, this is a walker friendly marathon, open for 8 hours, so if all else fails I can walk it out. I really love the experience of the marathon, and have a goal of becoming a marathon maniac so that's my reason for doing it.   I'm wondering though with Boise coming up and having taper and recovery how best to handle my run training until July 13th. I don't want to mess up my taper or recovery for Boise, since it is my A race, but would like to do as much as I can to be as ready as I can for the Mary.

I was thinking about you today on my run.  My marathon was 4/20 and I have lost a lot of running fitness since then.  I came back at it too early and my recovery suffered.  Today was the first day, my legs felt really good, but I am also significantly slower than before the marathon.  I would give everything you have to Boise and not worry about the marathon.  Rest up after Boise, do some training for the marathon and realize it will be fun, but not your best effort.

As an up and coming marathon maniac, you have plenty of time to drive yourself crazy training and doing 20-26m long runs!
2009-05-31 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Trevor.. AWESOME JOB!!!

Doug..Sorry to hear you are sick but I guess this is better than being injured.

Tony...yup religion no doubt!


Linda.. I had the same questions about iy it wasn't a dumb questionWink.

Suzy... Besides being on BT and an hour or two of sleep,  is there any time when you are NOT training?  You are an training animal!

Ronni.  Nice job getting top bill on Page 100.  I'm just glad to be here!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-05-31 11:20 AM
2009-05-31 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Suzy (or anyone really)...  Got an tips for running on hillier courses?  Both going up and down hills?  Thanks

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-05-31 11:25 AM

2009-05-31 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2184260

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

fattyfatfat - 2009-05-31 12:24 PM Suzy (or anyone really)...  Got an tips for running on hillier courses?  Both going up and down hills?  Thanks

I'm no expert ... but lean forward going up and down.  helps me Smile
Oh, and going down ... let it fly


2009-05-31 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Good morning or afternoon for some of you easteners!!
Not alot planned today.... Taking the kids to a local amusement park in an hour or so.
I can be the Infinit guinea pig...I did order some, I made a custom drink (TREVOR POWER) So we will see. I don't know much about the benefits vs Gatorade...I just bought some 'cause Suzy made me spend money!!Tongue out

Funny I'm looking on-line today at the results from yesterday, when I realize that holy crap I have another one next Sunday!! It's my 1st OWS, so a slight panic is starting to set in. We are heading up there on Friday, and they will have the lake open on Friday & Saturday for us go get our feet wet so to speak.  
Have a good day all....Looking forward to the other RR...Holly and her b2b Oly's!! Hope for clean water for her.
2009-05-31 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2184260

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

fattyfatfat - 2009-05-31 9:24 AMSuzy (or anyone really)...  Got an tips for running on hillier courses?  Both going up and down hills?  Thanks

I read to visualize bending/leaning from the ankles rather than waist when running uphill.  I have not had calf issues from hills since employing this method.  I also avoid leaning back and breaking on the downhill to spare the quads.


Edited by cadmus 2009-05-31 12:10 PM
2009-05-31 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
While running down hill seems easy. work up to running down hill fast. It is an easy way to overwork your quads. Read the Boston Marathon logs. A lot of people go out too fast on the starting downhill and burn up their quads.
2009-05-31 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Just finished my 12 mile bike for THE DEUCE.  Not as fast as you cats, but better than this time last year.
There are many items from todays ride:

1)  I figured I am not positioned correctly on my bike.  I am leaning too far forward, so I am losing power.  I sat back more and felt better/stronger.
2)  Figured I have not been using the correct gear.   (I really need how to ride

Not So Good
1)  About 2 miles into my ride someone came by me and swung a tennis racket at me.  What the heck...I was as far over as the road allowed.  And I was not dressed like a tennis ball.
2) At the end of the ride I was turning into our subdivision.  It is a sharp turn so I saw this red car behind me.  Well, red car driver was too busy talking on her cell phone and smoking her cigarette to drive her car.  She oversteered the turn and came way too close to hitting me.  I don't think I have ever yelled "Get Off The Phone" so loud (once I started breathing).

So, here is my question for the virtual race.  This it strictly 12 miles on the road or can it be 12 miles in the gym or on the trainer?  I know in my case it makes about a 6 minute difference ....... just wondering   Smile.  

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

2009-05-31 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2184403

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Havin'Fun - 2009-05-31 2:34 PM Just finished my 12 mile bike for THE DEUCE.  Not as fast as you cats, but better than this time last year.
There are many items from todays ride:

1)  I figured I am not positioned correctly on my bike.  I am leaning too far forward, so I am losing power.  I sat back more and felt better/stronger.
2)  Figured I have not been using the correct gear.   (I really need how to ride

Not So Good
1)  About 2 miles into my ride someone came by me and swung a tennis racket at me.  What the heck...I was as far over as the road allowed.  And I was not dressed like a tennis ball.
2) At the end of the ride I was turning into our subdivision.  It is a sharp turn so I saw this red car behind me.  Well, red car driver was too busy talking on her cell phone and smoking her cigarette to drive her car.  She oversteered the turn and came way too close to hitting me.  I don't think I have ever yelled "Get Off The Phone" so loud (once I started breathing).

So, here is my question for the virtual race.  This it strictly 12 miles on the road or can it be 12 miles in the gym or on the trainer?  I know in my case it makes about a 6 minute difference ....... just wondering   Smile.  

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Holy crap! a tennis racket?  I've had plenty of the 2nd one you describe, but luckilly none of the first one.  Should have gotten a license plate number and called the police.

I believe we said the runs/bikes had to be outside.  And again everyone remember this is for fun, so don't sweat your times so much : )

John, the Crawfish place is closed on Sundays for some reason so we picked up some crabs... (insert joke here)
2009-05-31 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2184423

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
dalessit - 2009-05-31 2:00 PM
Havin'Fun - 2009-05-31 2:34 PM Just finished my 12 mile bike for THE DEUCE.  Not as fast as you cats, but better than this time last year.
There are many items from todays ride:

1)  I figured I am not positioned correctly on my bike.  I am leaning too far forward, so I am losing power.  I sat back more and felt better/stronger.
2)  Figured I have not been using the correct gear.   (I really need how to ride

Not So Good
1)  About 2 miles into my ride someone came by me and swung a tennis racket at me.  What the heck...I was as far over as the road allowed.  And I was not dressed like a tennis ball.
2) At the end of the ride I was turning into our subdivision.  It is a sharp turn so I saw this red car behind me.  Well, red car driver was too busy talking on her cell phone and smoking her cigarette to drive her car.  She oversteered the turn and came way too close to hitting me.  I don't think I have ever yelled "Get Off The Phone" so loud (once I started breathing).

So, here is my question for the virtual race.  This it strictly 12 miles on the road or can it be 12 miles in the gym or on the trainer?  I know in my case it makes about a 6 minute difference ....... just wondering   Smile.  

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Holy crap! a tennis racket?  I've had plenty of the 2nd one you describe, but luckilly none of the first one.  Should have gotten a license plate number and called the police.

I believe we said the runs/bikes had to be outside.  And again everyone remember this is for fun, so don't sweat your times so much : )

John, the Crawfish place is closed on Sundays for some reason so we picked up some crabs... (insert joke here)

Did we really?  I must have missed that one.  I did my bike on the CT.  I suppose I could redo it during my race next weekend if it is important.

Linda-I really feel for you.  We have a lot of angst on the IM WI course between riders and drivers.  I live 2m off it so ride it frequently.    One tip that I got is that you have as much right to be on the road as the car.  As a result, not hugging the shoulder was recommended.  It forces people to have to go around you and not squeeze by in the lane.  I don't think that would help with the red car issue though.  I cannot even fathom the tennis racket.  Frickin' weird.

John--you have gotten a lot of good advice on the hills, but let me add a few things that I think about:

On the uphill it is important not to surge.  Your goal is even effort even though it may mean that it is a slower pace.  I tend to tuck my pelvis in a little as well.  I think a lot of times people misconstrue leaning forward into the hill and end up doing it too much.  If you are going to think of this principle you are really leaning from the ankle (which I find really hard to mimic which is why I tuck the butt).  You also do not want to run on your toes.  It is a great way to make your calves tight making the downhill harder. 

On the downhill you do not want to overstride.  If you do you will cause a breaking effect and kill your quads later (like Doug mentioned).  It can also lead to really tight shins.  This is a common error in Boston.  I often bend my knees a little more when I am going downhill to avoid making my quads or ITB testy.  As someone else mentioned, you do not want to lean back, you want to lean slightly into the hill to create momentum.  I also do not pump my arms on the downhill.  It is a great time to relax them and use them only for balance.

Running hills is great for building strength.  If you are training on them and not racing, I recommend you run the uphills and recover on the downhills by walking them.   As you get closer to a hilly race you can start working them again.

Hope this wasn't overkill!

Today was a day like no other in the pool for me.  I swam my first 900y and I swam my first 200y in under 5 minutes without a wetsuit on. This is all after one lesson with my new tri coach where he really emphasized pushing the T and the catch up drill which I am basically doing as a stroke for now.   You have no idea how elated I am after spending hours in the pool flailing around like I am drowning.  So far, I have not been able to translate this to OW, but I am going back tonight to try again.

2009-05-31 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2184423

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

dalessit - 2009-05-31 2:00 PM

Holy crap! a tennis racket?  I've had plenty of the 2nd one you describe, but luckilly none of the first one.  Should have gotten a license plate number and called the police.

I believe we said the runs/bikes had to be outside.  And again everyone remember this is for fun, so don't sweat your times so much : )

John, the Crawfish place is closed on Sundays for some reason so we picked up some crabs... (Sounds like a hygiene problem...)[/QUOTE]

Edited by ashort33 2009-05-31 3:30 PM
2009-05-31 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2184403

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Havin'Fun - 2009-05-31 1:34 PM Just finished my 12 mile bike for THE DEUCE.  Not as fast as you cats, but better than this time last year.
There are many items from todays ride:

1)  I figured I am not positioned correctly on my bike.  I am leaning too far forward, so I am losing power.  I sat back more and felt better/stronger.
2)  Figured I have not been using the correct gear.   (I really need how to ride

Not So Good
1)  About 2 miles into my ride someone came by me and swung a tennis racket at me.  What the heck...I was as far over as the road allowed.  And I was not dressed like a tennis ball.
2) At the end of the ride I was turning into our subdivision.  It is a sharp turn so I saw this red car behind me.  Well, red car driver was too busy talking on her cell phone and smoking her cigarette to drive her car.  She oversteered the turn and came way too close to hitting me.  I don't think I have ever yelled "Get Off The Phone" so loud (once I started breathing).

So, here is my question for the virtual race.  This it strictly 12 miles on the road or can it be 12 miles in the gym or on the trainer?  I know in my case it makes about a 6 minute difference ....... just wondering   Smile.  

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Never had anything like this happen too me.  A few people have come a little close, but not a close as they could have


2009-05-31 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2184513

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Why is it when you prep food for the grill you have to drink beer.  While cooking on the grill you must drink beer.  While eating crabs + the food cooked on the grill you must drink even more beer...

Wonder if there is a wiki on that?

2009-05-31 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2184523

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

dalessit - 2009-05-31 3:48 PM Why is it when you prep food for the grill you have to drink beer.  While cooking on the grill you must drink beer.  While eating crabs + the food cooked on the grill you must drink even more beer...

Wonder if there is a wiki on that?

I think it is more a law of nature....  at least that is the excuse I use...

2009-05-31 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2184403

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Havin'Fun - 2009-05-31 1:34 PM Just finished my 12 mile bike for THE DEUCE.  Not as fast as you cats, but better than this time last year.
There are many items from todays ride:

1)  I figured I am not positioned correctly on my bike.  I am leaning too far forward, so I am losing power.  I sat back more and felt better/stronger.
2)  Figured I have not been using the correct gear.   (I really need how to ride

Not So Good
1)  About 2 miles into my ride someone came by me and swung a tennis racket at me.  What the heck...I was as far over as the road allowed.  And I was not dressed like a tennis ball.
2) At the end of the ride I was turning into our subdivision.  It is a sharp turn so I saw this red car behind me.  Well, red car driver was too busy talking on her cell phone and smoking her cigarette to drive her car.  She oversteered the turn and came way too close to hitting me.  I don't think I have ever yelled "Get Off The Phone" so loud (once I started breathing).

So, here is my question for the virtual race.  This it strictly 12 miles on the road or can it be 12 miles in the gym or on the trainer?  I know in my case it makes about a 6 minute difference ....... just wondering   Smile.  

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

First off... AWESOME job.. DEUCE!!!!!  But I hate that crap.  I'm glad you are ok...and still have a bike!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-05-31 4:43 PM
2009-05-31 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2184489

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

John--you have gotten a lot of good advice on the hills, but let me add a few things that I think about:

....On the uphill it is important not to surge.  Your goal is even effort even though it may mean that it is a slower pace.  I tend to tuck my pelvis in a little as well.  I think a lot of times people misconstrue leaning forward into the hill and end up doing it too much.  If you are going to think of this principle you are really leaning from the ankle (which I find really hard to mimic which is why I tuck the butt).  Y

Hope this wasn't overkill!


Thanks everyone!  Suzy. I think I understand everything but tuck my pelvis...I don't mean to be funny here but does sticking your butt out accomplish this?

Never overkill w/ me... I promise.
2009-05-31 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2184523

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
dalessit - 2009-05-31 3:48 PM Why is it when you prep food for the grill you have to drink beer.  While cooking on the grill you must drink beer.  While eating crabs + the food cooked on the grill you must drink even more beer...

Why is it when I'm breathing I have to drink beer?  Good to hear you got crabs and your wife isn't pissed.

Serious stuff here... cooking crawfish is easy, boil 10 minutes shut burner off, soak 20 minutes.  Yeah there are slight variations to this but...  Now where the religion comes in...whats in the boil.  The directions on the back of a boil bag (or bottle)...LoL!   I assume you are using Old Bay today.  Man that's some good stuff but I've actually seen people fight over OB or Chachere's.   You be hard pressed to even find OB in some places down here.

ssshhhh...don't tell anyone I said this but boiling shrimp.  OB all the way baby! 

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-05-31 4:43 PM
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