BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-10-29 12:30 PM
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, California
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by Jason N

For those of you who are Strava premium members, it seems that there is a new feature for the "Freshness and Fitness" chart.  Prior, it only took into account rides with a power meter and calculated your fitness based on training load (or TSS).  If you did a ride (or run for that matter) without a power meter, you wouldn't get any credit for it on the chart.

Now it seems they have changed their metric slightly to account for "Training Impact", which seems to calculate training load from HR if a PM is not present.  This works for running as well.  Not sure if there is a formula to calculate training impact for swimming.  But in essence, they are at least trying to create a performance management chart that combines running and cycling.

Granted, I think the algorithm for using HR needs to be tweaked a bit.  For some of my daily commuting (now on my CX bike that doesn't have power), it's showing a training impact of 145 for roughly 2.25 hours of riding.  There's no way I'm riding hard enough to generate 145 TSS on these rides...or roughly 80% of FTP.

You do have the option to select power meter only, HR only, or HR and power to populate the chart.


I have been logging on Strava and TP these days. I wish the mobile app would allow me to enter yards on the swim workouts and not just miles...

Send them feedback.  Strava is very good about doing updates and usually has a quick turnaround.

Edited by spudone 2014-10-29 12:30 PM

2014-10-29 12:54 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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2014-10-29 1:00 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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2014-10-29 1:30 PM
in reply to: spudone

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by Jason N

For those of you who are Strava premium members, it seems that there is a new feature for the "Freshness and Fitness" chart.  Prior, it only took into account rides with a power meter and calculated your fitness based on training load (or TSS).  If you did a ride (or run for that matter) without a power meter, you wouldn't get any credit for it on the chart.

Now it seems they have changed their metric slightly to account for "Training Impact", which seems to calculate training load from HR if a PM is not present.  This works for running as well.  Not sure if there is a formula to calculate training impact for swimming.  But in essence, they are at least trying to create a performance management chart that combines running and cycling.

Granted, I think the algorithm for using HR needs to be tweaked a bit.  For some of my daily commuting (now on my CX bike that doesn't have power), it's showing a training impact of 145 for roughly 2.25 hours of riding.  There's no way I'm riding hard enough to generate 145 TSS on these rides...or roughly 80% of FTP.

You do have the option to select power meter only, HR only, or HR and power to populate the chart.


I have been logging on Strava and TP these days. I wish the mobile app would allow me to enter yards on the swim workouts and not just miles...

Send them feedback.  Strava is very good about doing updates and usually has a quick turnaround.

Yeah, I did send them feedback yesterday.

link if you want to chime in as well.  

2014-10-29 2:26 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by Asalzwed



I imagine that goes for the other two disciplines as well. 

I'm not sure (as much).

Running in a group can be great if all the same or similar speed, however, for me, I have caused injuries to myself by trying to 'keep up' with faster runners.

On the bike, riding in the group has definite benefits, but it is a totally different kind of riding. We were pushing 600+ watts at various intervals on today's ride... that isn't necessarily ideal ironman training. I do think a once a week group ride is of great benefit to most triathletes.

I tend to run alone...

I guess maybe I am assuming a certain level of discipline but there has been nothing better for me than running in a group. It would be pretty silly to just go out with a random group and hope you all have the same pace and goals.

Of course I am pretty lucky and we have, essentially, pace groups that are separated by VDOT. 


I agree, When you have well organized groups and people that know how to pace, track training in a group to be really beneficial. People atry harder to pace properly and you do push yousrselves to get through those last hard intervals.
But people have to be in sync with their paces. Organizing by VDOT makes a lot of sense.
I need to find an indoor track this winter
2014-10-29 4:02 PM
in reply to: marcag

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2014-10-29 4:19 PM
in reply to: 0

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by marcag


I agree, When you have well organized groups and people that know how to pace, track training in a group to be really beneficial. People atry harder to pace properly and you do push yousrselves to get through those last hard intervals. But people have to be in sync with their paces. Organizing by VDOT makes a lot of sense. I need to find an indoor track this winter

Marc, do you really think with your recent run injury issues that running in a group would be the best option?

As an aging triathlete, I stay away from fast group runs and track work like the plague... yet I ran quite well in my races this year. I favor longer runs with some speed workout in the middle (so I am warmed up).

*I* am not saying that there can't be benefit from track and group runs (and Adrienne clearly does benefit), what I am saying is that North of 40 that there is too much downside to be doing this. Well, at least for this old triathlete ;-)


Lastly, I really think this is a good option that Ron came up with:


Actually I think group running is beneficial for me.

For one, I have a tendency to go too fast when alone. When in a group, assuming you are in the proper group, I actually slow down on the longer runs.

As I mentionned before when you are in a group of people that are of the same pace as you, people have a tendency to go the right pace.

Properly executed track sessions are not as dangerous as one may believe. I found groups actually helped in proper execution. I have more of a tendency to overdo it alone than in a group.

Groups have a tendency to do proper warmups, together.

My injuries this year were mostly self inflicted stupidity. Running too much when not completely healed. Not stretching and ignoring muscular imbalances.
It all kicked off with one slip on ice, I never let it heal properly and pushed through when I shouldn't.

Running with a group too fast is a recipe for disaster

Edited by marcag 2014-10-29 4:25 PM
2014-10-29 4:19 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I always liked running with groups so long as they were within my "range."  I can see though how if you are dealing with injuries, or potential injuries...that you probably want to stick to your own pacing.

Anyways...I just started dusting off the running shoes.  Starting really short and slow and hoping to run 6-10 miles a week through the fall/winter.  Just keeping my options open for 2016...2015 is for sure still a bike racing year.

2014-10-29 4:23 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Fred D
Lastly, I really think this is a good option that Ron came up with:


I personally don't think it's a real solution.

First of all, while you can ignore one poster, as soon as someone quotes him, it's no longer ignored. People WAY OVER USE quoting.

I think the real solution is a "like" "dislike" option on every post. Or a "useful", "not useful". I believe people's behaviors would change if they saw which of their posts are appreciated by others and which are annoyances. I can almost guarantee that putting a certain poster on ignore will not improve the quality of TT.
2014-10-29 4:30 PM
in reply to: marcag

, California
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Fred D Lastly, I really think this is a good option that Ron came up with:


I personally don't think it's a real solution. First of all, while you can ignore one poster, as soon as someone quotes him, it's no longer ignored. People WAY OVER USE quoting. I think the real solution is a "like" "dislike" option on every post. Or a "useful", "not useful". I believe people's behaviors would change if they saw which of their posts are appreciated by others and which are annoyances. I can almost guarantee that putting a certain poster on ignore will not improve the quality of TT.

It's half a solution but I found it useful for curbing my tendency to jump into TT on threads where the trolls are active.

What's unfortunate is that new users go in there and ask legitimate questions, only to have a couple trolls derail it and turn it into a 9 page crapfest.  Ignore can't fix that.

2014-10-29 5:00 PM
in reply to: spudone

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Fred D Lastly, I really think this is a good option that Ron came up with:


I personally don't think it's a real solution. First of all, while you can ignore one poster, as soon as someone quotes him, it's no longer ignored. People WAY OVER USE quoting. I think the real solution is a "like" "dislike" option on every post. Or a "useful", "not useful". I believe people's behaviors would change if they saw which of their posts are appreciated by others and which are annoyances. I can almost guarantee that putting a certain poster on ignore will not improve the quality of TT.

It's half a solution but I found it useful for curbing my tendency to jump into TT on threads where the trolls are active.

What's unfortunate is that new users go in there and ask legitimate questions, only to have a couple trolls derail it and turn it into a 9 page crapfest.  Ignore can't fix that.

one strange thing : we don't see a lot of new people joining this group. I wonder why. Maybe rather than "permanently open" we should rename "newbies welcome". Maybe we are intimidating. I don't know

maybe a lurker can tell us :-)

2014-10-29 5:18 PM
in reply to: axteraa

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by axteraa

I just took a look at my swim workout for tomorrow.  It has a set of 30 x 50 on 1:01 with the only rule being that I have to finish each 50 before the clock gets back to the top.  I did this one other time a couple of years ago with the swim team kids and made it to #29 or 30.  I'm not sure I have the top end speed right now to make it that far tomorrow but we'll see!  It's one of those sets that goes from "pretty easy" to "holy effin' hard" in a hurry.

Took a sec to get that one, sounds like fun! 

Really wishing there was a pace clock at the gym I went to. Wanted to more of a couple sets Bo brought up. 3 x (20 x 25) on :25 (:30 bonus per round), come in like :15-:17. Did a best guess on that one once. Other is similar but with something like 50 x 50 on :45. "Lose your lunch sets" was his description.

I made it to #29, last one I touched on :01 - completely wiped.  

There is no pace clock at your pool?  That makes it tough for sure.  I'm lucky ours has a big digital clock with the time of day (w/ seconds) up high on the wall.  Makes it much easier.

Both masters pools do, but the gym one doesn't. Well not really as it's an office clock at the far end with only a few of the numbers. I can't hardly see the minutes hand let alone the seconds if it even has one. I hate swimming with a watch too.

2014-10-29 5:31 PM
in reply to: marcag

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Fred D Lastly, I really think this is a good option that Ron came up with:


I personally don't think it's a real solution. First of all, while you can ignore one poster, as soon as someone quotes him, it's no longer ignored. People WAY OVER USE quoting. I think the real solution is a "like" "dislike" option on every post. Or a "useful", "not useful". I believe people's behaviors would change if they saw which of their posts are appreciated by others and which are annoyances. I can almost guarantee that putting a certain poster on ignore will not improve the quality of TT.

It's half a solution but I found it useful for curbing my tendency to jump into TT on threads where the trolls are active.

What's unfortunate is that new users go in there and ask legitimate questions, only to have a couple trolls derail it and turn it into a 9 page crapfest.  Ignore can't fix that.

one strange thing : we don't see a lot of new people joining this group. I wonder why. Maybe rather than "permanently open" we should rename "newbies welcome". Maybe we are intimidating. I don't know maybe a lurker can tell us :-)

Too many Canadians scaring them off. 

2014-10-29 5:34 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by brigby1

Is there any more info on the team? I see a Facebook page, but can't seem to find more info like the older Zoot Ultra web page.

I should say, that my Team Zoot 2015 stuff should be on the "Down Low" for now, as they haven't made formal announcements. I'm told that I'm in, but that the Team will be formally announced in November.

There will be a general application coming, which you will likely see on ST. If you are interested, PM me and I can let you know.

I mean just to follow along. I'm not really sure who is on the 2014 team besides you and have to scroll a lot in the FB feed to see who has won a race or something for anyone else. Basically just a bunch of interchangeable Zoot equipped drones otherwise. 

2014-10-29 5:50 PM
in reply to: brigby1

Subject: ...
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2014-10-29 5:53 PM
in reply to: marcag

Subject: ...
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2014-10-29 6:09 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by marcag [one strange thing : we don't see a lot of new people joining this group. I wonder why. Maybe rather than "permanently open" we should rename "newbies welcome". Maybe we are intimidating. I don't know maybe a lurker can tell us :-)

Good question.

I suspect the familiarity we have with each other makes it harder for newer folks to break in. Probably seems like an 'old boys' club (Canadian style).

I do think a rename is a good idea. I also think someone else should start it, as I have probably turned off/made enemies with enough folks on the main site to be a drawback.

I'm actually also ok with the way the group currently is

One of the first mentor groups I joined was an already very well established group that knew each other inside out - it was like standing and listening to a conversation that's been going on for a 1/2 day.  You never catch up, and you're never really a part of it.  While we've had people pop in here from time to time I assume that's what hey run into - not intentional on our part, just the way it is.

2014-10-29 6:13 PM
in reply to: marcag

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by Asalzwed



I imagine that goes for the other two disciplines as well. 

I'm not sure (as much).

Running in a group can be great if all the same or similar speed, however, for me, I have caused injuries to myself by trying to 'keep up' with faster runners.

On the bike, riding in the group has definite benefits, but it is a totally different kind of riding. We were pushing 600+ watts at various intervals on today's ride... that isn't necessarily ideal ironman training. I do think a once a week group ride is of great benefit to most triathletes.

I tend to run alone...

I guess maybe I am assuming a certain level of discipline but there has been nothing better for me than running in a group. It would be pretty silly to just go out with a random group and hope you all have the same pace and goals.

Of course I am pretty lucky and we have, essentially, pace groups that are separated by VDOT. 


I agree, When you have well organized groups and people that know how to pace, track training in a group to be really beneficial. People atry harder to pace properly and you do push yousrselves to get through those last hard intervals. But people have to be in sync with their paces. Organizing by VDOT makes a lot of sense. I need to find an indoor track this winter

My best summer of running came was a couple of years ago when I ran with the local run group every week.  Track work, tempo runs, slower group runs, there was a whole mix and I really enjoyed it.  Some days I would try to keep up with the faster guys, other days I'd lead a lower tier group, etc.  But the run shop closed this year and nothing has appeared that will replace it yet - really too bad.

As for Masters - if I thought it would fit the life schedule I'd certainly join, but it likely won't happen for at least the next couple of years.

2014-10-29 6:22 PM
in reply to: marcag

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Fred D Lastly, I really think this is a good option that Ron came up with:


I personally don't think it's a real solution. First of all, while you can ignore one poster, as soon as someone quotes him, it's no longer ignored. People WAY OVER USE quoting. I think the real solution is a "like" "dislike" option on every post. Or a "useful", "not useful". I believe people's behaviors would change if they saw which of their posts are appreciated by others and which are annoyances. I can almost guarantee that putting a certain poster on ignore will not improve the quality of TT.

It's half a solution but I found it useful for curbing my tendency to jump into TT on threads where the trolls are active.

What's unfortunate is that new users go in there and ask legitimate questions, only to have a couple trolls derail it and turn it into a 9 page crapfest.  Ignore can't fix that.

one strange thing : we don't see a lot of new people joining this group. I wonder why. Maybe rather than "permanently open" we should rename "newbies welcome". Maybe we are intimidating. I don't know maybe a lurker can tell us :-)

Marc, after 4-5 years of "sort of" doing tris and 2 years of following this group, I can say that there are some higher level discussions in here, which could scare some folks off.  I'm not sure many newbies are ready for that, I sure know I wasn't when I started. I'm still not at a level where some of it applies to me (for example, I have no HR or PT), but that's fine for me, I drink it all in and apply that which I can. I also realized that this group has many helpful and intelligent folks in it. I think it takes a while for someone new to BT to figure out who to listen to and who to ignore, which is part of what concerns me when someone shows up on the forums in the first place. Kind and respectful suggestions work a whole lot better than some other delivery methods, which is one of the things I've witnessed in here. But someone will be gone from BT before getting in SBR Utopia if they feel beat up or ignored in other parts of the forum. Another challenge for the groups, which I see in my other group as well, is the familiarity part. In everyday life many people seem hesitant to walk into a room full of strangers that are friendly with one another and dive right in to conversation. It seems the same in some of the mentor forums.

I'm not sure this makes any sense. But I get a bunch out of this group, even if I am simply lurking. So, thank you all for the variety of conversations.

2014-10-29 6:36 PM
in reply to: 0

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Fred D Lastly, I really think this is a good option that Ron came up with:


I personally don't think it's a real solution. First of all, while you can ignore one poster, as soon as someone quotes him, it's no longer ignored. People WAY OVER USE quoting. I think the real solution is a "like" "dislike" option on every post. Or a "useful", "not useful". I believe people's behaviors would change if they saw which of their posts are appreciated by others and which are annoyances. I can almost guarantee that putting a certain poster on ignore will not improve the quality of TT.

It's half a solution but I found it useful for curbing my tendency to jump into TT on threads where the trolls are active.

What's unfortunate is that new users go in there and ask legitimate questions, only to have a couple trolls derail it and turn it into a 9 page crapfest.  Ignore can't fix that.

one strange thing : we don't see a lot of new people joining this group. I wonder why. Maybe rather than "permanently open" we should rename "newbies welcome". Maybe we are intimidating. I don't know maybe a lurker can tell us :-)

Marc, after 4-5 years of "sort of" doing tris and 2 years of following this group, I can say that there are some higher level discussions in here, which could scare some folks off.  I'm not sure many newbies are ready for that, I sure know I wasn't when I started. I'm still not at a level where some of it applies to me (for example, I have no HR or PT), but that's fine for me, I drink it all in and apply that which I can. I also realized that this group has many helpful and intelligent folks in it. I think it takes a while for someone new to BT to figure out who to listen to and who to ignore, which is part of what concerns me when someone shows up on the forums in the first place. Kind and respectful suggestions work a whole lot better than some other delivery methods, which is one of the things I've witnessed in here. But someone will be gone from BT before getting in SBR Utopia if they feel beat up or ignored in other parts of the forum. Another challenge for the groups, which I see in my other group as well, is the familiarity part. In everyday life many people seem hesitant to walk into a room full of strangers that are friendly with one another and dive right in to conversation. It seems the same in some of the mentor forums.

I'm not sure this makes any sense. But I get a bunch out of this group, even if I am simply lurking. So, thank you all for the variety of conversations.

Thanks Chris, that makes a lot of sense.

But it's sad. The newbie can't get the info he needs in TT and he may feel intimidated here.

I guess there are some mentor groups that are better targeted to the true newbie. But maybe we need to do something here to be more attractive to them.

I don't think TT is going to improve anytime soon. I have to say one thing I like about ST. Post BS like some people do and they would be outed in a nanosecond.

BTW, if they did have a way to say "like" or "useful" to posts, they could tally how many useful posts people made and help newbies figure out who to list to.

I am surprised they are not doing something to improve the quality of the content.

Edited by marcag 2014-10-29 6:40 PM
2014-10-29 6:59 PM
in reply to: marcag

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I think a certain amount of the responsibility is in the hands of the individual forum member. If I am truly interested in finding the information, then I look into every resource I can. I logged workouts and posted a small bit in TT and other threads in other parts of the forum for a while in the beginning, but as I became more comfortable with my abilities, I began to look around for quality advice. I figure my journey is ever evolving and if I want to get better, than I need better advice. "Useful" posts would be helpful. It certainly beats looking at someone's post count and thinking that they must be knowledgable if they've posted often. Rookie mistake I made early on, but hey, I've learned.

One way to look at it is if I want others in here, than it is up to me to relate to them, find out what they are after, and point them here if that is what they are seeking. I'm not trying to be exclusionary, but it does me no good to point everyone here, if SBRU isn't what they need or want. 

2014-10-29 7:27 PM
in reply to: marcag

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I think this group probably comes off as a bit intimidating, but at the same time, the mentor group traffic in general is dead.  This "season", only FIVE groups were announced closed...TOTAL.  There was a time 4 years ago where 5 groups would close within the first 2 days of staging...and there would be about 25-30 groups closed total.

Even COJ is dead...the current TAN thread is only on page 32...and it started in May.  I never participated, but I'm aware that they start a new thread at 100 pages...and it used to seem like a new one popped up every month or so.

I like Marc's idea of a like/dislike button like how other forums do it.  While I believe that some posters might embrace the negative attention, I think it might work in a forum like BT that supposedly embraces being nice.

I'm not sure why there are so much less posters, or question askers in TT.  Maybe it's a lot easier for new triathletes to just google questions rather than post in a forum.  There is a lot more information out there now.  I really don't think the negative posters are the issue with BT...because I don't think they are any worse than they were 5 years ago when I first joined.

I think the introduction of other fitness related websites such as Strava, MapMyXXX, etc could be taking away traffic as well.  When I first joined BT, it was strictly for the fitness logging, and then I just stumbled across the forums.  I did not join BT for the forums.  So I wonder if people have so many more choices for logging...they find something they like...and that's the end of it.  They never get into forums since the logging site they chose doesn't have forums or isn't very popular.  Most of my training friends log workouts, but the majority of them don't browse forums.

2014-10-30 5:38 AM
in reply to: Jason N

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Jason N

I think this group probably comes off as a bit intimidating, but at the same time, the mentor group traffic in general is dead.  This "season", only FIVE groups were announced closed...TOTAL.  There was a time 4 years ago where 5 groups would close within the first 2 days of staging...and there would be about 25-30 groups closed total.

Even COJ is dead...the current TAN thread is only on page 32...and it started in May.  I never participated, but I'm aware that they start a new thread at 100 pages...and it used to seem like a new one popped up every month or so.

I like Marc's idea of a like/dislike button like how other forums do it.  While I believe that some posters might embrace the negative attention, I think it might work in a forum like BT that supposedly embraces being nice.

I'm not sure why there are so much less posters, or question askers in TT.  Maybe it's a lot easier for new triathletes to just google questions rather than post in a forum.  There is a lot more information out there now.  I really don't think the negative posters are the issue with BT...because I don't think they are any worse than they were 5 years ago when I first joined.

I think the introduction of other fitness related websites such as Strava, MapMyXXX, etc could be taking away traffic as well.  When I first joined BT, it was strictly for the fitness logging, and then I just stumbled across the forums.  I did not join BT for the forums.  So I wonder if people have so many more choices for logging...they find something they like...and that's the end of it.  They never get into forums since the logging site they chose doesn't have forums or isn't very popular.  Most of my training friends log workouts, but the majority of them don't browse forums.

A couple of notes

I don't think the negative posters drive a lot of traffic away. I think they drive a handful of useful posters away with the side effect of questionable content, with the side effect of less people finding answers. That drives people away.

5 Years ago people didn't have 5 years of dealing with a-holes so they stuck around. But they are now slowly disappearing. Take away a few more like JohnnyKay, AB and Shane and there ain't a lot of knowledgeable people regularly assisting others.

While sites like Strava, etc may be taking some traffic, it doesn't seem to be impacting other forums, like ST. ST has it's quirks but I love the fact the BS gets filtered out pretty quickly. You just need thick skin.

One site that could be huge because this is only the tip of the iceberg is

Anyways, I guess not really my problem, but it does bother me that something so useful isn't being utilized to it's potential

2014-10-30 7:17 AM
in reply to: marcag

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2014-10-30 7:21 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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