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2011-04-20 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3456231

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
pga_mike - 2011-04-20 9:57 AM

BTW, has there been any talk of a BT get together at CDA?  I am traveling with my real life team and wife, but would love to get together with other BT folks for a quick hello / hug / oh so that's what you look like IRL.

What say you?

I have an 80 and a 89.1 done.  Both completely alone and similar elevation to CdA.  I will do 100 miles this Monday.  Same Basic Course.

I am up for a meetup. It would be nice to see who the real people behind the posts are

Ive got about 150 planned this weekend on 2 rides, and about 15 miles of runnning. Oh, and an OWS. Time to buckle down.

2011-04-20 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

So how do you handle an overuse injury during your peak training period?  My right calf has been giving me issues after a run.  It's nothing crippling but it aches after my runs (and if I stop during my run, a good motivator to keep running).  Kind of feels like a shin split except it's on the inside BACK of the shin (behind the calf).

I can ride and swim with no issues.  Honestly I CAN run but I'm afarid to make it any worse.

I have an OLY in 2 weeks.  A HIM 2 weeks after than and then 6 weeks to CDA.

Suggestions?  Back off running for a few days and see how it feels?

2011-04-20 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3456252

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TriRSquared - 2011-04-20 7:07 AM

So how do you handle an overuse injury during your peak training period?  My right calf has been giving me issues after a run.  It's nothing crippling but it aches after my runs (and if I stop during my run, a good motivator to keep running).  Kind of feels like a shin split except it's on the inside BACK of the shin (behind the calf).

I can ride and swim with no issues.  Honestly I CAN run but I'm afarid to make it any worse.

I have an OLY in 2 weeks.  A HIM 2 weeks after than and then 6 weeks to CDA.

Suggestions?  Back off running for a few days and see how it feels?

DEFINITELY back off for a few days.  The last thing you want is an injury.  Also, RICE.  For compression, my CEP socks work wonders!  I know some people think they're crap, but they work for me.

2011-04-20 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3456212

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-04-20 6:45 AM
nerdjock - 2011-04-20 1:44 AM

I'm shooting for one 100+ mile ride every weekend in May.  I'm with Kelly (mango) in that I want it to feel manageable.  I've done several 100+ mile rides, but I'm always tired and achy afterward.  Hope to avoid that.

April has been pretty rough for me...unfortunately not because of training.  I'm finishing my dissertation (gave the whole thing to my advisor.  Woo hoo!) so time has been scarce.  May looks to be much better.  I'm leaving the lab next week to move to San Diego and I'm taking all of May as vacation before my new job starts June 1st.  Looking forward to some quality training time.  Lots of long bike rides and ocean swims.

This is a pretty awesome journey and I'm looking forward to meeting you all in June!


Congrats on the milestones and good luck with the move... I would LOVE to live in SD.

Regarding "I've done several, but I always feel achy afterwards" -- if your experience is like mine, your 100 + mile ride every weekend in May plan will help tremendously with this.  The first one will feel like hell (not sure you'll finish but you force yourself to), the next one will possibly feel worse,  , the one after that will feel a tiny bit better but the idea of a marathon afterwards will make you question whether you're ready for IM, and the one after that something will click and you'll be at mile 90 and in disbelief that you've only got another hour of riding and you feel great.  You'll hop off the bike and run 2 miles against your coach's advice just to make sure you're not imagining things.

Since you'll have the time, I'd also recommend a medium distance ride every week if you can as well, in addition to a couple short/hard rides.  A month of that will transform you as a cyclist.

Thanks, Josh!  Moving to SD was my present to myself for finishing my PhD.  10 years of college deserves some sort of reward, right?

I think you're right about the medium ride, too.  I'm planning on it.  60-80 miler?

2011-04-20 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3456268

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
nerdjock - 2011-04-20 10:13 AM
TriRSquared - 2011-04-20 7:07 AM

So how do you handle an overuse injury during your peak training period?  My right calf has been giving me issues after a run.  It's nothing crippling but it aches after my runs (and if I stop during my run, a good motivator to keep running).  Kind of feels like a shin split except it's on the inside BACK of the shin (behind the calf).

I can ride and swim with no issues.  Honestly I CAN run but I'm afarid to make it any worse.

I have an OLY in 2 weeks.  A HIM 2 weeks after than and then 6 weeks to CDA.

Suggestions?  Back off running for a few days and see how it feels?

DEFINITELY back off for a few days.  The last thing you want is an injury.  Also, RICE.  For compression, my CEP socks work wonders!  I know some people think they're crap, but they work for me.

I also love my CEP and Zensahs sleeves.. wearing them right now at work (shhh, don't tell anyone)

2011-04-20 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3456268

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

 For compression, my CEP socks work wonders!  I know some people think they're crap, but they work for me.


X2.  If I run over 9 miles I wear them and swear by them also.  During the run no big deal.  However, it is the after that they make a huge difference to me.  I can run long at lunch and come back to work where I sit very little and have no issues vs being stiff  before.  I really like them much more then the calf sleeves.

2011-04-20 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3456447

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New user
Cave Creek, Az
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
nerdjock - 2011-04-20 10:13 AM
TriRSquared - 2011-04-20 7:07 AM

So how do you handle an overuse injury during your peak training period?  My right calf has been giving me issues after a run.  It's nothing crippling but it aches after my runs (and if I stop during my run, a good motivator to keep running).  Kind of feels like a shin split except it's on the inside BACK of the shin (behind the calf).

I can ride and swim with no issues.  Honestly I CAN run but I'm afarid to make it any worse

I JUST had to deal with this myself last week after my HIM.  Coach was adamant - dont run - get a massage this week and then again about 4-5 days later!  Stretch twice a day at least.  Use a marathon stick if you have it.  Keep on your bike and swim but DONT RUN!  You won't loose fitness if you miss 3-5 days running but you will if you are injured.  It was SO HARD for me, but here I am back this week at track and although it is an "awareness", there isn't pain.  Don't run through it.  Trust and listen to your body! And enjoy sleeping in one or two days...

2011-04-20 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3456473

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Since you'll have the time, I'd also recommend a medium distance ride every week if you can as well, in addition to a couple short/hard rides.  A month of that will transform you as a cyclist.

I have to recommend commuting again.  I've found with my ride to/from work, at the end of the day all I want is to be home, now!  So even though the legs are tired from the morning ride, I get a really good workout in the evening because I'm pushing hard the whole way.

And then once I'm home it's all free time and I don't even have to think about what I'm going to do for training.  It's done.

2011-04-20 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3455605

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
tribean - 2011-04-19 5:14 PM

How many 100mile rides are you guys doing? I apparently have 4. I think my coach took me literally when I said I was in the hunt for my age group. Hopefully I'll get someone to ride with me on a couple of them.  Although one of them is in an actual race which should be fun but I’ve heard it’s pretty hairy with the amount of riders.

My plan has 4 long rides planned (Anything over about 4 hours is considered a long ride) with the peak distance at around 120 miles. (I am riding to Palm Springs from Carlsbad in the first week of June)  My plan also has a very steady diet of medium/long rides; (2-4 hours) and most are strung together with swim and run workouts to maintain specificity. 

I actually prefer the medium/long rides because I recover faster and can usually do a swim before and a brick run after without flogging the legs too hard. 

Like Josh said though, the IM training plan is designed to get you to the start line ready to race your goals; just about every workout targets some aspect of fitness needed for the race, not just long rides.

Keep up the great training everyone

Edited by WaterDog66 2011-04-20 10:48 AM
2011-04-20 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3456252

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TriRSquared - 2011-04-20 7:07 AM

So how do you handle an overuse injury during your peak training period?  My right calf has been giving me issues after a run.  It's nothing crippling but it aches after my runs (and if I stop during my run, a good motivator to keep running).  Kind of feels like a shin split except it's on the inside BACK of the shin (behind the calf).

I can ride and swim with no issues.  Honestly I CAN run but I'm afarid to make it any worse.

I have an OLY in 2 weeks.  A HIM 2 weeks after than and then 6 weeks to CDA.

Suggestions?  Back off running for a few days and see how it feels?

Definitely bag some of your run workouts and see if it gets resolved. Hopefully it is just a niggle that will respond to some rest. The cool thing is that as long as your can maintain your cycling and swim workouts, it should not impact you this far out from CdA.  
2011-04-20 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

X whatever on take a run break. 

Injury prevention should be the number one goal right now.  Getting injured is the guaranteed single best way to be slower at the IM.  Far better to be slighly undertrained than on the bench.  Far better to lose a week of run training and be a few seconds per mile slower on race day, than to have to walk the whole marathon because you CAN'T run.

2011-04-20 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3455913

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
nerdjock - 2011-04-19 10:44 PM

I'm shooting for one 100+ mile ride every weekend in May.  I'm with Kelly (mango) in that I want it to feel manageable.  I've done several 100+ mile rides, but I'm always tired and achy afterward.  Hope to avoid that.

April has been pretty rough for me...unfortunately not because of training.  I'm finishing my dissertation (gave the whole thing to my advisor.  Woo hoo!) so time has been scarce.  May looks to be much better.  I'm leaving the lab next week to move to San Diego and I'm taking all of May as vacation before my new job starts June 1st.  Looking forward to some quality training time.  Lots of long bike rides and ocean swims.

This is a pretty awesome journey and I'm looking forward to meeting you all in June!

Not to be a nit-wit nit-pick, but Kelly is what my mom almost named me, Sarah is what she went with

Good plan with the long rides, I'm hoping Josh is right that they get easier after 3-4 times.  Also, a big CONGRATS on your PhD/new job!!

2011-04-20 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3456983

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
mango6383 - 2011-04-20 11:47 AM
nerdjock - 2011-04-19 10:44 PM

I'm shooting for one 100+ mile ride every weekend in May.  I'm with Kelly (mango) in that I want it to feel manageable.  I've done several 100+ mile rides, but I'm always tired and achy afterward.  Hope to avoid that.

April has been pretty rough for me...unfortunately not because of training.  I'm finishing my dissertation (gave the whole thing to my advisor.  Woo hoo!) so time has been scarce.  May looks to be much better.  I'm leaving the lab next week to move to San Diego and I'm taking all of May as vacation before my new job starts June 1st.  Looking forward to some quality training time.  Lots of long bike rides and ocean swims.

This is a pretty awesome journey and I'm looking forward to meeting you all in June!

Not to be a nit-wit nit-pick, but Kelly is what my mom almost named me, Sarah is what she went with

Good plan with the long rides, I'm hoping Josh is right that they get easier after 3-4 times.  Also, a big CONGRATS on your PhD/new job!!

YES, they absolutely do get easier each time you do them! Some tips for these long rides: don't spend a lot of time taking breaks, try to keep riding just like you will on race day; try out your race-day tri shorts/tri top...wearing them for a sprint and wearing them for an Ironman are TOTALLY different; your long rides should ALWAYS be a nutrition practice day, and if you can include your morning b'fast as part of that, then do; stay hydrated; recover properly--if you haven't done the ice bath thing, you may want to check into it after your super long rides and long runs; your body needs to recover so you keep training!

Have fun with it!

2011-04-20 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3455913

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
nerdjock - 2011-04-19 10:44 AM

April has been pretty rough for me...unfortunately not because of training.  I'm finishing my dissertation (gave the whole thing to my advisor.  Woo hoo!) so time has been scarce.  May looks to be much better.  I'm leaving the lab next week to move to San Diego and I'm taking all of May as vacation before my new job starts June 1st.  Looking forward to some quality training time.  Lots of long bike rides and ocean swims.


Graduation, new place to live, new job, Ironman!!  Congratulations!!!'re on a roll!

2011-04-20 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3456983

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

mango: Josh is right. i have done 3-4 centuries so far and they are getting much more tolerable. I have less taint soreness, and my muscular endurance seems to be increasing per my data. I am not sure how you can get fit for an IM bike doing shorter harder rides but they say its possible. For me, I want to know what I am getting into and to be as close to locked in butt tuffness, nutritionally and hydrationally as possible.

Darn though, Shanks is hitting the brakes with me lately. That is worse than going hard and/or long.

2011-04-20 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3457622

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-04-20 7:25 PM

Darn though, Shanks is hitting the brakes with me lately. That is worse than going hard and/or long.

Slayer I have decided you are immune to fatigue lol!!!!  Impressed from where I sit!!

2011-04-20 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3455605

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
tribean - 2011-04-19 8:14 PM

How many 100mile rides are you guys doing? I apparently have 4. I think my coach took me literally when I said I was in the hunt for my age group. Hopefully I'll get someone to ride with me on a couple of them.  Although one of them is in an actual race which should be fun but I’ve heard it’s pretty hairy with the amount of riders.


I would like to get 5-6 of them yet. This spring has been miserable here in Michigan. Woke up to snow on the ground yesterday and today was 39 and raining, oh joy. Gonna bundle up and see how far i can make it on Friday. Forecast= high 40's with showers. Yell

2011-04-20 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Well I am back from NOLA...big bummer of a race. No swim and I got 2 flats and wasted about an hour dealing with that. Kind of an expensive Bike/Run that I could have done at home and ordered my own pizza at the end!

Gonna do a fun run and ride this weekend, and then back to the real world of training next week. Have my first BIG DAY the first weekend in May....oh so much fun

The snow we got this morning better be the last of it, because I don't really want to be doing all my workouts inside!

2011-04-21 12:06 AM
in reply to: #3456983

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
mango6383 - 2011-04-20 11:47 AM Not to be a nit-wit nit-pick, but Kelly is what my mom almost named me, Sarah is what she went with

Good plan with the long rides, I'm hoping Josh is right that they get easier after 3-4 times.  Also, a big CONGRATS on your PhD/new job!!

Oh man!  I'm so sorry.  I feel like such a dork!  Why did I think you were a Kelly? Embarassed

2011-04-21 12:38 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Rose Lake, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Hello out there.  I am a newbie planning on the CdA IM 2011.  I am following the full IM plan by Beginner Triathlete.   I met some bass fisherman on Rose lake, and the water temp was 48 degrees.  What lake in the Cda area warms up the fastest?  Any Ideas on where to buy a wetsuit?

2011-04-21 1:11 AM
in reply to: #3456473

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kstater39 - 2011-04-20 8:18 AM

 For compression, my CEP socks work wonders!  I know some people think they're crap, but they work for me.


X2.  If I run over 9 miles I wear them and swear by them also.  During the run no big deal.  However, it is the after that they make a huge difference to me.  I can run long at lunch and come back to work where I sit very little and have no issues vs being stiff  before.  I really like them much more then the calf sleeves.

+1 on the CEP socks for both training and injury help. I used them in training and the race in my last marathon and they were great. I agree with kstater that is was after runs where I could really tell the difference. I have also found they work very well for my ankle rehab.

2011-04-21 1:48 AM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I think sometimes we get caught up looking for THE answer when it comes to training. If there was one way that worked for everyone, everyone would be doing the same thing.

For some, multiple long rides are what works and is needed, for others more intense, shorter rides.

People need to look at other people's training from the perspective of 'what are they doing that I can adapt to what works for me', not 'I need to be doing that'.

I am also a believer in 'pick and stick'. Decide what your goal, philosophy, plan will be then stick through it through your race season. Evaluate at the end, and make adjustments for next season. Don't read too much or listen to all the info out there until the season is done, then take in that information when formulating your plan for next season.

Trained with a guy who changed his training plan about every month when he got is new copy of Triathlete Magazine and read a different article.

Just my 2 Cents
2011-04-21 6:10 AM
in reply to: #3458000

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
gus - 2011-04-21 2:48 AM

I think sometimes we get caught up looking for THE answer when it comes to training. If there was one way that worked for everyone, everyone would be doing the same thing.

Couldn't agree more. I tend to compare my training to others, thinking it will be a direct comparison to race day performance. I have a coach, and have not been doing the 120+ running a month like others, and tend to ask him WTF? In the end, we both realized that for me, it is better to go hard on hard days and easy on easy days. I do a lot of interval training and rest heavily when needed. Endless hours of z2 work does not work for me, as I would get way too bored with it, and though the BarryP or Friel method is great for some, it is not good for all.

In the end, all that matters is that you get to the starting line......and finish line in one piece.
2011-04-21 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3457988

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
WOW I'm surprised. 48 that's starting to warm up. I talked to a local fisherman who was on CDA lake and the temp was only 41, this is the coldest he has seen in in April. I just hope we bet some warm weather soon, if not we are looking at race day water temps around 52. Good lakes that are warmer, liberty lake, Avondale, and maybe Twinlake. I personally will take a couple of trips to Orofino and swim (the reservoir is usually warmer).

Wet suits... I got mine at Mountain view cyclery in Hayden, got a great deal. But Fleet feet in CDA and I think vertical earth(cda) will have them.
2011-04-21 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3458068

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Bear in mind everyone, that about every tri you will do in open water comes with a fisherman story. i have heard many in my few years in the sport (snakes, sharks, snapper turtles, jellyfish, frozen temps, undertow, etc). Funny thing is I have yet to die, be eaten or stung, freeze, drown, or get crushed though IMAZ mass start was close and I did get kicked in the face at IMFL.

EDIT: oops forgot to mention that rents wetsuits now (and sells them). You could probably rent one cheap or buy a used one on the classifieds here or on PM me if you want a discount code for all3.

Edited by phatknot 2011-04-21 7:00 AM
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