BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL Rss Feed  
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2012-10-17 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4458215

, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
amd723 - 2012-10-17 4:10 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-17 5:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-10-17 5:46 PM
jobaxas - 2012-10-17 5:37 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-18 7:16 AM

jobaxas - 2012-10-17 3:53 PM I totally love the fallen hero LA. that race video for cancer survivors tipped him back unfavourable. It's who he is now that counts. I have a hunch he's laying low and will come back fighting maybe a confess all statement followed by being an ambassador to cleanup cycling!!! Anyway we ain't heard the last of mr Armstrong that's for sure.

I don't know. I'm not sure he knows how to lay low. A confess all statement would go a long way, but some (on other forums, other threads) have suggested that he could face legal problems if he confessed now. . .

Everyone else who confessed got some kind of deal, leniency etc...surely he can get the same.  He's not a stupid guy, far from it, but i think everyone expects honesty now.  That's all. 

I expect honesty from the start. 

I agree, if I understand what Salty is saying. It's too late for honesty. He's gone too far with the lies. I don't think he would get the same deal as people who came clean closer to the beginning.

It's probably not exactly the same, but when I was a prosecuting attorney and there was a group of people all facing charges for the same criminal event(s), I would not give deals to everyone . Basically, first one to sing gets the deal ( unless they were the worst of the group). After that, I didn't need your testimony for anything. That said, if you pled guilty and saved me from a trial you'd get a better deal then after I took you to trial, spending tons of money in the process while putting victims through hell. after trial, id ask the judge to sentence you to whatever i thought you deserved.In Lance's case, i don't know what new info he can bring to the table for them to offer him any deal. He may have something and/ or his admission may be worth it to them, so if he came clean he still might get out from under a life time ban. I think coming clean now could be very costly to him in other areas, eg, he got bonuses for his achievements that he would probably have to pay back.

I suspect one reason he's not talking is that some country, somewhere, is still willing to prosecute him if he flat out admits guilt.

2012-10-17 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4458291

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
spudone - 2012-10-17 7:35 PM
amd723 - 2012-10-17 4:10 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-17 5:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-10-17 5:46 PM
jobaxas - 2012-10-17 5:37 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-18 7:16 AM

jobaxas - 2012-10-17 3:53 PM I totally love the fallen hero LA. that race video for cancer survivors tipped him back unfavourable. It's who he is now that counts. I have a hunch he's laying low and will come back fighting maybe a confess all statement followed by being an ambassador to cleanup cycling!!! Anyway we ain't heard the last of mr Armstrong that's for sure.

I don't know. I'm not sure he knows how to lay low. A confess all statement would go a long way, but some (on other forums, other threads) have suggested that he could face legal problems if he confessed now. . .

Everyone else who confessed got some kind of deal, leniency etc...surely he can get the same.  He's not a stupid guy, far from it, but i think everyone expects honesty now.  That's all. 

I expect honesty from the start. 

I agree, if I understand what Salty is saying. It's too late for honesty. He's gone too far with the lies. I don't think he would get the same deal as people who came clean closer to the beginning.

It's probably not exactly the same, but when I was a prosecuting attorney and there was a group of people all facing charges for the same criminal event(s), I would not give deals to everyone . Basically, first one to sing gets the deal ( unless they were the worst of the group). After that, I didn't need your testimony for anything. That said, if you pled guilty and saved me from a trial you'd get a better deal then after I took you to trial, spending tons of money in the process while putting victims through hell. after trial, id ask the judge to sentence you to whatever i thought you deserved.In Lance's case, i don't know what new info he can bring to the table for them to offer him any deal. He may have something and/ or his admission may be worth it to them, so if he came clean he still might get out from under a life time ban. I think coming clean now could be very costly to him in other areas, eg, he got bonuses for his achievements that he would probably have to pay back.

I suspect one reason he's not talking is that some country, somewhere, is still willing to prosecute him if he flat out admits guilt.

Well, there is that too. I think my background makes me a bit hard on the topic. Rather then looking at it as someone who made a mistake or equating it to bad choices most of us have made, I see a person who was involved in a vast criminal enterprise. What he did, at least as I understand things, was a massive conspiracy that crossed countries and involved large sums of money and many other things. Sure, we all make mistakes and we are generally a forgiving people, but he has yet to even acknowledge any wrong doing, let alone ask for forgiveness . If he were to acknowledge his acts, serve whatever punishment and do things to make amends, I'd be all for forgiveness . Sort of like michael vick, although i find it extremely hard to forgive a person who abused dogs. Until he does, I don't feel sorry for him, except to the extent that I always feel sorry for people who get themselves into trouble and wish them the ability to get their crap together. I do think what he has done for his foundation is fantastic, but that doesn't erase his bad/ criminal behavior. That behavior, by the way, resulted in him being paid money from various companies that he was not entitled to receive.I say all that while acknowledging that I rooted for him in the tour and in his foray into triathlons.I'm just back from the bar, so I hope the above made some semblance of sense!
2012-10-17 8:07 PM
in reply to: #4458237

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-10-17 6:30 PM I stayed out of the Lance discussion until now. The only thing I can say is that I am very glad that I don't live in the public eye. I have made enough mistakes in life that to have them displayed for all to see would be too much to take. I feel sorry for him, and for those around him.

This is exactly how I feel.  Well said, doub.

2012-10-17 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4458224

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

amd723 - 2012-10-17 6:17 PM So, I'm in Delray Beach ( just north of ft. Launder dale) at a seminar thu Friday. The hotel is right on the beach and is quite nice. We have one of these seminars yearly and they are always on the beach. We actually sit thru the entire seminar, but at 4 all bets are off. The only downside this year is this morning I got a shot in the joint of one of my toes ( good times) and the doctor asked me not to run for a couple of days. So, I do not get to run on the beach as the sun comes up. Very disappointing. Instead, I'll be in the gym pedaling a stationary bike Now I am off to find a nice pub!

at least you're in FL riding on a stationary bike! and in FL in a pub! (bum for you toe - bad timing, but hopefully you'll feel much better, right?)  Enjoy your time there! (post us a photo!)

2012-10-17 8:13 PM
in reply to: #4458314

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
amd723 - 2012-10-17 8:01 PM
spudone - 2012-10-17 7:35 PM
amd723 - 2012-10-17 4:10 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-17 5:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-10-17 5:46 PM
jobaxas - 2012-10-17 5:37 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-18 7:16 AM

jobaxas - 2012-10-17 3:53 PM I totally love the fallen hero LA. that race video for cancer survivors tipped him back unfavourable. It's who he is now that counts. I have a hunch he's laying low and will come back fighting maybe a confess all statement followed by being an ambassador to cleanup cycling!!! Anyway we ain't heard the last of mr Armstrong that's for sure.

I don't know. I'm not sure he knows how to lay low. A confess all statement would go a long way, but some (on other forums, other threads) have suggested that he could face legal problems if he confessed now. . .

Everyone else who confessed got some kind of deal, leniency etc...surely he can get the same.  He's not a stupid guy, far from it, but i think everyone expects honesty now.  That's all. 

I expect honesty from the start. 

I agree, if I understand what Salty is saying. It's too late for honesty. He's gone too far with the lies. I don't think he would get the same deal as people who came clean closer to the beginning.

It's probably not exactly the same, but when I was a prosecuting attorney and there was a group of people all facing charges for the same criminal event(s), I would not give deals to everyone . Basically, first one to sing gets the deal ( unless they were the worst of the group). After that, I didn't need your testimony for anything. That said, if you pled guilty and saved me from a trial you'd get a better deal then after I took you to trial, spending tons of money in the process while putting victims through hell. after trial, id ask the judge to sentence you to whatever i thought you deserved.In Lance's case, i don't know what new info he can bring to the table for them to offer him any deal. He may have something and/ or his admission may be worth it to them, so if he came clean he still might get out from under a life time ban. I think coming clean now could be very costly to him in other areas, eg, he got bonuses for his achievements that he would probably have to pay back.

I suspect one reason he's not talking is that some country, somewhere, is still willing to prosecute him if he flat out admits guilt.

Well, there is that too. I think my background makes me a bit hard on the topic. Rather then looking at it as someone who made a mistake or equating it to bad choices most of us have made, I see a person who was involved in a vast criminal enterprise. What he did, at least as I understand things, was a massive conspiracy that crossed countries and involved large sums of money and many other things. Sure, we all make mistakes and we are generally a forgiving people, but he has yet to even acknowledge any wrong doing, let alone ask for forgiveness . If he were to acknowledge his acts, serve whatever punishment and do things to make amends, I'd be all for forgiveness . Sort of like michael vick, although i find it extremely hard to forgive a person who abused dogs. Until he does, I don't feel sorry for him, except to the extent that I always feel sorry for people who get themselves into trouble and wish them the ability to get their crap together. I do think what he has done for his foundation is fantastic, but that doesn't erase his bad/ criminal behavior. That behavior, by the way, resulted in him being paid money from various companies that he was not entitled to receive.I say all that while acknowledging that I rooted for him in the tour and in his foray into triathlons.I'm just back from the bar, so I hope the above made some semblance of sense!

AM, your input is very interesting - i'm glad you're giving your view, seeing as you ... know things!!

2012-10-17 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4457896

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

KansasMom - 2012-10-17 2:22 PM

If this works; here we are on our wedding day.

I couldn't see this on my work computer - so sorry for the slow reply...  but CUTE!!!  Thanks for sharing!

2012-10-17 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Don't know if this worked...but my DH and I on the AT in the Smokey Mtn National Park (3 yrs ago...)

On our honeymoon

Edited by TriRx 2012-10-17 8:19 PM
2012-10-17 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4458332

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriRx - 2012-10-17 8:17 PM

Don't know if this worked...but my DH and I on the AT in the Smokey Mtn National Park (3 yrs ago...)

On our honeymoon

Ahhh. So cute.

2012-10-17 10:04 PM
in reply to: #4458327

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriRx - 2012-10-17 8:13 PM
amd723 - 2012-10-17 8:01 PM
spudone - 2012-10-17 7:35 PM
amd723 - 2012-10-17 4:10 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-17 5:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-10-17 5:46 PM
jobaxas - 2012-10-17 5:37 PM
KansasMom - 2012-10-18 7:16 AM

jobaxas - 2012-10-17 3:53 PM I totally love the fallen hero LA. that race video for cancer survivors tipped him back unfavourable. It's who he is now that counts. I have a hunch he's laying low and will come back fighting maybe a confess all statement followed by being an ambassador to cleanup cycling!!! Anyway we ain't heard the last of mr Armstrong that's for sure.

I don't know. I'm not sure he knows how to lay low. A confess all statement would go a long way, but some (on other forums, other threads) have suggested that he could face legal problems if he confessed now. . .

Everyone else who confessed got some kind of deal, leniency etc...surely he can get the same.  He's not a stupid guy, far from it, but i think everyone expects honesty now.  That's all. 

I expect honesty from the start. 

I agree, if I understand what Salty is saying. It's too late for honesty. He's gone too far with the lies. I don't think he would get the same deal as people who came clean closer to the beginning.

It's probably not exactly the same, but when I was a prosecuting attorney and there was a group of people all facing charges for the same criminal event(s), I would not give deals to everyone . Basically, first one to sing gets the deal ( unless they were the worst of the group). After that, I didn't need your testimony for anything. That said, if you pled guilty and saved me from a trial you'd get a better deal then after I took you to trial, spending tons of money in the process while putting victims through hell. after trial, id ask the judge to sentence you to whatever i thought you deserved.In Lance's case, i don't know what new info he can bring to the table for them to offer him any deal. He may have something and/ or his admission may be worth it to them, so if he came clean he still might get out from under a life time ban. I think coming clean now could be very costly to him in other areas, eg, he got bonuses for his achievements that he would probably have to pay back.

I suspect one reason he's not talking is that some country, somewhere, is still willing to prosecute him if he flat out admits guilt.

Well, there is that too. I think my background makes me a bit hard on the topic. Rather then looking at it as someone who made a mistake or equating it to bad choices most of us have made, I see a person who was involved in a vast criminal enterprise. What he did, at least as I understand things, was a massive conspiracy that crossed countries and involved large sums of money and many other things. Sure, we all make mistakes and we are generally a forgiving people, but he has yet to even acknowledge any wrong doing, let alone ask for forgiveness . If he were to acknowledge his acts, serve whatever punishment and do things to make amends, I'd be all for forgiveness . Sort of like michael vick, although i find it extremely hard to forgive a person who abused dogs. Until he does, I don't feel sorry for him, except to the extent that I always feel sorry for people who get themselves into trouble and wish them the ability to get their crap together. I do think what he has done for his foundation is fantastic, but that doesn't erase his bad/ criminal behavior. That behavior, by the way, resulted in him being paid money from various companies that he was not entitled to receive.I say all that while acknowledging that I rooted for him in the tour and in his foray into triathlons.I'm just back from the bar, so I hope the above made some semblance of sense!

AM, your input is very interesting - i'm glad you're giving your view, seeing as you ... know things!!

I'm glad you weighed in, as well. What you have said is what I have suspected -- the case is much more complicated than simple doping. (Not meaning to minimize that, but . . .).

The thing that makes me sad -- not just about Lance but about the Michael Vicks, Tiger Woods, Pete Roses of the world -- is that we are talking about an extremely talented person. But what he did (or could have done) is tainted for a lot of people because of the controversy. Beyond whatever else Lance may have done, he cheated himself more than anyone else.

2012-10-17 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Okay this is it - I have nothing left to say on the LA debarcle.  I'm done maybe!

Had an unpleasant lunchtime run, my calfs just wouldn't loosen up, tight tight tight.  Dammit.

2012-10-17 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4458428

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
jobaxas - 2012-10-17 10:09 PM

Okay this is it - I have nothing left to say on the LA debarcle.  I'm done maybe!

Had an unpleasant lunchtime run, my calfs just wouldn't loosen up, tight tight tight.  Dammit.

What's that about? My right calf tightened up on my run this evening. I don't remember it ever doing that before. It was not comfortable. Fortunately it happened near the end of my run. I don't know what I would have done if it had been like that for the whole hour.

2012-10-17 10:19 PM
in reply to: #4458431

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-10-18 1:15 PM
jobaxas - 2012-10-17 10:09 PM

Okay this is it - I have nothing left to say on the LA debarcle.  I'm done maybe!

Had an unpleasant lunchtime run, my calfs just wouldn't loosen up, tight tight tight.  Dammit.

What's that about? My right calf tightened up on my run this evening. I don't remember it ever doing that before. It was not comfortable. Fortunately it happened near the end of my run. I don't know what I would have done if it had been like that for the whole hour.

Happens a lot to me - it's a leftover from shin splints, and I know the drill, stretch and ice but I'm lazy!  Gonna go stretch now right now..I'll be back in two minutes (1min per calf)!

2012-10-17 10:22 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
2012-10-17 10:32 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
A little late to the party, but I can't stand a cheater.  Of whatever kind.  I have no real idea of what has happened with LA (I get doping, but bribes, lies, coercion--I haven't 'kept up')  People make mistakes, of course.  God knows I have made my share!  But in my world, when you make a mistake, you own up to it right away, and take steps to rectify.  If not, I have no time for you.  And, on the other side of the coin, I do not have the talent, pressure, sponsors, etc that these athletes have.  I like to hope I would do the right thing, but ya never know...
2012-10-17 11:27 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

This is right before the start of my Marathon in 2010. 


Marathon.jpg (65KB - 18 downloads)
2012-10-18 1:20 AM
in reply to: #4458009

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriRx - 2012-10-17 9:28 PM

How's that Manatees calendar going? If I spiffy up my pic a bit, I could be Miss Manatee Manta-ee May.

I've always wanted to be in calendar...can i have february? I could wear furry boots and be holding a cut of steaming coco...

Just furry boots?

Edited by ukweeble 2012-10-18 1:22 AM

2012-10-18 1:33 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Stunning piccie Yanti. Used to be my favourite aquatic creature when i was a young un.
2012-10-18 1:43 AM
in reply to: #4458548

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
ukweeble - 2012-10-18 4:33 PMStunning piccie Yanti. Used to be my favourite aquatic creature when i was a young un.
Where the heck have you been? Vvv
2012-10-18 6:27 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
I'm with a lot of others on the LA thing, just done with it. Numb to it. On to other things.

Felicia, Kirsten, Adrienne, and Tracy - Well done on the homework that Tracy assigned. I am honored to be in th midst of such beauty.

Yanti - I'm not sure if the manta ray pic qualifies as your SO, but with the amount of time you spend in the water, it probably could be. And it is an awesome pic!

Allen - Welcome back, where you been?

Jo - I hope your calf loosens up a bit.

Ann Marie - I hope your toe feels better soon, and that the pub was enjoyable.

Jen - I hope your surgery goes well, and that all is well with the family during a challenging time.

And finally, let's see if this works, it is Ann and I in Alaska this August:


AnnChris.jpg (61KB - 14 downloads)
2012-10-18 6:43 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Swim squadFins300m 100 breathe good side, 100m bad side, 100m bilateral300m backstroke300 m breaststroke100m flyNo fins20x50m drafting rotate leader every 50m!!!300m left arm300m right armExhausted I left!!!
2012-10-18 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4458490

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
bcraht - 2012-10-17 11:27 PM

This is right before the start of my Marathon in 2010. 

Happy people!!! (The REM song is going through my head now.) I love the smiles. Very cute.

2012-10-18 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Kirsten and Chris - HOW CUTE!!! thanks for sharing!  Happy people for sure!!   I LOVE this homework!
2012-10-18 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4458612

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

cdban66 - 2012-10-18 6:27 AM

And finally, let's see if this works, it is Ann and I in Alaska this August:

Very nice. You both look happy.

2012-10-18 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4458093

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Asalzwed - 2012-10-17 5:31 PM W00t to the w00t!! I am working on getting on a team for a hockey tournament in November!! Manatees on ice!

Wooooo hoooooooo!!!

2012-10-18 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Very nice pics for those who have done the homework!  I must say we manatees and our SOs are a good looking bunch!  My husband is very against pics of him being on FB or anywhere public, so I will respect that and not post a pic.  I tried to get a shot of me and the doggies last night after our run but they wouldn't sit still with me - they were too busy licking the salt off my face, jumping around like crazies and the pic was just horrible!  I may try again if I can find them in a calmer mood.  Maybe I will need to take a page from the Yanti book of dog training and give them some beer

Anne-Marie - so sorry to hear beach running is out because of your toe. But just being in FL sounds great, and gonig to a pub helps, I'm sure!

Jo and Felicia - what is up with those tight calves, ladies?!?  Hope they loosen up.

Yanti - love ya but hate spiders and your pic gives me shivers. 

Allen - thanks for dropping in!  Just furry boots and cocoa? Maybe a scarf, too.  Long enough to, uh, cover some things.  Gotta keep 'em guessing!

Jen - thanks for the link for Brooks lab rat. I submitted, although I'm doubting they would want me.  It does ask if you would be willing to do clothing testing, too.

Salty - hope you get your tourney team together, then you can get your hockey fix!

Tracy - you crack me up!!

So Chris, you aren't doing the 50 mile run thingie for Road ID?

Edited by melbo55 2012-10-18 10:13 AM
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