BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2012-12-28 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4551392

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

BigDaddyD79 - 2012-12-28 9:08 AM Is there one main tally for the challenge? If so how do we each edit it?

Normally I write what I did than cut and past the matrix. Add in the new workout or rest day and update total and add total time. I use the Scott severence time calculator to calculate my time. You don't have to update every day or every workout, but I find that it keeps me engaged, motivated and accountable.  

2012-12-28 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Alexandria, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

When logging your workouts for the challenge, please be sure you are using the most recent post's chart so no one gets dropped.  After you've posted, double check just in case another person was posting at the same time.

One suggestion I might add, when updating your totals get the chart copied/pasted and updated then submit your post.  Then go back and edit your post to add any banter or talk about what you did etc., slightly less chance of someone else posting at the same time that way.

2012-12-28 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
I vote we move the scoreboard from the old thread to this one so everybody unfamiliar with it gets an idea on how it works. Does anybody think it's a bad idea?
2012-12-28 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Ernesto, very good idea and here is the scoreboard from our old forum.  

This shows the latest post from Mitch (in bold) where he is adding 1 bike (drainer) workout and 1 run workout (dreadmill) for a total of 44 workouts and 33:49:41 in total time of workouts.

The next person to post will format in bold their name and stats and add a description of the workouts they are adding to the scoreboard


30' easy on drainer as a warm up and 5 miles on dreadmill (1.5 WU, 2 miles at HM pace, 1.5CD)

Mitch Swim 4 - Bike 17 -Run 23 - Rest 4 - Total 44 Time 33:49:41
Matthew Swim 12 - Bike 11 - Run 11 - Rest 4 - Total 33 Time 40:45:51
Mark Swim 4 - Bike 9- Run 10 Rest 7 Total 23 Time 20:17:00
Jackie Swim 0 - Bike 4 - Run 19 - Rest 5- Total 23 - Time 36:30:37
Jim Swim 0- Bike 6- Run 14 Rest 5 - Total 20 -Time 15:41:14
Ernesto Swim 2 - Bike 8 - Run 11 - Rest 7 - Total 21 - Time 28:08'18"
Charlotte Swim 1 - Bike 8- Run 7 Rest 3 Total 20 (To Goal: 10) Time 12:00 (To Goal: 8:00)
Gabe Swim 0 - Bike 8 - Run 9 - Rest 11 - Total 17 - Time 18:35:28
Joe Swim 9- Bike 5 - Run 3 - Rest 1 - Total 17 Time 11:12:12
Chris Swim 0 - Bike 0 - Run 13 - Rest 8 - Total 13 Time 11:57:41
Samy Swim 1 - Bike 0 - Run 10 - Rest 8 - Total 11 Time 8:03:23
Andy Swim 2 - Bike 0 - Run 8- Rest 12 - Total 10- Time 6:52:47
Barry Swim 1 - Bike 2 - Run 2 - Rest 7 - Total 5 - Time 2:58:52
Scott Swim 1 Bike 0 - Run 1 - Rest 2 - Total -2 - Time 2:

Edited by sirgab 2012-12-28 10:39 AM
2012-12-28 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4550942

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

ernestov - 2012-12-27 8:24 PM
Jimi - 2012-12-27 6:33 PM

YES!! Made it under the wire.  Happy to be here!


Name: James

Story:  52 years old.  Father of 2 daughters (19 and 15), been with the love of my life for the past 10 (got it right the second time), work behind a desk cleaning up the environment for the past 25 years, sports fan (Yeah Giants, Niners, Warriors and Sharks - last i will share about sports here), own the very best dog in the world, have a crazy cat that thinks she is a dog, am a suburban farmer and been a true fan of the see-food diet (I eat everything I see) and beer.

Was with BT several years ago and completed my first triathlon. Got distracted and quit exercising (the "too busy" excuse).  Just had the come-to-Jesus talk with my doc... way too fat, getting old, way too lazy, pre-diabetic heading for shots,  on pills for several things caused by my undisciplined eating and sedentary lifestyle.  My girls (partner, daughters and dog  [the cat could care less]) want me on the planet for  a while so i figure it is time to get serious.


Races in 2012: none


Races for 2013:  Sprints in June and September.  Starting very slow to rebuild a base.  I have a habit in the past of going out of the gate too quick and getting burned out or hurt....really want to pace myself this time for the long haul.


Current training: dabbling at the gym this week.  Starting regular program on 1/2/13.


Weight loss: YES, yes, yes!  Doc "suggests" trying the Paleo diet thing (no grains, no dairy, no sugar, and [gulp] no alcohol) for 30 days.  Thinking about trying the Whole30 plan.


Why I would be a good mentee?: never been one so hard to say.  How about "I am a good listener" and understand that guidance is a good thing.


Thanks to everyone in advance for being part of my team!  Here's to success!


I have a book that I want to recommend for you, it will turn yor life around. The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing by Phil Maffettone. It will help you a lot with nutrition and will definitely get rid of your diabetes. Very close to the Paleo approach but with some low GI carbohydrates. It addresses fat balance (Omega 3/6/9 ratio), polyphenols, micronutrients, etc.

You will change from night to day if you follow the approach. Many years of healthy living too.


thanks for the tip.  will grab a copy today

2012-12-28 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4551016

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Gla56 - 2012-12-27 11:20 PM

ernestov - 2012-12-28 4:24 PM

.... I have a book that I want to recommend for you, it will turn yor life around. The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing by Phil Maffettone. It will help you a lot with nutrition and will definitely get rid of your diabetes. Very close to the Paleo approach but with some low GI carbohydrates. It addresses fat balance (Omega 3/6/9 ratio), polyphenols, micronutrients, etc.

You will change from night to day if you follow the approach. Many years of healthy living too.

Ernesto, I've started reading "the book" and have a few questions. I've read through to the end of chapter four where he is talking about the 180 formula. This seems pretty radical. Have you or others in the group followed this? I notice in earlier feedback to a group member you encouraged his to 'go fast'

I assume that this is only for training and not racing - is it recommended for all training?

any thoughts appreciated


Greg the 180 minus age formula does work. I have been following this for about 11 months now. I was very skeptical. I get your concerns, especially after reading the beginning of the book. In my opinion Maffetone came off as a self righteous, old hippie, who likes the smell of his own stuff. He came up with the formula in the shower one day. It took me a long time and a lot of questions to drink the cool aide. So we got that out of the way.

The Reality is the method really works, and here is why. I spent the first 90 days just working on my areobic base. Everything was 180-age+5 or below at the time 140 bpd 180-45+5. I have since had a birthday and lost a beat. 

The first month was really difficult for me to wrap my mind around, it didn't make sense! Plus I was so used to every run being at 160ish bpm. But I stuck with it, because I had plateaued and I was no longer having achillies pain from Achilles tendonitis.

The breakthrough came 2 and a half months in, I raced a 10k. I had not had my heart rate above MAF since I had started his running plan. I won the men's division and was overall 2nd place and I smoked my PR in that race. Two years ago, I was last place in the men's division and finished in the middle of the pack. I ran at race pace and had an average heart rate of 156 bpm (race pace and speed work have higher heart rates).

I continued using the Maffetone method, and after 90 days I started including some speed work every other week. I like doing a fartlek for my speed work, but will sometimes do sprints.

I have also raced a couple of 5ks each ending up 2nd place and top 20 (14th and 19th overall). The last one I beat the former highschool stud who plays QB on a divisionIII college team, I passed him in the last half mile, that was just a nice ego moment for me.

Also I did my first HIM in September, and kept a solid 10 minute pace for the entire run, I would have died a year prior and would not have been able to run it without walking.

Since starting training this way, I have had no running injuries and my speed has increased eventhough I rarely run fast. I did bruise a rib playing soccer this month and proved Maffetone right, because my heartrate has increased because of the injury and I have to go slower, also it hurt like heck to run fast or long.   

I don't follow his diet plan. I use the "don't eat like a pig diet," when I decide to lose weight.

2012-12-28 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4551526

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

OK I have to admit I am a complete newbie. I'm not sure where the challenges are or how to log them. Any and all help is appreciated.


2012-12-28 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4551747

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
rgarcia1501 - 2012-12-28 12:11 PM

OK I have to admit I am a complete newbie. I'm not sure where the challenges are or how to log them. Any and all help is appreciated.



I'm in the same boat...and having a hard time going through every post trying to catch up.  That's what I get for being late to the game.  In'Shallah time rather than Lombardi time.

2012-12-28 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4551747

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
rgarcia1501 - 2012-12-28 11:11 AM

OK I have to admit I am a complete newbie. I'm not sure where the challenges are or how to log them. Any and all help is appreciated.


The next challenge will start Jan 1. We are finishing up the December challenge in the old thread. If you want to jump in eventhough there are only a couple of days left, or just go to the archived mentor threat and look up Ernesto. I just posted for yesterday and today.

2012-12-28 12:54 PM
in reply to: #4551947

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
JBacarella - 2012-12-28 1:44 PM
rgarcia1501 - 2012-12-28 11:11 AM

OK I have to admit I am a complete newbie. I'm not sure where the challenges are or how to log them. Any and all help is appreciated.


The next challenge will start Jan 1. We are finishing up the December challenge in the old thread. If you want to jump in eventhough there are only a couple of days left, or just go to the archived mentor threat and look up Ernesto. I just posted for yesterday and today.

Jim, we are going to move challenge posting for remainder of December to this thread to help acclimate everyone.
2012-12-28 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4551850

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
kristaae - 2012-12-28 11:57 AM
rgarcia1501 - 2012-12-28 12:11 PM

OK I have to admit I am a complete newbie. I'm not sure where the challenges are or how to log them. Any and all help is appreciated.



I'm in the same boat...and having a hard time going through every post trying to catch up.  That's what I get for being late to the game.  In'Shallah time rather than Lombardi time.

Sorry, not trying to confuse anybody. This is the scoreboard for an ongoing challenge (December). We are starting a new one in January and you are welcome to participate in it. Rules are in one of the previous pages.

2012-12-28 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4551727

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
JBacarella - 2012-12-28 9:03 AM
Gla56 - 2012-12-27 11:20 PM

ernestov - 2012-12-28 4:24 PM

.... I have a book that I want to recommend for you, it will turn yor life around. The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing by Phil Maffettone. It will help you a lot with nutrition and will definitely get rid of your diabetes. Very close to the Paleo approach but with some low GI carbohydrates. It addresses fat balance (Omega 3/6/9 ratio), polyphenols, micronutrients, etc.

You will change from night to day if you follow the approach. Many years of healthy living too.

Ernesto, I've started reading "the book" and have a few questions. I've read through to the end of chapter four where he is talking about the 180 formula. This seems pretty radical. Have you or others in the group followed this? I notice in earlier feedback to a group member you encouraged his to 'go fast'

I assume that this is only for training and not racing - is it recommended for all training?

any thoughts appreciated


Greg the 180 minus age formula does work. I have been following this for about 11 months now. I was very skeptical. I get your concerns, especially after reading the beginning of the book. In my opinion Maffetone came off as a self righteous, old hippie, who likes the smell of his own stuff. He came up with the formula in the shower one day. It took me a long time and a lot of questions to drink the cool aide. So we got that out of the way.

The Reality is the method really works, and here is why. I spent the first 90 days just working on my areobic base. Everything was 180-age+5 or below at the time 140 bpd 180-45+5. I have since had a birthday and lost a beat. 

The first month was really difficult for me to wrap my mind around, it didn't make sense! Plus I was so used to every run being at 160ish bpm. But I stuck with it, because I had plateaued and I was no longer having achillies pain from Achilles tendonitis.

The breakthrough came 2 and a half months in, I raced a 10k. I had not had my heart rate above MAF since I had started his running plan. I won the men's division and was overall 2nd place and I smoked my PR in that race. Two years ago, I was last place in the men's division and finished in the middle of the pack. I ran at race pace and had an average heart rate of 156 bpm (race pace and speed work have higher heart rates).

I continued using the Maffetone method, and after 90 days I started including some speed work every other week. I like doing a fartlek for my speed work, but will sometimes do sprints.

I have also raced a couple of 5ks each ending up 2nd place and top 20 (14th and 19th overall). The last one I beat the former highschool stud who plays QB on a divisionIII college team, I passed him in the last half mile, that was just a nice ego moment for me.

Also I did my first HIM in September, and kept a solid 10 minute pace for the entire run, I would have died a year prior and would not have been able to run it without walking.

Since starting training this way, I have had no running injuries and my speed has increased eventhough I rarely run fast. I did bruise a rib playing soccer this month and proved Maffetone right, because my heartrate has increased because of the injury and I have to go slower, also it hurt like heck to run fast or long.   

I don't follow his diet plan. I use the "don't eat like a pig diet," when I decide to lose weight.


Really appreciate this post.  I downloaded the book, got to chapter 4 and did the math.  180-age-10-5 = 113bpm means that I am probably at my MATHR walking from the coach to the fridge for a beer and salami sandwich....wait that's the 2012 me talking not the 2013....I know it isn't that bad but I am guessing it is going to be a really slow start for me (how humbling).  I can't believe I let myself get this sick. 

Do they make a heart rate monitor that hits you in the side of the head with a hammer when you go over the MATHR?  That is what I am going to need to get past my ego making excuses.  Trusting the system is going to be tough.

I thought Maffettone's chapter on shoes (or the lack thereof) was equally as shocking.  Seems very counter to everything I have been told for years.  Planning on hanging onto my shoes.  

2012-12-28 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4552009

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Jimi - 2012-12-28 2:14 PM

Do they make a heart rate monitor that hits you in the side of the head with a hammer when you go over the MATHR?  That is what I am going to need to get past my ego making excuses.  Trusting the system is going to be tough.

No, but most HRMs have alarms that will go off if you go over a certain pace, HR, etc.  Not quite the same effect, I'm afraid, but it'll do the trick.  Cool

Edited by jmhpsu93 2012-12-28 1:34 PM
2012-12-28 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4551727

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Jim thanks for your reply and experience of the 180 - age method

Certainly has the 'cool aide' feel to it. The skeptical side of me thinks that if it's so good, why does not everyone do this even at the elite level. Also, that it would mean that I would have to do most of my training solo as I would be so slow, at least initially as I would not keep up with my training buddy I ride with once a week.

A MAF of 124 means I've seen a few fads come and goWink

I'll keep reading, thinking and asking questions - some dumb ones probably.

We're in the middle of the season in Australia so limiting all work outs to MAF for three months to get the baseline would be tough. Whilst I am an advocate of using some slower training with reduced heart rate using 124, or 129 is low... more thinking/reading



2012-12-28 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4551969

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
dangremond - 2012-12-28 12:54 PM
JBacarella - 2012-12-28 1:44 PM
rgarcia1501 - 2012-12-28 11:11 AM

OK I have to admit I am a complete newbie. I'm not sure where the challenges are or how to log them. Any and all help is appreciated.


The next challenge will start Jan 1. We are finishing up the December challenge in the old thread. If you want to jump in eventhough there are only a couple of days left, or just go to the archived mentor threat and look up Ernesto. I just posted for yesterday and today.

Jim, we are going to move challenge posting for remainder of December to this thread to help acclimate everyone.

Mitch- Good idea, so here it is...

45 on the drainer yesterday, 30 on the dreadmill today

Mitch Swim 4 - Bike 17 -Run 23 - Rest 4 - Total 44 Time 33:49:41
Matthew Swim 12 - Bike 11 - Run 11 - Rest 4 - Total 33 Time 40:45:51
Mark Swim 4 - Bike 9- Run 10 Rest 7 Total 23 Time 20:17:00
Jackie Swim 0 - Bike 4 - Run 19 - Rest 5- Total 23 - Time 36:30:37
Jim Swim 0- Bike 7- Run 15 Rest 5 - Total 22 -Time 16:57:14
Ernesto Swim 2 - Bike 8 - Run 11 - Rest 7 - Total 21 - Time 28:08'18"
Charlotte Swim 1 - Bike 8- Run 7 Rest 3 Total 20 (To Goal: 10) Time 12:00 (To Goal: 8:00)
Gabe Swim 0 - Bike 8 - Run 9 - Rest 11 - Total 17 - Time 18:35:28
Joe Swim 9- Bike 5 - Run 3 - Rest 1 - Total 17 Time 11:12:12
Chris Swim 0 - Bike 0 - Run 13 - Rest 8 - Total 13 Time 11:57:41
Samy Swim 1 - Bike 0 - Run 10 - Rest 8 - Total 11 Time 8:03:23
Andy Swim 2 - Bike 0 - Run 8- Rest 12 - Total 10- Time 6:52:47
Barry Swim 1 - Bike 2 - Run 2 - Rest 7 - Total 5 - Time 2:58:52
Scott Swim 1 Bike 0 - Run 1 - Rest 2 - Total -2 - Time 2:

2012-12-28 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Today something great happened and I wanted to share it with Ernesto and group.  In case anyone missed my intro, I am a seasoned (and bored) runner and just started doing Triathlons this year.  I have done four sprints and am looking forward to racing season in 2013.  I have a ZERO swim background.  Only training I have ever had was as a six year old (basically floating and not drowning) and in Marine Corps Boot Camp, which was survival swimming.

  I have never been shown how to do any stroke.  My first Sprint was a pool swim and I asked to go last.  I am glad I did because I was DYING and it was only 300 meters.  The next two sprints were not much better but I still was gasping for air and killing myself trying to do the front crawl. Last sprint I did was a lake swim.  The day of the race the wind was blowing and the chop was making me panic.  Soon as I could not touch the bottom I freaked out and started to swim back to the pier but swim patrol stopped me and talked me through it.  I basically side stroked and dog paddled the entire time.  I was hating every minute of it. The closest Tri club and training is over an hour away from me.  I basically copied what I have seen others do and couldnt figure out why I was out of breath.  Today my husband finished his swim workout and called me to come to the Air Station pool and he said he would help me without any yelling or eye rolling.  I usually can barely swim 25 meters without huffing and puffing and racing for the pool wall.  Today he showed me some drills he got off his Total Immersion dvds and I am proud to share that I swam 625 meters!!!! No that was not a non stop hardcore lap workout...but for once I was having fun doing the drills and learning the correct way to swim.  One of the lifeguards even yelled out that I was lookin good! and they never say anything to anyone.  Just having her say that MADE MY DAY! I notice when things start falling apart I go back to the first drill and it all comes together.  I am feeling so much more confident!  My hardest part is keeping my head DOWN and remembering to breathe. 

 There are soooo many things that have to happen for a smooth swim, but I am going to keep working on it till I feel comfortable enough to go do a OWS.  I am still trying to get the whole breathing thing seems to stop my forward motion but lots of practice will hopefully help me.  These next few weeks will be a hard time in my life as my husband is leaving for Afghanistan in less then two weeks. I live in a running community and no one that I know swims, or someone from my running group will say they want to go swimming only to flake out or change their minds.  I am thankful to have this group to talk about the ups and downs of training and life in general.  I know this is nothing for most of you but for me it is the biggest step and I am so excited I cant wait to get back in the pool!! Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this...I know its long and not that exciting but it means a lot to know someone took a look at my small accomplishment!

2012-12-28 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4552064

Extreme Veteran
Israel / NJ
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Pixiedustlady - 2012-12-28 2:46 PM

Today something great happened and I wanted to share it with Ernesto and group.  In case anyone missed my intro, I am a seasoned (and bored) runner and just started doing Triathlons this year.  I have done four sprints and am looking forward to racing season in 2013.  I have a ZERO swim background.  Only training I have ever had was as a six year old (basically floating and not drowning) and in Marine Corps Boot Camp, which was survival swimming.

  I have never been shown how to do any stroke.  My first Sprint was a pool swim and I asked to go last.  I am glad I did because I was DYING and it was only 300 meters.  The next two sprints were not much better but I still was gasping for air and killing myself trying to do the front crawl. Last sprint I did was a lake swim.  The day of the race the wind was blowing and the chop was making me panic.  Soon as I could not touch the bottom I freaked out and started to swim back to the pier but swim patrol stopped me and talked me through it.  I basically side stroked and dog paddled the entire time.  I was hating every minute of it. The closest Tri club and training is over an hour away from me.  I basically copied what I have seen others do and couldnt figure out why I was out of breath.  Today my husband finished his swim workout and called me to come to the Air Station pool and he said he would help me without any yelling or eye rolling.  I usually can barely swim 25 meters without huffing and puffing and racing for the pool wall.  Today he showed me some drills he got off his Total Immersion dvds and I am proud to share that I swam 625 meters!!!! No that was not a non stop hardcore lap workout...but for once I was having fun doing the drills and learning the correct way to swim.  One of the lifeguards even yelled out that I was lookin good! and they never say anything to anyone.  Just having her say that MADE MY DAY! I notice when things start falling apart I go back to the first drill and it all comes together.  I am feeling so much more confident!  My hardest part is keeping my head DOWN and remembering to breathe. 

 There are soooo many things that have to happen for a smooth swim, but I am going to keep working on it till I feel comfortable enough to go do a OWS.  I am still trying to get the whole breathing thing seems to stop my forward motion but lots of practice will hopefully help me.  These next few weeks will be a hard time in my life as my husband is leaving for Afghanistan in less then two weeks. I live in a running community and no one that I know swims, or someone from my running group will say they want to go swimming only to flake out or change their minds.  I am thankful to have this group to talk about the ups and downs of training and life in general.  I know this is nothing for most of you but for me it is the biggest step and I am so excited I cant wait to get back in the pool!! Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this...I know its long and not that exciting but it means a lot to know someone took a look at my small accomplishment!


That is Flipen awesome. Congrats on the break through. As a Swim instructor i see this alot in people. Keep up the great work and you will be super comfortable in the water and then you will be swimming laps around your Hubby. 

2012-12-28 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Got to the pool this afternoon for 30 minutes of laps.  Had "that" young kid in the next lane to me. The one that we all know who can swim all four strokes in a pretty fashion and made me look slow (which I am!).

Mitch Swim 5 - Bike 17 -Run 23 - Rest 4 - Total 45 Time 34:19:41
Matthew Swim 12 - Bike 11 - Run 11 - Rest 4 - Total 33 Time 40:45:51
Mark Swim 4 - Bike 9- Run 10 Rest 7 Total 23 Time 20:17:00
Jackie Swim 0 - Bike 4 - Run 19 - Rest 5- Total 23 - Time 36:30:37
Jim Swim 0- Bike 7- Run 15 Rest 5 - Total 22 -Time 16:57:14
Ernesto Swim 2 - Bike 8 - Run 11 - Rest 7 - Total 21 - Time 28:08'18"
Charlotte Swim 1 - Bike 8- Run 7 Rest 3 Total 20 (To Goal: 10) Time 12:00 (To Goal: 8:00)
Gabe Swim 0 - Bike 8 - Run 9 - Rest 11 - Total 17 - Time 18:35:28
Joe Swim 9- Bike 5 - Run 3 - Rest 1 - Total 17 Time 11:12:12
Chris Swim 0 - Bike 0 - Run 13 - Rest 8 - Total 13 Time 11:57:41
Samy Swim 1 - Bike 0 - Run 10 - Rest 8 - Total 11 Time 8:03:23
Andy Swim 2 - Bike 0 - Run 8- Rest 12 - Total 10- Time 6:52:47
Barry Swim 1 - Bike 2 - Run 2 - Rest 7 - Total 5 - Time 2:58:52
Scott Swim 1 Bike 0 - Run 1 - Rest 2 - Total -2 - Time 2:

Edited by dangremond 2012-12-28 4:12 PM
2012-12-28 4:23 PM
in reply to: #4552101

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Thank you Temoniprince! I bet you see all kinds of things as a swim instructor! Thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it!
2012-12-28 5:03 PM
in reply to: #4543349

New user

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Gratz on the breakthrough with the swimming.
2012-12-28 5:07 PM
in reply to: #4552284

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

15k ride to the 5k parkrun race and 15k ride back home this morning.

Mitch Swim 5 - Bike 17 -Run 23 - Rest 4 - Total 45 Time 34:19:41
Matthew Swim 12 - Bike 11 - Run 11 - Rest 4 - Total 33 Time 40:45:51
Mark Swim 4 - Bike 10- Run 11 Rest 7 Total 25 Time 22:17:00
Jackie Swim 0 - Bike 4 - Run 19 - Rest 5- Total 23 - Time 36:30:37
Jim Swim 0- Bike 7- Run 15 Rest 5 - Total 22 -Time 16:57:14
Ernesto Swim 2 - Bike 8 - Run 11 - Rest 7 - Total 21 - Time 28:08'18"
Charlotte Swim 1 - Bike 8- Run 7 Rest 3 Total 20 (To Goal: 10) Time 12:00 (To Goal: 8:00)
Gabe Swim 0 - Bike 8 - Run 9 - Rest 11 - Total 17 - Time 18:35:28
Joe Swim 9- Bike 5 - Run 3 - Rest 1 - Total 17 Time 11:12:12
Chris Swim 0 - Bike 0 - Run 13 - Rest 8 - Total 13 Time 11:57:41
Samy Swim 1 - Bike 0 - Run 10 - Rest 8 - Total 11 Time 8:03:23
Andy Swim 2 - Bike 0 - Run 8- Rest 12 - Total 10- Time 6:52:47
Barry Swim 1 - Bike 2 - Run 2 - Rest 7 - Total 5 - Time 2:58:52
Scott Swim 1 Bike 0 - Run 1 - Rest 2 - Total -2 - Time 2:

2012-12-28 5:31 PM
in reply to: #4552064

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Pixiedustlady - 2012-12-28 11:46 AM

Today something great happened and I wanted to share it with Ernesto and group.  In case anyone missed my intro, I am a seasoned (and bored) runner and just started doing Triathlons this year.  I have done four sprints and am looking forward to racing season in 2013.  I have a ZERO swim background.  Only training I have ever had was as a six year old (basically floating and not drowning) and in Marine Corps Boot Camp, which was survival swimming.

  I have never been shown how to do any stroke.  My first Sprint was a pool swim and I asked to go last.  I am glad I did because I was DYING and it was only 300 meters.  The next two sprints were not much better but I still was gasping for air and killing myself trying to do the front crawl. Last sprint I did was a lake swim.  The day of the race the wind was blowing and the chop was making me panic.  Soon as I could not touch the bottom I freaked out and started to swim back to the pier but swim patrol stopped me and talked me through it.  I basically side stroked and dog paddled the entire time.  I was hating every minute of it. The closest Tri club and training is over an hour away from me.  I basically copied what I have seen others do and couldnt figure out why I was out of breath.  Today my husband finished his swim workout and called me to come to the Air Station pool and he said he would help me without any yelling or eye rolling.  I usually can barely swim 25 meters without huffing and puffing and racing for the pool wall.  Today he showed me some drills he got off his Total Immersion dvds and I am proud to share that I swam 625 meters!!!! No that was not a non stop hardcore lap workout...but for once I was having fun doing the drills and learning the correct way to swim.  One of the lifeguards even yelled out that I was lookin good! and they never say anything to anyone.  Just having her say that MADE MY DAY! I notice when things start falling apart I go back to the first drill and it all comes together.  I am feeling so much more confident!  My hardest part is keeping my head DOWN and remembering to breathe. 

 There are soooo many things that have to happen for a smooth swim, but I am going to keep working on it till I feel comfortable enough to go do a OWS.  I am still trying to get the whole breathing thing seems to stop my forward motion but lots of practice will hopefully help me.  These next few weeks will be a hard time in my life as my husband is leaving for Afghanistan in less then two weeks. I live in a running community and no one that I know swims, or someone from my running group will say they want to go swimming only to flake out or change their minds.  I am thankful to have this group to talk about the ups and downs of training and life in general.  I know this is nothing for most of you but for me it is the biggest step and I am so excited I cant wait to get back in the pool!! Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this...I know its long and not that exciting but it means a lot to know someone took a look at my small accomplishment!


If I was you, I would sit down and watch the TI dvd. I've done that before while riding my trainer. Somewhat boring but I can re-watch the videos to help me gain a sense of what I am still doing wrong in the water. I am only a 2:00/100 yard swimmer and I am ok with that for now. I do hope to get down to about 1:50/100 yard swimmer by IMCDA in June.  

Last fall I bought the dvd and book and spent 2 months of drills only. I can say that from the above where I am now a 2:00/100 yard swimmer that before I was closer to 2:15 to 2:20.  The DVD and book really helped me a lot to learn more about balance in the water.

Good luck and good job for getting that breakthrough with your swimming.  

2012-12-28 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4552064

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Pixiedustlady - 2012-12-28 1:46 PM

Today something great happened and I wanted to share it with Ernesto and group.  In case anyone missed my intro, I am a seasoned (and bored) runner and just started doing Triathlons this year.  I have done four sprints and am looking forward to racing season in 2013.  I have a ZERO swim background.  Only training I have ever had was as a six year old (basically floating and not drowning) and in Marine Corps Boot Camp, which was survival swimming.

  I have never been shown how to do any stroke.  My first Sprint was a pool swim and I asked to go last.  I am glad I did because I was DYING and it was only 300 meters.  The next two sprints were not much better but I still was gasping for air and killing myself trying to do the front crawl. Last sprint I did was a lake swim.  The day of the race the wind was blowing and the chop was making me panic.  Soon as I could not touch the bottom I freaked out and started to swim back to the pier but swim patrol stopped me and talked me through it.  I basically side stroked and dog paddled the entire time.  I was hating every minute of it. The closest Tri club and training is over an hour away from me.  I basically copied what I have seen others do and couldnt figure out why I was out of breath.  Today my husband finished his swim workout and called me to come to the Air Station pool and he said he would help me without any yelling or eye rolling.  I usually can barely swim 25 meters without huffing and puffing and racing for the pool wall.  Today he showed me some drills he got off his Total Immersion dvds and I am proud to share that I swam 625 meters!!!! No that was not a non stop hardcore lap workout...but for once I was having fun doing the drills and learning the correct way to swim.  One of the lifeguards even yelled out that I was lookin good! and they never say anything to anyone.  Just having her say that MADE MY DAY! I notice when things start falling apart I go back to the first drill and it all comes together.  I am feeling so much more confident!  My hardest part is keeping my head DOWN and remembering to breathe. 

 There are soooo many things that have to happen for a smooth swim, but I am going to keep working on it till I feel comfortable enough to go do a OWS.  I am still trying to get the whole breathing thing seems to stop my forward motion but lots of practice will hopefully help me.  These next few weeks will be a hard time in my life as my husband is leaving for Afghanistan in less then two weeks. I live in a running community and no one that I know swims, or someone from my running group will say they want to go swimming only to flake out or change their minds.  I am thankful to have this group to talk about the ups and downs of training and life in general.  I know this is nothing for most of you but for me it is the biggest step and I am so excited I cant wait to get back in the pool!! Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this...I know its long and not that exciting but it means a lot to know someone took a look at my small accomplishment!


Breakthroughs are earned, never a product of chance. Keep working at it and you will see many more.



2012-12-28 6:19 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Somehow I brainfarted and left Neal (roachn) out of the roster so we are 41.

Final roster:

Neal (roachn) new to the thread
Tiffany (roadrhino) new
Nikki (hippotude) new
Andy (Climbinggonzo) veteran from past seasons
Mitch (dangremond) veteran
Matthew (Matthews) veteran
Trevor (spie34) new
Taylor (tayvincent) new
Augg (auggiebishop) new
Scott/Doc (gobluedds) veteran
Jackie (jackiep) veteran
Gabriel/Gabe (sirgab) veteran
Chris (chris2533) veteran
Randy (RandyP1964) new
Chris (millscd63) new
James/Jim (JBacarella) veteran
Joe (JoePetto) veteran
Mark (markz) veteran
Sammy (themoniprince) new
Samy (Samy) veteran
Mike (jmhpsu93) new
Greg (Gla56) new
Barry (baurryman) veteran
Doug (speed22522) new
Jordan (flyingpenguin) new
Caroline (NovaMom) new
Darcie (Pixiedustlady) new
Kate (Ktbollman) new
John (Jables) new
Marc (Pitch) new
Juancho (Juancho) new
Lisa (NWrunner) new
Harry (HC203) new
Lisa (LisaGee) new
Denise (neeceeb) new
Rebecca (rebeccatrisirons) new
James (Jimi) new
Krista (kristaae) new
Derek (BigDaddyD79) new
Robert (rgarcia1501) new

2012-12-28 7:17 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

6 mi recovery run.  I'm winning on total time (because I'm slow).

Mitch Swim 5 - Bike 17 -Run 23 - Rest 4 - Total 45 Time 34:19:41
Matthew Swim 12 - Bike 11 - Run 11 - Rest 4 - Total 33 Time 40:45:51
Mark Swim 4 - Bike 10- Run 11 Rest 7 Total 25 Time 22:17:00
Jackie Swim 0 - Bike 4 - Run 20 - Rest 5- Total 24 - Time 37:50:51
Jim Swim 0- Bike 7- Run 15 Rest 5 - Total 22 -Time 16:57:14
Ernesto Swim 2 - Bike 8 - Run 11 - Rest 7 - Total 21 - Time 28:08'18"
Charlotte Swim 1 - Bike 8- Run 7 Rest 3 Total 20 (To Goal: 10) Time 12:00 (To Goal: 8:00)
Gabe Swim 0 - Bike 8 - Run 9 - Rest 11 - Total 17 - Time 18:35:28
Joe Swim 9- Bike 5 - Run 3 - Rest 1 - Total 17 Time 11:12:12
Chris Swim 0 - Bike 0 - Run 13 - Rest 8 - Total 13 Time 11:57:41
Samy Swim 1 - Bike 0 - Run 10 - Rest 8 - Total 11 Time 8:03:23
Andy Swim 2 - Bike 0 - Run 8- Rest 12 - Total 10- Time 6:52:47
Barry Swim 1 - Bike 2 - Run 2 - Rest 7 - Total 5 - Time 2:58:52
Scott Swim 1 Bike 0 - Run 1 - Rest 2 - Total -2 - Time 2:


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