BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN Rss Feed  
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2017-01-17 8:56 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

 I can't help but hate that cheating, whiny, phony of a franchise known as the Patriots even more. 

You New Englanders feel free to spew some hatred my way. 

Consider it spewed.  I get that people hate winners.  We New Englanders hated the yankees basically always.  Still do and they haven't done a whole lot.  Regardless I am riding this wave for as long as it exists because I know that the terrible team we had for decades isn't far away from a comeback.  Until 2001, we were the Browns (sorry Dave!).  Every decade has a new team to hate.  Steelers first, then Dolphins, then Cowboys, then Niners (although everyone seemed to give them a pass!), Broncos, now Patriots.  Who's team is next?

This is not a sports forum so I won't go into how the entire league is a bunch of cheaters, and people only believe what they want to believe.  And conveniently ignore things that don't fit into their worldview.  I guess I just did go into it.  

Now back to your regularly scheduled workout discussion!


Here I'll start - had a rough week last week post marathon.  I got one run in, and it was awful.  Was sore from the marathon for like 6 days.  Yesterday I felt pretty defeated about it.  Today I jumped back on the wagon (inspired at least partly by Nicole's 'angry run'), and ripped off the fastest five miler I've done in a long while, and felt good doing it.  Sometimes it just takes a little rest and some inspiration!

2017-01-17 10:30 PM
in reply to: #5210458

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, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Hope you're back to normal soon Mike and no surgery delays come from this.

I'm not getting into the football discussion. I'm a Giants fan so I'm not really watching football with any interest anymore.

20 minute hard run to try my first functional threshold test. I'm trying to nail down my actual HR zones heading into the season. In the past I've estimated, but it is going to be so important to stay low enough for majority of my IM training and not overtrain at all that I thought it was important to really try to nail new zones and periodically check them. I'll do the bike test on Thursday and the swim on Saturday.

2017-01-17 10:37 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by Qua17

I'm sorry for all the posts today - but I decided to take the time to make a BDAS directory which I have added to my log page.

Here's the link:

If I made any mistakes or omissions, please let me know.

Let's use it to leave inspires for everyone to cheer them on throughout the week. I think I'll leave a few now

Thanks for the inspire, Dave! I'm here!
I'm catching up - lots of activity in the last couple of days which is GREAT!
The semester started up on Monday - yup, MLK day and my kids had it off - so they had a great day playing on their tablets.
Mommy wasn't around to do much but give them a few chores to have done before I got home.
Anyway, pretty much idle this past week with lots of time in front of the computer with lesson planning. Acupuncture on deck tomorrow after class so probably won't get to swim, we'll see...but I can certainly spin at home!
Bedtime! Cheers!
I'll get some responses out to posts tomorrow after I get home! Go BDASers - keep crushing!
2017-01-17 10:41 PM
in reply to: firebert

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

 I can't help but hate that cheating, whiny, phony of a franchise known as the Patriots even more. 

You New Englanders feel free to spew some hatred my way. 

Consider it spewed.  I get that people hate winners.  We New Englanders hated the yankees basically always.  Still do and they haven't done a whole lot.  Regardless I am riding this wave for as long as it exists because I know that the terrible team we had for decades isn't far away from a comeback.  Until 2001, we were the Browns (sorry Dave!).  Every decade has a new team to hate.  Steelers first, then Dolphins, then Cowboys, then Niners (although everyone seemed to give them a pass!), Broncos, now Patriots.  Who's team is next?

This is not a sports forum so I won't go into how the entire league is a bunch of cheaters, and people only believe what they want to believe.  And conveniently ignore things that don't fit into their worldview.  I guess I just did go into it.  

Now back to your regularly scheduled workout discussion!


/p> hubby's a Miami fan....Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Sorry, I had to say that. My youngest is a Patriot's fan. I like watching football, but I LOVE eating chicken wings and drinking we all get along. :D
2017-01-17 10:43 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

wow, lots going on here since my last post.

I had a reasonable weekend, a half hour run on Friday, followed by an hour and a half ride both Saturday and Sunday. I had planned 1 longer ride and one shorter one, but my riding buddy's knee started to play up midway through the ride, so we had to cut that short.

Overall, 3 runs, and 3 rides for the week ,a total of about 5 hours. And feeling fully recovered from the HIM last weekend, ready to go for a big week of Ironman prep.

Nice job, Andrew, sounds like a solid week!
2017-01-17 10:46 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

I spent this weekend shivering on the couch with most likely a bronchial infection - off to the doctor today. 

I typically get one every year around this time but this one is really bad - fever for three days and my chest really hurts.  No training obviously - just hoping this doesn't impact my procedure next week...I get my blood work tomorrow and I'm going to be my blood counts are a mess right now.

Oh yuck, feel better. I hope your blood work goes okay.
My son just had a mild fever and is stuffed right up - hope it doesn't get to the chest. Hubby is off too - no fever but massively congested and has to fly to Indy tomorrow. This on again/off again weather doesn't help. Lots of bugs going around.

2017-01-18 7:24 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Tavo2311  20 minute hard run to try my first functional threshold test. I'm trying to nail down my actual HR zones heading into the season. In the past I've estimated, but it is going to be so important to stay low enough for majority of my IM training and not overtrain at all that I thought it was important to really try to nail new zones and periodically check them. I'll do the bike test on Thursday and the swim on Saturday. -Matt

Thanks for the reminder - I desperately need to do this.  I have a new watch and it monitors my recovery status for every workout based on HR zones.  And those zones are currently the defaults...

2017-01-18 7:38 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.   Went to the doctor yesterday (actually an NP, who was really nice and significantly more thorough than most of my doctor visits...).  Had an x-ray to rule out pneumonia - whew!  No antibiotics for now... wait and see.  I feel a little better today as we changed the cold medicines I was taking and I got a good night's sleep last night.  I'm still a little clammy but the shaking and high fever are gone.  Still coughing up a lung and sneezing like crazy, but improving!

The funny thing is that all of this sitting around doing is making my back feel better.  LOL  It's not foolin' me!!!!! 

2017-01-18 7:43 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Tavo2311 Hope you're back to normal soon Mike and no surgery delays come from this. I'm not getting into the football discussion. I'm a Giants fan so I'm not really watching football with any interest anymore. 20 minute hard run to try my first functional threshold test. I'm trying to nail down my actual HR zones heading into the season. In the past I've estimated, but it is going to be so important to stay low enough for majority of my IM training and not overtrain at all that I thought it was important to really try to nail new zones and periodically check them. I'll do the bike test on Thursday and the swim on Saturday. -Matt

Just a bit of warning - I've tried to do all three tests in a week and failed miserably because I wasn't really recovered enough to do an accurate test.  Make sure to get plenty of rest in between.

I also find that the run test is just brutal and I have a hard time running "all-out" during it because I have a really hard time pacing it.  If you told me, "Mike, go run @ 7:00/mile for 15 minutes" I somehow can do that, but it's harder to do the test for some reason.  I'm better off just running a 5K, plugging it into Macmillan or Daniels, and going from there and let the HR numbers fall where they do.  I also find my HR numbers to deviate a decent amount where I don't totally trust HR-based results.  YMMV, of course.

2017-01-18 7:44 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Went for my fit session on my new bike last night.  Never had one before, and this one came free with the bike.  (BTW if anyone is close to the Boston area, I HIGHLY recommend Quad Cycles in Arlington.  Classic old school bike shop mentality of following through on sales to make sure the customer is happy, but with a big shop space and at least 5 brands in stock).  My old bike (2006 Trek 5200) is a 56, and was just a bit big for me.  I messed with seat positioning a lot over the years I had it, tried different saddles, never got it right.  My new bike, also a 56, I sat on just the way it was while hanging on the rack and it already felt better than my old one.  But you know you still need to do a fit to get everything dialed in.  

After 45 minutes sweating on the trainer, answering a hundred questions and talking about what triathlon training is like on the bike vs. what road racing or riding centuries would be, taking measurements, taking slo mo video of my pedal stroke...  All we ended up doing was adjusting the seat angle a bit (it was tilted slightly forward initially), and the position of my cleats on my shoes.  And that was it.

Testament to the shop - I brought my bike in for the fit without the aerobars on, telling myself they wouldn't want to adjust them because I didn't buy them there. Instead the guy told me I should have put them on, or even brought them with me and they would have put them on for me.  So now my homework is to put them on, spend a few hours on the trainer, and bring the bike back for adjustments. Buy the bike there once, bring it back whenever for a lifetime of fit adjustments.  I mean I'd expect that if I paid the $250 or whatever it was for a full fit session, but I got all this included just buying a leftover bike out of the shop's basement.  This shop is nowhere near me.  It's like 45 miles away, and there's ALWAYS traffic between me and there.  But I'll continue to go back there because they're absolutely awesome.

2017-01-18 7:47 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.   Went to the doctor yesterday (actually an NP, who was really nice and significantly more thorough than most of my doctor visits...).  Had an x-ray to rule out pneumonia - whew!  No antibiotics for now... wait and see.  I feel a little better today as we changed the cold medicines I was taking and I got a good night's sleep last night.  I'm still a little clammy but the shaking and high fever are gone.  Still coughing up a lung and sneezing like crazy, but improving!

The funny thing is that all of this sitting around doing is making my back feel better.  LOL  It's not foolin' me!!!!! 


Fantastic news that its not pneumonia and things are getting better!

Also haha at the back feeling better.  The classic "Ow my leg hurts!" (punch them in the arm) "Ow my arm hurts!!"  "yeah but how's the leg?"  :D

2017-01-18 7:53 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by Tavo2311  20 minute hard run to try my first functional threshold test. I'm trying to nail down my actual HR zones heading into the season. In the past I've estimated, but it is going to be so important to stay low enough for majority of my IM training and not overtrain at all that I thought it was important to really try to nail new zones and periodically check them. I'll do the bike test on Thursday and the swim on Saturday. -Matt

Thanks for the reminder - I desperately need to do this.  I have a new watch and it monitors my recovery status for every workout based on HR zones.  And those zones are currently the defaults...

920x? I just got a new one a couple months ago. Still rocking the default settings--dreading the test, so avoiding it (to my detriment!).
2017-01-18 7:57 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Hour of strength training this morning. The date on my log tells me it has been nine days since my last session. I could tell. I'm stupefied at how fast my strength started to fall off. I guess it should be a lesson against taking nine days off again! Later, three mile run scheduled with the pup. Hopefully the sun will come out sometime today and I'll try to fit it into that window. We have been dark, gray, and gloomy since Thursday.
2017-01-18 7:58 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.   Went to the doctor yesterday (actually an NP, who was really nice and significantly more thorough than most of my doctor visits...).  Had an x-ray to rule out pneumonia - whew!  No antibiotics for now... wait and see.  I feel a little better today as we changed the cold medicines I was taking and I got a good night's sleep last night.  I'm still a little clammy but the shaking and high fever are gone.  Still coughing up a lung and sneezing like crazy, but improving!

The funny thing is that all of this sitting around doing is making my back feel better.  LOL  It's not foolin' me!!!!! 

Glad to hear it isn't pneumonia! Rest up and feel better soon!
2017-01-18 8:02 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by Tavo2311  20 minute hard run to try my first functional threshold test. I'm trying to nail down my actual HR zones heading into the season. In the past I've estimated, but it is going to be so important to stay low enough for majority of my IM training and not overtrain at all that I thought it was important to really try to nail new zones and periodically check them. I'll do the bike test on Thursday and the swim on Saturday. -Matt

Thanks for the reminder - I desperately need to do this.  I have a new watch and it monitors my recovery status for every workout based on HR zones.  And those zones are currently the defaults...

920x? I just got a new one a couple months ago. Still rocking the default settings--dreading the test, so avoiding it (to my detriment!).

Congrats on the new watch!  Mine is probably my best tool out of any of my gear.  

Polar V800.  I'm the 'cool kid' who refused to get a Garmin because everyone uses Garmins.  So I have to enter all my workouts manually because there's no sync with BT, etc.  Always have to be different...  Also my previous watch was a Polar hand me down from the wife, who gave it to me when she switched to Garmin.

It does rock though, and I got a steal on it over Thanksgiving shopping weekend - it was a bundle with the HRM/strap, bike cadence sensor, and bike mount and it was $260 (instead of ~$400)

2017-01-18 10:05 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

wow, lots going on here since my last post.

I had a reasonable weekend, a half hour run on Friday, followed by an hour and a half ride both Saturday and Sunday. I had planned 1 longer ride and one shorter one, but my riding buddy's knee started to play up midway through the ride, so we had to cut that short.

Overall, 3 runs, and 3 rides for the week ,a total of about 5 hours. And feeling fully recovered from the HIM last weekend, ready to go for a big week of Ironman prep.

Andrew - Nice Work! I'm jealous of your ironman prep. There is nothing more challenging and nothing more rewarding.

2017-01-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by firebert

As promised

NAME: John aka firebert (homestar runner reference, which is about as obscure as this internet geek gets)

STORY: 42 years old, 5'10" 177 (at the moment). Long time runner - ran in high school, took a break until age 30, and then started again with the 5ks. Every single season I'd get hurt at some point. First the shins, then the knees, then the hips - it was something every year that would take me out of contention. Loved cycling as a kid and always wanted to get into road riding anyway. My NCAA swimmer/experienced triathlete wife talked me into triathlon. All I needed to do was learn to swim. Started on an older Trek carbon road bike, and just this past Friday bought a proper aero bike - new sold as used 2013 Felt AR3. The deal was too good to pass up. The bike was in the shop's rental fleet, only it never saw grease on the chain or had the protective film stickers removed

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a triathlete for 8 years now, we have a nearly 7 year old daughter who wants to run like mommy and daddy and probably swims freestyle better than I do.

CURRENT TRAINING: I NEED A PLAN!! Right now I'm parlaying my Dopey Challenge training into a Half Marathon in March, a repeat of the first one I did last year to see if I can improve my time. I'm starting the plan at Week 6 of the 15 week plan. The distance is not a concern. I have run 275+ miles since October in the process of training for the Dopey Also doing HIIT strength training once a week.

2016 RACES: Two sprints in 2015 was my first year in Tri. In 2016 I did a duathlon, a sprint, and a 'long' sprint (.5 mi swim instead of my usual .25, and 4.3 mi run). I'm still strongest and most accomplished at the run - 2016 saw me make the leap to the HM distance in March, and just over a week ago I did the Dopey Challenge at Disney (5k, 10k, HM, Marathon over 4 days - except the HM got cancelled....). That was my first marathon. I've solved 90% of my running injury issues and am absolutely psyched for this!!

The Plan for 2017: I need a plan. Right now I have a dream. See, my wife did IMNC 70.3 last October. She trained to the letter for that - 6-7 days a week, at least 3 days with doubles. Once she was done with the race, she said she was taking a minimum 6 months off training, maybe do one sprint in 2017. In a two triathlete household, this is gold for me - MORE TIME FOR TRAINING. I haven't made a plan yet though.

Ideally, I have this HM in March, then will actually work my way down to 10k and 5ks through April and just into June. I'll do the Season Opener Duathlon I did last year with a couple BDASers, a sprint or two, all while working my way up to an Olympic in September. Now, my weakest event is the swim. Not just that I am slow (I am painfully slow), but I have no swim endurance. Last year I pulled that .5 mi swim sprint off (2:20/100yd pace!) by the skin of my teeth. From there it will be my second marathon in October, and hopefully Dopey Challenge 2018 first week of January. I wanted to do the Dopey once in my life, and I feel like I was robbed of it because of the cancelled HM.

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: 1. Beer - prefer the hoppy stuff especially New England style IPAs, but really dig porters and stouts, as well as sour beers. Also have a love for a good European pilsener especially on a hot day. 2. Wine - red. I don't get much more educated than that. Booze - scotch (Lagavulin) and bourbon (Michters).

WEIGHT LOSS: I'm not too far off from where I want to be. When I was injured and not training at all, with a new baby in the house, I hit 200lbs which was my all time high. Once I found triathlon I've been as low as 167 in season. I'm at 177 right now but really not sweating the weight situation - it's going to fluctuate here and there and I'm totally ok with it. My goal isn't so much weight loss as just not putting it back on.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD BDAS MEMBER: The same stuff that has (hopefully) made me a good BDAS member for the past two seasons. Some experience, dedication, positive outlook, and I cheer for everyone. Honestly it makes me happy to see people doing something they love and improving themselves physically and mentally in the process.


John - SO glad to have you back! We need to plan some races together. I'm in no way close to you in terms of the distance I can run - but I'd love to find a few 5Ks. Perhaps we could find a bike race.
2017-01-18 10:12 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Qua17 John - SO glad to have you back! We need to plan some races together. I'm in no way close to you in terms of the distance I can run - but I'd love to find a few 5Ks. Perhaps we could find a bike race.


Bike Races!!!  That would be so awesome.  Even a charity ride.  Anything like that I would love.  I have no idea where to look though.

Right now i don't have a 5k planned before Father's Day, but I will look for something sooner.  

2017-01-18 10:30 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by Qua17 John - SO glad to have you back! We need to plan some races together. I'm in no way close to you in terms of the distance I can run - but I'd love to find a few 5Ks. Perhaps we could find a bike race.


Bike Races!!!  That would be so awesome.  Even a charity ride.  Anything like that I would love.  I have no idea where to look though.

Right now i don't have a 5k planned before Father's Day, but I will look for something sooner.  

Oooooo!!!! <raises hand>


2017-01-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

 I can't help but hate that cheating, whiny, phony of a franchise known as the Patriots even more. 

You New Englanders feel free to spew some hatred my way. 

Consider it spewed.  I get that people hate winners.  We New Englanders hated the yankees basically always.  Still do and they haven't done a whole lot.  Regardless I am riding this wave for as long as it exists because I know that the terrible team we had for decades isn't far away from a comeback.  Until 2001, we were the Browns (sorry Dave!).  Every decade has a new team to hate.  Steelers first, then Dolphins, then Cowboys, then Niners (although everyone seemed to give them a pass!), Broncos, now Patriots.  Who's team is next?

This is not a sports forum so I won't go into how the entire league is a bunch of cheaters, and people only believe what they want to believe.  And conveniently ignore things that don't fit into their worldview.  I guess I just did go into it.  

Now back to your regularly scheduled workout discussion!


Here I'll start - had a rough week last week post marathon.  I got one run in, and it was awful.  Was sore from the marathon for like 6 days.  Yesterday I felt pretty defeated about it.  Today I jumped back on the wagon (inspired at least partly by Nicole's 'angry run'), and ripped off the fastest five miler I've done in a long while, and felt good doing it.  Sometimes it just takes a little rest and some inspiration!

Glad I could inspire you! And sounds like an awesome run!
2017-01-18 11:26 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
If it's possible to transmit sickness through the computer, I am pretty sure I got Mike's. I'm not a doctor, but I think that's definitely what happened.

Started feeling a little cold coming on yesterday and it's definitely there this morning. Sore throat, stuffy, and just blah overall. Still went to the Sprint cycling class last night and am playing on going to a Boot Camp tonight, then hopefully get to bed early. I actually blame my niece and nephew, who I babysat on Saturday. Little cesspools of germs. Every time I babysit them or my other nephews I get sick. Every. Time.

I need to sign up for a race for motivation. Once we get this grant submitted I should have more time in the evenings, so will start looking for either runs or tris. Mike, how long will you be out from your surgery? Planning any local races? I am jealous of all the Mass people doing them together!

2017-01-18 11:29 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
I just signed up for my first stand alone HM. I figured I'm more than half way through the training program, I should pony up the cash and make it official! Fly with the Eagles HM in Marion, IL. Pretty cool--it goes through a wildlife refuge, and part of the course is on roads that aren't open to the public. Makes it difficult to scout the course, but friends of mine who have done it say it isn't hilly.
2017-01-18 12:56 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by Qua17 John - SO glad to have you back! We need to plan some races together. I'm in no way close to you in terms of the distance I can run - but I'd love to find a few 5Ks. Perhaps we could find a bike race.


Bike Races!!!  That would be so awesome.  Even a charity ride.  Anything like that I would love.  I have no idea where to look though.

Right now i don't have a 5k planned before Father's Day, but I will look for something sooner.  




This is awesome - thanks!!  How did I not know about this before?

2017-01-18 1:00 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove I just signed up for my first stand alone HM. I figured I'm more than half way through the training program, I should pony up the cash and make it official! Fly with the Eagles HM in Marion, IL. Pretty cool--it goes through a wildlife refuge, and part of the course is on roads that aren't open to the public. Makes it difficult to scout the course, but friends of mine who have done it say it isn't hilly.

Gretchen that sounds awesome!  


Regarding scouting courses - I haven't ever done that.  I figure I'm not in contention for a podium spot so I'll get what I get on race day.  I mean I know ahead of time from organizers and such if it's a hilly course or a flat course or the infamous 'rolling hills'.  But otherwise the only scouting I do is on race day, scouting for next year's race lol.  Do other people scout?  Maybe I should start!

(actually this isn't 100% true, I did the bike course of the Season Opener last year with Dave about a week or two before the race, and it was really helpful)

2017-01-18 1:16 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by drfoodlove I just signed up for my first stand alone HM. I figured I'm more than half way through the training program, I should pony up the cash and make it official! Fly with the Eagles HM in Marion, IL. Pretty cool--it goes through a wildlife refuge, and part of the course is on roads that aren't open to the public. Makes it difficult to scout the course, but friends of mine who have done it say it isn't hilly.

Gretchen that sounds awesome!  


Regarding scouting courses - I haven't ever done that.  I figure I'm not in contention for a podium spot so I'll get what I get on race day.  I mean I know ahead of time from organizers and such if it's a hilly course or a flat course or the infamous 'rolling hills'.  But otherwise the only scouting I do is on race day, scouting for next year's race lol.  Do other people scout?  Maybe I should start!

(actually this isn't 100% true, I did the bike course of the Season Opener last year with Dave about a week or two before the race, and it was really helpful)

I scout courses I'm worried about for one reason or another. I scouted the bike course for my first Oly, but not the run (turned out to be a huge mistake, it was uphill all the way to the turn around!!). I also scouted the bike for my HIM this summer, but that was more about being confident that I could make the distance within a decent time than learning the course well. Again, I didn't do the run course. Perhaps my subconscious knows that I'm slow enough on the run that there is no way I could miss a turn!
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Learn how to prepare and avoid the cold water freak-out
date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
comments : 0
Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : September 2, 2010
author : mrakes1
comments : 0
Discussions on balanced meals, recommended amount of protein, losing weight for an Ironman, is pizza good? and beer as a recovery drink.