BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed Rss Feed  
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2011-05-30 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3524623

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
gdale - 2011-05-30 4:00 PM
dalessit - 2011-05-30 12:28 PM

T1 - How many times can we yell at him to velcro his shoes.

T2 - LOL...


Next time I'll shut up, I didn't realize how many instructions I was shouting at him, that would confuse me also.


Great videos!  Looks like he was focused on the task!

You guys could have helped him set up his bike a little better so that his pedal wasn't blocking the kickstand!  LOL


Those are awesome! 

2011-05-30 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3524422

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dalessit - 2011-05-31 2:28 AM

T1 - How many times can we yell at him to velcro his shoes.

T2 - LOL...


Next time I'll shut up, I didn't realize how many instructions I was shouting at him, that would confuse me also.


That's so cute!

Makes you realise all kids are the same at that age, putting shoes on the wrong feet is a regular occurrence in our house!

I've just signed up the whole family for a 3km run on the day I do my next HM, the girls and my wife are not impressed but my little 7 year old boy is raring to go.

There's a few kids triathlons coming up form September onwards so I'm hoping they''ll do them too. Their school gets a professional triathlon coach to come in for 12 weeks to prepare them for the Noosa Triathlon - maybe I'll tag along and get some tips!

2011-05-30 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3524791

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-05-30 7:37 PM
dalessit - 2011-05-31 2:28 AM

T1 - How many times can we yell at him to velcro his shoes.

T2 - LOL...


Next time I'll shut up, I didn't realize how many instructions I was shouting at him, that would confuse me also.


That's so cute!

Makes you realise all kids are the same at that age, putting shoes on the wrong feet is a regular occurrence in our house!

I've just signed up the whole family for a 3km run on the day I do my next HM, the girls and my wife are not impressed but my little 7 year old boy is raring to go.

There's a few kids triathlons coming up form September onwards so I'm hoping they''ll do them too. Their school gets a professional triathlon coach to come in for 12 weeks to prepare them for the Noosa Triathlon - maybe I'll tag along and get some tips!


That sounds like a lot of fun.  I hope the rest of the family gets as fired up as your son.  It's so much fun to share the racing experience them.

Speaking of coaches for little triathletes, there was a tri team at the race this weekend that must have had at least 2 dozen kids in the race.  They all had team kits.  It was really cute.

Congrats Linda and your newest grad.  The pics were great.  That sounded like quite a party.

Awesome job Roni! 

I hope I didn't forget anyone else.  I'm a little behind the curve.  Back to work tomorrow.  UGH!!!!

2011-05-31 5:29 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed


May's totals:
Bike:13h 59m 08s  - 356.49 KM
Run:14h 44m 11s  - 142.5 KM
Swim:8h 54m 41s  - 19710 M

Running and swimming are up this month, cycling down. I'm increasing running as part of my HM program but I'm not sure why my swimming's increased, I think I'm just getting used to longer workouts.

Cycling's harder to do due to the cold and dark evenings...

The local tri club were doing a trainer session by the pool whilst I was swimming this morning, think I'll have to pluck up courage to join themEmbarassed

2011-05-31 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3523947

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fowlmood - 2011-05-29 8:33 PM

Well here she is I went with the Cannondale Slice 5. Picked her up on Saturday hopefully try to get in a short ride on Monday if the Wind is down below 40mph.

She's BEAUTIFUL!!  Does she have a name??

I've had family here from Arizona, California & Texas for almost a week now and have fallen way behind on reading the MG posts.  So, congrats to those of you who have raced in the last week.  I'm officially on summer vacation now, so let the training (and napping) begin!! Laughing

2011-05-31 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3524320

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dalessit - 2011-05-30 10:30 AM

Uploading Drew's T1 and T2 for your amusement, should be done in a few.

He rode the bike with shoes on the wrong foot, we asked him about it afterwards he said he did it on purpose because it hurt his feet and made him want to ride faster to get back to transition so he could fix it... 

Drew has it all together now. Nutrition, motivation. There can't be much left before he goes and sets new records at Kono

2011-05-31 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3525203

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-05-31 7:21 AM
fowlmood - 2011-05-29 8:33 PM

Well here she is I went with the Cannondale Slice 5. Picked her up on Saturday hopefully try to get in a short ride on Monday if the Wind is down below 40mph.

No name yet. The wind did die down to 24mph so I took her out for a short ride. This is a completly different beast from my Tarmac. new muscles to use.

Congrats to everyone
She's BEAUTIFUL!!  Does she have a name??

I've had family here from Arizona, California & Texas for almost a week now and have fallen way behind on reading the MG posts.  So, congrats to those of you who have raced in the last week.  I'm officially on summer vacation now, so let the training (and napping) begin!! Laughing

2011-05-31 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
2011-05-31 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3525273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Anything exciting going on today, it's absurdly hot and humid here today.  Have a bike and run today + coaching soccer practice, should be a fun afternoon.


2011-05-31 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Congrats Sam, Roni and all extended families.  Sam, I love the photo.  His race number is almost as big as he is.


ATTENTION, ATTENTION, MISERABLE, PARTY OF ONE, YOUR TABLE IS READY!!!  Good googly moogly it is humid in North Carolina.  And coming from the chick who HATES being cold, it is freakin' hot down here.  What happened to spring?

Lesson learned from this weekend, CARRY EXTRA CHAMOIS CREAM ON BIKE RIDES EXCEEDING 70 MILES!!!  Lets just say I'm glad I can go commando around my own house!!   

2011-05-31 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3525793

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-05-31 2:10 PM

Congrats Sam, Roni and all extended families.  Sam, I love the photo.  His race number is almost as big as he is.


ATTENTION, ATTENTION, MISERABLE, PARTY OF ONE, YOUR TABLE IS READY!!!  Good googly moogly it is humid in North Carolina.  And coming from the chick who HATES being cold, it is freakin' hot down here.  What happened to spring?

Lesson learned from this weekend, CARRY EXTRA CHAMOIS CREAM ON BIKE RIDES EXCEEDING 70 MILES!!!  Lets just say I'm glad I can go commando around my own house!!   

Are you using good stuff?  D'z Nutz lasts for 4+ hr rides for me.

2011-05-31 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3525796

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dalessit - 2011-05-31 2:11 PM
tahrens - 2011-05-31 2:10 PM

Congrats Sam, Roni and all extended families.  Sam, I love the photo.  His race number is almost as big as he is.


ATTENTION, ATTENTION, MISERABLE, PARTY OF ONE, YOUR TABLE IS READY!!!  Good googly moogly it is humid in North Carolina.  And coming from the chick who HATES being cold, it is freakin' hot down here.  What happened to spring?

Lesson learned from this weekend, CARRY EXTRA CHAMOIS CREAM ON BIKE RIDES EXCEEDING 70 MILES!!!  Lets just say I'm glad I can go commando around my own house!!   

Are you using good stuff?  D'z Nutz lasts for 4+ hr rides for me.


I grease up with Assos at the house and Doug just bought me some D'z Nutz for ladies for the road so I can stay nice and tingly the whole trip. Tongue out

2011-05-31 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3525793

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-05-31 2:10 PM

Congrats Sam, Roni and all extended families.  Sam, I love the photo.  His race number is almost as big as he is.


ATTENTION, ATTENTION, MISERABLE, PARTY OF ONE, YOUR TABLE IS READY!!!  Good googly moogly it is humid in North Carolina.  And coming from the chick who HATES being cold, it is freakin' hot down here.  What happened to spring?

Lesson learned from this weekend, CARRY EXTRA CHAMOIS CREAM ON BIKE RIDES EXCEEDING 70 MILES!!!  Lets just say I'm glad I can go commando around my own house!!   

try to find a brand that has single use packets like this.  you do not want to cram a big tube of something in the limited space you have on the bike during IM.   you may even be able to tape one or two of these under your seat.   

edit.  i wouldn't rely on or assume a tube in BSN will get you the rest of the way home either.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-05-31 1:36 PM
2011-05-31 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3525869

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-05-31 2:34 PM
tahrens - 2011-05-31 2:10 PM

Congrats Sam, Roni and all extended families.  Sam, I love the photo.  His race number is almost as big as he is.


ATTENTION, ATTENTION, MISERABLE, PARTY OF ONE, YOUR TABLE IS READY!!!  Good googly moogly it is humid in North Carolina.  And coming from the chick who HATES being cold, it is freakin' hot down here.  What happened to spring?

Lesson learned from this weekend, CARRY EXTRA CHAMOIS CREAM ON BIKE RIDES EXCEEDING 70 MILES!!!  Lets just say I'm glad I can go commando around my own house!!   

try to find a brand that has single use packets like this.  you do not want to cram a big tube of something in the limited space you have on the bike during IM.   you may even be able to tape one or two of these under your seat.   

edit.  i wouldn't rely on or assume a tube in BSN will get you the rest of the way home either.

Cool John, thanks.  I need to stop by REI for some new riding gloves anyway.  A girl always loves an excuse to go shopping.  Even if it is to buy a cream for her butt. 

2011-05-31 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3524274

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
sdalessio - 2011-05-30 8:52 AM

Hi gang - still working on the race report.  Probably tomorrow AM when I don't have housework calling my name.  But these are some cute pics I thought I'd post.


Not sure where that leaf has been.  But he ate his sharkies.


Running into T2


His exhausted athlete look

LMAO!!! I need the leaf story! What a great pic, and the reverse shoe motivation method is hilarious. GOOD WORK!!!

2011-05-31 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Hey all. Haven't written a race report from the weekend yet, but had a great sprint with the family on Saturday.

For me, I finally broke 25 min on a 5k. I think my PB was 25:30 or so stand-alone, and I ran off the bike a 24:38. Was thrilled with that. I think when I crossed the RD sid something like" #50 Trevor Cochran, hey someone get him a drink, he's foaming at the mouth." 

Michelle had a decent race, but she is still learning how to get settled for the swim. The girls had fun, and wow Kaitlyn(6 in August) gets what a 'race' is now. Michelle tried to keep up with her on the bike, sans training wheels now, and she couldn't. Good times.

2011-05-31 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Hot amd humid up here also. The temp went from 12  on Sunday to 31 today and 39% humidex ( makes it feel like about 38 here.  That would be from about 53 to 88 in two days. ( about 100 with the humidity). No wonder I was sweating like crazy when I rode to the university here. ( about 7 K.) Went for amn OWS today at the lake and it was great. A little breeze so there was a few small waves which kept me breathing off one side going into it. Going back with the wind/waves was great. Hd excellent times going with the breeze
I am going to hit the bike tomorrow morning and will take as much fluid with me as possible. It's supposed to be another warm day tomorrow.
2011-05-31 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3526255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

It's the end of May!! Would someone tell our weather that??!! Rainy and 50's... again. At least we're now solid in the 50's instead of 40's, so I guess I should quit my bee-yatchin'!! 

Was pleased as punch to break 100 miles for running this month. The hamstring is really doing great and I have runs now where I don't even feel it. Still feel it when I sit around, or drive for a long time... but the fact that I am running, running on hills, and sometime trying to run faster-ish, well, that makes me smile. Party on!!

May's totals:
Bike:39h 02m 33s  - 609.12 Mi
Run:20h 29m 09s  - 122.18 Mi
Swim:11h 20m  - 42850 Yd


2011-05-31 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3526119

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-05-31 4:45 PM

Hey all. Haven't written a race report from the weekend yet, but had a great sprint with the family on Saturday.

For me, I finally broke 25 min on a 5k. I think my PB was 25:30 or so stand-alone, and I ran off the bike a 24:38. Was thrilled with that. I think when I crossed the RD sid something like" #50 Trevor Cochran, hey someone get him a drink, he's foaming at the mouth." 

Michelle had a decent race, but she is still learning how to get settled for the swim. The girls had fun, and wow Kaitlyn(6 in August) gets what a 'race' is now. Michelle tried to keep up with her on the bike, sans training wheels now, and she couldn't. Good times.


2011-05-31 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3526119

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Trevor-Treasure, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!'Nuff said!!!
2011-05-31 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3526119

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-05-31 4:45 PM

Hey all. Haven't written a race report from the weekend yet, but had a great sprint with the family on Saturday.

For me, I finally broke 25 min on a 5k. I think my PB was 25:30 or so stand-alone, and I ran off the bike a 24:38. Was thrilled with that. I think when I crossed the RD sid something like" #50 Trevor Cochran, hey someone get him a drink, he's foaming at the mouth." 

Michelle had a decent race, but she is still learning how to get settled for the swim. The girls had fun, and wow Kaitlyn(6 in August) gets what a 'race' is now. Michelle tried to keep up with her on the bike, sans training wheels now, and she couldn't. Good times.

Nice job on the run Trevor. Always great to see a PB.   If you can hold that pace for IM Canada you should do well

Edited by Redknight 2011-05-31 7:22 PM

2011-05-31 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
my newest T-shirt

^@*&%%$# pic is to big have to resize it. What's the website where I can go to do that?

Edited by Redknight 2011-05-31 7:06 PM
2011-05-31 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3526413

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Redknight - 2011-05-31 9:55 PM my newest T-shirt

^@*&%%$# pic is to big have to resize it. What's the website where I can go to do that?

Try this one:

2011-05-31 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Decent month!  Today marked my 1st run with temps in the 80s and wind gusts to match (ok, not really, but the winds in WI this year are crazy!)

May's totals:
Bike:30h 12m 57s  - 551.6 Mi
Run:15h 20m 05s  - 101.14 Mi
Swim:15h 55m 51s  - 31721 Yd
Strength:2h 20m
2011-05-31 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
ok let's see if this works
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