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2011-01-28 11:55 AM

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof

Not that we need any evidence to rebut the ridiculous blog in the other thread about triathlons and triathletes, I am going to anyway with a cool personal story.

 I got a PM on BT yesterday from someone I didn’t know.  She introduced herself and told me that she had done IMAZ with her husband this year and they finished right before me.  She told me that her sister had videotaped the webcast of them finishing and also caught part of my finish as well, and wanted to know if I would like a copy.  After I thanked her and gave her my email address, an hour later I was watching Mike Reilly calling my name as I finished my 1st IM. 

What a tremendous act of random generosity on her part.  She took the time out her busy schedule (and I have come to find out, very busy) to first search for me on FB and then here, actually register on BT, send me a PM, and then email the video.  So thank you Janie (aka Quail Ridge Mom) and I hope you stick around BT for a while.  You will fit right in with the other great triathletes that make up this site and sport.

Edited by Boston Beginner 2011-01-28 11:56 AM

2011-01-28 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3327058

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
It's so cool that you have a stalker. Laughing

Actually, that's a really cool story.

2011-01-28 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
2011-01-28 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof

What a great story. Amazing that a stranger would go to all that effort. Kudos to you, Janie.

2011-01-28 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3327073

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New user
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof


2011-01-28 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
She's a douchebag.

That is actually the side of triathlon that makes me proud to call myself a triathlete (oh god, not that discussion please). At every long-distance race that I've ever been a part of, I've met someone riding a similar pain train and together we got each other through it.

You should send her a box of cookies in return.

2011-01-28 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Where's the vid???
2011-01-28 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
you sure she was not trying to "rub it in" that they beat you....just kidding that was great!
2011-01-28 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Wow, that is super nice!  Almost too nice.
2011-01-28 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Wow that's pretty damn cool... and mos def going above and beyond.  Kudos to Quail Ridge Mom

Edited by Sous 2011-01-28 2:01 PM
2011-01-28 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Great story for a Friday afternoon!

2011-01-28 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Aw, that kind of brought a tear to my eye!

Great story!
2011-01-28 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Boston Beginner - 2011-01-28 11:55 AM

Not that we need any evidence to rebut the ridiculous blog in the other thread about triathlons and triathletes, I am going to anyway with a cool personal story.

 I got a PM on BT yesterday from someone I didn’t know.  She introduced herself and told me that she had done IMAZ with her husband this year and they finished right before me.  She told me that her sister had videotaped the webcast of them finishing and also caught part of my finish as well, and wanted to know if I would like a copy.  After I thanked her and gave her my email address, an hour later I was watching Mike Reilly calling my name as I finished my 1st IM. 

What a tremendous act of random generosity on her part.  She took the time out her busy schedule (and I have come to find out, very busy) to first search for me on FB and then here, actually register on BT, send me a PM, and then email the video.  So thank you Janie (aka Quail Ridge Mom) and I hope you stick around BT for a while.  You will fit right in with the other great triathletes that make up this site and sport.

I had the same experience! Except I knew the girl on BT (had met her before) and it was her brother that was video taping the finish line... he got me... and a bunch of people around me... but missed his sister!

She sent me a FB note and said... "I have a video of you crossing the finish line @ IMWI!" I couldn't believe it! And there it is, clear as day, Mike Reilly saying my name and calling me an Ironman. Just awesome.

For the most part, triathletes are a great bunch of people.
2011-01-28 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3327159

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Extreme Veteran
Harbor City/Torrance/Carson
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
UWMadTri - 2011-01-28 12:43 PM She's a douchebag.

That's the first thing that popped in my head too...

Kidding aside, that was a great gesture from a stranger.  High five for all stalkers!
2011-01-28 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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St. Paul, MN
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
That's awesome! I LOVE triathletes!
2011-01-28 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Extreme Veteran
Central Connecticut
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Am I the only one that is now feeling guilty that I didn't do the same? God I suck.

2011-01-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Boston Beginner - 2011-01-28 11:55 AM

Not that we need any evidence to rebut the ridiculous blog in the other thread about triathlons and triathletes, I am going to anyway with a cool personal story.

 I got a PM on BT yesterday from someone I didn’t know.  She introduced herself and told me that she had done IMAZ with her husband this year and they finished right before me.  She told me that her sister had videotaped the webcast of them finishing and also caught part of my finish as well, and wanted to know if I would like a copy.  After I thanked her and gave her my email address, an hour later I was watching Mike Reilly calling my name as I finished my 1st IM. 

What a tremendous act of random generosity on her part.  She took the time out her busy schedule (and I have come to find out, very busy) to first search for me on FB and then here, actually register on BT, send me a PM, and then email the video.  So thank you Janie (aka Quail Ridge Mom) and I hope you stick around BT for a while.  You will fit right in with the other great triathletes that make up this site and sport.

That's great!

I had a BTer catch me at Kentucky, and her husband also took video! He posted it on YouTube and I still have the link!

2011-01-28 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3327058

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Midlothian, VA
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Stalkers aren't all bad!

I definitely have a stalker vibe or tendency myself.

From an outsiders' perspective, I 'stalked' my wife. We made plans for a bike ride when we were working together and apparently the plans were more concrete to me than they were to her.  When she didn't show, I got her address from the campus directory and went and found her.  We've been together ever since.

Also I found a class ring when I lost my iPod.  My people tracking skills kicked in and I managed to hand it to the owner within 2 hours of discovering it in the mud.  (Complete stranger, and not my high school BTW.)
He hadn't seen it in like, 15 years. 

Maybe I should look into private investigating or something...

2011-01-29 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3328001

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Extreme Veteran
Central Iowa
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
faded_memories - 2011-01-28 9:13 PM
Also I found a class ring when I lost my iPod.  My people tracking skills kicked in and I managed to hand it to the owner within 2 hours of discovering it in the mud.  (Complete stranger, and not my high school BTW.)
He hadn't seen it in like, 15 years. 

Were you running? biking? at the time? Whatever it was, could you come do it in our driveway? Husband lost his wedding band when he was brushing a cobweb out of my hair last summer.

(Detail, cause folks are going to wonder: it flew off cause it was loose after he lost a bunch of weight.
2011-01-29 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3328325

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Midlothian, VA
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof
Tri-ingToTurn40 - 2011-01-29 9:46 AM
faded_memories - 2011-01-28 9:13 PM
Also I found a class ring when I lost my iPod.  My people tracking skills kicked in and I managed to hand it to the owner within 2 hours of discovering it in the mud.  (Complete stranger, and not my high school BTW.)
He hadn't seen it in like, 15 years. 

Were you running? biking? at the time? Whatever it was, could you come do it in our driveway?

My iPod flew out of my pocket on a bike ride early last summer.  I spent weeks looking for it.  I knew where it flew out more or less as I stopped immediately, but it got lost in some heavy brush.  The day I found that ring I was using a metal detector, however the ring just kind of showed up.  It was almost completely buried in the mud, but a bit was showing.  Probably had just the right amount of water hit it from some recent rains.  I just stumbled upon it.

I dug up a LOT of cans and bottles, an old mailbox, a couple golfballs, bits of plastic but I never did find the iPod or the Timex watch dongle attached to it.  Maybe somebody else spotted it the next day before I got back to look.

But for you I recommend getting ahold of a metal detector.  Better still would be to find an experienced MD owner that would search for you.  I had one help me one day, spent over an hour and didn't charge me since he didn't find it.

2011-01-30 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3327058

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Triathletes are Awesome - I have proof

I had the same thing happen at my HIM this past summer.  A woman's husband from BT was taking pictures and got a bunch of me finishing and she sent me them in a PM.  I thought that was awesome!

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