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Iron Star Triathlon - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

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Conroe, Texas
United States
Out Loud Productions
37F / 3C
Total Time = 8h 03m 25s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = Athena
Age Group Rank = 6/7
Pre-race routine:

Set alarm for 4am but couldn't sleep past 3:30 so I got up. Everything was pretty much ready to go. Aleve and water at home and Odwalla bar and coffee in the van. I wasn't able to finish either. Drove to Conroe with Ken and Dad.
Event warmup:

Walked Dori to transition, froze my toes off in sandals, peed, got wetsuit on and headed to the swim. Had a moment when I asked Ken WTF am I doing here? "You have a race today, you got this" Got in the water just to wade because it was warmer, burried my toes in the sand to try to thaw them out, bitched about how cold it was.
  • 37m 40s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 47s / 100 yards

Really looked forward to this swim after seeing the course the day before.
However, the run and dive was pretty chaotic and I got my goggles knocked off almost immediately. The demons started hovering but I shoo'd them away once I started counting. Sighting was a bitch with the fog, I just hoped the pink caps in front of me knew where they were going. Once we made it out of the cove it opened up but was still tricky to sight for a while. Got into a nice groove for several hundred yards then started seeing people walking! I really didn't want to walk so I swam until my hands hit the bottom, when I walked I could really feel it in my legs and I knew I needed them so I'd start swimming as soon as it got deep enough. The swim was over too soon.
What would you do differently?:

Get rid of the demons already, start counting sooner.
Transition 1
  • 06m 39s

Came running out of the water, saw the strippers and pointed to a 12 or 13 year old boy and said "you!" His face just lit up and he pulled it off in one yank!
HR was up and walked to bring it down. Overwhelmed having to put on so many clothes when we usually just wear what we swim in here in Houston. I tried it all on the night before but it was still tricky added cycling jersey, arm warmers and gloves.
The good news is the wardrobe decisions were spot on!
What would you do differently?:

Put helmet on FIRST. My hands were getting cold fast and I put my goves on before buckling the helmet - and could not get it buckled then tried to leave w/o fastening my shoes.
  • 3h 48m
  • 56 miles
  • 14.74 mile/hr

I had to keep my mind in the game. The first thing I noticed before I even hit Walden is my arms hurt, maybe the swim? Not sure but my biceps were sore from the get go.
Had a ticking sound coming from the front but that stopped after a few miles. The next thing I noticed is I had a 0 cadence reading. I was going to have to do this ride off feel, I had no HR monitor and no cadence. Ok, ok, be smart Keri.
Stopped at the first potty and a chick was coming out - perfect timing!
After the stop I realized my front break was rubbing and there was grass wedged between my brake pad and the tire which had to be from transion so I've been riding this whole time like this. I leaned over, pulled the grass out and pulled the break pad away from the tire.

Played leap frog with a cutie named Tina in a pink helmet for a while.
Average speed at the turn around was 16.2. Turn around went well, got the hand up and no stopping to pee. There were folks waiting in line so I was glad I didn't have to stop.

I had my nutrition plan on the side of my aero bottle held down with rubber bands and I stuck to it. Electrolyes, Fig Newtons & Chomps. I didn't eat the last Fig Newton, just didn't sound good so I started on my Chomps - Strawberry, yum!

Miles 35-45 were long. Once I gave up on the cadence fixing itself I changed the computer over to distance and the numbers weren't changing fast enough for me. Saw a gal on the side of the road and asked if she was ok, she said "I"m done" I felt bad for her.
By 40 miles I had to pee, BAD! I was looking for a potty but there wasn't one in sight, I tried and tried to pee on the bike but just couldn't make it happen. I thought about pulling over and just squatting but there were too many cyclists and not enough coverage. I had to go so bad I was in pain. Then a potty! YAY! The Boy Scouts were awesome bike holders. I had to wait in line but that gave me the opportunity to stretch the cramp I had in my left hamstring. The guy in front of me was named Peter and we promised whoever finished first would put the others name on the massage list :)
Back on the bike and the odometer is at 49 and I tell myself 5-6 more miles. Then I realize a few miles later it was 45, not 49! The wind was rough at this point and I was really struggling with speed. I would start freaking about the run to come but would remind myself "just ride your bike, you are on a bike ride, ride your bike" One thing at a time. The last 5 miles flew!
What would you do differently?:

Double check my bike for cadence and stuff like that, it's my responsibility. Learn to pee on the bike.
Transition 2
  • 03m 48s

Had to take off bike jersey and arm warmers so that took more time.
My lips were killing me so I needed to find my lip balm in my back pack. Changed shoes, grabbed balm, gu, chomps, hat and number.
What would you do differently?:

Have lip balm out? Didn't need chomps. Run.
  • 3h 27m
  • 13.1 miles
  • 15m 48s  min/mile

So we all knew this was going to be hard. I have a stress fracture in my left heel, was on crutches and had a boot for a few weeks, started running again and it got much worse. I hadn't run at all for 3 weeks and not run any real training runs for 6 weeks before this race.

The first lap went well but I have to admit all the off road stuff was a bit more than I bargained for. I made the first 4.36 loop in the time we were hoping for. I'd see signs with big numbers like Mile 11 and say to myself "Not right now but it will be"
Mile 5 the cramping started, for the next 2 miles I was in a dark place. Thoughts of DNF came to mind. I was going to finish the 2nd loop and throw in the towel.
Mile 7 brought animal crackers. I don't like animal crackers and they were not part of my plan but at this point I didn't have much to lose. I washed 2 down with Gatorade and felt awesome almost immediately. Kim came to mind, she told me there would be good miles and to look for them and while in the moment I recognized THIS was a good mile.
From then on I was going to finish this race. I was doing a 9/1 walk that would turn to 8/2 and sometimes 7/3+. I realized this was not working for me so the new plan was to run as long as I could and walk only when I had to. The good(ish) news is when I walked I felt sick so I didn't want to walk. Running was so painful it distracted me from my stomach.

The third loop was easier mentally than the 2nd. At one point I came to the conclusion I was going to finish this race and not have my times, I wasn't going to make the cut-off but that was OK, the numbers didn't matter anymore. At mile 11, just past the marker I bit it pretty hard on the pavement, both feet cramped up bad, I could feel my toes twisted. I kept saying outloud 'you're ok, you're ok, get up, you're ok' Took some skin off my knuckles and forearms but not bleeding or anything.

A bit further down the road I got my last animal crackers and met Carol. She was wearing a HRTC suit, she asked how much time we had and I told her I didn't know. She said she didn't want us to miss the cut off and I understood what she was saying but at the same time knew I couldn't go any faster. I told her to go if she could and she did after a bit. I got to the street leading up to the finish and ran the rest of the way. The folks walking to their cars were awesome, they knew how long I had been out there. One guy saw me and said "Now THATS a long day" My cheering section was screaming their heads off. I saw Jusitn and Ken take off to head out to the finish. Justin started screaming "Blah Blah Seconds, Run Keri Run"
I kicked it in with all I had.
Turns out Carol got there first asked Ken and Justin if they were waiting for Keri and when they said yes she told them I had to hurry and they had to let me know to kick it to make the cut off.

Everyone was there to hug and congratulate me. I wasn't sure Karen was going to let me go.
What would you do differently?:

Not get a stress fracture so I could keep with the training plan.
Post race
Warm down:

I told Ken right away we had to get the bike, I was afraid if I stopped it would be bad. I walked to transition, Travis the boy scout helped me pack my bag and carried it while I walked the bike. Handed the bike off to Ken, lost my balance and Justin caught me. I'm seeing tweeties and stars and I hear some guy say "Is she seizing?" I say no. The next thing I know somebody is asking about an ambulance and I tell them I am NOT getting in an ambulance. They bring a stretcher over with their equipment on it, I'm laying on the ground with my feet in the air. I told them to take the stretcher away and they told me it was just for their equipment. I said over and over "I'm fine, I'm fine" but they kept asking me stupid questions like have I eaten anything today. Seriously, I've been racing for 8 hours what do you think? But at this point I can't say anything. I can feel the blood rushing back to my upper body and that is not a fun feeling. I wasn't enjoying this ride at.all. Some oxygen and a banana and I was sitting up again. Our awesome friend Karen ran down to get our van so I wouldn't have to walk.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I exceeded my fitness.
My furthest run in training was 8 miles before my injury in September. My body wanted to give up many times.

Event comments:

I will do another 70.3 but I promised myself out there I would not race in this physical condition again. I am ready to sign up for 2011!

I also had THE best cheering section, they were LOUD, had great signs and were super cute too.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2010-09-07 12:00 AM
00:37:40 | 2112 yards | 01m 47s / 100yards
Age Group: 5/7
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Suit: Blue Seventy
Course: Running start in a little cove, keep buoys to the right around a little peninsula to an open marina. Plenty of fog and water was shallow.
Start type: Run Plus: Shot
Water temp: 70F / 21C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Average
Waves: Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Good
Time: 06:39
Performance: Bad
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: No
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
03:48:00 | 56 miles | 14.74 mile/hr
Age Group: 6/7
Overall: 0/
Performance: Below average
Wind: Headwind
Course: LOVE. Hills are hard but I have so much fun riding them. I have been on this course twice before once for 51 miles and again for 65 miles. Always a great time!
Road: Rough Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 03:48
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Average
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal Average
03:27:00 | 13.1 miles | 15m 48s  min/mile
Age Group: 6/7
Overall: 0/
Performance: Bad
Course: Some hated the course and I totally understand that. However, I think for me on this day it was a good thing. I didn't enjoy the off road parking lots and trail running but they may have saved me some foot pain so I can't bitch too much. I was also lucky to have a whole gaggle of people there for me and seeing them made this suffer fest of a run SO much easier!
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2010-11-08 11:44 PM

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Subject: Iron Star Triathlon

2010-11-09 4:37 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
It took tremendous guts, determination and strength for you just to start this race under-trained and still damaged from the training.  You were hell-bent on this 70.3 being YOUR 70.3.  Watching you gut this race out and finish what you had started was something I will never forget.  I can't ever pack a run in early or shut it down due to a bit of discomfort again.  You helped me see that and I thank you for changing every tough run I have from now on. I certainly hope this extreme effort will continue to help you push through tough spots in training and in races down the road.  I can't be more proud of how you listened to your coach and did what your body would allow in the fast few weeks.  You logged more hours of aqua jogging than anyone should have to endure.  It was all you could do to help your run.  You didn't run when you desperately wanted to during training.  It seems the time to heal the multiple stress fractures was critical in finishing this race.  You executed your race plan almost perfectly and got it done because of that plan.

Tremendous race Keri!  Thanks again to Eric and all of you that will read this report and that helped will Keri across the finish line.

You are one hell of a triathlete Keri and I Love you
2010-11-09 4:47 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
What a story of triumph! That is awesome, keri! I saw you out there btw! Well, now I know it was you in the purple. Way to gut out that race girl! Congratulations!
2010-11-09 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
OK, I am seriously sitting here with tears in my eyes. What a moving race report and a lesson in determination for all of us. Your body did not agree with what your mind knew you could do on this day but you still gutted it out. One of these days your mind and body will be in sync and everyone in that race better look out!
2010-11-09 5:47 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon

Great job-it was a fun day full of challenges!


2010-11-09 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
You just showed us what mental toughness is all about.  That injury really threw a wrench into an awesome season you were having but you did the right things to finish off that training and pushed through and persevered in the end.  Job well done.

By the way, if your like me and trail near the end of the bike there aren't lineups for the bathrooms.  Just another option. 

2010-11-09 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
we both ended up in medical at iron star!!!!!!!    you've had a heck of ride the past few months.  that's some awesome determination to go out and do what you did.  congrats on knocking the first one out.  get fixed up this winter and back at it in the spring.  proud of ya man!
2010-11-09 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Great job getting through it!  I know the run was tough, but it shows a lot of character to keep going. 

2010-11-09 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Awesome job out there Keri! You pushed through some very tough circumstances and came through on top. I was very happy to see you out there smiling despite the pain and your mental toughness to push through! Great job and glad to hear you're giving the 70.3 distance another shot! 
2010-11-09 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Keri, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!  I don't know many people who could finish let alone start a race having been injured and not been able to run for as long as you have.  You are really an inspiration!
2010-11-09 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Awesome job, Keri! Congratulations on finishing, I can't imagine how hard it was, but you made it!

2010-11-09 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Way To Geaux Keri!  Like Eric, I was super happy to see you smiling out there on the course.  You did it honey!  Now rest up and get healed so you can tackle your next one  
2010-11-09 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3202053

back of the pack
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Way to go Keri. Tuff Chix Rok!!

How does one practice peeing on the bike? Tongue out
2010-11-09 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Way to go!!
80% mental 20% physical and you proved that once again.
Hey anytime you want o move up her to Va and kick my butt you are more thatn welcome.
2010-11-09 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3202053

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Conroe TX
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Cry cry cry..  and NO I wasn't going to let go

But I figured your children also wanted to hug you. 

SO proud of you.  You are an amazing and inspiring athlete.  Every time I saw you come through I thought about how hard you were pushing.  WAY TO GO!!! 

Rest rest.  You deserve it.  Kiss
2010-11-09 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3202053

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Extreme Veteran
Houston/Richmond area
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Awesome story. Way to finish.. Rest and heal up.

2010-11-09 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3202053

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
great job.  especially after your injury.  It takes a lot of guts to run that much after the injury.  Great swim time and the bike sounds brutal, but it sounds like you had fun..  Congrats.
2010-11-09 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3202053

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
way to tough it out...awesome job!  Congrats!
2010-11-09 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3202053

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New user
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
 What a great swim are awsome Keri.. I saw youcoming in on the run and yelled to keep it up but I think you were in another place at the time. Great job and I am proud of you for keeping in there and getting it done. Next year will be much better and you will do awsome
2010-11-10 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3203911

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Extreme Veteran
Kingwood, TX
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Great job Keri!  Way to push those dark thoughts away and kick butt to the end!
2010-11-10 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon

Awesome race report.  I felt like I was there next to you.  Inspiring mental toughness and physical effort.

2010-11-11 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
WOW! Keri, truly you are an inspiration that you can do anything you put your mind to.
2010-11-11 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Congrats Keri!

You adapted and adjusted so you could keep going and finish strong. Overcoming injuries and getting to the starting line is often the hardest part of long course racing.

Great race report and it shows your mental toughness.
2010-11-11 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3202053

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Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon
Congrats!! What a triumph!
2010-11-11 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3202053

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Extreme Veteran
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Iron Star Triathlon

all i can say is...... WOW!
what a story of mind over rock Keri!
i will always think of how you kicked pain in the a$$ next time im feeling like i am at the end of my rope...
you are an inspiration!


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