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Sitting down in T1/T2
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2008-08-25 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1626124

Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Daremo - 2008-08-25 2:07 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2008-08-25 2:04 PM If there's a lot of crap in TA, the odds are better that you might trip and knock people's stuff all over the place. And who wants to come to TA and find their helmet is not where it should be, etc.

Easiest solution there ...... get out of the water and off the bike in the front!!  Nice empty transitions then.

I try Except that at most of the races I do, there are usually 2-3 waves of men that go off before mine does, so they are all out there already. I do pass some of them though

2008-08-25 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1626084

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Daremo - 2008-08-25 1:53 PM

kristinc0916 - 2008-08-25 1:24 PM I usually sit b/c Im not coordinated enough to do it fast standing up. This is NOT my chair, merely one that I had to hurdle over in transition this weekend. This, IMO, is a bit much...

Damn .. we've got a bucket, a milk crate AND a chair!

Please tell us that was a HIM or an iron distance race!!  Because if it wasn't, these people need a good smack with the 'shovel of wisdom' ........

Sorry to say it was a sprint - up in West Point.
2008-08-25 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1626261

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

kristinc0916 - 2008-08-25 2:41 PM Sorry to say it was a sprint - up in West Point.

Only word I've got for that is ......... WOW .............

2008-08-25 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

I can't answer the question because I'm still giggling from this gem from Coachese, earlier in the thread

[hijack]Talk about dizzy from the swim...I almost fell through the barricade....[/jackoff]

(emphasis added)

Yes, I have the mentality of a 12-year-old

2008-08-25 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1603719

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

bryancd - 2008-08-14 1:40 PM Only if my wetsuit gets stuck on my heel.

Me too.  Try not to, but if I have to I do. 

2008-08-25 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1603710

Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Not only can I not sit down in transition, but I have a hard time bending down in transition after the swim because I get so dizzy.  For this reason, I have started taking off my wetsuit in the water.  Adds 30 seconds to my swim time but at least I don't have to see those black dizzy spots in transition!

2008-08-25 2:44 PM
in reply to: #1604773

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

Lukester1980 - 2008-08-14 7:56 PM Put me in with the "bucket brigade". One day I may get bold and go without socks, but for now I gotta wear socks. I can take my wetsuit off standing up, but I can't put on my socks over wet feet without sitting down. Love my 5gal bucket!

When you are setting up transition, roll the top of your socks down about half way.  Then you only have to stick your toes in and you can roll the rest of the sock up.  Much easier when wet and also much faster. 

2008-08-25 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Thanks for the sock-rolling tip.  This is where I probably waste the most time...trying to get socks on my wet feet
2008-08-25 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1626470

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

OldAg92 - 2008-08-25 3:47 PM Thanks for the sock-rolling tip. This is where I probably waste the most time...trying to get socks on my wet feet

That was the best tip I got after my first tri.  It saves a ton of time. 

2008-08-25 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

I would rather see someone sit in transition than on the COUCH!!

in sprint dist I haven't sat down in TI in T2 I have in order to get my socks on. (I've tried barefoot running and it hasn't been too comfy...I'm working on it!)

in my first (and only) 1/2 IM I sat down in T1 to rest while I took my wet suit off. I also had a little sit to put my socks and shoes on in T2. I felt 0 shame.

I see no crime in sitting down in's not like I sit down and shut down...I do what I need to do then off I go. I go has hard as I can otherwise!

Of course my goal is not to have to sit in my longer dist races...I think the little sit may be more of a psychological rest than anything.
2008-08-25 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
I don't ever plan to sit in either transition, but sometimes I do. Not worth wasting seconds making something harder in a given situation just to follow conventional wisdom...sometimes sitting saves time if you are struggling with a task. Usually for me it's the socks (which I put on in T1), but I sat down in T2 of my HIM this summer and my time for the transition was still in the top 25% of the field.

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