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2009-08-11 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2341011

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Alpharetta, Georgia
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kburk09 - 2009-08-11 9:23 AM friend of mine told me that this race wasnt up to par with what he was expecting.  how was everyones race experience, seems nice to have another long course race in kansas and a unique one at that, but he said he'd been to much better races...

There were a number of things they really need to change if they want this to be a successful race.
From my RR:

First and foremost, start the race earlier. If you're going to be racing 53 miles in August in Kansas, you can not have waves starting as late as 8:45 a.m. I will not do this race again unless they move the start time up drastically.

1 aid station for 42 miles of biking is NOT ENOUGH. I imagine with the course being 2 loops we were supposed to be able to use it 2 times, but by the time I passed it the 2nd time it was shut down. Fail.

The bike aid station needs more than simply water.

HEED is not an acceptable or standard sports drink, at least not to me. I literally gag on it, so could only drink water on the run.

Edits: There was also some real confusion on the bike course changes. Three emails sent in the week before the race, TWO of them sent the day before the race, changing the bike course. Locals also tell me that the maps they posted (even the "updated" ones) did NOT match the course directions. Course was more than 43 miles.

During pre-race, they said they'd have vegetarian food options. They did not.

Kicking everyone out of transition at 7:45 and not having waves start till 8:30 and 8:40 was mind-numbing. Couldn't warm up swim/bike/run since the sprint was starting, couldn't get back into transition... just had to sit on the beach for AN HOUR. Not ideal.

While I knew the run course was going to be dirt/gravel, it was terribly uneven and dangerous in multiple spots. One lady tripped/ fell down and biffed it right in front of me.

They kept saying in pre-race that the turnarounds will say "OCTOMAX" for the sprint, so if you are a 50 athlete, don't turn around at the Octomax signs - keep going. Well wouldn't you know it, the run turnaround sign on the 50 said "OCTOMAX" Undecided

THe run aid station right next to transition (after that first mile loop on the run?) needed volunteers telling you where to go. When I got there the first time, about five of us stopped to drink water, and then didn't know where to go. We all yelled "WHICH WAY?!?!" more than once before someone pointed us in the right direction.

I know I was slow on the bike, but when I came back into those last 3 miles in the park, there were no volunteers directing you where to go. I guessed and followed the signs that said "RACE" but I couldnt remember if that was where I drove to park, or if that was how I actually biked out of the lake area.

2009-08-11 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2300547

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wow...i figured this race would be a definate yes on the plan next year but seems pretty questionable....wonder if they'll change it around for next year, the way they marketed it as being related to IM KS ud think to have higher expectations....
2009-08-11 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2341480

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Kansas City Metro
Ultramax runs top notch events.  Given that this was their first year for this race and the first time this venue has ever been used for a tri, I think it went off as well as expected.  I don't think anyone should have expectations that this would have gone perfectly.  I am sure that this event will return next year with an even better product.  A couple of things:  Bike course changes happened; this was made for the safety of the athletes.  It was done on short notice, but was done as a safety precaution.  The run course was on a trail, this was explicitly detailed in all the pre race information. No one should complain about that even if the condition of the trail was not up to some athletes standards.   I found that the run course was marked well, albeit confusing when coming by transition.  It was announced prior to the beginning of the race where you should go once you passed that aid station and the arrows on the ground pointed you out towards where you needed to go.   On the topic of nutrition; Ultramax has Hammer Nutrition as a sponsor, thus expect their products on the course (Again, explicitly detailed in all pre race info).  If you don't care for their products bring your own.  42 or 44 miles on the bike and one aid station seems about right.  Given that you get "0" aid stations on a 24.8 mile olympic distance bike leg,  it would seem logical not to expect more than one on a bike leg that isn't even twice that distance.  All in all, I thought the race went well.  An earlier start (which they already said would occur next year) and cooler weather would have been nice, but when it is time to HTFU then you better HFTU (It's August, its Kansas, its gonna be "F"ing hot and one hour ain't gonna make you or break you).  I think the August weather just added to the challenge.  Thanks to Ultramax and SherpaSports for a great race!
2009-08-11 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2341673

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Alpharetta, Georgia
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L45 - 2009-08-11 12:33 PM
42 or 44 miles on the bike and one aid station seems about right.  Given that you get "0" aid stations on a 24.8 mile olympic distance bike leg,  it would seem logical not to expect more than one on a bike leg that isn't even twice that distance. 

I disagree, especially given the heat conditions. THe heat index was around 103 according to the weather reports, and this WOULD have been better if they would have started earlier. I also disagree that an hour will not make or break you. When I raced Redman last year, the temperature rose 10 degrees on the last hour I was out on the run course. That's a lot, and can definitely be avoided.

And yeah I knew about the Heed and the run course trail. I wasn't saying it was a surprise, I was just voicing my opinion that I didn't think either were ideal. Heck even Ryan R. was b!tching about how terrible the run trail was to me after the race. They know it's not ideal, cause... it's not.
2009-08-11 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2300547

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Overland Park, KS
I've heard that Ultramax runs top notch events but this wasn't one of them.  Given the first year status and new geographical location for the organizers I'd certainly give it a passing grade, but not top notch.  The real test will be next year. 

Interestingly enough, I ran into a guy at the gym today who asked what I thought about the race (I was wearing my shirt, great shirt) he had helped out with the volunteers on the run course....Now is a good time to slip in a heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who helped put on the race, they were working tirelessly in the same heat we were, thanks for your hard work...  Anyway, the race organizers are soliciting feedback from participants and volunteers, they want to know what they can do to improve the event next year, signs of a good organization.  So slap you thoughts into an e-mail and send them in, here's the address from their website [email protected]

2009-08-12 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2300547

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My wife heard last night that supposedly at least 3 people had to be taken to the hospital from the race. Does any one have any more info on this? I asuume it was heat related and I hope that everyone is doing ok if it is true.

2009-08-12 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2300547

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
I don't know of this is related to the people taken to the hospital, but I chatted with the head lifeguard during the post race meal and she said three individuals had to DNF the race because they were having trouble on the swim. She didn't elaborate on why, but she did express some relief that those swimmers were able recognize that they needed help and that they got it.
2009-08-12 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2300547

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, Kansas
I did not race this event this year even though I planned. It needs to move to early October. That is my suggestion. We don't have any late season races here, weather is awesome in KC in October and make it a qualifier for following year Halfmax Championship.
2009-08-13 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2345294

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
atasic - 2009-08-12 9:10 PM I did not race this event this year even though I planned. It needs to move to early October. That is my suggestion. We don't have any late season races here, weather is awesome in KC in October and make it a qualifier for following year Halfmax Championship.

I agree, that would be awesome!!!

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