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KureBeach Double Sprint - TriathlonSprint

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Kure Beach, NC
United States
Set-up Inc
80F / 27C
Total Time = 00m
Overall Rank = 101/126
Age Group = Athena
Age Group Rank = 7/9
Pre-race routine:

Up at 5:00. checked surf report. Ate breakfast - yogurt, Uncle Sam's, V8, coffee. Loaded car. Left house at 5:45. Got to race site at 6:15
Event warmup:

Staring at those big waves. Got out into the surf enough not to be shocked by the water and to determine if I thought I could swim this thing.
  • 42m 17s
  • 750 meters
  • 05m 38s / 100 meters

This was the absolute toughest part of the race. The FIRST time in the water was hard enough. I ended up getting passed by almost everyone in the wave BEHIND me. The SECOND time in the water, I was DFL. The person who tried to swim after me was pulled out by the lifeguards. It was utterly exhausting to fight that surf.

overall rank for second swim was 94 - conserved my energy well.
What would you do differently?:

Not sure - more ocean swimming to get used to this kind of surf.
Transition 1
  • 00m

No transition times. This was a swim to run transition. Thought I did well. Actually REMEMBERED my race belt this time :)

Since there are four transitions I'll do two in each "T"

The second transition was run to bike. Again I did better than last bike transition. More steady on my feet, got changed and off pretty quickly.

Transition times were included in race legs.
What would you do differently?:

Not much. maybe have a bucket to rinse feet off on the beach instead of above the transition point

Second transition. run faster to mount point.

  • 49m 42s
  • 20 kms
  • 24.14 km/hr

This was by far my best segment. I think I set a personal record. I passed numerous people and felt great cadence. Kept my HR below 160 in order not to over do on the bike and save some for the run and swim to follow. Only problem - bad time of month - had some "personal slippage" that was extremely painful.
What would you do differently?:

A road or tri bike instead of a hybrid bike. Continue to "ride lots"
Transition 2
  • 00m

Second two transitions -

Bike to second run. - overall went pretty well. Took a second pair of socks - good thing. Dry socks for second run was better. Had to stop at port-a-potty to correct earlier problem. Slowed me down

Run to second swim. - very quick. Just pulled off what I didn't need and grabbed swim cap and goggles.

Transition times were included in race legs.
What would you do differently?:

Not have issues that required a pit stop... Little more running, little less walking.

Same thing at last transition.
  • 45m 59s
  • 3 miles
  • 15m 20s  min/mile

Both times went OK. Kept HR around 160. Knowing that the first time I would have bike - run - swim afterward and second time, I would still have a TOUGH swim, meant that I needed to keep it easy

Second run 123.
What would you do differently?:

Not much. Just need to run more to build up both speed and endurance
Post race
Warm down:

Husband was standing at the finish line with a cup of sweet tea. Walked over and picked up my stuff at beach transition. Walked up to second transition area - stood around and listened to awards. Too bad they don't reward DFL - I'm almost positive that was me...
Confirmed it - I was DFL. There were 30 men and 25 women that DNF'd on the ocean surf. I don't know how many DNS'd

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Really high waves that I hadn't practiced swimming in. Some personal issues that added a minute or two. Otherwise, just general ability to go fast...

Event comments:

Only my second tri. Thought the volunteers were great. The event was well run. Race director gave everyone an option to do a beach run instead of the ocean swim because of the high surf. Ran into JKBOSTIC there. Fun to put a real face to the picture.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2005-04-02 12:00 AM
00:42:17 | 750 meters | 05m 38s / 100meters
Age Group: 9/9
Overall: 0/126
Performance: Below average
I'll add times when they are available tomorrow. This was a swim-run-bike-run-swim so the swim will be both times added together First swim 18:48 Second swim 23:29
Suit: Tri suit
Course: Out about 100M into shoulder high surf. Parallel to shore about 175M and back in. REALLY tough. Raco director said highest surf this event has had in the 8 years he's put it on.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 78F / 26C Current: High
200M Perf. Bad Remainder: Average
Breathing: Good Drafting: Bad
Waves: Bad Navigation: Bad
Rounding: Average
Time: 00:00
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
00:49:42 | 20 kms | 24.14 km/hr
Age Group: 9/9
Overall: 117/126
Performance: Good
Wind: Some
Course: Easy, flat course. 2 laps up and down and 3 mile road. Slight headwind and climb out. Reverse back.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 00:00
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Average
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:45:59 | 03 miles | 15m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 9/9
Overall: 121/126
Performance: Average
Course: 1.5 mile course run twice. Flat, no shade. Nice kid with a hose spraying runners as we went by - fabulous!
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Too hard
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2005-06-26 12:32 PM

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: KureBeach Double Sprint

2005-06-26 12:55 PM
in reply to: #183805

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Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint

I'm so impressed that you took on the surf. Way to go! It'll be interesting to see the results, get your transition times and all that. I bet you weren't DFL, but even if you were, better than DNS! Awesome job. I'm so proud of you.
2005-06-26 1:20 PM
in reply to: #183805

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint
dayum, that's an interesting race!  Good for you for tackling those waves    And yes, DFL is better than any of the other options 
2005-06-26 1:36 PM
in reply to: #183805

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint
Hey go buy a new Zoot top and celebrate...As some one who will never be an A or B cup girl..the Zoots give good coverage if poor support...Also high cut and can comfortably wear a sports bra under it.  Congrats a agreat race -SMO
2005-06-26 2:20 PM
in reply to: #183843

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint
sue7013 - 2005-06-26 1:36 PMHey go buy a new Zoot top and celebrate...As some one who will never be an A or B cup girl

I'm stretching it to call "the girls" a "B" cup. I lost 40 pounds in the last year, apparently most of it in the chest Sounds like the Zoot is PERFECT
2005-06-26 2:20 PM
in reply to: #183805

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Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint

What a cool race! Congrats on getting the swim done and glad you had an opportunity to correct your slippage issue??!!??

2005-06-26 2:41 PM
in reply to: #183805

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint
Really good job on this race!  Sounds like you had some good times and some not so good   Ocean swimming can be challenging, congrats on not letting it freak you out.  I think it would be mentally tough to have to keep transitioning all those times.  You rock!
2005-06-26 3:28 PM
in reply to: #183805

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint
Congrats on the great race!!  Kudos to you for tackling what other people avoided, as well. 

Now go have some Coldstone's and then start training for the next one. 
2005-06-27 9:42 AM
in reply to: #183805

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Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint
Hey there, I just checked out your times and rankings. I knew you weren't DFL - not even close! Awesome race! And btw, I too know - er - serious problems with personal slippage. Dutchman came on exactly the wrong day of the month. Ain't womanhood grand?
2005-06-27 11:54 AM
in reply to: #183805

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint

Actually, I was DFL, the 25 women below me failed to finish at all.

There were 19 people who came to the race and refused to do the swim - did a beach run instead. 25 women failed to complete the race, ditto 30 men. Almost all of the DNF's were for the final swim.

2005-06-27 7:43 PM
in reply to: #183805

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South Florida
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint

Way to take on the race!  That's a lot of people that wouldn't swim, so you came out way ahead.  And then to have to do it twice, yikes!  I'll bet you feel happy to have that one under your belt, even if your belt allows for a little slippage

2005-06-27 9:22 PM
in reply to: #183805

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint

Hey Margaret!  Congrats on your finish.  Anyone that could make it through that swim the 2nd go around deserves a flipping medal.  I think you said it best...30 men and 25 women DNF because of the swim....and that nice little "short" beach run to the 2nd swim start felt really good too.  LOL!  Glad to see that you hauled on the bike!!  I'll bet if felt great getting in all that passing. 

I'm so happy to be able to meet you and your family.

2005-06-28 8:45 AM
in reply to: #183805

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Wilmington, NC
Gold member
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint
Great job on toughing it out under extreme conditions! I think I saw you before the race standing in front of the transition area staring at the water, I tried not to look at it before I got in. That was a tough second swim, It took me forever to make it out to the first buoy. You should be extremely proud of yourself for finishing, If I remember right you did Azalea in the pooring raing and now this race with horrible swim conditions, it can't get any worse!
Nick T
2005-06-28 10:24 AM
in reply to: #185214

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: KureBeach Double Sprint

NickInNC - 2005-06-28 8:45 AM Great job on toughing it out under extreme conditions! I think I saw you before the race standing in front of the transition area staring at the water, I tried not to look at it before I got in. That was a tough second swim, It took me forever to make it out to the first buoy. You should be extremely proud of yourself for finishing, If I remember right you did Azalea in the pooring raing and now this race with horrible swim conditions, it can't get any worse! Nick T

Yep, I was staring at the water trying to decide if I could tough it out. Next tri has to be better. Next time, say HI! You coming to Wilmington YMCA tri in September?

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