Canadian Triathlon Forum Ontario » Wetsuit Woes Rss Feed  
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2010-07-08 8:20 AM

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Subject: Wetsuit Woes
So I have now completed 5 triathlons wearing a wetsuit and I have yet to have a comfortable swim.  I rent mine from an enduro store here in Toronto.  The only make they rent are Nineteen and I opt for sleeveless.  I wear a women's medium and it's definitely form fitting which is fine.  The anguish is the neckline.  No matter how much I pull it up, stretch it out, even let the rear zipper down a bit - I feel as though I'm being choked - which impacts my breathing while swimming.   I suggested trying a larger size but they told me it was a perfect fit and I shouldn't wear one that doesn't fit like a glove.  I had hoped to get out and look at different makes and possibly just buy my own (vs. renting) but I haven't had a chance and I have my next race is Belwood (1000m) on the 17th so....

I'm thinking of swimming without one.  My friend did her first mini-tri without wearing one and was fine.  We're having record high temps so I'm thinking the water temps won't be too bad.  The swim is 1000m which is longer than I normally swim in a race.  Just looking for some feedback and curious on everyone's thoughts re: this.  I don't recall seeing anyone swim the Welland without a wetsuit although many had different short legged ones on.

Does the buoyancy really make that much of a difference?  What are the advantages?  Should I ignore the salesperson's advice and try a larger one?  Any input is GREATLY appreciated.  Time is running out so I really need to make a decision!

2010-07-08 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2967757

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Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
I had a similar experience renting the 19 from Enduro sport in medium. It choked me, it was constraining, it was all sorts of unpleasant things. I was told it was a perfect fit, but it really wasn't - I know that now that I have found the perfect fit...

Last summer I rented three different suits from Swim and Sports in Mississauga They rent a variety of wetsuits. I tried two different blue seventy suits and an Aquasphere. I ended up loving the Blue Seventy Synergy - which I don't think they sell anymore, and I bought it during their sale of rentals in the winter. I'm 5'8" and weigh 136 and I wear the M/L. I need the length in the body to keep it from restricting my shoulders and throat. I love this suit.

BUT - I have also done a race without a wetsuit, and the time saved wearing a wetsuit is usually used up trying to get it off in transition. I do love the bouyancy of the wetsuit, especially because my feet tend to cramp, so if I have the wetsuit on, I don't have to kick as much...I'm also not the most confident or fast swimmer, so the security the suit gives me is probably psychological, but works for me. It is going to be hot on the weekend, though. Maybe just a speed suit?? I don't know if they can be rented, though...

Edited by ptri 2010-07-08 10:04 AM
2010-07-08 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2967757

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Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
I wouldn't ignore the sales guy, cause he's right about the fit.  It's supposed to fit like a glove - however you also need to be comfortable in it.  When I went to buy a wetsuit I had the same problem as you, the suit fit great but I felt like I was being choked - it was a Blue Seventy (I tried three different styles).  All fit great, except for the neck.  Funny enough, I went to the Enduro Sport outlet, and bought a Nineteen Pipeline that had been a rental.  Fit great, and no neck issues.  So really, it comes down to the brand and how it matches to your body, but don't try to go up a size or you lose the benefits of a wetsuit since you'll be waterlogged.

As to the race, you don't need a wetsuit, but the buoyancy does help and therefore makes the swim a little easier.  For someone like me with no kick, it helps keep me more upright, but for stronger swimmers there is less benefit.  The short legged ones you see people wear are for warmth only - they aren't designed for swimming, but rather water skiing, etc.

The water temp should not be a problem at all given our recent weather, so it really comes down to choice at this point.  Figure out if you're comfortable swimming 1K without the suit, and if you are then I'd skip the suit this race and spend some time trying on different brands at other locations.  Swim & Sports in Mississauga carry the Blue Seventy.

2010-07-08 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2967757

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Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
I've got a friend with a Ninteen wetsuit and has the same issue, perhaps it is a design issue?  Have you tried other wetsuits?  Running Free rents wetsuits and has a couple different types (depends on the location) and I am sure other shops do too.

Try a bunch on and find one that is the most comfortable then rent that (if you can) or better yet buy it

Otherwise swimming without is an option.  Not sure how warm the water will be, but should be fine for 1000M.  That is also a short enough distance (IMO) to have a lesser effect on time etc...  The bouyancy is helpful but the reduction in drag is also an advantage of a wetsuit.  Nothing that a close shave can't cure
2010-07-08 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2967757

Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
kimmax - 2010-07-08 9:20 AM So I have now completed 5 triathlons wearing a wetsuit and I have yet to have a comfortable swim.  I rent mine from an enduro store here in Toronto.  The only make they rent are Nineteen and I opt for sleeveless.  I wear a women's medium and it's definitely form fitting which is fine.  The anguish is the neckline.  No matter how much I pull it up, stretch it out, even let the rear zipper down a bit - I feel as though I'm being choked - which impacts my breathing while swimming.   I suggested trying a larger size but they told me it was a perfect fit and I shouldn't wear one that doesn't fit like a glove.  I had hoped to get out and look at different makes and possibly just buy my own (vs. renting) but I haven't had a chance and I have my next race is Belwood (1000m) on the 17th so....

I'm thinking of swimming without one.  My friend did her first mini-tri without wearing one and was fine.  We're having record high temps so I'm thinking the water temps won't be too bad.  The swim is 1000m which is longer than I normally swim in a race.  Just looking for some feedback and curious on everyone's thoughts re: this.  I don't recall seeing anyone swim the Welland without a wetsuit although many had different short legged ones on.

Does the buoyancy really make that much of a difference?  What are the advantages?  Should I ignore the salesperson's advice and try a larger one?  Any input is GREATLY appreciated.  Time is running out so I really need to make a decision!

I didn't wear a wetsuit the first 2 years of triathlons and in some VERY cold water and VERY wavy water and had no problems.   Because they were the shorter races and geared to women, there were only a handful who wore them.   However, when I switched to the Trisport and Multisport co-ed series and moved up to sprint and longer it seems virtually everone has a wetsuit, so I wanted one too.   I rented 3-4 different ones including the Nineteen sleeveless from Endurosport, and after that experience said I would NEVER buy a wetsuit.   The problem with rentals, at least back then, was that they only rent the cheaper, low end ones that have very little give to them.   Once I tried on their Tsunami, I think it was, there was an amazing difference in the fit and flexibility around the chest and neck.   The only problem with the higher end suits is that they are VERY prone to rips and tears.  

I bought a short sleeved one, but have since bought Nineteen's newest and 'best' long sleeve suit that is amazing - absolutely no issues with breathing and neck fit is great.    They are pretty much the only manufacturer of suits that fit women with a full figure.  

It takes me 21" to get my suit off and I gain minutes on a 750 meter and longer swim, so for me it is worth it.  You also expend less energy, so come out of the water feeling fresher.   However, I do like the freedom of swimming with only a swim suit and keep waiting for the day when they say no wetsuits allowed, but I don't think that will happen.   There is a definite 'safety' aspect of people wearing a wetsuit.   It's pretty hard not to stay afloat, although it can happen for sure.  

I don't think it would be wise to get a larger size.   It may be comfortable but you are losing any benefits the wetsuit provides in terms of increased speed.   As mentioned by others, the other advantages of wetsuits are a sense of security; if you are a weak kicker it helps keep you more streamlined; and keeps you warm in the cold temps.

FYI, you don't need to be concerned about 1km being further than you normally swim.   If you have been swimming 750, you will easily do 1km.   You have done it before, right?    You're a good swimmer and if you are willing to swim at a comfortable pace rather than racing it, you can swim forever.  

BTW, I am going to do Belwood and take the DNF, because I am not running this year, but I love that course so much, can't pass up the opportunity.    Let's make sure we find each other this year.    
2010-07-08 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2967757

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Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
I bought the Nineteen Tsunami after trying both it and the Pipeline.  There is a huge difference between the material of these two suits - the Tsunami is much more stretchy and comfortable.  I still find the neck a touch snug but it has to be to keep the water out.  I don't know if they rent out both types at Endurosport but try on the Tsusami to see if it makes a difference.  Also make sure that after you have the suit on, bend over at the waist and pull up all the extra material over your belly and chest (this makes a big different on the fit at my neck).

As for swiming without a wetsuit as long as you have good technique (ie high legs) you should be fine.  I did all of last season without a wetsuit and people thought I was crazy because of the cold water.  This year I am wearing one because even though the water is fine temperature wise, I am much faster with a wetsuit as I can't keep my legs as high otherwise.  I have taken off 30 seconds /100 meters this season due to some swim lessons and the wetsuit!

2010-07-08 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2967757

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Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
Thanks to everyone for their comments and feedback.  I will go and try on some different brands and consider buying a good fitting one for myself however - for this race I'm going to take the $$ I'd spend on renting a wetsuit and invest in a tri top.  (the tops I wear will have too much drag/saturation & I'm not wearing a bathing suit)  The main reason for my wearing a wetsuit in the past was because I am a chicken when it comes to cold water - and I was advised to do so. 

So... if you happen to be doing that race and look down and see a blond at the bottom of the lake - smile and wave as you swim past - that MAY be me!!!

Anne - I'll definitely look for you after the race - still have the long braids?
2010-07-08 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2967757

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
I find the same neckline issues iwth the Xterra cheapy I just bought online.  I did rent one from a hole-in-the-wall store in Guelph last year and it was soooo nice - fit perfect, very bouyant, etc.  It was from Rocket Science Sports.  They're an American company - apparenlty triathletes themselves.
2010-07-08 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2967757

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2010-07-08 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2968255

Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
kimmax - 2010-07-08 11:58 AM

Anne - I'll definitely look for you after the race - still have the long braids?

YES.   Smile   And I'll be looking for the blonde???   Laughing
2010-07-14 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2967757

Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
Hi Marcia - I use the 2-piece De Soto T1 wetsuit which is very comfy around the neck.  Often I just wear the bottom (bibjohn) part - there is no contact with the neck but it still provides buoyancy and warmth.  I'm very happy with mine - bought it through Trigeeks.

Here is a picture of my twin wearing one*

(*we're non-identical twins)

2010-07-15 5:55 AM
in reply to: #2967757

Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
WOW! That's quite the plunging neckline! Wink

Thanks for the suggestion.  I've decided to do Sunday's race without a wetsuit (yikes!) and will look in to trying some different brands after.  Fun fun!

Thanks to everyone for the advice!  It was very useful (and encouraging!).
2010-07-17 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2967757

Extreme Veteran
Sault Ste. Marie
Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
keep them nipples covered and its legal. 
2010-07-18 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2967757

Subject: RE: Wetsuit Woes
Well I did it!  Started having second thoughts when I stepped out of the car at 7am and it was only 17 degrees but the weather was deliciously warm and I had a comfy swim - not as fast as I had hoped but still better than last year!

Thanks for everyone's advice and feedback!!
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