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Need help making this decision
Yes27 Votes - [96.43%]
No1 Votes - [3.57%]

2011-06-27 10:03 AM

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: Need help making this decision

As some of you know - I have been struggling with my health over the last 6 months or so and it came to a head at then end of May.  From May 31st to today I spent 18 days in the hospital with an internal bleed that they struggled to identify.  It has been touch and go at times as I have taken 10 units of blood over that time and my hemoglobin has still not grown past 12. 

 At any rate, I have been cleared to race at this point.  I have not worked out at all since the beginning of June and very little in May.  I doubt I could run a full mile (I ran a 5k race on May 7th in 29:14).  I had been riding twice a week, but nothing over 30 miles or so. 

 I have been approached by a company that has some pull with NBC Sports and wants them to do a story on me during the running of the 5150 race at Hy-Vee on September 4th.  They have offered me the areas finest coaching organization at my disposal to get it done.  I have already paid for the race (paid in January or so).  I have no reason to believe that I won't be as healthy as possible by race day.  I do have reason to believe that I will not race a single race next year and possible any year after that.  In other words, this may be my last year of racing. 

 I live in Iowa, so there is really no triathlon choice after Labor Day around here for a triathlon, so I am looking at racing in this HyVee or not racing again, at least in the foreseeable future.  I am 44.  I wouldn't expect to be in race condition again - if things transpire the way that the docs think - until at least my 50th birthday.  To be very sedentary and get back into tri's at that age would be a difficult concept at best. 

There are people in my life that tell me to race.  There are others that have threatened to kill me themselves.  There are exactly 69 days to race day.  9 weeks and 6 days.

Comments are allowed, but it's a yes or no question.  My wife has agreed to abide by the decisions of this poll with an agreed upon "insanity correction" that I am not allowed to disclose. 

2011-06-27 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3568944

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Hutchinson, Kansas
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision

John....first sorry to hear about your condition !!  If you have been medically cleared to race and you feel up to it, I would say go for it.  This may be your last chance, even though I think you can still race after 50 !!  You don't want any regrets, so if you feel you may have some by not racing then do it.  Go at the pace you feel comfortable with and don't over do it.  Look forward to see your story on TV !!!!

Good luck and speedy recovery !!!

2011-06-27 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3568944

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Subject: RE: Need help making this decision

If you are cleared I would go for it.

It won't hurt to get in better shape before you have to be restricted, and if your condition flares up durring training you can reassess.

Besides, what are you going to do with the next 9 weeks if it isn't train and race?  Sit around and worry about the future?  There will be penty of time for that later. 

I hope the doctors are wrong and your recovery is much faster, and I suspect you will fight your way back to health as soon as possible.

2011-06-27 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3568944

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Subject: RE: Need help making this decision
I'm not going to tell you one way or another.

I think you need to ask yourself why. Why are you interested in racing one last time? Why are you unsure of what you should do? What are the factors you are weighing for and against racing?

What are your goals at this point (and I don't mean triathlon goals)? How does training and racing fit into those goals?

Whatever decision you make, you should be happy with it. If you race, great. If you don't race, great. You should not change your thoughts about yourself based on this; you are who you are, and I know you will be true to yourself no matter what the decision.

Good luck, Godspeed, and keep us posted.
2011-06-27 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3568944

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Laguna Beach
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision


John, I understand the spirit of what you are doing and absolutely agree with it.

I can't vote though since I don't have enough medical insight to reasonably assess the risk. I could be sending you to your death. I'm not willing to risk that. You may be, and that is your prerogative, and yours alone.

I'm of the opinion that a life worth living is lived well, but I also know when to live to fight another day. I advocate both: "Go for it!" and "Discretion is the better part of valor".

There was an article on Yahoo! today about the 5 leading casues of death in men. I've had three. Survived them all. Part of the reason I survived them is because I knew when to push back from the table (so far) and say, "enough is enough- I need time".

Conversly, If I died today I've lived the life of any eight "normal" men, and I'd die knowing that I haven't missed out on much.

My point? It's an individual decision on where that balance lies for you My Friend.

I will say this: I support whatever your decision is Sir, and wish you the very best of luck.  

2011-06-27 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3568981

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision

I would do it because I know how difficult is it to prepare -- develop a base fitness, endurance, etc. -- as long as medical says it's okay and you feel like your body can do it.

I disagree with you that it's too late when you're 50 to get back into it. Six months ago, I couldn't run one mile without stopping. Yesterday, I completed my first sprint triathlon - albeit slow -- I wasn't last and it was fun. It can still be fun after 50 and maybe not at my next sprint, but eventually, I will even be competitive in my age group; I'm not that far off.

So, if you decide not to race this next time, allow your body to heal completely and then tackle it again in a few years.

Good luck and I'm sorry for this decision you have to make.

2011-06-27 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3568944

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision

Hard to say (isn't that true about most life decisions?

There are some upsides to racing, access to training, a newsworthy profile, some personal satisfaction.  There are also some downsides including a not-insignificant risk to your health. 

How would you feel looking back on this race in 6 months or a year if it all goes well?

How would you feel looking back on this race in 10 years if it doesn't go well? 

How will your family feel if racing takes you away from them? 

2011-06-27 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3568944

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision

Well, I think we all know the results of the poll already with this being a triathlete website.  That said, if I was in your situation I would discuss with my wife and the medical professionals that are aware of your condition.  If they feel you are not putting your health at risk then that should be all you need.  If they recommend against it...listen to the doctors.  you have a family.

I had some health issues a few years ago. During this period is when I though I wanted to do an IM.  My wife was 100 percent against it!  She was affraid I would have a stroke during the swim and die.  We visted my physician, as well as spoke with her sister that is an MD.  I did the tri and I'm still here.

Good luck to you in with whatever you decide.

2011-06-27 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3568944

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision
I would go for it. I would rather say that I tried than wonder "what if"
2011-06-27 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3568997

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Subject: RE: Need help making this decision
Tom Demerly. - 2011-06-27 10:24 AM

Conversly, If I died today I've lived the life of any eight "normal" men, and I'd die knowing that I haven't missed out on much.

My point? It's an individual decision on where that balance lies for you My Friend.

I think that is something only you, your medical team, and family can properly decide based on the information you have at hand.

What Tom said is so to the point. We were discussing mortality at lunch after the Philly tri. Myself, who is about to turn 50, and 3 others in their early and mid 20's. Not that I have much control over the situation, but I hope it's one of two ways. Either of old age surrounded by my grandchildren, or doing something I love, like racing. The thought of succumbing to any unhealthy lifestyle-related illness is scarier than the former.

2011-06-27 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3568944

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision

So ... why don't you just call me the night before the race and we'll talk it out?

I love you. You were, are, and always will be my hero no matter what.

I have a question (don't need an answer, just something to think about).

You are medically cleared to RACE ... does that also mean you stand a pretty good chance of normal recovery if you meet with adverse circumstances?

For example, if you overheat/crash/etc., which are not unusual circumstances for a race, but foreseeable possibilities, could you expect to require similar medical treatment and follow a similar course of recovery as most other people?

2011-06-27 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3568944

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Need help making this decision

I'll vote a qualified "yes".

First and most important, is that you've been medically cleared.  That has to be a good thing.  

My thoughts, for what it's worth, would be to keep training but not make a final decision until closer to the race date.  If your training goes well and you're feeling strong, then go for it.  If you have any doubts, either physically or psychologically, or if your participation will cause undue stress with your family or loved ones, then descretion is sometimes the better part of valor.  You're the only one who can make that decision in the end.

I had a congenital bicuspid aortic valve and at age 47, and was told that without undergoing open heart valve replacement surgery that I had less than a three year life expectancy.  I had the surgery and subsequently did my first triathlon three years later at age 50 (so don't give me any of that "50 is too old" stuff).  That was eight years ago, and though I'll never make it to Kona, I refuse to retreat to the couch like so many of my peers.  As long as you're medically cleared and physically able, you're the only one who can determine whether you're going to lead a sedentary life or not.

At the same time, my medical history has definitely given me a heightened sense of my own mortality.  While I really enjoy participating in triathlon, in the end it's just a hobby; often times a selfish and self-endulgent pursuit.  If I had to quit tomorrow for whatever reason, then that's okay with me.  



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