Canadian Triathlon Forum Ontario » Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells Rss Feed  
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2011-08-03 9:39 PM

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Rural Ontario
Subject: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

This story really cheeses me.

T.O. cops are giving out $110 tickets over bells. While I get really annoyed with cyclists who ride unsafely (run lights & stop signs, don't use signals, weave, lane split, etc.), I've yet to see how a bell contributes significantly to improved safety. Helmets I understand, but a bell?  I guess the cops got bored of wounding innocent bystanders at local festivals. (Yes, that comment was unnecessary. Sorry.)

Anyways - get a cheap bell and mount it on you aero tri bike if you're gonna train in T.O.

News story below:


Toronto police crackdown on cyclists

 CBC News    Posted: Aug 3, 2011 4:07 PM ET

Toronto police launch one-day crackdown on cyclists.  Charlsie Agro reports.

Toronto police launched a one-day bicycle safety blitz in a busy cycling area of Toronto on Wednesday.

Police stopped scores of cyclists and handed out dozens of tickets near Danforth and Broadview Avenues.

Tickets — for $110 each — were given to more than 100 cyclists who didn't have a bell on their bike.

Mark Agius, one of those ticketed, said he thinks there's better ways to make the streets safer.

"I think there are better ways of getting the message across other than dolling out $110 tickets to every biker who goes by," he said.

Police say the high fines are the only way to drive down the number of bike accidents.

"We've been out here for the past few months," said Const. Derek Mole. "We've been cautioning people [and] giving them info on bicycle safety that's being ignored. The only way to get through to people is through enforcement."


2011-08-03 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3628150

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Toronto, ON
Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells
I've always wondered what would happen if you just ignored the cops and/or gave them a fake name. I'm Hugh Jass, and I really don't have time to stop for this nonsense. Can they actually force you to stop? Would you be evading arrest? That's such petty [apparently bs gets censored]—as if I can't yell at someone to get out of the way.

I share your cheese.

Edited by geodee 2011-08-03 9:49 PM
2011-08-03 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3628150

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Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

It's just a way to punish people on bikes and make them not want to ride. Perhaps a politically correct (to motorists) move meant to make it look like police are doing something. It's a pity it's not something actually constructive.

A bell? Really? Granted, I can see giving someone a fine if they do something unsafe, but $110 for not having something they likely won't use anyway is just nuts.

I come equipped with this thing called a voice. It has this amazing ability to convey even more information than "ding, ding". I rarely leave home without it.

On another forum there was a thread asking why people don't like the police. I now have something to add to it.

2011-08-04 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3628150

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Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

Who would hear it?  So many of the cycling commuters I see have earphones on!! 

Thanks for the heads up though - this is my hood - I know exactly where those cops camp out.  Usually their focus is cars speeding over the viaduct.  I don't have a bell on my road bike - I do on my hybrid which I use for commuting!

2011-08-04 6:28 AM
in reply to: #3628150

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Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells
sure... like a bell is going to do anything to stop cars from hitting cyclists?
2011-08-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3628150

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

wow what a shocker!

2011-08-04 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3628150

Burlington Ontario
Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say that I think a bell is necessary downtown TO. The big problem is that people do not know how to use them properly or what to do when they hear one...kinda' like horns on cars which are meant to be warning devices, not a loud way to say f-off which is what they have evolved into. The sound of a bell is much nicer than a shout as most of the time shouting sounds prety confrontational regardless of your message. $110 is excessive, maybe an educational campaign warning cyclists of the law and the reasons and benefits of having a bell would be better. It would make me happier to see the cops ticketing the guy towing his trailer full of kids behind his bike without a helmet on anyone.

I was once pulled over and warned to put a bell on my bike at 6:15 in the morning on a Saturday while commuting to work by a police officer....yup cherries lit up behind me while doing about 30k on an abandoned arterial road in Burlington. Confused already, the officer 'educated' me with a straight face for about 5 minutes about the dangers of cycling without a bell...the only thing that made him blink were the 2 headlights on my bike, 1 on my helmet and 4 red strobes on my seatpost and backpack, he did not mention anything about the lights-maybe they woke him up and pissed him off. I did not argue, but adjusted my junk in my bike shorts more than enough times to make him wonder if I was enjoying the dominating tone of his speech.

2011-08-04 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3629127

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Toronto, ON
Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells
LOL, I could imagine most cops would be tops. Maybe that's why he went on for so long!

I get what you're saying, I think a bell is a way nicer way of getting people's attention. It's nicer than getting yelled at, and I'd rather use it than yell at people (if I had one). But I wouldn't see it as an absolute necessity.

I'd like to say that all this ticketing does is antagonize me, but really I might even grab a little ding ding and figure out if I can find a use for it.
2011-08-05 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3628150

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Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

How is a bell supposed to convey the message, "on your left" (or any other message) like a voice can?

I'm genuinely curious about how the police think I'm safer if I have a bell that I don't use on my bike, than if I didn't have the bell at all.

I realize this is just a temporary reaction by the police/politicians to the microscopic number recent bike-pedestrian accidents that have been overplayed in the press, and it will go away shortly once everyone has forgotten. Not the first time, not the last. I'm truly disappointed if the cops think this is the best use of their time. Granted, they're only doing what their supervisors have told them to do, but that just means the problem is higher up the food chain than a beat cop.

2011-08-05 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3628150

New user

Ottawa, ON
Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells
Well, at least now we know how Rob Ford is going to make up the budget deficit...
2011-08-08 5:03 AM
in reply to: #3628150

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

Strange the Police did this. 


They broke the "unwritten rule" of bike by laws (at least of what I've been told by one).....that is they don't really enforce them unless there is a real immediate safety or public concern (which maybe this is???)...or your being a complete jack and they want to throw the book at you....   The latter is usually when it's rude jestures, giving the police/others a hard they return the favour....

However...the Toronto Police Service is one of the most questionable forces in Canada.  A huge history of problems including corruption, etc. even there beginnings was a sort of personal mafia style enforcement for the mayor!   (Really interesting history!)  So wasting resources on this doesn't seem totally out of the ordinary for them.  I think I remember a blitz at some obscure intersections a few years back on pedestrians and tickets flowed freely also.

Doubt it's a cash grab for Rob Ford.  He won't solve the city's spending sickness by nickle and diming goes against everything he stands for.


2011-08-09 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3628150

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2011-08-10 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3628150

Subject: RE: Toronto cops giving cyclists tickets over bells

Woo hoo!  The big boss where I work is getting involved!

Sadly I was one of those cyclists in 2009 when I fell off my bike after having some interference with the streetcar tracks.  If making someone use a bell is the starting point - I'm all for it. 

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