General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2013-07-10 12:32 PM

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Subject: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
Hi All....starting this thread because I could use some information about the event.

I see that this is a TT start. Never done one of these. I'm assuming that we self-seed within an age group. Can someone confirm this? this a pier TT start or a beach TT start?

How about water temps??? We are traveling to the Dells and want to know if we should 1) bring wetsuits and 2) bring long sleeve or sleeveless?

Thanks for your help!!!


2013-07-10 12:52 PM
in reply to: cynner

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
I'm interested, too. This race will be my first oly, and I'm really looking forward to it.

From the race reports from previous years, it looks like it will be wetsuit legal, if only barely.
2013-07-10 1:02 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
barely wetsuit legal? OK...guess I'll pack the sleeveless then. Long sleeve stays home and it's one less thing to pack!

2013-07-10 9:04 PM
in reply to: cynner

Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
I did the half last year. It is a TT start by age group. You do self seed and go two at a time. It is off a pier (actually the Tommy Bartlett stage). Its kind of strange because the swim is kind of dull compared to most mass starts; not the usual thrashing of bodies. Water was very warm last year. If I recall the pros were not able to wear wet suits. The S to B transition is up a rather long, pretty steep hill.

It also kind of strange in that you wait for your wave in the bleachers of the Tommy Bartlett stage. Nothing wrong with it, but just different. Makes it nice for spectators.

Of course this is all assuming they keep it the same. Seemed to work well last year so I can't imagine they would change much.
2013-07-10 9:33 PM
in reply to: burhed

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by burhed

I did the half last year. It is a TT start by age group. You do self seed and go two at a time. It is off a pier (actually the Tommy Bartlett stage). Its kind of strange because the swim is kind of dull compared to most mass starts; not the usual thrashing of bodies. Water was very warm last year. If I recall the pros were not able to wear wet suits. The S to B transition is up a rather long, pretty steep hill.

It also kind of strange in that you wait for your wave in the bleachers of the Tommy Bartlett stage. Nothing wrong with it, but just different. Makes it nice for spectators.

Of course this is all assuming they keep it the same. Seemed to work well last year so I can't imagine they would change much.

Great information. Thank you so much! Now, the it a dive start? Or is the pier more of a ramp where you run in? I'm hoping its a dive!!
Sounds like I need to work on t1 hills. .

2013-07-10 10:13 PM
in reply to: cynner

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Extreme Veteran
, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
I'm possibly intereted in this race but there is a small sprint in my area that would be much cheaper to do so it will be more of a last minute decision. Can anyone tell me if they sell out quick? How hilly is the bike?

2013-07-10 10:31 PM
in reply to: lakelandsledder


Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
I have a Rev3 entry code available. Asking $125 if you're interested in it. It is an entry code from my season pass. It's good for the half or oly.
2013-07-10 11:03 PM
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Northern IL
Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread

Originally posted by cynner
Originally posted by burhed I did the half last year. It is a TT start by age group. You do self seed and go two at a time. It is off a pier (actually the Tommy Bartlett stage). Its kind of strange because the swim is kind of dull compared to most mass starts; not the usual thrashing of bodies. Water was very warm last year. If I recall the pros were not able to wear wet suits. The S to B transition is up a rather long, pretty steep hill. It also kind of strange in that you wait for your wave in the bleachers of the Tommy Bartlett stage. Nothing wrong with it, but just different. Makes it nice for spectators. Of course this is all assuming they keep it the same. Seemed to work well last year so I can't imagine they would change much.
Great information. Thank you so much! Now, the it a dive start? Or is the pier more of a ramp where you run in? I'm hoping its a dive!! Sounds like I need to work on t1 hills. . Cyndi.

Yeah, it's off the pier. Age groups are called up and self seed within that. The pier itself is rather small. They had us sit for a split second and hop in from there. You can stand and take a few steps when first in the water.

And just so no one is confused watching the pros, they have more of an in-water wave start. Men first, then women.

ETA: With the setup last year, might have been able to see the Oly turn-around from the stage, but not the Half. That was just out of sight.

Edited by brigby1 2013-07-10 11:05 PM
2013-07-11 1:38 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
I did the 1/2 last year as well. Doing the 1/2 again this year. I thought the whole event was done very well, and will continue to participate as long as they continue offering the event. Great organization, different from most triathlons in many ways.

The swim starts out like stated before from a pier two people at a time by age group. Pros had their own start before age groups. Last year elders went first back to the younger age groups. you were to sit on the pier and kind of hop in and start your swim. You finished your swim at the ski ramp and ran up a long steep hill to the bike transition. I do not recall seeing any age groupers without a wetsuit. In fact, my wetsuit was short sleeve and shot and I don't recall seeing anyone else in the same.

The 1/2 bike is very hilly. I really like the course, it will make you work. Some downhills are very fast and steep. Olympic distance is not as bad. The ride will wear you out if your not ready for it. I highly recommend at least driving the course before so you know whats in store for you. Look at the elevation charts online.

The run has lots of hill climbing for both Olympic and 1/2 distances, tough run if you didn't save any in the bike.

Finish is the best part. Family and friends can run across the finish line with you! Ice towels after, all sorts of food and drinks.

2013-07-11 2:31 PM
in reply to: ccowdy

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Marshfield Wi
Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
I liked the start. You chill in the stands then walk across the stage to the entry past family and friends. Only down side not being a mass start in my opinion is that with nobody around I had to sight a lot more and was concerned until I made the turn but not a big deal.

One tip is that if doing Oly you will wait while pro men, pro women and all the halfs take off with at least 10 min between. If you have a spectator along wear what you are comfy in and hand off before the start. If I had known I would have worn flip flops and a hoodie for the wait after transition closes.
2013-07-11 3:24 PM
in reply to: dmmdds

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
This sounds like a great race. Thank you to everyone for providing the information. I've got Racine in another week. Afterwards, I'll be working on getting better on the hills!

Good information about the OLY start....didn't even consider the 'chill' factor after transition closes.

Looking forward to meeting everyone next month.


2013-07-11 3:29 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
Originally posted by brigby1
  • Yeah, it's off the pier. Age groups are called up and self seed within that. The pier itself is rather small. They had us sit for a split second and hop in from there. You can stand and take a few steps when first in the water.

    And just so no one is confused watching the pros, they have more of an in-water wave start. Men first, then women.

    ETA: With the setup last year, might have been able to see the Oly turn-around from the stage, but not the Half. That was just out of sight.

    Hi Brigby1,

    So sounds like no diving. kind of a bummer, but OK! Are you doing Racine next week?

    2013-07-11 4:34 PM
    in reply to: cynner

    Northern IL
    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread

    Originally posted by cynner  Hi Brigby1, So sounds like no diving. kind of a bummer, but OK! Are you doing Racine next week? Cyndi

    Racine would have been too much, so no. Staying with short course more this year. Not doing the Dells course either with the Dairyland Dare the day before, but good chance my brother will be there. Maybe next year, want to have a good day there. Really like the course, but have to make sure I don't burn myself out. I'll be watching another one that day though.

    From what I can tell of the hills for the Oly (only ridden on the half course), there are a bunch of them, but not really *that* substantial. Not like the big ones on the half, and doesn't look like anything special is hiding in Oly only sections. Just more of the same with frequent updownupdown.

    2013-07-12 10:48 PM
    in reply to: cynner

    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    No, the pier is more of a slide off your butt into the water. I didn't see any body dive in. If I remember correctly its about waist deep about 3 feet out from the pier then quickly drops off. It's a time trial start so they were going every 2 seconds. So, walk across the timing mat, wait 2 seconds for the people in front of you to go, then quickly sit down and go when they tell you.

    The half course is very hilly. I used Strava for a pre-ride and it showed two category 2 climbs when I was done. The Oly course would just be moderately hilly as the hills don't start until a ways in to the half.
    2013-07-30 2:17 PM
    in reply to: burhed

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    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread

    I'm getting excited about this race. My wife and I will be going up a few days early to relax a bit, take in the sights, that kind of thing

    It's also my first oly and second triathlon, so I'm really looking forward to it.
    2013-08-01 1:59 PM
    in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    Originally posted by mirthfuldragon


    I'm getting excited about this race. My wife and I will be going up a few days early to relax a bit, take in the sights, that kind of thing

    It's also my first oly and second triathlon, so I'm really looking forward to it.

    Hope to see you up there! Gordon_Mom and I will be there on Friday afternoon. Plan to stroll through the area to get a feel for the venue.

    We are doing the Oly.


    2013-08-03 5:23 PM
    in reply to: cynner

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    West Allis, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    Im in for the half.........kind of wondering if i have done enough for this course but it is what it is at this point.  oh and this weekends training was knocked out by my wonderful 5 year old son who decided to share his virus with the family!!  THANKS TOBY!!
    2013-08-05 10:48 AM
    in reply to: djdavey

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    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    Looks like great weather, excited for the race after having to cancel at Racine.

    Two things:

    Which direction is the swim? The map contradicts itself. The arrows show counterclockwise, but to get from swim start to swim exit, it would have to be clockwise.

    Also, if anyone is just registering this week, I just got a email offer for $50 off the aquabike and half. Will post it this afternoon.
    2013-08-05 11:34 AM
    in reply to: Swimbikeron

    Northern IL
    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread

    Originally posted by Swimbikeron Looks like great weather, excited for the race after having to cancel at Racine. Two things: Which direction is the swim? The map contradicts itself. The arrows show counterclockwise, but to get from swim start to swim exit, it would have to be clockwise.

    Follow the arrows. The icons they selected are a little funny.

    Noticed that the run courses have changed quite a bit from before. Be interesting to see how it turns out.

    2013-08-05 12:12 PM
    in reply to: brigby1

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    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    Water temps at a balmy 82 degrees in Lake Delton, per

    Now comes the debate over whether to roast in the suit and have an easier swim, or toughen up and do without.
    2013-08-05 1:43 PM
    in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

    Water temps at a balmy 82 degrees in Lake Delton, per

    Now comes the debate over whether to roast in the suit and have an easier swim, or toughen up and do without.

    Thanks for the info on the swim direction. As a right-breather, I was hoping for the clockwise version.

    Just a note on the posted water temp. The 82 degree is an estimate they use from an algorithm. Actual temp last year was 80, and I would guess a few degrees cooler right now, just based on weather. I don't know where to find an actual temp tho.

    2013-08-05 4:14 PM
    in reply to: Swimbikeron

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    Marshfield Wi
    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    Thanks for the update on the run change. I would not have checked that. Sort of stinks as I have run the previous course numerous times.
    Oh well, bike looks the same as last year.
    Have a great week everyone!
    2013-08-05 11:08 PM
    in reply to: Swimbikeron

    Northern IL
    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread

    Originally posted by Swimbikeron
    Originally posted by mirthfuldragon Water temps at a balmy 82 degrees in Lake Delton, per comes the debate over whether to roast in the suit and have an easier swim, or toughen up and do without.
    Thanks for the info on the swim direction. As a right-breather, I was hoping for the clockwise version. Just a note on the posted water temp. The 82 degree is an estimate they use from an algorithm. Actual temp last year was 80, and I would guess a few degrees cooler right now, just based on weather. I don't know where to find an actual temp tho.

    Last year was wetsuit legal for age groupers, but not for pros, so mid to high 70's. I know that weekend was kind of cool. That's  pretty much what I've been seeing the last couple weeks though, so not sure how the water would be warmer than that? We were coming off that ridiculous heat wave (season actually) until right before this event too.

    2013-08-08 10:02 AM
    in reply to: cynner

    Northern IL
    Subject: RE: Rev3 Wisconsin - Olympic Rev : Official Thread
    Seeing the confirmed start list and the Rev3 preview, really wishing I could be there just to watch the race. The swim bike combos there are incredible for the men. Be very hard to come up with a better one. Then the runners will be hanging on trying to get them late.
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