General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Chattanooga : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-10-01 7:02 PM
in reply to: #5054520

Subject: RE: Ironman Chattanooga : Official Thread
Thanks for the kind words. I thought it was a great day. I'm trying to wrap my head around it all and will send everything over to the office and the rest of the staff so they can make improvements for next year. I was happy to be a part of it. Chattanooga as a community was incredible to me. I appreciate their hospitality over the last year.

Brian Myrick - RD

2014-10-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: bhmyrick

Subject: RE: Ironman Chattanooga : Official Thread
It was a great race, from my perspective it was seem less, it was orchestrated as well as any Ironman brand race. That is a great accomplishment for a first year event.
I signed up for 2015 and look forward to it again, the North Shore run section was awesome, the spectators filled the area with energy and the hills removed it!
2014-10-14 5:07 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman Chattanooga : Official Thread
anyone interesting in a Men's Finisher jacket - size S? I bought it because they didn't have any women's left and honestly, I don't need it - it cost $145 - hasn't been worn/still has the tag attached - would like $125 for it, plus shipping

also have a men's small t-shirt (grey) with the finisher written in 3 different shades of the green on the front - tags still on - cost $35, would like $25 plus shipping

will pair the 2 together if interested

Edited by austhokie 2014-10-14 5:37 PM
2014-10-18 11:23 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

New user

Subject: 2015 Ironman Chattanooga-Need a training partner....
Hey everybody! I am looking for a training partner or group to share the miles and misery with as I get fit to do IM Chattanooga. I have done one IM previously (IMFL '06), lots of marathons, HIMs, sprints, blah, blah. Got injured, got fat, you know the rest of the story.

So, I live in Acworth and teach at a local high school. I swim at the Northwest YMCA, ride Beautiful Backroads course and run where I can. I am a MOP kind of guy and am not looking to race every Saturday but rather spend the miles laughing and joking.

My basic plan is to do base training over the winter months and be ready to hit things hard in the spring. If you are interested, drop me an email at [email protected] and we can meet up.

Mercy. I really don't want to do this alone....hope to hear from somebody.

2014-11-07 6:40 PM
in reply to: Litman04

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Subject: RE: 2015 Ironman Chattanooga-Need a training partner....
Forgot to come back and let you know what a great time we had. Don't change a thing (other than hotel prices). Loved the course and looking forward to doing it again in 2016.
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General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Chattanooga : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw: