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Hard Rock Cafe Nashville Half Marathon - Run

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Nashville, Tennessee
United States
I Run for the Party Event Management
40F / 4C
Total Time = 1h 59m 10s
Overall Rank = 437/1297
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 20/45
Event warmup:

Got parked about 35 minutes early. Temps were in the upper 30s so I was trying to figure out how much to wear. Ended up wearing shorts, calf sleeves, long sleeve running top with a technical t-shirt over that...probably could have gone with just one of the shirts. Did some light jogging and dynamic stretches to get the heart pumping a little bit.
  • 1h 59m 10s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 06s  min/mile

My last long run was 2 weeks out. The Monday following the run I came down with a cold/synus infection so I didn't run at all that week. The week of the race I was able to get 3 runs in but I didn't feel 100%. I didn't run Thursday or Friday. I thought breaking 2 hours wouldn't be feasible (my best 10k to date has been 58 minutes).

I started near the back of the pack and tried to settle on about a 9:30ish pace to see how I would feel. About 1 mile into the race the 2 hour pacer shows up alongside me (he must of gotten caught up in the crowd) so I thought I would just shadow him as long as I could. I was able to stay with him until the water stop at the 10 mile mark. I slowed down for water but he didn't...I never made up the gap. I had been pushing fairly hard the whole race and it started to catch up to me..especially once I got back to the Woodland Street bridge. I dropped down to a 10 minute pace in that stretch and was battling the urge to walk. The good news was that the pacer I had been following earlier had us running faster than a 2 hour pace so I had a little wiggle room. At about the 1/2 mile mark I looked at my watch and saw that I was at 1:55:30. I picked up the pace as best I could (thank goodness it was a downhill/flat finish) and came in under my goal time.
What would you do differently?:

Not much...I got about all I could out of my current fitness.
Post race
Warm down:

Ate, drank and tried to keep moving while I waited on a buddy of mine to finish. It was our 1st half (he's 67 yrs old) and we were both pumped to both finish without medical assistance. :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

More run volume. The distance warrants more weekly volume if I want to maintain and/or improve my performance.

Last updated: 2013-11-11 12:00 AM
01:59:10 | 13.1 miles | 09m 06s  min/mile
Age Group: 20/45
Overall: 437/1297
Performance: Good
Course: The start/finish line was at the Hard Rock Cafe downtown near the river. The course went uphill and to the west of town toward Belmont U. before heading back toward downtown and the Gulch area. The course circled downtown to the north side before heading up to the Woodland Street bridge, over the Cumberland River and by the Tennessee Titans Stadium (6 mile mark). The route then followed the Shelby Greenway 2.5 miles out and back alongside the river. The last portion of the course included crossing back over the Woodland Street bridge into downtown with a finish straight down lower Broadway.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2013-11-11 3:11 PM

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Franklin, TN
Subject: Hard Rock Cafe Nashville Half Marathon
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Hard Rock Cafe Nashville Half Marathon Rss Feed  

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My question is am I playing with fire entering the half marathon this close to my primary goal for this season which is the HIM?
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I just started doing tris this summer and I have two under my belt, both sprints. Is it reasonable to build up for a Oly in early ‘09, with a HIM in Oct of ‘09
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Steady is our walk. Ignoring the pain that is radiating from my feet, I continue to place one foot in front of the other. Again I wonder, “Why am I doing this?”
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Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
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This program should be used for an athlete whose goal is to run a marathon in the 1:30-2:30 range and has a good running base in the past 8-12 weeks.
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I will assume you have not run consistently more than 6 miles and have never completed a half-marathon. I believe running your first half-marathon is a big task which requires dedication and work.
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My training was taking off. I had never felt stronger. I was making bigger strides than I ever had. I was stronger and faster than I had imagined myself ever being.