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2014-05-14 8:17 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: At what point is enough...enough?
Hi All,

I am sitting here trying not to get completely discouraged.

I am injured....there I said it....I am officially injured. It is not just a muscle inflammation of which I had tons in the last years, no this time it seems worse.

This is my 9th season of Triathlons and I have about 50 Triathlons in the bag....I always had issues with various things which just come from a lot of training and racing and I consider it normal.
But now I have some nagging injury in the hip that just won't go away. It started a week after my fist A race this year which was in Abu Dhabi. The race was followed by a week of almost complete rest (sightseeing, swimming in the ocean, one bike ride but nothing major) and then a week later I went out for an easy run and had to stop after 2 miles because I was in shear pain in the left hip.

What followed was two steroid shots (on the bursa and one in the TFL, endless PT appointments and then 6 chiropractor appointments in the last 2 weeks. I did not run for the whole 6 weeks but kept on biking, swimming and did some strength. I also lost 15lbs in this time to make running easier....

On Sunday I had a sprint in Germany and although I thought I was better the pain returned 1km into the run and I ran the last 4km with pain which got worse and worse. Probably stupid not to stop but you all can probably relate.

So back to the Chiro and PT today as I could only limp and not even walk straight the last 3 days. I even felt it a but during biking on Monday and during my swim yesterday....
Talked to the doctor again and he said its best to get an MRI now....the date for that is JULY 23rd! In 10 weeks...Great!

Now I sit here and wonder when is it enough? Do I just continue biking and swimming or should I give my body some complete rest?
I think my race season is over before it even really started.....I had 5 more race planned this year (Olympic the longest distance)....

I am seriously lost....

2014-05-14 8:35 AM
in reply to: Joblin

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

Really that's a decision you and your Dr. need to make. Has your Dr. said that you need to stop swimming and biking? 

With hip pain, if swimming didn't hurt, I'd probably still swim. I'd go find an open water swim race and train for that. Just to keep my mind off my injury and what I can't do. But if it hurts while you swim, then you probably shouldn't swim either. ???

For each person their level of tolerance is different. I have dealt with pain from running for the entire 9 years I've been in triathlon. I have had some good years, some bad years... and I just work through it, take time off running as needed and get back to it. Last year I had hip pain (just ran through it), knee pain comes and goes (just run through it), and this year I have mild PF in my right foot (just run through it). With that said, I also only run 3 days a week, I try not to run back to back days, and I only up my mileage by 10% per week. I'm pretty stringent about my running regime. In the past when I try to run more days, etc. I end up injured. My body rejects running! Ha! 

Finally, I'm not a Dr. As I stated at the beginning, if you should continue to bike and swim... that's a decision you and your Dr. need to make. Good luck! I know injuries are frustrating. TRUST ME. 

2014-05-14 9:08 AM
in reply to: Joblin

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?
One of the toughest parts to becoming a "complete" athlete is learning to listen (and really accept) to what your body is telling you.

You're hurt. You don't get paid to race. (or I assume) Triathlon is supposed to enhance your life, not make it miserable.

Take a break. Relax. Heal.

There's always another race. Always.
2014-05-14 9:20 AM
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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

Since starting in 1985 I have put triathlon away 3 times.  Each time for 2 or 3 years.  One time I got on a kayak kick, another time I took a lifelong dream of training retriever dogs to a level I was satisfied with, another time I waterfowl hunted in every location around the country I had ever wanted to go to.....I stayed active, but I didn't beat my body up at all.  I always came back.  A knee injury last year a month before Tahoe knocked me out again, but I have my kid's triathlon ambitions to keep me active and I really enjoy watching their races and helping toplan their training and race schedule.  I have started running again last week after 8 months.  I doubt I'll race again until my kids are out of the house, but I may do a relay or two with them.

The point is, triathlon has been a big part of my life for nearly 30 years......but it's not my life.  There is a whole lot of life going by while you spend it beating the hell out of yourself for the next race.

My advice would be to put it away for a bit.  Spend your time and energy on something you always wondered if you could do, or always wanted to do but didn't have the time because of the workout regimine you have been accustomed to.  You'll likely find you don't miss it nearly as much as you thought you would and enjoy doing something else for a change.  You'll come back..... rested, refreshed, and enjoying it again.

Edited by Left Brain 2014-05-14 9:21 AM
2014-05-14 9:23 AM
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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

Most of the athletes that I know get hurt because of an intense desire to "win" everything!  Win every race.  Win every training.  Push your nutrition to the razor's edge.  I can always go faster, farther, faster, farther.

If you can, take a step back and do your next race at 80%.  Remember the fun.

Find somewhere else to channel that competitive energy.  For now.

Edited by pga_mike 2014-05-14 9:25 AM
2014-05-14 9:32 AM
in reply to: Joblin

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New user
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?
Have you tried a foam roller? I used to have severe hip pain that had me at the chiro. The chiro helped a little, but the pain never really went away until I started really getting after the roller. Worth a try if you haven't already, especially with so much time to kill before your MRI. For a few minutes a day, just find the point of pain (for me that was right above my hip bone in the back slightly to the right of my spine) and roll back and forth on it until the pain starts to get better. I have found that the more firm the roller the better the result, and I usually end up using a 4" PVC pipe as my roller of choice now. Good luck!

2014-05-14 9:52 AM
in reply to: Joblin

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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

I overtrained and got hurt last year missing the races I really lloking forward to.  Got a few late summer / fall races in at a "fun" pace.  This year a basically non training injury took me out and boom missing most of the races I signed up for.  This year had me bummed out because I was looking forward to a good year.  I could've kept biking/swimming but I took the time completely off.  I think my biggest fear with taking the time completely off was that I wouldn't go back. 

Sometimes a break can be a good thing.  I swam from a very young age through college.  When I was done I couldn't have been more happy from completely being burned out with it  After a number of years, plus a number of lbs I decided I needed to get in shape so back to the pool.  I was completely hooked and was shocked with how much I enjoy it now.

2014-05-14 3:08 PM
in reply to: Joblin

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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?
I would get an MRI pretty quickly actually to rule out a stress fracture or actually just a fracture.

While I'm a big fan of my chiropractor I am also a fan of western medicine when needed.

Once you know what you're actually dealing with then you can decide better what to do.

2014-05-14 4:38 PM
in reply to: miamiamy

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?
Thanks to everyone who answered.

I already feel better mentally now than I did this morning. I guess I just needed to vent a bit....

Of course I will continue swimming and biking and just hope for the best and see how it will go. If I feel the hip while doing either one I will stop.

I roll on a foam roller (we have 3 different kinds) and on a little evil ball very day and I am actually bruised where the pain is from so much rolling. That usually helped in the past but does not do anything now.

Yes an MRI soon would be good but there is nothing I can do except for wait..... I know I don't have a stress fracture as the chiropractor did X-rays on my first visit and there was nothing like that. I also don't know how I would have gotten that as I did not fall or anything and I believe stress fractures on the hip bone from overuse is not very common...

2014-05-14 4:42 PM
in reply to: Joblin

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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

A year ago I thought I would never run again due to a series of injuries.

I took 5 months off.  I could swim, but I couldn't even cycle.  I walked with a limp for months.

But- it slowly came back.  Had a great winter of running and am still at it.  Your body probably will heal... if you let it.

2014-05-14 5:18 PM
in reply to: Joblin

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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

Biggest frustration when injured is not knowing what is causing the injury and what the possible recovery times/options there are.

I struggled with knee issues for 2 years, continued to race on a limited basis. Had a major surgery and now 2.5 years later am unable to run, and know I won't be able to run in the future unless I want knee replacement sooner. I haven't been able to run pain free since Feb 2010. Now I walk with a limp and struggle to keep up with my family when out and about. Sad that 2008-2011 I did an Ironman every year....last two injured but I did them.

In scheme of life 6 weeks or isn't that long but the unknown is big and scary for sure. Having to wait for an MRI is super frustrating and something most American's don't get. Can you get a MRI in Germany when you travel there or another country sooner than July?

Have you had any movement analysis to see if something else is causing hip issues? Often a right hip issue is caused by opposite side issue.

I hope you find an answer soon! Nice way to drop weight to help with running. Do they offer any Aquabikes in your area that you could compete in. I know Europe races tend to be different than here with high level competition instead of the participation mindset of some at races.



2014-05-14 5:23 PM
in reply to: Joblin

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?
Originally posted by Joblin

Thanks to everyone who answered.

I already feel better mentally now than I did this morning. I guess I just needed to vent a bit....

Of course I will continue swimming and biking and just hope for the best and see how it will go. If I feel the hip while doing either one I will stop.

I roll on a foam roller (we have 3 different kinds) and on a little evil ball very day and I am actually bruised where the pain is from so much rolling. That usually helped in the past but does not do anything now.

Yes an MRI soon would be good but there is nothing I can do except for wait..... I know I don't have a stress fracture as the chiropractor did X-rays on my first visit and there was nothing like that. I also don't know how I would have gotten that as I did not fall or anything and I believe stress fractures on the hip bone from overuse is not very common...

xrays are not adequate to rule out stress fractures, hence suggestion for the hip MRI as one thing it can pick up. They are not uncommon in people who use their hips a lot!

Labrum Tears, bone bruises...

Just rest it and enjoy the otehr stuff.
2014-05-14 6:21 PM
in reply to: Joblin

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?
You've taken the first steps ... and kudos for finally admitting, "I'm Injured."

I've been dealing with almost the exact same thing since doing Ultraman Florida at the end of February and it's just now starting to feel a bit better.

My N=1 experience:

0. Stopped all exercise
1. First I did foam rolling, stretching, rest. No relief
2. Had an MRI of hip. Nothing out of the ordinary.
3. Got an injection of Bursa. Minor relief
4. A month of PT. No relief (although I learned a tremendous amount about my body that I never knew)!
5. Went to a spine specialist (PT felt the issue was nerve related)
6. Had an MRI of lumbar spine. Showed slight tear of L4-L5 and slight impingement of L5-S1 (but nothing worrying). Doc said it may have been that way for years. No significant herniation or bulge. Still, he felt the pain in my hip and occasionally my IT band area was potentially referred pain.
7. Took a medrol pack (oral cortisone and steroid). No relief
8. Started drinking copies amounts of water. Have to pee a lot :-)
9. Began daily traction via an inversion table (hanging upside down 3 times a day for 5 minutes), continued PT exercises at home, stretched, light movement (jogging a mile, biking all small ring 20 minutes). It's finally starting to clear up a bit, but I know it's still there.

Has it been frustrating - you betcha! Am I slightly depressed - if I'm being honest, yes. Does exercise help with those things - yes. Was it worth it for me to continue training - no. Could I have trained through the pain - yes. Was there any reason I needed to continue training - no. Is triathlon a hobby - yes. Do I only have one body - yes. Is my number one priority the health and long-term wellbeing of my body - absolutely.

I've had good days and bad (all emotional). The physical pain (which is more of an irritation) has been relatively constant. Take the advice of the BT community and back off. Going cold turkey is difficult, but just remember you only get one body. No reason to do long term damage out of stubbornness. Get the MRI to rule out an acute injury, and when it doesn't show anything, take a deep breath, be thankful, and give your body time to heal itself. Feed and hydrate intentionally and you'll be back when your body says it's time. It takes time to heal. No quick fixes for overuse stuff. It took a long time to get injured and it will likely take a good month or two or six to fully recover.

There's no such thing as over training, only under recovering.

Good Luck. Stay Positive. Cry when you need to :-) and get healthy!

2014-05-14 9:14 PM
in reply to: DV 1

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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

I had a femoral stress fracture that presented itself with acute pain in my left hip.  It didn't show up on x-rays, and it didn't show up on the initial MRI.  It was finally diagnosed officially (it had been suspected all along by my doc) after a second MRI a month after the first, when the fracture began to heal and became visible on the MRI. 

I'm just relating my experience because a really good sports doc is critical when you have shearing, acute pain.  The advice of getting an MRI is good....but beware of my experience, which is not all that uncommon.

2014-05-16 3:56 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?
KATHY and DV1,

I think you pretty much nailed it.

Worst thing is not knowing what it is and when/if it gets better.

And yes this is my hobby and I will never make any money with it and I need my body to be healthy for my job so for now I will eliminate all things that will aggrevate it more which is running and walking and hopefully at some point I get some answers...
2014-05-16 5:38 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

Originally posted by Left Brain

 had a femoral stress fracture that presented itself with acute pain in my left hip.  It didn't show up on x-rays, and it didn't show up on the initial MRI.  It was finally diagnosed officially (it had been suspected all along by my doc) after a second MRI a month after the first, when the fracture began to heal and became visible on the MRI. ... a really good sports doc is critical when you have shearing, acute pain. ...

When you have shearing, acute pain- you don't need a doctor to tell you to stop doing whatever it is that you're doing that's causing shearing, acute pain.  Do you?

I've been through my share of injuries.  Seen many a sports doc.  Had MRI's, x-rays, alternative treatments.  It was always a waste of time and money as a few weeks or months of rest cured the ailments.  MRI's and x-rays don't cure anything.  they just tell you why it hurts... which you generally already know that it hurts and to stop, or do rest and recovery exercises (or, do stuff that doesn't hurt).

I had two orthopedic docs tell me, after an MRI, that I wouldn't run again without surgery.  they were sooooo wrong.

I wonder what the false alarm rate and accuracy rate is for MRI's- on things like stress fractures and labrum tears.  My guess is that the data would indicate that they were close to useless.

sorry.  I'm a cynic.  Best thing a doctor can prescribe- is a good coach/physical therapist/exercise physiologist.  

2014-05-16 9:33 PM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: At what point is enough...enough?

Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by Left Brain

 had a femoral stress fracture that presented itself with acute pain in my left hip.  It didn't show up on x-rays, and it didn't show up on the initial MRI.  It was finally diagnosed officially (it had been suspected all along by my doc) after a second MRI a month after the first, when the fracture began to heal and became visible on the MRI. ... a really good sports doc is critical when you have shearing, acute pain. ...

When you have shearing, acute pain- you don't need a doctor to tell you to stop doing whatever it is that you're doing that's causing shearing, acute pain.  Do you?

I've been through my share of injuries.  Seen many a sports doc.  Had MRI's, x-rays, alternative treatments.  It was always a waste of time and money as a few weeks or months of rest cured the ailments.  MRI's and x-rays don't cure anything.  they just tell you why it hurts... which you generally already know that it hurts and to stop, or do rest and recovery exercises (or, do stuff that doesn't hurt).

I had two orthopedic docs tell me, after an MRI, that I wouldn't run again without surgery.  they were sooooo wrong.

I wonder what the false alarm rate and accuracy rate is for MRI's- on things like stress fractures and labrum tears.  My guess is that the data would indicate that they were close to useless.

sorry.  I'm a cynic.  Best thing a doctor can prescribe- is a good coach/physical therapist/exercise physiologist.  

I have good insurance.....I go get some pictures.  The sports docs I see don't recommend surgery very often for anyone, but when they do, it's after options have been used up.  If I can see the same guys who take care of the professional athletes in our area, and I can,  I'll gladly take an afternoon to see what they have to say.

In the case of my femoral stress fracture it helped give me a timeline for recovery.

I agree that I don't need a doc to tell me I'm hurt.....but sometimes I need one to tell me how bad.

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