Canadian Triathlon Forum Alberta » Victory Tri NEW LOCATION Rss Feed  
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2016-01-18 7:58 PM

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Wetaskiwin Canada
Subject: Victory Tri NEW LOCATION
Victory Triathlon
Yesterday at 6:51pm ·

Time to dust off your wetsuit and mark your calenders.... This year's race will take place on Saturday 16 July 2016 at Wizard Lake! Get ready for the same great race, at a brand new location! More details and registration will be available soon!
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Canadian Triathlon Forum Alberta » Victory Tri NEW LOCATION Rss Feed  

Victory Triathlon

Started by Drago
Views: 1484 Posts: 5

2015-07-19 4:09 PM plaidgiraffe29

IMC rumour mill - 2013 location

Started by simpsonbo
Views: 2233 Posts: 14

2012-10-21 8:20 PM simpsonbo

New to Triathlons

Started by Renee34
Views: 2531 Posts: 9

2011-03-10 3:15 PM ifreedom

New Triathlete in Calgary needs help!

Started by rusling
Views: 3973 Posts: 12

2011-01-25 3:09 PM Renee34

New to Tri (in Calgary)

Started by jmperry
Views: 3708 Posts: 13

2009-03-10 11:54 PM edamommy
date : January 1, 2011
author : alicefoeller
comments : 0
Here are five steps to ensure that you keep your promise to yourself to get you to that first triathlon.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : February 5, 2008
author : DominiqueL
comments : 1
A product review of the Louis Garneau Tri Air Triathlon Shoe. After nearly two years of testing, see how this shoe performed. Currently being replaced by the Tri Air 2.
date : January 1, 2008
author : agrace
comments : 4
I couldn’t help but feel that the race had beaten me. Perhaps duathlons were more for me? No, I was more determined than ever to succeed. I was determined to get on top of my swimming.
date : December 31, 2006
author : docgill
comments : 0
This life of mine is not so different from yours. It has a multitude of similarities. I suffer from uncertainty, I get nervous at the thought of registering and when getting to the starting line.
date : May 1, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 9
I am not going to buy a tri-suit before my first tri - I want to make sure I am going to stick with this before I spend a lot of money on it so I want to figure out what will work best.
date : November 27, 2005
author : spetremears
comments : 0
9 weeks after my first bike ride, 5 months after my first swim and 13 months after my surgery I entered the Nelson week Tri a Tri !
date : September 3, 2005
author : aloufan
comments : 0
I couldn't believe that my splits kept getting lower! I started to run harder after I passed the "5 km" sign and picked a few people that I wanted to pass.