General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 1.31.16 Buh Bye January!!! Rss Feed  
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2016-01-31 12:14 PM

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Subject: 1.31.16 Buh Bye January!!!

Hey BT, how the heck are ya!?

70 minute run on the treadmill due to crappy, snowy, windy, coldy conditions here.  Boooo!  I hope it all melts off this week. 

Omg Jamie, you make me laugh.  You should have told me to pick you up some bulk dark chocolate yesterday!  And for the record, my little town does have a Smith's grocery store AND a Family Dollar--so there!    Living 120 miles away from anywhere makes the epic shopping trips that much more epic!  Ok, so you're doing a 50 mile run is that right?

Susan...those Sufferfests are BRUTAL!  I'm looking to order some more! Muahhhaaaaahaaa!

HR--I'd kill for your heat right now.  Well, not kill but maim I guess!

Have a great day all!


2016-01-31 2:40 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 1.31.16 Buh Bye January!!!
Hey there!

Yeah, I bet you make those shopping trips worth it so you don't have to go back anytime soon. Too much planning for me!

Off day for me today, needed it for sure! According to my son's garmin, we walked over 3 miles at the Barrett Jackson Car Auction this morning, so at least it was active. Man I LOVE those old muscle cars!!!

Have a great Sunday!
2016-01-31 6:08 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: 1.31.16 Buh Bye January!!!

Yep, 50 miler on March 19th. It's in Monument Valley where they filmed all the John Wayne westerns:

I'm so stoked, I got a book all about the history of monument valley, ranging from the geology, to the native Americans, to the outlaws, and Hollywood years. My sister has agreed to be my pacer for the last half marathon of it. The day before the race I'm also surprising my family with a horse back tour of the monuments, so don't tell them! I think my dad will be the most excited dad in the world to ride a horse out there just like John Wayne. At the start of the race, Native Americans put on a little ceremony and pray for good blessings for all the runners, throwing little bits of corn into the wind. It'll definitely be the most unique and special races I've ever done.

3 mile easy follow up to yesterday. The legs felt good! I also followed it up with some epic cannonballs off the diving board. Not bad weather for January

2016-02-01 12:31 AM
in reply to: trijamie

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 1.31.16 Buh Bye January!!!
Wow! I just cannot imagine running fifty miles at one stretch. Maybe I am getting old or something, or I just don't have the ultra-runner mentality. I think the longest I ever run was about 60 km ( kind of a DIY ultra on a dare) and I really felt like that was enough. Might be different if it was somewhere with amazing scenery, though.

Took the month out in style with a 2:30 trainer ride (was going to do it outside, but allergies have been bad this week) plus a 25-minute brick run. It was 93 when i finished the run, high of 97 a few hours later Too much heat. I spent most of the rest of the day lying on the sofa. Not so much the workout as just too hot to do much else!
2016-02-01 1:00 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 1.31.16 Buh Bye January!!!
A wet and blustery 5 miler for me - managed to take around a minute off my splits.

50 in John Wayne territory sounds a really unique experience. Not sure i'd get close to the acclimatisation :-)
2016-02-01 2:31 PM
in reply to: Shakeybear

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Subject: RE: 1.31.16 Buh Bye January!!!

This was an unplanned rest day, had a sick baby that has been waking up every hour two for about  3 nights in a row. It finally got to me. I started jogging down the road then turned around. 

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