General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2016-04-11 10:43 AM

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Subject: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hi all. Lake Placid will be my first full Ironman triathlon. Any other first timers or Ironman Lake Placid finishers out there that want to talk about training?

2016-04-12 8:48 AM
in reply to: NurseHeather

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I was waiting to see if anyone was going to kickoff the Ironman Lake Placid thread for 2016. Seems a little overdue. This will be my first time taking on Lake Placid and will be my third Ironman.
2016-04-12 8:08 PM
in reply to: NurseHeather

Melbourne Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
This will be my third LPIM. First race was in 09 and second was in 13. It's a bike race.
2016-04-13 8:37 AM
in reply to: NurseHeather

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hi folks! I am really excited for my first full Ironman.

How is training going? I have done a few 70.3 triathlons, but thought the demand of training for a full would be too much. Training has been demanding and at this point has taken over a bit, but I am starting to see gains in endurance and am not feeing burnt out at all. I would say I am most concerned with the hills of Placid.

Anyone planning to recon the bike? Or know of any organized group rides? I am not the strongest cyclist so I might end up going to Placid for a training weekend so I can go at my own pace. The website did post turn by turn directions and it sounds like once it warms up, Mirror Lake is open to the public.
2016-04-13 2:18 PM
in reply to: NurseHeather

Melbourne Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Sorry I gave you a short comment on Placid yesterday. I think riding the bike route is a great idea prior to the race. Besides the elevation changes, you also need to get comfortable with the drop into Keene. You can achieve speeds of high 40s to 50 mph on roads that are not the best. I would also talk with your local bike shop about the best possible gearing for the LP area. I use a compact up front with an 11/28 cassette on the rear wheel. I know folks that have used road bikes vs. Tri bikes to get better gearing for this race. Google on LP gearing and you should get additional information from more knowledgeable sources. I would also read the BT strings from previous year races for additional race information and ideas. Focus on the bike since you believe this is not a strength and LP has some of the largest elevation changes in the Ironman race series. I will be in the LP area starting in the middle of June to race time so lets keep in touch. The area also has some weekend Tri-camps that might prove to be beneficial and fun. Call the local bike shops in Placid for recommendations and hit your favorite search engine. Best of luck and success.
2016-04-21 1:42 PM
in reply to: rummy

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Oooh! Race Group! I'm excited and nuts all in the same as Lake Placid will be my 1st full distance. It is probably sad that at 93 days out I already stress over getting enough work in to be prepared for this rest. My specific training plan started in March and currently averaging 12-14 hours per week. I also followed an off season plan that started back in December so feeling somewhat prepared at this point.

Have fun and Happy Training, I look forward to hearing everyone's status

2016-04-23 12:17 PM
in reply to: mambos

Melbourne Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hey Matt. You'll will love Placid. Its has great views and history. It was my first IM also and many of my friends. We keep coming back.
2016-04-29 7:19 PM
in reply to: rummy

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Excited for this weekends training, 1st long distance pace test with a 1hr swim, 4hr bike and 1hr run! Hopefully it goes better than the testing earlier in the week, curios to see what a 70% effort for 4 hours feels like.

what does everyone else have going on?
2016-04-30 6:50 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I haven't chimed in on the group thread yet, so here I am. Looking forward to racing. It'll be number 5 in terms of full IM distances. Personally, training has been going good, but a shift in work hours and a lot of personal obligations has forced me to miss a few workouts and cut a few short. This is the first time, that I am not really following a structured plan, instead I try my best to write a 2 week training cycle for myself. I have REV Knoxville (70.3) in a few weeks so I'll see where I am at.

Mambos, good luck with your long distance test.

2016-05-05 2:14 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hey Matt, how did your big training weekend go?

I too wish for more time to train longer but, lets see how out first Full goes. Maybe it is just nerves.

I look forward to big training weekends every week! Good thing the husband golfs so the time commitment is less noticeable I have built up to 4 h on the bike and just this past weekend I ran an hour off the bike and it went well. However, I was surprised how my long run suffered the following day. We do not have many opportunities for OWS around here (plus its kinda cold still!) so I hope my swim is coming together.

Anybody care to share bike fuel plans?

I have been using Amrita bars, bananas and it's working well. Gu is always my back up, the thought of Gu'ing the entire race is horrifying so hopefully the bars continue to work. Not hot enough to e'lyte replete so we will see on that.

Happy Training!
2016-05-05 9:20 PM
in reply to: NurseHeather

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

even though the weather didn't cooperate I had a pretty decent day.  The swim was Ok, slow as normal!  the bike I wound up getting in just shy of 80 miles for a 19.7 mph avearge and followed it up with a 6 mile run.  Legs were ok during the run, but that's about it nothing special but probably an effort I could hold for at least half the race . The worst part of the day was the constant drizzle coming down, I think the temp may have hit 50 but barely so by the time the bike was done I was completely soaked and my toes were frozen!  All in all a good day.


as as for bike nutrition I have gone to almost all liquid using infinit.  I fill a bottle with roughly 6 scoops (900 calories) and aim to get it through it every 3 hours.  For race distance I will have 2 bottles totaling 1800 calories and then add in a few solids, which recently have been cereal bars around 100 calories each.  My goal will be to get over 2100 calories on the bike and maybe a bit more if my stomach can handle it.


2016-05-06 9:25 PM
in reply to: NurseHeather

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Nurse Heather, I too use Infinit, but don't double up. Also, I enjoy different textures and use waffles, similar to Honery Stingers. Have also ate soft pretzel, like to offset sweet w salt if possible, especially during iron distance. However, eat more solids early, then eat easily digestible gels. Heck, today on my 4 hr ride I ate a couple oatmeal raisin cookies. I guess I'm saying experiment now.

2016-05-07 8:00 PM
in reply to: tallytom

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Nice work guys! The weather up here in the Northeast has been cool, rainy and overcast this week. It's been like March here in NY and I am not a big on running or riding in the rain. That was the case today I wound up staying indoors for my long ride and doing it on the trainer. Four hours today and not a whole lot of fun but I did get it done.

Last weekend's long ride got cut short to 3:15 ride. I wound up getting 3 flats on the ride and had to call my wife to rescue me. That's how the training has been going for this one. Hope the weather starts warming up soon. I can't wait to get out of the pool and start swimming in the lake.

For nutrition I also use Infinit for the bike. You can customize your formula. I don't concentrate it like Matt does. I use it for both my hydration and my nutrition. I usually reload my bottles from my special needs bag. I go with a 300 calorie formula per bottle. It's worked well for me. I also like the Amrita bars. I used them last year and will probably use them again this year. I do like sugar though and nothing is better than having a few Snickers bars but that stuff has a tendency to melt on hot days. That's what I've been using now but will be switching over to Amrita bars.

Now is definitely the time to experiment with your nutrition as Tom said. Figure out what works best for you and stick with it for race day. Have a plan for how many calories you need to take in on the bike on race day. Also check out what the serving on the course and see if you can train with that as well. Even if you plan to be totally self sufficient it's good to have a back up plan. Plus by the time you get to the run you'll be so sick of gels, energy bars and the like you'll be wanting real food so it pays to be able to know you can live off of what the are serving on the course if you need too.
2016-05-08 4:20 PM
in reply to: NurseHeather

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hey everyone, I'm glad to find a forum that is current on IM Lake PLacid. This will be my 2nd ironman and my training is going pretty well.

I'm reading about other people nutrition plan and I can't help but wonder one thing, why don't most people live off the course? Perhaps people can't stomach Gatorade endurance. Or maybe it doesn't fuel them properly with the necessary minerals/vitamins. I am by now means a pro but I see a big advantage in living off the course. Here's why. My friend uses infinit and swears by it. It works for him and he likes the taste. Anyway, I was next to him when he was setting up his bike for IM Mont Tremblant last year and his bike must have weighed 40lbs with all the fluids and foods he had taped to his bike. He might as well have been riding a mountain bike for the first 50 miles. Living off the course, I carry a few honey stinger waffles in my pocket and one bottle, a speedfill btwn the aero bars (24oz) for emergency only. During the ride, I grab an ice cold bottle at every bike aid station and that's more than enough. If I drop it or miss it, then I'll drink from my speedfill bottle. In IM tremblant, I never once drank from my speedfill bottle.
2016-05-09 6:15 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I wish I could live off of the course as it would make the day much easier! For me though Infinit has been the only drink I can use that doesnt upset my stomach. I am going to see if I can get used to the course food for the run though so that I don't have to carry anything for that portion.

on the positive side, I finally hit an all green week, or completed all workouts scheduled! Up to this point I would fall short on time or have to skip a run somewhere due to the kids schedule! For 14.5 hours I didn't have the fatigue expected so must be building some fitness! Of course the oldest has a baseball game today that kills my run schedule for this never ends!

Edited by mambos 2016-05-09 6:18 PM
2016-05-12 7:52 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Matt nice work and sounds like you had a great week of training. I had a pretty good week last week but the bad weather had me indoors for the bike. I did all 7:45 of my biking indoors including a 4 hour session on Saturday. The weather has improved this week as it was cool, rainy and overcast all last week. Hopefully everyone else is having better weather and doing well with their training.

I'll be heading up to Chatham this weekend for the Farmer's Daughter's Gravel Grinder. It's a 65 mile organized ride on gravel and dirt roads with some single track mixed in there. It's pretty much an off road grand fondo ride. I'll be riding the MTB and using it as a training day.

On the course nutrition it does make sense to live off the course if you can do or if you're trying to KQ or racing where you need to save time. I'm a slow old guy and not racing anyone here besides myself so my preference is to be mostly self sufficient on the bike. I also understand there are a lot of people who have issues with nutrition and have to carry with them what works. It still is a good idea to see if you can use anything they offer on the course in your training. You never know if you might need to fall back on what the course has to offer.

2016-05-23 10:15 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hi all!

Geez the weather has been frustrating. I had a meltdown for a minute on Saturday morning when I woke up to pouring rain and was due for 4:30 on the bike. I did not want to long ride on the trainer again.I decided I could not handle another cold rainy ride so I swapped my weekend workouts and ran. I kinda enjoy running in the rain. I had adulating to do yesterday morning so I did not get started on my ride until noon but had light rain off and on. I choose to stay positive and tell myself that Sat would have been way more miserable.

I really like fueling with Amrita bars too! I try for finishing a bar an hour. I think I am going to just take Gatorade from the course and have a banana or two if I get hungry and coconut water in my SNB. I aim for 300 cal an hour but it is seems like a FT job on the bike to get all that down in an hour. I am going to Gu on the run bc it is just easier for me to not have to chew.

What is a must in my bike and run special needs bag? Did you guys change or just wear your tri suit the whole time? A friend told me she wore her tri top and tyr bikini bottoms, along with her wetsuit, for the swim. In t1 she changed her bottoms to tri shorts so they were dry and kept that on for the rest of the race.
2016-05-23 6:05 PM
in reply to: NurseHeather

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Hi everyone.  This will be my 4th Ironman (LP '11, Kentucky '12, Tremblant '14).  

The first time I signed up for LP in '10 I had a DNS, due to knee tendonitis from cycling.  Second time I signed up for LP I finished and it's my current PR.  Third time I did LP '12 was a DNF, I didn't make it out of Transition 2 due to dehydration.  

I can help answer some questions based off my experience and add to the thread.  As far as outfit changing, I like to wear one outfit.  Most people do.  However many people do change their tops, or bottoms, or both.  It's really up to you.  Men and women have separate private change tents.  Many people also put extra layers or rain gear in their special needs bags, so during the Bike or Run they can change socks, tops, etc.   Usually it's a good idea to have extra socks and maybe an extra rain top.  * Just know that whatever you put in your special needs bag, you might never see again if you don't access it during the race.  

Lots of people posted about the Bike on this thread, and I concur - it's mostly "about the bike".  The swim is just a warm up.  About the LP Bike course, and road bike vs. tt bike -- either is fine.  But keep in mind approx. 38 miles of each loop of the course is flat!  That's 76 out of 112 miles is flat, plus the descent mileage = a lot of time you can be in Aero.  In a nutshell you have the climbs to the Keene descent (in the very beginning), then a long flat out & back,  then one decent climb, followed by flat, and then a long false flat climb -- used to be called "the notch"climb -- that culminates w/ the 3 Bear hills.  After the Bears it's a flat loop around to Mirror Lake and a downhill outta down back to the climb to Keene.  So simply put, there are only 3 areas of climbing that you ride twice.  This helps break the ride up for me mentally.

The Run similarly is a lot of flat and rollers.  Out of town is all downhill, and then you make a left on River Rd and it's constant rollers; no real hills. After the River Rd out & back you climb back into town (only 2 steep short climbs you can power-walk) and then it's a pancake flat out & back next to the lake -- which has wicked great crowd support, btw!!  And then 2nd loop is just a rinse and repeat.  

Both Bike and Run is super non-technical straight-forward with very little turns and fantastic opportunities to build up a comfortable momentum and just carry it through from aid station to aid station.  

Ironman Lake Placid is IRONMAN USA!!  They shut down main street and the whole town almost, and it's just a Rockin' fun time!!  Looking forward to it.  


2016-05-24 5:51 AM
in reply to: Dream Chaser

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Thanks Dream Catcher, this is a fantastic race overview. I'm really looking forward Placid and my first Ironman.
2016-05-24 12:14 PM
in reply to: Dream Chaser

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Great description of the course....what I got out of it is that there are flat sections!
2016-05-25 12:19 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Welcome to the party Bobby! It's about time. I was waiting to see when DC was going to make an appearance here. Thanks for the summary on the bike and run course.

For the race I don't go with the same Tri kit for the entire day. I do change after T1 as I like wearing bike shorts. Tri shorts just don't cut it when on the bike that long. I also change in T2 back to Tri or running shorts. Based on the weather conditions for the day I'll make sure I have whatever I'm going to think I need for the bike and the run in my T1 and T2 bags. It doesn't ever hurt to have extra things in there you may need. You may not use it but it's nice to have the option like extra socks, gloves or a jacket. I also put a towel in each bag as well. Last time around at IMMT I got soaked on the bike at the end of the second loop and didn't have a towel in my T2 bag. I forgot it unfortunately. That's where your checklist will come in handy.

For the SN bag for the bike I throw in extra infinit and nutrition I think I might need as well as extra tubes and CO2's. Again I would consider clothing in there if need be and depending on weather conditions. For my SN run bag I also put some goodies in there like cookies, candy bars etc. Something I can look forward to that will distract me some and give me a little motivation to keep on going. Besides you'll get tired of eating energy bars, gels etc. Nice to have the option to have something else that may not be on the course.

2016-05-27 11:59 AM
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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Catcher and strikyr have both posted a lot of good information.

IMLP '14 was my first IM and I'm heading back this year for my 2nd.

Crowd support is fantastic and it's a beautiful course.

I self support on the bike as well so I've got a second set of bottles in my bike SN bag. I also put whatever solid food I want, dry socks, a tube, tire and a couple of CO2s in there. My run SN bag is much more sparse; some nutrition, dry socks (again) & Jelly beans. Having extra layers in the Transition bags is a good idea as well, never know what the weather will be like. We had torrential rain for the first couple of hours & I had a light vest in the T1 bag that I wore on the bike which was very much appreciated! (I never used any of the extra socks... but I did eat the jelly beans!)

A friend of mine gave me a really good suggestion. Pre-pack all your bags (T1, T2, SN_b, SN_r) in shopping bags before you even leave home. Follow your checklist as if you were turning the bags in and get everything organized. Then just label the bags and pack the as is to go to LP. It helps take some stress out of preparing the bags. I still unpacked and reviewed all my stuff before repacking the official bags.

Oh yeah, bring some large zip-lock bags. Use those for anything you want to keep dry inside the IM bags in the event of rain the night before or morning of the race. If it's raining during the race it won't really matter.

Edited by cdkayak 2016-05-27 12:02 PM
2016-05-27 2:11 PM
in reply to: cdkayak

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Great advice cdkayak!

I will say x2 to the checklist. I triple check everything on that list as I pack my stuff up. Also, bring everything with you that you can take. Warm weather and cold weather gear. It's better to have it then not have it. The weather at Lake Placid can vary greatly on race day, be prepared for it.

The Ziploc bags are also a great idea and come in handy. One little trick you can use them for is on the run. Take one or two with you. Fill it with ice and stick one in your jersey and one under your cap to keep cool on a hot day. This way you won't get soaking wet. A lot of people dump water over there heads when it's hot out. I avoid that because usually your shoes and soaks get wet. Running in wet shoes and socks means blisters for me so having the Ziploc bags for ice is a better alternative IMO.
2016-05-27 5:26 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

59 days!!

Anyone have any races coming up to help prep for LP?  

I'm doing "the Revolution" (Oly Sat & Half distance Sun) Rev3 Quassy next weekend.  


2016-05-28 7:15 AM
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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I just did Rev3 Knoxville last weekend. Went 5:17 with a whole lot of issues, to include (sorry, but it's a reminder for me and anyone to double check some things). So I arrive race morning to transition and check my bike tires, the front is completely flat from the overnight mandatory racking. I head over to the bike mechanic and he thought it was the latex tube getting rubbed against the new tire and inflation pressure. I didn't think much about it, but thought it was odd because I previously did training rides with no issues. Anyway, we changed it and re-racked. Off to the swim where my sighting was great, but had I known the course better and not headed into the sun it would have been better. Then head to bike and DAMMIT my front tire is flat again. I head to the mechanic tent and luckily they are there. I tell him, remember me with the front tire blowout earlier. We pop the tire and this time I figured what the cause of the original tube blow out was...the rim tape got scrunched and rubbed the tube against the rim. Bike mechanic can't find replacement tape, so his sidekick begins or attempts to separate the tape and try to put back on correctly, not working well. The bike mechanic comes up with the idea to find some duct tape and manipulates that on the rim. 9+ minutes in T1 (should have been 2:30-3minutes top). Very thankful for the bike mechanics. Bike goes fairly well, minus dropping my bike bottle with computer on some railroad tracks (stop and pickup) and also going off course due to marking issues. (2:48 or so bike split), T2 went well as did 1:40 run split. Race was really great venue, not the time I wanted, but if I were to do the course again I'd like to think I'd do better. 2nd in age (lost by 3minutes). So I gather all my stuff and got to my bike and noticed, yes the front tire is flat again. I guess I got lucky to get through the course. I later examined the rim and noticed the duct tape solution had gotten a hole in it, causing the tube to friction.

So that was my race tune up. Now, I just moved this week due to me selling and buying my new house this week, which would be a great house for the Fixer Upper crew on HGTV. A lot of time dealing with banks, closings, paperwork, etc. Plus still have to work full time. Not great timing with Ironman, but the it happened and hopefully my training won't take to big of a hit, but I know it will somewhat. Plus, my youngest child just broke his foot.

Oh well, life happens, just roll with the punches and be thankful. Still excited for Lake Placid, just wish I could push it back to October.

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

Edited by tallytom 2016-05-28 7:16 AM
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2009-08-05 6:13 PM PennState
date : July 12, 2009
author : FitWerx
comments : 2
I have Bontrager Race Lite wheels. I was looking into renting Zipp 303's or 404's for race day for Ironman Lake Placid. What time will I save?
date : September 24, 2008
author : Amy Kuitse
comments : 0
I am running Boston in April and Ironman Lake Placid is in July. I have been told that it is ambitious to think about doing an IM so close to a marathon due to the recovery time. Any suggestions?
date : August 10, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
comments : 0
The first time I ventured into the deep murky green lake and could not see the bottom my muscles tensed and my imagined fears surfaced. What exactly lies beneath?
date : July 30, 2006
author : mhan22
comments : 2
If you are calm while everyone around you is losing it, you probably don’t know what the hell is going on.
date : June 4, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw: