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2017-07-19 3:51 PM
in reply to: Juliecl

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: How was your week?
Originally posted by Juliecl

Well done on your swim breakthrough Kelly.....Im still waiting on that! I have had 7 lessons and attend a stroke development class once per week and also swim one session on my own and it still is not clicking, still struggling to get one length front crawl :-(


thanks. Don't let it get the best of is only water.
I felt like blowing off the swim last night, but went anyway. Had a great swim... I thought to myself... I had spent SO much energy over the years (off and on) fighting/struggling to move, to try and propel myself through the density of it all. And yet!! The water supports me, holds me UP... On the run, I have to do it all, and on the bike if I do not actively support myself, the nethers get numb, arms and shoulders ache... but the water, it supports me -- IF I LET IT Getting to that point of realization has taken me some time, and I want to share that with someone so that they do not waste all the time I did. It takes work to swim, do not mistake what I am saying, but if we allow the water to do its part, I believe it makes it somewhat easier.

I, in no way, feel 'qualified' to be writing this, but just want to share what thoughts I have noticed drifting around my noggin while I work ,lap after lap.

2017-07-20 4:44 AM
in reply to: triosaurus

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Subject: RE: How was your week?
Thanks kelly I hope to get to that stage, its the breathing that i cant do at the moment but I will get there :-)
2017-07-20 9:29 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group

How long doe sit take to bounce back from recovery  or off time?  

I did my "A race" a little over a month ago. Leading up to the race I neglected a lot of things to make time for training.  After the race I cut my training back to about 30-40% of what I had been doing and used the extra time to get caught off on other projects and work.  I just got back to training a week ago and was wondering how quick I can get back into race shape.  

I know some of the top elite athlete will take a month off every year but I don't know of any of them that are back to racing 2 months after their month off.  I am wondering if I should approach a fall race as an "A Race" and really work hard for the next two months with the goal to PR or if I should approach it as a "B Race" to just do for the race experience but not expect but not PR.

2017-07-20 1:36 PM
in reply to: #5207873

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Hi kelly,
Thigh is better, just training twinge.

Curtis, i would just plan to enjoy the event :-)

Rest day today and back into it with a swim then bike tomorrow
2017-07-20 3:56 PM
in reply to: adbru

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group

Originally posted by adbru ...Curtis, i would just plan to enjoy the event :-) ...


Well my Dad always said that advise is what people ask for when they already know the answer but don't want to do it.  Some times I am not sure what it is that I don't want to do until I hear the answer and see what my knee jerk reaction is.  Well...I defiantly want to train hard for 10 weeks and race hard at the Redman 70.3 the end of September.  I don't want to take it easy and race for the experience.  I guess I need to start to focus on next spring and keep this race in perspective as a building event. :-)

2017-07-20 7:34 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Weekend is here ...
Hi everyone,
and thanks for all your good wishes & prayers
I'm cleared for discharge tomorrow, which is a week earlier than the prognosis. I've been in inpatient rehab, which has involved 3 hours/day of PT and OT, followed by some serious napping.
I'm extra committed to my goal of being in the best athletic condition possible until my last day on earth. It just makes a huge difference in one's ability to recover frm the s**t that will inevitably happen.
Every day I wear a different race t-shirt, and when the PT gets tough I just visualize a challenging moment from that event and keep going. I don't think my PT really expected me to complete the task he gave me today (walking down a long hallway with a walker) but I had my Barrelman Half-Iron shirt on and I wouldn't quit! That's how I'm getting out early.
I still can't bear weight on the left leg for another 3 weeks. I plan to keep up my chair-based & bed-based exercises at home during that time so my muscles don't regress more than necessary. Then after I'm cleared for weight-bearing (hopefully in 3 weeks) I've already got an appointment for a sports-oriented PT to see what I need to do to get back swimming biking & running. I've already qualified for AG Nationals in 2018, so that's my goal.
Be happy in all your workouts & races! I'm really jealous!

2017-07-21 12:55 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Weekend is here ...

So great to hear that you are doing very well with your recovery! I look forward to more progress reports, and wish you the very best on this next stage of your journey

2017-07-21 12:59 AM
in reply to: triosaurus

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Weekend is here ...
George - I assume that you are registered for the Penticton 70.3. Best of luck in the race!

2017-07-21 8:35 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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Subject: RE: Weekend is here ...

Deb - glad to hear you're doing well and congrats on the "early release" .  Listen to the docs (sounds like you are) and you'll be back before you know it.

George - Good luck with your race this weekend!

I have a race this weekend also - just a sprint.  I went back and looked at the bike course again this week and it's got me a little nervous.  It's only 15 miles but it's basically uphill on the way out and downhill on the way back - and I'm not good with hills.  Luckily they're not steep hills so I think I'll be OK, and the ride back should be good.  It's going to be a warm morning though - probably low's 80's during the race (which is actually cool compared to what we're getting now).  I haven't raced since May though so I'm curious to see how my training over the last couple of months with affect my performance. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

2017-07-21 2:10 PM
in reply to: #5224715

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Janet and george- have a great race then tell us all about it :-)

Debs, great to hear you have escaped :-) best wishes for a strong recovery.

Through the power of this site julie and i have realised that not only have we been going to the same swim class, but we have been swimming in the same lane for three weeks!!

What are the chances lol.

Rubbish swim for me this morning, cut it short at 1km, no energy and struggled with breathing. Bike ok, took 5 mins of my 13.5mile hill route (mainly coz i fuelled on the move rather than stopping...).
Long brick session tomorrow, 26mile bike followed by 5 mile run.

Have a great weekend
2017-07-21 3:02 PM
in reply to: adbru

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Nice to hear from you Deb!

2017-07-22 2:06 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Weekend is here ...
Originally posted by soccermom15

Deb - glad to hear you're doing well and congrats on the "early release" .  Listen to the docs (sounds like you are) and you'll be back before you know it.

George - Good luck with your race this weekend!

I have a race this weekend also - just a sprint.  I went back and looked at the bike course again this week and it's got me a little nervous.  It's only 15 miles but it's basically uphill on the way out and downhill on the way back - and I'm not good with hills.  Luckily they're not steep hills so I think I'll be OK, and the ride back should be good.  It's going to be a warm morning though - probably low's 80's during the race (which is actually cool compared to what we're getting now).  I haven't raced since May though so I'm curious to see how my training over the last couple of months with affect my performance. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Have a great day!

2017-07-22 2:08 AM
in reply to: adbru

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Adrian, and Julie - that is too funny.
Have a great brick session tomorrow.

2017-07-22 3:40 AM
in reply to: #5224783

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Adbru so funny we have even chatted to each other not knowing that both of us are on this site ????

I have Inverurie novice tri tommorow gonna do a bit of both strokes BS and FC to get me through, will let you all know how it goes ??
2017-07-22 4:39 AM
in reply to: #5224811

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Have a great day tomorrow julie.

I have a long bike up strathconnon tomorrow.
2017-07-22 5:23 AM
in reply to: #5224812

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Thanks ?? You will be cycling along the road where I live ?? enjoy ??

2017-07-22 5:23 AM
in reply to: #5224813

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Sorry those question marks they are supposed to be smiley faces lol
2017-07-22 9:11 AM
in reply to: adbru

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group

Originally posted by adbru

Through the power of this site julie and i have realised that not only have we been going to the same swim class, but we have been swimming in the same lane for three weeks!! What are the chances lol.

I believe that's the definition of "A Small World!"

2017-07-22 10:22 AM
in reply to: adbru

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group

Originally posted by adbru 

Rubbish swim for me this morning, cut it short at 1km, no energy and struggled with breathing. 

Seems there has been lots of discussion about "breathing" the last couple of weeks as there's been a number of threads over in the main forum.  More often than not, the problem isn't "breathing" per se.  The problem is more likely improper technique that appears to be manifesting itself as breathing because you "can't catch your breath."

A couple things to remember -

  • Whenever your face is in the water you should be exhaling through your nose - ALWAYS
  • Don't raise your head to breathe
  • Don't over-rotate to breathe - stroke should be symetrical
  • Remember "one goggle out, one goggle in" when you breathe

If you are technique "challenged" you'll likely be swimming anaerobically - which would quickly have you feeling like you can't catch your breath.  Focus on improving your technique and the breathing will come.  A good set to consider when you are struggling a bit with "breathing" is something like 25-50-75-100-75-50-25 ladders with 10" rest between intervals, then 30" rest between sets.  That gives you the break to "catch your breath" and as you get to where you can't catch your breath in the available rest, the intervals begin to get shorter - making it so you can catch your breath.

Most importantly, stick with it.  The day WILL come when you will have that "Ah-Ha" moment and it will "click" - it takes time in the water and yards in the bank.

2017-07-22 11:06 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Scott - thanks for the info, I am usually ok with my breathing- it was just a bad day

Julie - I often use that road, yesterday was a loop across achilty dam.

2017-07-22 12:09 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group

Thanks for the encouragement for my race tomorrow everyone.  In the last couple days before a race I am usually wishing I had never signed up for it and today is worse than usual.  It usually disappears as soon as the horn sounds to send off my wave.  Then I just get down to doing it.

Tomorrow will be a little more challenging for me as they have cut the cut off times (off the bike by noon and finished the run by 2:30 (7.5 hours total).  My fastest 70.3 was 7:28 several years ago.  I'm not worried about it.  If I can get off the bike before noon then I can just get out and do my run the best I can.  I may overtime but I will finish.  It will be more important that I have a good run and that in itself will be great.

Adbru and Julie - Too funny especially when you consider how close you can become as lane mates.  

Deb - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow every time I hit my saddle.  

Kelly - I'm racing the Penticton half and feeling my usual apprehension.  I don't like this waiting game.

I'm heading out next to go to Package Pick-up and get my stuff organized for tomorrow.  I'll write a race report as soon as I can.

Edited by wenceslasz 2017-07-22 12:16 PM

2017-07-24 11:36 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group

My race yesterday turned into a death march.  I never saw anyone have any trouble but I've since heard there were many people dropping out due to heat issues.  Even one of the Pros had heat stroke (and another one had a bad accident).

I started out with a good swim.  The conditions were perfect and I seemed to find a lot of feet to draught off of.  My expectation was to swim in 42 minutes but I managed a surprising 38:00 minutes.

My bike ride was slow and I was alone for the bulk of the ride.  I tried to not use my legs too hard but as usual I had to push myself into Zn 3 for a lot of the ride and I wound up burning too many matches (as is usual for me).  I got to the dismount line about 6 minutes before the cut off time (I was really worried about that).

I made it out of transition and started out running but not very fast.  My HR was elevated and I had trouble lowering it.  The heat was something fierce on the asphalt but I just put it out of my mind and carried on.  At the aid stations I drank coke, electrolyte and water.  They weren't filling the cups with more than two ounces of fluid so I was taking 3 of each to get about 6 oz of each.  I also poured water over my head, back and shoulders to keep cool.  It must have worked because I was in the sun without shade for the full time and managed to finish in decent shape.

I couldn't run fast but I ran as much as I could and I was so glad to see the finish and be done.  My shorts and top were caked in salt and I was tired but steady on my feet and coherent.  Had a cold water then my wife got me a COLD beer and burger.  It took a while for my HR to calm down but I felt good.

Next day I'm pretty stiff and sore but not as bad as some of my friends that also did the race.  I finished 2nd from last but in fairness to me some slower people dropped out due to the heat.  To be honest, as hot as it was, I never considered not finishing.

I'll write a full report as soon as I can.

2017-07-25 5:19 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Inverurie Triathlon

Swim 400m 12.07 breast stroke all the way! it was mental choppy didnt think it would be like that in a pool. Happy enough as my plan was to do BS as it wouldnt have worked any other way.

Bike 12 miles- felt strong was a hilly loop 49 mins

Run 3k - 12.16 that was the easy part

5th out of 22 women and 1st in age group although only one in it ha ha

I was second last going into the bike after the swim then moved up to 9th after the bike then 5th after the run (I had the fastest run on the day out of everyone :-)) true what they say the race isnt won on the swim :-) I have a lot to learn about transitions and swimming but i loved it! :-)
2017-07-25 8:00 PM
in reply to: Juliecl

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
Originally posted by Juliecl

Inverurie Triathlon

Swim 400m 12.07 breast stroke all the way! it was mental choppy didnt think it would be like that in a pool. Happy enough as my plan was to do BS as it wouldnt have worked any other way.

Bike 12 miles- felt strong was a hilly loop 49 mins

Run 3k - 12.16 that was the easy part

5th out of 22 women and 1st in age group although only one in it ha ha

I was second last going into the bike after the swim then moved up to 9th after the bike then 5th after the run (I had the fastest run on the day out of everyone :-)) true what they say the race isnt won on the swim :-) I have a lot to learn about transitions and swimming but i loved it! :-)

Awesome job, Julie! Wow, that is smoking' fast on the run

2017-07-27 6:14 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group
George - Great job on saying tough through adverse conditions. And, congrats on the better than expected swim split - all the work in the pool has paid off. Looking forward to the race report.

Hope you are recovering well from a tough day,


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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 19, 2007
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.