Subject: RE: 10.22.17 Sunny Sunday!Ugh....I would KILL for a run, or a hike, anywhere. I have an appointment this week to try to get a referral for an MRI, so maybe can get a handle on exactly what is wrong and what, if anything, I can do about it. Some days I think I'm really improving, then the next day is much worse, for no reason I can think of, and I think I'm not. Arrrgh!
2-hour trainer ride in the morning (mostly high Z2/low Z3 ) with increasingly gloomy skies outside.
Just made it to my favorite brunch place before the skies opened up in a deluge that went on for over three hours. Napped with the cats after coming back, and when I woke up around 4, it was actually sunny and pleasantly cool. Decided to check out a new smoothie and juice place that just opened across the parkway (really nice; they even do protein recovery smoothies with coffee and cacao! ) and then went on what passes for a "walk"--maybe a mile loop around a newly developed neighborhood on that side. Really not supposed to have unnecessary time on my feet, but I felt like a prisoner and legs were cramped from the ride. Lots of other people out strolling--we almost never have decent weather after work in rainy season, and everyone's feeling water-logged around here.
Edited by Hot Runner 2017-10-22 6:40 PM