General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race Rss Feed  
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2017-11-02 9:24 AM

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Subject: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race

I'm planning on doing Chattanooga 70.3 on May 20.  It'll be an A race.

So the question is, there are a couple events two weeks before that are interesting, and whether they are a bad idea to do that close to an A race.

The Flying Pig half in Cinci is a lot of fun, and it would be cool to do it again.  The second event is a 12 hour bike ride that a friend was hitting me up to see if I'd be interested in. Both are the same weekend.

Is one better than the other, the impact the same, or should both be avoided that close to an A race?

2017-11-02 5:13 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
In my book, both bad ideas. Two weeks out should be your last quality bike/run, and the start of your taper. If you've been training seriously, your body will be tired at that point and you're probably at your most vulnerable to illness, too. A longer-than-normal bike ride (say, 4-6 hours) might be a confidence builder and be pretty low-impact so less risk of injury than, say, a marathon or HIM, but 12 hours is really a lot longer than your normal training and could set you up for injury or excessive fatigue that you don't need at that point. Any possibility to do it as a relay? Alternatively, a short tri like a sprint or Oly to check on fitness, practice transitions, and pick up the pace a little might be appropriate. Another HIM or marathon bike ride, not so much, if your A race truly matters to you.
2017-11-02 6:58 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
Sorry--meant to say last long/bike run. Most people do some shorter/faster stuff to maintain fitness during taper. But that doesn't change my advice. Either don't do either, do only part of the bike, or just decide that your A race doesn't matter as much to you as doing one of these events.
2017-11-03 8:59 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race

Lots of variables...

How "A" is your A-race?  How aggressive are your goals for that day?  

How disciplined are you?  

If you're going to do a 12-hour ride, you'll obviously need to ramp up saddle time well beyond normal HIM training.  Doing that long a ride as long as you stay out of Z3-5 and keep nutrition and hydration balanced should be relatively low impact on your race if you're properly trained.  Yes, you'll risk coming down sick at a critical time in your HIM training.  

Doing the half-mary may be a bit more challenging...while the distance is aligned with your HIM, can you go into that "race" with the discipline to treat it as a training run rather than a race?  

While it's been suggested, I'd recommend avoiding a sprint tri 2 weeks before your HIM.  They're entirely different races with different strategies and IMO, the risk exposure to a bike crash in the sprint (recognize that there may be a lot of first-time participants) that takes you out of your A-race is unacceptable.  (Now, if your "A" race is an A-minus and everything else a B-plus, this risk might be acceptable.)  

2017-11-03 9:24 AM
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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race

Originally posted by ponderingfox

I'm planning on doing Chattanooga 70.3 on May 20.  It'll be an A race.

So the question is, there are a couple events two weeks before that are interesting, and whether they are a bad idea to do that close to an A race.

The Flying Pig half in Cinci is a lot of fun, and it would be cool to do it again.  The second event is a 12 hour bike ride that a friend was hitting me up to see if I'd be interested in. Both are the same weekend.

Is one better than the other, the impact the same, or should both be avoided that close to an A race?


I think this comes down more the the training leading up to two weeks before the race than it does what you will be doing on that day.  A 13.1 mile run two weeks before your A race could be good race prep as long as you run it like a B race and don't over do it.  If I were doing that plan I would run the Flying Pig half at the pace that you plan to run your run leg of the 70.3 event and not at your open half pace.  That way you don't over do it and you have solid practice at hitting you race pace closes enough to the event that the muscle memory will be there on race day.   


I would skip the 12 hour bike ride.  That is twice the time of your A race to you will have to do different type of race prep for that event than for your A race which will complicate things.  You can't practice your 5-6 hour race pace when you are going 12 hours either.  If it were a 5-6 hour ride then that would be helpful because you could ride at the effort of you 5-6 hour A race (or a little less) to mental prepare to be competing for that long, but the 12 hours just doesn't seem like it would work seamlessly into a 70.3 plan.  It seems like it would require you to make a lot of deviations in training and race prep which could potential hinder your A race perforance.


I would do the Flying Pig between the options you have. 

Edited by BlueBoy26 2017-11-03 9:30 AM
2017-11-03 10:48 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
Search for a thread titled “oops, I signed up for an Ironman. Am I doomed?” Lots of interesting ideas on training before a big race !

2017-11-03 1:42 PM
in reply to: Goggles Pizzano

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Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race

Yeah, I like racing a lot and doing events. It usually winds up with me not really having A races.  But I tend to get injured doing these one-off things because I don't train fully for them.  So while the Flying Pig is a lot of fun, if I did it, I'd dial it back and run something closer to 2:00 than 1:35.  Like pace a friend and help them try to break 2:00 or something. But then that's $100 for a training run. But it has a cool medal. Hmmm....

I'd like to do a proper HIM, and this would be my first, so I'd like to do it right.

2017-11-03 6:45 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
Oh...sorry. I thought Flying Pig was another half-ironman, not "just" a half marathon. I would totally do it as a supported last long run. Have done that before as long runs are kind of a logistical PITA here, due to the amount of water I have to carry if self-sufficient. I have a friend who does full IM, and she actually signs up for just about any long run/race to use as a supported long workout when she is in IM training. Sometimes she will even sneak one in on a business trip.

Just don't "race" it, but do it as a normal workout at about typical long run pace for you. At most, maybe put in something 2 X 2-miles at HIM race effort/pace. Only you can decide if the $$ was worth it.

Since a HM should be within the realm of your normal training load at that point, unlike the bike ride, I don't think it would put you at higher risk of injury or illness UNLESS you raced it hard.
2017-11-05 7:55 AM
in reply to: #5230471

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Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
IMHO, paying $100 for a training day just to add to the collection of t-shirts & medals you probably already have, is a bit absurd.

Racing a lot is fun; however, if you really want to strive for an “A” race, you have to see your training block through to the end. Riding for 12 hours or even “completing a 70.3” 2 weeks out will hinder your ability to perform at your best on race day. We are not pros...but mere mortals. I watched Andy Potts take 7th in Kona this year and then turn around one week later to take 2nd at Challenge Aruba with a 4:01. He (and most pros), can do that...Triathlon/racing is their life and job. Unless you are striving to become a starving low-level pro, I would stick to your training plan and defer either one of those races to 2019. Or, reassess your “A” race.

There are plenty of people who merely “complete” races (myself included), but it takes discipline, dedication, and determination to compete in them. Don’t lose sight of your goal just to get another medal/t—shirt.

Just my $0.02
2017-11-06 1:45 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
When you get to 2 weeks out from your A race.....ask yourself this.....

Will (_________) help my chances of performing to the best of my abilities at my A race?

If the answer is "no"......then, don't do (__________).

Unless you are some kind of disciplined...........I don't think either of your choices are good.

Good luck in Choo.

**Edit.....If you're in the M50-54 AG.....I'd suggest you do the 12 hr. bike ride.
2017-11-06 7:48 PM
in reply to: nc452010

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Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race

Oh come on. Where are all the Manatees to tell me to just do eeeet?

2017-11-06 8:53 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
I'm a Manatee....I think I just said that! (But only if the race experience/ pig T-shirt/ medal is worth the $$$ to you, and you're disciplined enough to pace yourself sensibly and not wear yourself out running all-out.)
2017-11-06 9:05 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race

Not screwing up the HIM is the main point, and I don't necessarily want to drop a lot of money on a training race, but I'll have a lot of friends doing this race also.  And that's worth something.  But what can I say?  I love to (over)race.

2017-11-06 10:15 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
Originally posted by ponderingfox

I'm planning on doing Chattanooga 70.3 on May 20.  It'll be an A race.

So the question is, there are a couple events two weeks before that are interesting, and whether they are a bad idea to do that close to an A race.

The Flying Pig half in Cinci is a lot of fun, and it would be cool to do it again.  The second event is a 12 hour bike ride that a friend was hitting me up to see if I'd be interested in. Both are the same weekend.

Is one better than the other, the impact the same, or should both be avoided that close to an A race?

I think it depends on your training volume. If you're putting in enough run miles, you shouldn't need any meaningful recovery time from a half marathon. Maybe an easy day the day after but that'd be about it. The question in my mind would be what should I do the day before. I'd want to get in a decent ride a couple weeks out. . . and that might mean not going into the half marathon as fresh as I'd prefer. I think a run race two weeks out can fit in really well though Id prefer a 10k instead.

I actually liked doing some run races before my first triathlon of the season. I always feel better after I've got a few races in my legs.
2017-11-07 5:29 AM
in reply to: ziggie204

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Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race

Oh yeah, I'll certainly do some races in the build up. Some 5ks and a sprint, to be sure.

2017-11-07 7:10 AM
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Grapevine, TX
Subject: RE: Good Idea/Bad Idea Events Before 'A' Race
Originally posted by ponderingfox

I'm planning on doing Chattanooga 70.3 on May 20.  It'll be an A race.

So the question is, there are a couple events two weeks before that are interesting, and whether they are a bad idea to do that close to an A race.

The Flying Pig half in Cinci is a lot of fun, and it would be cool to do it again.  The second event is a 12 hour bike ride that a friend was hitting me up to see if I'd be interested in. Both are the same weekend.

Is one better than the other, the impact the same, or should both be avoided that close to an A race?

I attempted Austin 70.3 a week after doing well in North Carolina 70.3 It was a disaster and dropped out around the start of the run (tired doesn't really describe the state of my body at that point. If you've ever seen a movie where the life is being sucked out of a person, that's probably more accurate). The built in fatigue and overall training disruption due to the first race week was a real mess.

Recently, I've been reading Friel's training bible book. I am learning many things about training and the body, and performance. In my mind unless you can justify an event prior as a real part of structured tapering (a 12 hour ride doesn't seem like it), then I would hold off if you have a true "A" race. But everyone is different.

Edited by FranzZemen 2017-11-07 7:10 AM

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