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2018-08-14 3:34 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: My Apologies - Part II

Hey Everyone,

So I had a few days in the hospital last month.  I got home and just wasn't feeling any better.  Long story short, I picked up an infection while I was i the hospital which landed me back in the hospital (somebody has to explain the wisdom of that!).

All told it was 9-days in the hospital - granted with a couple day break halfway through.  Back home now, and finally on the road to recovery.  It is simply amazing how much energy you lose just lying in a hospital bed.  I have a long ways to go just to get back to a base level of fitness.  Fortunately we're almost to the winter when the days are short, and the trainer comes alive.

Gotta love my wife.  While I was "on vacation," she was working on my pain cave.  She had my uncle come over and hang some new shelves.  She put new rubber tiles down on the floor so both the treadmill and the trainer are on rubber now.  She got both TV's setup - one on the satellite/DVD and the other on the computer.  Apparently she thinks I sweat too much because she positioned not one, not two, but three 30" hurricane fans - plus the ceiling fan which will be pretty much useless against the hurricane fans.  All the times I talked about what I wanted to do in the pain cave I thought I detected eye rolls.  Turns out she was not only intently listening, but she had it all planned out in her mind how to do it.  Now I've got no excuses!

2018-08-14 10:43 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: My Apologies - Part II
Originally posted by k9car363

Hey Everyone,

So I had a few days in the hospital last month.  I got home and just wasn't feeling any better.  Long story short, I picked up an infection while I was i the hospital which landed me back in the hospital (somebody has to explain the wisdom of that!).

All told it was 9-days in the hospital - granted with a couple day break halfway through.  Back home now, and finally on the road to recovery.  It is simply amazing how much energy you lose just lying in a hospital bed.  I have a long ways to go just to get back to a base level of fitness.  Fortunately we're almost to the winter when the days are short, and the trainer comes alive.!

Jeez man, that truly stinks. Hopefully the road to recovery this time will be better than what you’ve experienced so far! Hang in there and get better soon.

I guess the good news is you’ve got the entire fall, winter and spring to work you way back into shape in your fabulous, new pain cave!

2018-08-15 12:35 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: My Apologies - Part II
That sucks Scott. Unforunately, that’s not the first time I hear about someone going into hospital for a routine op and end up being more sick... anyway, glad you seem to be on the way to recovery now, and kudos to Mrs Scott! If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is,
2018-08-16 1:35 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Subject: RE: My Apologies - Part II

Curtis - thanks for the info on Redman.  Sounds like just what I'm looking for and hopefully with a whole year to train, I'll be ready when it rolls around next fall .  

Steve - congrats on your race.

Scott - sorry to hear about your health troubles.  Glad to hear that you're on the road to recovery.  Think you can get Mrs. Scott to talk to my husband?   I've been wanting the same type of set-up in my basement.  So far I've got a TV (and the sound doesn't work half the time - still can't figure out why) and one small fan.  It works, but it's not too inviting and gets pretty warm even in the winter.  Hoping I can do some upgrades this fall/winter.  


2018-08-17 5:15 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 4 Weeks to IMWI

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by Turner100 Training Update- Saturday Brick 4 weeks to go, I’m feeling anxious, nervous, confident and scared shitless.
Thanks for sharing, Rob. Keep us posted with how your training goes these last four weeks. And definitely give us a race report when you're done. Good luck! Steve


2018-08-18 2:32 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: It's the Weekend!

I'm noticing the days are starting to get a little bit shorter.  The temperatures, at least at night, are starting to drop.  There's not quite a touch of fall in the air but certainly it isn't that far away.  That just makes the weekends that much more valuable and special.

Is anyone racing this weekend?  Have any special workouts planned?

I'm planning to get out for a ride today.  I've done a couple short trainer rides.  It's been so long since I've ridden outdoors I'm looking forward to seeing if I can still ride my bike without the benefit of being held in place by the trainer!

2018-08-18 3:31 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!
Yes, days are shorter and colder, thank god for that, we had a incredibly long and warm summer over here. Too much!
This time in one week, I will be on the bike part of my final race of the season. My A race, my home race, the one I want to win.

I don’t follow a training plan, I make it up as I go along and I’ve decided that the last week before the race will look like this:

Yesterday: the swim as fast as I can
Today: the bike as fast as I can (followed by a short run)
Tomorrow: the run as fast as I can (preceded by a short ride)
Monday: the whole course at a more moderate pace

The above will all be done on the actual race course and the individual times will be my goal times on race day.

Tuesday-Friday: transitions practice.

Have a good weekend all, hope you enjoy your ride scott!
2018-08-19 9:04 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!
So, here’s how the weekend it went

the swim- 400m-8.30 min. Happy with that, it’s the time I did last year on race day, and I was not tired at all
the bike-20k-48min Not good at all. Did it in less than 40 last year
the run-5k- 25.38- new PB, 5 min better than last year

Monday: the whole course at a more moderate pace. I’ll tell you tomorrow

As you can see, big problem with the bike. The thing is, the first 10k were fast (under 19min) and I realised why on the way back. You’ve probably guessed, the wind....
According to the weather forecast, the wind will be exactly the same on Saturday. So what have I learnt that will be useful on race day? Do I push more on the first 10k with the tail wind to make up for the time I will lose on the way back? Or do i take it a little easier on the way out so I don’t lose so much on the way back? What’s best so I don’t burn myself for the run?

2018-08-19 4:28 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!

Originally posted by Rollergirl

As you can see, big problem with the bike. The thing is, the first 10k were fast (under 19min) and I realised why on the way back. You’ve probably guessed, the wind....

According to the weather forecast, the wind will be exactly the same on Saturday. So what have I learnt that will be useful on race day? Do I push more on the first 10k with the tail wind to make up for the time I will lose on the way back? Or do i take it a little easier on the way out so I don’t lose so much on the way back? What’s best so I don’t burn myself for the run?

Hey Nathalie,

The short answer is you are better pushing just a bit harder into the wind and easing up a bit with a tailwind - especially if the tailwind section is first.

Now the explanation -

You are going slower into the wind, meaning you will be riding longer into the wind than with the tailwind.  Increasing your power, even a little bit, into the wind will have a larger impact because you will have the benefit of the additional speed for a longer period of time.

Hope that helps.


2018-08-20 3:57 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Rollergirl

As you can see, big problem with the bike. The thing is, the first 10k were fast (under 19min) and I realised why on the way back. You’ve probably guessed, the wind....

According to the weather forecast, the wind will be exactly the same on Saturday. So what have I learnt that will be useful on race day? Do I push more on the first 10k with the tail wind to make up for the time I will lose on the way back? Or do i take it a little easier on the way out so I don’t lose so much on the way back? What’s best so I don’t burn myself for the run?

Hey Nathalie,

The short answer is you are better pushing just a bit harder into the wind and easing up a bit with a tailwind - especially if the tailwind section is first.

Now the explanation -

You are going slower into the wind, meaning you will be riding longer into the wind than with the tailwind.  Increasing your power, even a little bit, into the wind will have a larger impact because you will have the benefit of the additional speed for a longer period of time.

Hope that helps.


I guess that makes sense. it certainly didn't work doing the opposite, as I only gained one minute on my "normal" 10k time and lost 9 on the way back.

2018-08-20 9:02 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!

Originally posted by k9car363

I'm noticing the days are starting to get a little bit shorter.  The temperatures, at least at night, are starting to drop.  There's not quite a touch of fall in the air but certainly it isn't that far away.  That just makes the weekends that much more valuable and special.

Is anyone racing this weekend?  Have any special workouts planned?

I'm planning to get out for a ride today.  I've done a couple short trainer rides.  It's been so long since I've ridden outdoors I'm looking forward to seeing if I can still ride my bike without the benefit of being held in place by the trainer!

I felt like like my weekend training plan was "special".  With two week of down training before my 70.3 race and then two weeks of down training following, it had been a while since I had any "special" Saturday morning workouts. 

Saturday I did a 50 mile bike ride followed by a 4 mile run all close to my 70.3 race pace.  I have been working all summer to dial in the perfect run pace off the bike. I finally nailed the brick run this Saturday.  I had been running pretty even splits between 6:55 min/mi and 7:15 min/mile. On Saturday my mile goal was to show a clear negative split and were the following:

Mile 1 - 7:17 

Mile 2 - 7:16 

Mile 3 - 6:49

Mile 4 - 6:50     

The last mile really sucked but I hung in there.  Practice makes perfect. Right?




2018-08-20 12:38 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!
Curtis--Nice job on the run intervals. Sadly, I can't run intervals that fast....but I'm working on it!

We had a decent weekend. We drove our RV a couple of hours down to one of the wine tasting regions here in Washington State. We hauled our bikes so we could get out and ride while there....followed my lots of visits to area wineries.

I got in a few good workouts before the smoke rolled in from the forest fires. We've got three large forest fires burning as close as about 35 miles away. Plus there are huge fires in BC that are channeling smoke down our river valley. It's absolutely miserable here right now. Our air quality index is currently 331. just better than the 366 when I hit the gym this morning. Anything over 200 is considered "hazardous" and the recommendation at that point is to avoid all outdoor activities. If you've got asthma is just ugly. I can feel it in my lungs with every breath.

Right now the visibility is less than one mile and every morning our cars are dusted with a light coating of ash....the same stuff you breathe in while outside. It's truly nasty.

At this point, all workouts have to been indoors...which sucks given that our summers are beautiful here. Instead of running outside, I've been hitting the gym and using the treadmill for the first time in years! Mr. Yuck.

Hopefully it gets better soon.

The good news for me--I'm leaving on a business trip tomorrow morning allowing me to fly out of this nasty soup.

Have a good week everyone!


2018-08-20 4:11 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!

Originally posted by lutzman Curtis--Nice job on the run intervals. Sadly, I can't run intervals that fast....but I'm working on it! - Steve

Steve,  It is all relative.  I could have been doing 7:55-8:15 off the bike for the past two months then hit 8:16's for the first half and 7:50's for the 2nd half on Saturday and it would have been a just as excited. 


I have never been good at hitting negative splits.  Not even for 4 miles runs, in practice, when I am fresher than I would be at the end of a long race.  The fact that I hit the first two miles one second apart and the last two one second apart with a clear negative split was pretty exciting for me.


I didn't have my Heart Rate Monitor.  My pacing was  90% off of feel and 10% off of my iphone ap.  I didn't know what the first two miles splits were until the miles were complete and didn't know the splits of either of my last two miles until after I was back to my house after the workout.


I don't know if I can hit those paces at my next race, but that is what I am going to train for the next month and then do my best on race day. 


Note: My last race I was at a 7:42 pace for the run.  I was hitting the 6:55-7:35 I had been doing in practice  between stops but with stops at aid stations and stops for cramps time added up quickly.  Anything under 7:42 would be a PR on the Run at my next race.  I if I could choose to be 8 minutes faster on the Swim, 8 minutes faster on the bike, or 8 minutes faster on the run at my next race, I would take 8 minutes faster on the run. That is the area I need to shine. I hate it when guys I was beating consistently in running events 10 years ago beat me on the run leg of a Triathlon.  They can beat me on the Swim or bike but I feel that I owe it to them to set a goal for them to work for on the run.

2018-08-23 11:07 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!
Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Steve,  It is all relative.  I could have been doing 7:55-8:15 off the bike for the past two months then hit 8:16's for the first half and 7:50's for the 2nd half on Saturday and it would have been a just as excited. 

I hate it when guys I was beating consistently in running events 10 years ago beat me on the run leg of a Triathlon.  They can beat me on the Swim or bike but I feel that I owe it to them to set a goal for them to work for on the run.

Curtis, I feel your pain. I came to triathlon as a strong runner. I rarely got passed on the run and caught lots of people. Now I see some "slow" guy ahead of me and suddenly realize I can't catch him! Too much time off will do that. And I guess there's the lesson....never stop running!

Best of luck and good training as you finish out your race season.

2018-08-30 7:19 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Last official weekend of Summer--Race!
Anyone else racing over Labor Day weekend? I've got my last official tri on Saturday (unless I can locate a Sprint before the lakes all close). I'm doing an Oly distance event that's about an hour south of Seattle.

I'm hoping for a fun weekend. I'm driving over to Seattle on Friday night, racing Saturday morning and then taking my two sons to see the Foo Fighters at Safeco Field on Saturday night. I'm hoping to send Summer out with a bang.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

2018-08-31 9:14 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: Last official weekend of Summer--Race!

Steve - good luck with your race this weekend!

I'm not racing this weekend but I'm supposed to be doing a sprint next Sunday.  However, I've been down for the last week with the flu.  I'm finally starting to feel human again although I fatigue very quickly (taking a shower in the morning feels like a hard 5 mile run). I have my last chance for an OWS practice tomorrow morning, which I will do - I want to test out the sleeveless wetsuit I rented for the race - but it will be a slow, easy and short swim.  I'm not really too worried about the race itself as long as I can get my strength back over the next week.  All goals have gone out the window but finishing shouldn't be an issue.  I'm just not sure how to handle any workouts for the week coming up.  It was supposed to be an easy week anyway but I don't want to overly tax myself and have a relapse (one week of this crud was more than enough).  I'm thinking do the swim tomorrow, try an easy walk on Sunday and maybe a short trainer ride on Monday and take it from there depending on how those go and how I'm feeling.  And get as much sleep as I can over the next couple of days.  

Have a good weekend all!

2018-08-31 4:07 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Last official weekend of Summer--Race!

Originally posted by lutzman Anyone else racing over Labor Day weekend? I've got my last official tri on Saturday (unless I can locate a Sprint before the lakes all close). I'm doing an Oly distance event that's about an hour south of Seattle. I'm hoping for a fun weekend. I'm driving over to Seattle on Friday night, racing Saturday morning and then taking my two sons to see the Foo Fighters at Safeco Field on Saturday night. I'm hoping to send Summer out with a bang. Have a great Labor Day weekend! Steve


No...I don't think I will be racing this weekend (but definitely tempted to check out 5K's on Monday).  My brother is moving to a town an hour away from me on Saturday.  He started his new job on Monday so he and my nephew have been crashing with me all week.  My nephew started classes at his new school this week.  He was a week or two behind the rest of the class but I think he will be fine.  His parents had to find a home before they knew which school district he would be in and they were living 5 hours away so things were interesting with the new job opportunity and house hunting.  So... my plan is to skip all the Saturday morning races, do my long work out, do my farm chores (another week or processing poultry and water fowl) then helping with the move. The registration deadline for my B-race on the 22nd of September is in 5 days.  I need to get get signed up for that this weekend.

2018-09-02 11:03 AM
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New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Last official weekend of Summer--Race!
Taper Week for me - unfortunately Madison, Wisconsin has been crushed wth rain the last 2 weeks and we’re not sure if IMWI will be postponed, altered or .... and it’s supposed to rain all week .... 6 days and a wake up!

But, I’m ready and grateful - hope to race the full 140.6

Edited by Turner100 2018-09-02 11:05 AM


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2018-09-03 5:48 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Last official weekend of Summer--Race!
Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was up and down. The Foo Fighters concert was very good. The race...well, read on.

As it turned out, I was really tired from a tough work week that had me flying coast to coast and then back, sleeping poorly in hotels and working way too many hours. I finally got home at 1 a.m. Friday morning, got up early and worked all day, then packed my stuff to drive to Seattle for the race. When I showed up at the starting line I just felt wiped out. I actually didn't even want to head out to the race when the alarm went off on Saturday morning.

Maybe it was self induced, but when the swim started I felt like crap. I actually had thoughts during the swim that I might not be able to finish. Weird thing though, my swim was right on target pace at 1:45/100 even though it felt like I was struggling the entire way.

When I got to the bike it just went sideways. My HR was immediately up and my watts were down. I just couldn't get comfortable and felt out of my element the entire ride. Here's the definition of sideways: there was a guy in my AG from my race three weeks ago. In that race we finished within 20 seconds of each other on the 28 mile bike leg. On Saturday, he beat me by five minutes on a 20 mile course. I ended up last in my AG on the bike leg. Not good.

When I got to the run I was truly ready to be done. I just felt cooked. So, I figured I would back down the pace and just suffer through it. Weird deal, when I looked at the post-race results my run time was #1 in the AG at an 8:02 pace, not fast but pretty good for me right now.

In the end, i missed the AG win by 3 minutes. My poor bike performance was just too big of a gap to overcome.

So, as I said, it was an up and down race. The fatigue from my week seems to have hurt my bike performance but more than anything it looks like it messed up my brain. In the end, it wasn't the race I was looking for, but then maybe that's just one more reason why the challenge of triathlon is so compelling. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Have a good week everybody. It's a beautiful football is back!



2018-09-04 7:47 PM
in reply to: lutzman

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Last official weekend of Summer--Race!
Hey Steve, all things considered- it’s sounds like a pretty good effort! And, you saw the Foo Fighters!!!

Great job- Rob

2018-09-10 11:39 AM
in reply to: Turner100

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: First official weekend of Football--Another Race!
Once fall starts our focus around here shifts to football. We have an RV that we drive to my university to tailgate for the game. It's a pretty elaborate set up. We arrive on Thursday night with several hundred other RV's, set up camp, watch the game on Saturday and drive home Sunday. The good news is there is a fabulous rec center with a great pool. So, no need to miss a workout even though I'm over there for multiple days..

This past weekend we made the four hour drive to WSU for the opening weekend of football. I stumbled on a sprint triathlon race being held 8 miles away from my school over near the University of Idaho in Moscow. So, I took my bike and gear and competed in their sprint tri race.

Overall, it was a great little race. It started with a 500 yard pool swim followed by a 10 mile bike through the rolling wheat fields and a 5k run. Consistent with how I've done all year, I was...wait for it.....2nd in my AG. Again. One of these days I'll break through and actually win my AG!

Overall, I had a much better race than two weeks ago when I basically blew up on the bike. My swim was right where I thought it would be. Transitions fine. Bike was strong. The run was tough, but it always is. Now it's officially into the off-season for me. Time to build the aerobic engine and hopefully set up for a stronger season in 2019. My race season didn't go as well as I had hoped but it was great to be back at it after 2 years without racing.



2018-09-10 9:15 PM
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New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: IMWI-Race Report 9-9-2018
On Sunday- I became an Ironman! It wasn't easy- and things didn't go exactly to plan- but overall I couldn't have hoped for a better day or event. The 2 weeks before the start, Madison WI had record rain and flooding- there was speculation that the swim might be canceled, the course shortened or the race postponed. But on race day- we had a 70 degree sunny day - you couldn't wish for better racing conditions.

Swim- Rolling Start- in theory you were supposed to be seeded with like ability swimmers. The swim is a 1 big loop- with the back stretch where you head right into the sun. There was some decent chop out there that got worse as the wind picked up. I took this nice & easy, hugged the buoy line and enjoyed the swim. No issues on turn 1- but on turn 2 someone started swimming breast stroke and I jammed my finger into their back. I thought for a moment that I might have broken my finger and had to swim fist drill for a few strokes- fortunately it was just sprained and it is double the size of my other fingers today. The other thing I noticed is that everyone else swam really wide- and at first I thought I was off line- but it was everyone else!?! This unfortunately prevented me from drafting until the last 500 yards. The swim was over before I knew it. I felt great.

T1- Everything is based in Monona Terrace Conference Center- but this also makes T1 a little bit longer than usual. First you run a 100 yards to the parking ramp (helix), then up the 3/4 story helix into the changing room staffed with more volunteers than you can count! I did a quick change, hit the port a potty, got sun screen, ran another 100 yards to my bike and was off!

Bike, IMWI is a tough, technical course- lots of hills and turns. There were wrecks out there and 1 guy actually hit a deer (yes, this is Wisconsin). You ride the 16 mile stick out, ride the loop twice and see the 3 big hills (can't print their Nick Name on BT but they rhyme with Itch) 2 times and then head back in. The stick out was great, then I started to have a few issues. First, my bike computer switched to metric??? and I really didn't feel like the idea of converting kilometers to miles. No problem, I was wearing my Garmin Watch for my HR- and switched back to my old settings so now I had average mph, distance and heart rate. The first loop was solid and I stayed within myself. I did see riders clumping up and drafting. I was not going to get a penalty so I just dropped off the pace and saved my matches. Then, I dropped my chain on one of the smaller hills- again no biggie, and then ejected a water bottle as the roads were a little rough. But, I had Aid Stations, Volunteers and a bike course that is lined with some of the best spectators in the world. You felt like you were in the Tour de France on the hills.

Then, my HR monitor stopped working- reading 00, this wasn't good as my whole strategy was HR based. OK, time to use Perceived Effort and I still had Average Speed on the Garmin. The pain started on loop 2- the wind picked up and I have always had cramping issues between my shoulders- I was taking Advil,Tylenol, Salt Tablets and keeping up with nutrition- it doesn't matter- the hills on loop 2 were harder, my average mph started dropping - but the fans were still there willing us up the hills! The last 20 miles hurt... but then I was back on the stick heading back in!

T2 - You ride up the parking ramp and hand off your bike, my new best friend (volunteer) saw I was hurting and starting massaging my back- it helped. I took my time and did a full change- keep moving.

Run, this is a 2 loop run right through the University of Wisconsin Campus- you exit through the bike ramps, out of Monona Terrace- and are greeted by a hill- great! I was able to fix my Garmin- and got my HR reading for the first time in 3 hours - but after a 10 min T2, 8 minutes of which I was sitting- my HR was 183- way too high and it shook me. My friend Mike was waiting outside T2 and walked up the hill with me- telling me I was doing great (I wasn't). Then, I saw my family on the Capital Square- they were so excited to see me- but when my wife asked me how I was doing I couldn't talk- I saw concern in their eyes and I almost lost it. The next 20 minutes I went to a dark place- I knew it was coming, just not at the beginning of the run.

My run strategy was simple- run 10 minute mile pace, walk the 27 Aid Stations and Observatory Hill- the good news is that the first Aid Station is just 1/2 mile into the run still on Capital Square. I hit the port a potty, drank water, put ice in my cap, and readjusted my mind. Maybe I can't hold a 10 minute mile- but I could break 5 hours. It was time to play defense- keep moving, walk anything that was a hill and get my HR down. 12 Minutes later, I was at the 2nd Aid station feeling just a little better, mile 3 you run through Camp Randall (the Wisconsin Football Stadium)- and then my legs were back! I was feeling good, I was smiling. The Aid Stations were fantastic- I started chaffing- no problem- here's some vaseline, tired of crappy gels- have an orange or banana, can't drink Gatorade- they have Cola & Warm Chicken Broth. There was also amazing crowd support- I saw my family at Mile 6 and got a huge boost! My half marathon split was 2:23- and I felt good. I remembered Scott writing that Ironman is all about setting up the Run- there is not such thing as a good bike with a crappy run, go for a negative split.

Second Loop, you run almost to the finish line, turn and head back out. I spectated last year and always felt this was a little cruel- but as I turned back out and I was on a mission. I knew what to do and I starting passing people (lots of people, lots of carnage). I was able to run a little faster, run up the small hills that I walked the first time- and kept walking those amazing Aid Stations. Somewhere on the course, I lost my Salt Tablets- no problem, the Aid stations had pretzels & potato chips. At 6 PM, it started getting colder- and Warm Chicken Broth was added to the menu. I kept on seeing my family and friends on the course and I was getting stronger- 6 Miles to go - there was No Marathon Wall, 3 Miles to go feeling amazing, and then I was back were we started. I have read countless race reports and one of the things that really stuck with me is unless you're racing for Kona- stop and hug your family- and let everyone have their finishing moment- don't be that guy who ruins someone else's moment. I looked back and there wasn't anyone close- I high fived both sides of the crowd- took my time and finished with my arms held high as I finished. Second Half Marathon- 2:15 a negative split and the most fun I have ever had running 23 miles, lol.

Official Splits
Swim 1:08
T1 10 Min
Bike 6:15
T2 10 Min
Run 4:37
Total 12:22

Age Place
29/210 Swim
69/210 Bike
58/210 Run
56/210 Total

I knew going in that things don't go as planned in an Ironman- it's long, it's hard and it's going to test you like nothing else. As I write this just 24 hours after my finish- I feel better than I should. I'm a little sore, my finger is swollen, black & blue and I'm going to lose a toe nail- but I did it. I am an Ironman!

Last thing I have to say - especially as a local, IMWI might be one of the harder courses - especially the bike course but the crowds, energy & volunteers are amazing. I don't know if I will race an Ironman again - but I do know that I will be there Volunteering in Madison,WI next year- cheering everyone on.

Edited by Turner100 2018-09-11 4:03 PM
2018-09-11 2:13 AM
in reply to: Turner100

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: IMWI-Race Report 9-9-2018
2018-09-12 12:03 PM
in reply to: Turner100

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: IMWI-Race Report 9-9-2018
Congratulations Rob! Amazing accomplishment, obviously a result of a lot of really solid training. Good on you! Finishing in the top 25-30% in each of the swim, bike and run legs is a brag-worthy effort!

Thanks for sharing your race report.

You are an Ironman.


2018-09-12 4:52 PM
in reply to: Turner100

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: IMWI-Race Report 9-9-2018

Nice Work Rob.

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