BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open Rss Feed  
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2018-12-08 5:33 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Juan, we have 188cm of snow already here in VT... ski areas are loving it.. not even close to 30* C. Haha.

Lucky you! Hope we get some snow late Dec early Jan...

5km run @5:20, aiming for the San Silvestre run, a 10k on Dec 31st downtowm Madrid, with about 50,000 runners, a "classical" I´ve been doing for the last...20 years??

2018-12-08 9:50 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Another early morning run. This morning was exciting---my pants finally gave up the ghost and tore. I've been wearing the same pair of yoga pants to run in Egypt for four years (can't wear running tights due to cultural standards). For two years, I've been waiting for them to finally give up and tear. Guess I should be grateful they lasted until the (near) end of the season. I leave on Wednesday. Also...a pretty good advertisement for Land's End yoga pants!
2018-12-08 9:50 PM
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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
double post

Edited by drfoodlove 2018-12-08 9:50 PM
2018-12-09 7:10 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Hello - sitting here at George Mason University (Northern VA) at my daughter's swim meet.  It's that season - she has  like 7-8 meets from Dec through mid-Feb, not including her high school ones.    

Got in a good week - three bike sessions including one yesteray morning at 5 AM before we drove down here.  For the record, 5 AM workouts on Saturday suck.    Taking a planned day off today and then back at it tomorrow.  No business travel for me this month so I should be able to get into a decent rhythm.

Safe travels Jenn and Gretchen.  And congrats on your freedom, Nicole.

2018-12-10 12:33 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I have been a waste workout wise. I have a race on Saturday but haven't run since the turkey trot on Thanksgiving. I didn't swim at all last week. Gonna try to get back into it tomorrow, but my motivation is lagging. I think my winter blues hit a little early this year.

Going to Indy for 5 days right before Christmas so hopefully that break will help cheer me up (going to see a guy ). I really need to move somewhere warmer haha.

Hope everyone is doing well! I will be back into workouts soon and be posting here with the rest of you motivated people!
2018-12-11 9:14 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Woke up early to swim this morning and it almost didn't happen. The lifeguard didn't show (she supposedly called in sick like, right when the pool was supposed to open), so my friend Lauren, who is a certified lifeguard, offered to do it until 7. They still hadn't found anyone though so I think they had to close the pool after that until the next lifeguard comes in at noon.

Had a good swim though. I still feel it. First swim in a couple weeks so I'm glad I was able to get it in.

2018-12-11 3:29 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by nicole14e Woke up early to swim this morning and it almost didn't happen. The lifeguard didn't show (she supposedly called in sick like, right when the pool was supposed to open), so my friend Lauren, who is a certified lifeguard, offered to do it until 7. They still hadn't found anyone though so I think they had to close the pool after that until the next lifeguard comes in at noon. Had a good swim though. I still feel it. First swim in a couple weeks so I'm glad I was able to get it in.

I was there this morning on the treadmill and doing some strength work (I probably saw you when I dumped my stuff in the pool area), and then went in to swim as a cool down, and that happened.  I gave poor Ryan at the front desk an earful (playfully) "you're telling me out of the 100 people working here no one knows how to lifeguard????"  I'm going to give Andrew a real earful the next time I see him LOL.

I did get in a decent workout, so I got that going for me.

2018-12-12 8:10 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by nicole14e Woke up early to swim this morning and it almost didn't happen. The lifeguard didn't show (she supposedly called in sick like, right when the pool was supposed to open), so my friend Lauren, who is a certified lifeguard, offered to do it until 7. They still hadn't found anyone though so I think they had to close the pool after that until the next lifeguard comes in at noon. Had a good swim though. I still feel it. First swim in a couple weeks so I'm glad I was able to get it in.

I was there this morning on the treadmill and doing some strength work (I probably saw you when I dumped my stuff in the pool area), and then went in to swim as a cool down, and that happened.  I gave poor Ryan at the front desk an earful (playfully) "you're telling me out of the 100 people working here no one knows how to lifeguard????"  I'm going to give Andrew a real earful the next time I see him LOL.

I did get in a decent workout, so I got that going for me.

Oh no! Yeah, that is definitely not what you want to see there. There should be some kind of backup. Oh well, at least you got a good workout in other than that! We really need to do a workout together or something! I can't believe we still haven't (knowingly) crossed paths!
2018-12-12 8:14 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Went to boot camp this morning and it CRUSHED me. At the end we did the following 12 things, like the 12 days of Christmas song (starting at 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, etc)

1 inchworm pushup
2 long jumps
3 burpees
4 jumping jacks
5 prisoner squats
6 jump squats
7 lunge switches
8 pushups
9 mountain climbers/high knees
10 spider pushups (this one was the worst by far)
11 crunches
12 bicycles

SO, if you're looking for a quick, really tough workout, DO IT! I think it took me about 13 minutes or so. It hurt.
2018-12-12 10:14 AM
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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by nicole14e Went to boot camp this morning and it CRUSHED me. At the end we did the following 12 things, like the 12 days of Christmas song (starting at 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, etc) 1 inchworm pushup 2 long jumps 3 burpees 4 jumping jacks 5 prisoner squats 6 jump squats 7 lunge switches 8 pushups 9 mountain climbers/high knees 10 spider pushups (this one was the worst by far) 11 crunches 12 bicycles SO, if you're looking for a quick, really tough workout, DO IT! I think it took me about 13 minutes or so. It hurt.

THIS!  I miss the love/hate for 12 days of christmas with my old small group training classes!!!  

Though we used to do each day for 45-50 seconds, 10 second rest between 'days', after Day 4 or so we'd start getting a longer rest once we got down to Day 1, before starting over.

Its one of the things that you look forward to the high knees or bicycles because it's more cardio and less strength, so easier to keep up for 50 seconds (for us endurance athletes anyway).  50 seconds of high knees should never feel like recovery lol.

Edited by firebert 2018-12-12 10:15 AM
2018-12-12 10:19 AM
in reply to: firebert

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Also - update on me, nothing at all to update   Missing the heck out of my bike, and the pool (!!!), and the gym and boot camp and all of it.  Well not so much the running, I haven't gotten to missing it yet since it's only been a few weeks since I stopped.

Hoping to get the house unpacked and get my garage back by Christmas, so I can at least get the bike and trainer going out there.  And then on the road on weekends if it's at least in the 50s outside (10-15C).

2018-12-12 2:46 PM
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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Got in an hour on the drainer at lunchtime: 6 x 6' sweet spot with 2' RBI.  First three felt great, next one felt pretty good, next one felt like hell, and the last one got an early end.  Feeling a cold coming on, so maybe that's it.

@John - you gotta get that house unpacked! (says the guy with three boxes in his home office THREE YEARS LATER... )

Edited by jmhpsu93 2018-12-12 2:47 PM
2018-12-13 12:10 AM
in reply to: #5232499

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
On my way home! Just seven short weeks later. Unfortunately, I didn’t get in the last run I was plannning. We found some puppies two days before I left and they followed me everywhere. I was worried they would get hit on the road (as has happened before). It might be the lamest excuse ever for bailing on a run.

New coach has training for MiTi starting on Monday. Super excited, but also a little apprehensive.

Has anyone seen a post about mentor groups for 2019?
2018-12-13 6:52 AM
in reply to: #5252665

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
3*F here this morning. That’s all I’m going to say.
2018-12-13 7:27 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 3*F here this morning. That’s all I’m going to say.

So no shorts on your run? 

2018-12-13 7:36 AM
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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove On my way home! Just seven short weeks later. Unfortunately, I didn’t get in the last run I was plannning. We found some puppies two days before I left and they followed me everywhere. I was worried they would get hit on the road (as has happened before). It might be the lamest excuse ever for bailing on a run. New coach has training for MiTi starting on Monday. Super excited, but also a little apprehensive. Has anyone seen a post about mentor groups for 2019?

Puppies are possibly the best excuse for missing a run!  

Haven't seen the post about mentor groups for 2019.  Will go look for it now though. - ok went and looked, and can't find anything about 2019.  Just 2018 and 2017's archives.

Edited by firebert 2018-12-13 7:38 AM

2018-12-13 7:41 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 3*F here this morning. That’s all I’m going to say.

Always welcome to come visit here!  We had frost yesterday morning and today it's going back up to the 70s. 

2018-12-14 11:30 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Last evening did 40' on the TM and then 30' in the pool, and some strength work.  I was hungry afterwards. 

This morning was a pretty good Bikram session.  Spin class tomorrow then a day off on Sunday.

2018-12-15 5:30 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

3*F here this morning. That’s all I’m going to say.

Jenn, get on the plane and come to Spain to train, I run 60min in shorts and short sleeve this morning. Yes, it was cold, but spanish-cold.

2018-12-17 9:23 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Did a 5 mile race on Saturday. Ran with a friend for her bday so it was more relaxed. Think my time was somewhere in mid 51 range. Felt good though considering I haven't trained at all.

I leave for Indy on Wednesday and have a TON to do before, but still hoping to make it to swimming and boot camp the next 2 days. Fingers crossed! If I don't have time to check in on here, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I'm sure I won't do much until after Xmas.
2018-12-17 10:28 AM
in reply to: #5232499

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
One hour run threshold test this morning as the first workout with my new coach. It was just as awful as I remember! Bonus—didn’t hurl...but it was close.

2018-12-17 11:36 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Gretchen - congrats on not hurling!  That's huge!!!

Nicole - safe travels and happy holidays to you too!

2018-12-18 8:22 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Good couple of days for me.  Yesterday was 5:30 AM trainer (main set was 2 x (3 x 2' @ 120%) - that hurt.  Afternoon swim and upper body strength session while my daughter practiced.  This morning 5:45 AM treadmill and some lower body work.  I'm going to hurt tomorrow.

@Gretchen:  nice job on the test - I HATE that damn thing

@Nicole:  safe travels and happy holidays!

2018-12-18 2:04 PM
in reply to: #5252787

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Swim fitness test today! was ROUGH. I normally come home from Egypt with nearly no residual swim fitness. This time was no different. New coach called for 2400yds, but I only made it 2250 before abandoning the pool due to foot cramps.
2018-12-25 12:29 PM
in reply to: #5252839

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Merry Christmas to all!
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