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2019-07-11 6:08 AM

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Subject: Sore Thighs Thursday 7-11-19
Good morning, gang!

Took a rest day yesterday from SBR activities. Hopped on the training this morning at 5:40 and got in just over an hour. Today was supposed to include some FTP intervals, but I had to bail on those pretty quick. Guess the legs are still sluggish from the Alpe d’Huez simulation climb. May try and get in a “shake it off” run this afternoon.

Happy training all!

2019-07-11 10:01 AM
in reply to: Parkland

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Sore Thighs Thursday 7-11-19

Yep...sore legs here too.  I am 3-1/2 weeks into Marathon/70.3 training.  I have done a Sprint Tri and a 5K race during that time and have done 4 long runs and three long bike rides.  All of which were longer than anything else I have done in training since last fall.  So...yes I am feeling it.

This morning was a 5-mile mid-tempo run. 

I wasn't exactly sure what pace I wanted to shoot for on these.  The definition listed with the workout says that it should be slightly slower than 10K race pace (10-15 sec). Hmm?  Do I use my open 10K race pace, my Olympic Triathlon 6.2 mi run race pace, my Lactic threshold pace (since I actually know what that is but have only ever done two open 10k's and they were both more than 10 years ago and both done on days I was planning on doing a 5K), other?  I decided to just imagine I was running an open half marathon and then stop at 5 miles.  Well, I went out way too fast.  My first two miles I was right at my LTP which is 5 seconds slower than my estimated open 10K race pace.    Mile 3-5 were 25 sec/mi slower than my first two miles.  So...they were right at about the pace that I did on the run of the one Olympic Triathlons that I have done. time I will start out a lot slower.  I never seem to start slow enough once we hit summer heat.  Pace has to be recalibrated. 

Take care.

2019-07-11 7:36 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sore Thighs Thursday 7-11-19
Tempo-ish run here too as well. It was supposed to be more of a fartlek run, but with our town's topography, it was more like a tempo run! Supposed to run uphills in Z4, downhills easy, flats in Z2 to high Z3 on a "rolling course". But Eagle isn't really made for that--the available routes are either flat (by the river) or tend to slope up to the north and east with a few flat (ish) breaks in the climb. So it was more like a whole lotta of Z4, then some Z2-3, then more Z4 (repeat several times), a nice longer easy, and then more Z2-3 to finish up. Anyway, 57 minutes of this! The whole Boise area is like a series of "shelves"--plateaus at different elevations, sandwiched in a fairly narrow valley with mountains to the north and east, and high desert to the west and south. Makes for some interesting runs and variation in weather conditions.

PM 2000 yards of swimming. It was the most pain-free swim I have had since February, so that was nice!
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