General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 7.29.2020 - Wet Wednesday Workouts Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2020-07-29 10:52 AM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: 7.29.2020 - Wet Wednesday Workouts

6:00 AM - 45 minutes of over-under intervals on the bike trainer.  

I was on the Kestral Talon this morning.  The last time I was on the Blue Triad it was my first really hard interval ride on it and there was a lot of grinding noises.  So I measured the chain and it was stretched out 3/16 inches over 24 links.  The rule of thumb was to replace the chain when it get to 1/16" stretched and if it is any more than that to replaced the gears and chainring too.  The wheels only have 200 miles on them and the chainring only 1200 so they were both in good shape (no worn down teeth from rubbing on the chain).  So I got a new chain on Monday and installed it only to realize that I needed three links to be removed.  I had a one time used chain pin so I am now waiting to get a new chain pin on the Blue Triad and so I couldn't ride it this morning.  I didn't have time to move the pedals from the Triad to the Talon so I was on platform pedals without toe clips this morning.  Platforms pedals suck for form drills.  I though the 10-speed chains was universal in length.  I sware I didn't know I needed to remove links before installing it.  

It started to rain at about 7:30 AM here and is going to be a wet day. 

Take care.

2020-07-29 12:50 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: 7.29.2020 - Wet Wednesday Workouts
Six and little bit run this am. I'm just back from a week cycling in Colorado and I'm enjoying the change from high to low elevation! While I'm waiting for my bike to be shipped back I'll probably break the tri-rig out for few rides. It's starting to show a thin film of dust for lack of use..
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 7.29.2020 - Wet Wednesday Workouts Rss Feed  

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