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2021-05-17 10:05 PM
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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96

How is everyone else?

Pretty blah to be honest. Last weeks totals:

S: 0
B: 0
R: x3, 1 hour 46 minutes.

It was the most time running in a week since Ironman, but still well short of what was planned. Cold raining mornings are tough to find the energy to get out of bed. But my biggest issue is evening rides, which formed a big part of Ironman training, and I was hoping to continue. Mr 3 is in bed by 7, pre ironman I'd be on the bike by 730, so could bang out a 60 minute ride and be all done before 9. Now, Mr 3 is still in bed by 7, but Miss 5 Months is being fed and moving to her bed around 8. By the time everyone is in bed, bottles cleaned, lunches made etc. it's 8:30-9pm before I can even start a ride... and little Miss gets a dream feed at 10, which is my job as Mrs Bullfrog does the middle of the night ones (so no complaints from me). The timing just isn't working. And to be honest I'm not really sure where to fit a spin in.

The only good point from last week is the physio is happy with how my IT band is progressing. I still have tightness etc running, but she says she can feel things are a lot better than when I started. So thats positive.

So far this week I slept through my alarm Monday morning and missed my run, but did manage a 40 minute run followed by stretch and foam roll Tuesday morning. For the rest of the week I'm off to the South Island for work. As usual for my business trips I'll bring my running shoes, but who knows how many times they will be used.

I've also been trying a low carb/low cal beer... To help with the portion control... Stupid idea. Lets just say I've decided I'd rather drink 1 good beer, than the 2 'low cal' ones. Oh well, if you don't try, you don't know.

Have a good week team.

Edited by bulfrog 2021-05-17 10:08 PM

2021-05-19 2:06 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Good luck sorting your schedule bulfrog. 

I am committing to aiming for 167 pounds in the next few weeks. I needed to type it to confirm my aim.

Good luck to everyone else training wise

2021-05-19 2:40 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Originally posted by sappho96

Today was just under 7 miles on my bike with the leisurely led ride group; again I loved getting out the house after my first working day of the week, and was pleasantly surprised my legs didn't feel too bad after yesterday's exertions! 


How is everyone else?

Still cranking through my 8-week build, though hit a little snag with tweaking my back a little.  I took yesterday off (I had a ton of work to do as well and a big presentation, so needed to focus) but got in a 90+ minute trainer session and some core work.  Didn't have much snap in my legs and it was a labored 90 minutes around Innsbruck in Zwift. 

Based on experience I'm probably not running for a week or two until the flare-up comes down and hopefully it won't bother me in the pool tomorrow morning.

2021-05-19 2:43 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Originally posted by bulfrog
Originally posted by sappho96 How is everyone else?
  I've also been trying a low carb/low cal beer... To help with the portion control... Stupid idea. Lets just say I've decided I'd rather drink 1 good beer, than the 2 'low cal' ones. Oh well, if you don't try, you don't know. Have a good week team.

I've tried a couple of low-cal IPAs with mixed results...they're just different beers and more fruit/floral than hoppy/malty, but some are still pretty good.  Heineken Zero is pretty good too if you're looking for a non-alcholic beer.

I think I'm with you, Andrew, rather be happy with one or two really good ones than three meh ones.

2021-05-20 2:01 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
I have not had a great week exercise-wise. The reason for the lapse is because my ex and I continue to fight over custody of our kids and this upsetting problem has totally spilled over into the rest of my life. So I'm trying to cut myself some slack about the missed workouts but that race is coming quick and I still look like the stay puffed marshmallow man.

Here's what I did do: On Sunday, I braved the roads and went out for a ride on the roads. I tried to find routes where I could go in the future that could be safe - and I found a few interesting leads but not much. I've got to find some good roads to ride on because I need the hills to get me in better shape.

Its a beautiful day here and my plan is to go home and get in an hour ride on a bike path before my friend comes over for the first time since covid started to have a few beers. It should be a good time. I'll update you tomorrow on how it went - I just got to make sure it happens.

I'll write more tomorrow. It's the end of the school day and I have to go out and help put kids safely in cars. That's how I make my beer money!
2021-05-21 11:24 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Sadly - I fell short yesterday and didn't get my workout in after work. Part of the problem was the fact that I had errands to run after school that took me longer than expected. So instead of a 60-minute window for riding, I only had 30. And I figured that it would take me at least 10 minutes to get out the door with all my bike stuff. So I bailed on the bike ride. But that's the thing - I never used to bail on workouts. I used to get up super early in order to make sure I got them in every day - but I stay up late with my girlfriend watching tv which makes those early morning workouts seem impossible. In the past - if I had run into a similar time crunch - I would have gone out for the 30 minute ride and then drink beer with my biking shirt on.

Anyway - I've got to flip that switch from workouts being optional to them being mandatory or else I won't be able to run the race with my son - which would crush me. So please cheer me on as I try to get back into the swing of things.

What do you all do to ensure you get your workout in every day?



2021-05-21 1:53 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by bulfrog
Originally posted by sappho96 How is everyone else?
  I've also been trying a low carb/low cal beer... To help with the portion control... Stupid idea. Lets just say I've decided I'd rather drink 1 good beer, than the 2 'low cal' ones. Oh well, if you don't try, you don't know. Have a good week team.

I've tried a couple of low-cal IPAs with mixed results...they're just different beers and more fruit/floral than hoppy/malty, but some are still pretty good.  Heineken Zero is pretty good too if you're looking for a non-alcholic beer.

I think I'm with you, Andrew, rather be happy with one or two really good ones than three meh ones.

There are very few good low calorie beers on the market. Bells in Michigan makes a good low-calorie clone of their excellent two hearted ale. It's called light hearted. It's pretty good.
2021-05-21 1:54 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
MIke - Hope you back heals up quick. It's amazing how back pain can derail you in the blink of an eye.
2021-05-23 9:37 AM
in reply to: #5274075

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Mike, I hope your back feels better.

DQ, I often have the same deal with my hubby. He likes to stay up late binging Netflix and wants me to stay up with him. I’ve slowly started ratcheting that back because between my work schedule and need to get workouts in I just can’t do it; it’s not healthy mentally or physically because I end up frustrated and unhappy I didn’t get done what I needed to. I rarely used to watch tv and over the last couple of years I’ve started to and it does me no good. Hahaha.

Andrew, I did not get my Rocky run in, but did get a few miles in on the treadmill. I wasn’t feeling great that day (which was my birthday, boo) so stayed on the treadmill with the plan to run for an hour. I cut it short at a half hour because I just felt icky. At least I managed something though!

I was in Orlando yesterday until this morning and they have the BEST hotel gym at the hotel I stayed at. I hopped on the peloton for a little over an hour and got some core work in. Yesterday was supposed to be a long ride but I can only ride a peloton for so long. I’ll be home tomorrow around noon so maybe I can squeeze one in then, otherwise Tuesday morning. I plan to start back at the gym this week, yaaaaay!!! Swimming!!! I haven’t been in a pool in over a year so hopefully I don’t drown. :D
2021-05-24 9:39 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Oh man I am behind!

Jenn - If you ever end up in Baltimore for work, please let me know! We could get a run in!

Mike - Sorry to hear about your back! Hope it heals quick. Swimming will hopefully help if you get to do more of that while you're in Florida.

Andrew - Don't beat yourself up! Injuries can be tough, but it's going to be better to rest it and heal quicker than to aggravate it. Glad you're able to run again though!

DQ - I totally get wanting to spend that time with your girlfriend. I was the same way with my ex. He was a night owl and would want to stay up watching TV. I would often skip workouts. My suggestion would be to ask her to hold you accountable. Maybe instead of watching TV late, you go up to bed early and she reads a little while you fall asleep. That way you're still spending time together, but you're getting to bed in time to wake up refreshed and ready to work out. Definitely agree with putting your workout gear and everything out the night before so it's one less excuse.
Another thing that might be cool is if you have a money jar for workouts. Every time you do one, you (or her) put a dollar in towards a fancy dinner or something (or some workout gear? Some tasty beer?). Every time you skip one, she takes a dollar out.
Finally, this is something I'm trying to do more of. If I'm watching TV, doing a core workout or something while I'm doing it so I at least get a little work in. Maybe for every half hour of TV, you have to do 30 seconds of a plank. There are TONS of benefits to planking every day (
2021-05-24 9:51 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
I've been relatively consistent lately. Now that the mornings are nicer, I'm going to be getting my runs in then so there are no excuses in the middle of the day (also it's SO HOT now...we had about 1 week of spring, per usual). I'm still going to my gym that is basically small group classes including both strength and cardio. and I'm playing a lot of volleyball. Also got a nice long trail run in yesterday, although it was horrible for a couple reasons:

1. We were doing an hour out, and then an hour back. The only problem is we would stop at major turns and wait for the whole group, and the guy leading it would also stop his watch. So we ended up out there for almost 2 1/2 hours, and only ran 8 1/2 miles.
2. I didn't have any water. And it was in the mid 80's by the time we were done. Granted we were at least in the woods, so little direct sunlight. My water tasted SO GOOD at the end.
3. My legs probably weren't ready for 8 1/2 miles. My longest run in the last 2 months was 5 miles, and that was in the city without much elevation. I'm a bit sore today to say the least.

But I survived, and just need to make it out there more often so I'm ready for this Ragnar in August. And may do some hill repeats each week in the park so I get more work on those.

2021-05-24 12:41 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Hey BDASers: I hope you had a nice weekend. We had some beautiful weather here in the North East and I hope you all were able to get out there and make it happen.

Sadly, I didn't get a workout in this weekend. Having to work made it harder to make it happen on Saturday but the real reason is that I am still reeling and upset about my interation with my Ex. I am extremely angry about the breakup because it severely limits my time with my kids. I used to have equal custody now she has legal custody. And while my absolutely crappy marriage agreement was finalized in January of 2020 - I am still reeling. I'm just as upset now about losing my kids to her as I was last year. This weekend, she went so far as to kick me off the campus where she lives because we got into a heated argument. It makes me so max that I get flooded and cant do anything else other than to focus on how she has wronged me. If you've been through a divorce or have any suggestions on how I can diminish my anger - I am all ears. I know exercise will help but I'm just not making it happen right now.

To try to kick my butt into gear - I reached out to an old BDASer who you might remember from the old days - Thor from Cananda. I asked him to find a way to motivate me and I think we came up with something that will work. Each week, I will submit my goals to him for the next 7 days. If I meet my goals - ya rah me! But if I don't finish my goals this week, I have to buy a MAGA hat and post it to my facebook page without any explanation. Hopefully that will get me moving. 21 weeks until the marathon.

2021-05-25 10:59 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Hey DQ, totally understandable that you're feeling this way and I'm so sorry that you are going through all of that. It must feel especially hurtful being that this is someone you used to love, and someone who you raised those kids with. I truly hope this all works out in the end. I do think working out would relieve so much stress, and I love the consequence you figured out with Thor. That sounds like great motivation.
2021-05-25 11:00 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
My legs are DEAD. I played vball last night and felt so slow and uncoordinated. Then tried to run this morning and only lasted 17 minutes. Everything felt tight and sore, and didn't really loosen up like it usually does. I didn't realize quite how badly that trail run affected me on Sunday. I came home and did some yoga to stretch things out a bit.
2021-05-25 4:48 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Hi Guys,

Plenty to catch up on, after spending most of the last 7 days away for work. Early starts and late finishes when I was away, so only 1 run. But the machine started up well and it looks like we have a happy customer. So a successful trip.

DQ When to get the workouts done? These days for me, if it's not early morning it doesn't happen. Getting out of bed sucks, but I've never regretted it once I'm up. My only other thing, is stick the bike trainer in the lounge by the TV, when you're watching TV with your girlfriend she can sit, you can spin for an hour. That's how I got a lot of my Ironman bike training in.

As for your Ex... I'm sure all divorces suck. But when an ex is using your kids as a weapon it's just awful, for you and your kids. I couldn't imagine anything worse than being denied access to my little ones. Its easy to say 'just focus on what you can control' but not being in your situation I don't think I can understand how much harder than that it is. I really hope you can work something out that works. Kids need their dad.

Mike Hope the back is feeling better. For the 0% stuff I liked the Peroni 0% more than the Heineken.

Nicole Sounds like a bit of a mission. I've never really done any trail running, but I've always liked the idea of it. One day I'll give it a proper go, but need some less weight before trying to tackle those hills.

Me Only 2 runs last week, mainly due to the work trip. Back to normal now, so aiming for 4 runs over the 2nd half of the week.

I've also done another thing... Yesterday I entered the 5 race summer half marathon series. it's the 3rd time I've entered and have yet to complete all 5. 1st time I missed 1 race due to a medial issue, 2nd time the final race got Covid'd. Hoping for all 5 and the grand slam medal this time. 3 1/2 weeks till the start of a 15 week training plan I'm going to follow to get me to race 1. Which lines up nicely with my HIM training plan starting straight after.

So that's my summer racing sorted. Should keep me focused and motivated.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

2021-05-26 7:57 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Greeting all:

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the same beautiful weather we are getting up here in the North East.

This morning I finally found my Garmin watch charger. I can't tell you the number of times over the past month I thought about buying another but I never pulled the trigger. Now I can get serious about training
On my way home today I spotted a biker with a big smile on his face as he sped down a hill. I had a busy afternoon but I had an hour between 5 and 6 I thought I could use for a workout. So I promised myself I would go out later. Sadly, and you know where this is going, I was toast by the time I finished my last zoom meeting. So I never made it out. GRR That used to be a Coors lite penalty. Not anymore. I added to my guilt by having a calzone for dinner. I felt so bad - I convinced my girlfriend to go for a walk with me. We had planned to go 45 minutes but rain cut our walk short. Nice but cooler weather makes its way here tomorrow - I really hope to get in a ride before date night.

2021-05-27 9:53 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Last night - I decided I would try to get up early to get in a walk before having to go to school. My alarm went off but I did not get up. Sadly, I made the conscientious decision to skip the workout and I went back to sleep. When I am in the zone that never happens. When I am exercising consistently I rarely miss a workout. For those of you who have been around the BDAS long enough - you will know that to be true. But these days - with all that's going on, from getting over a divorce to trying to find a job, I skip more exercises than I do. I'm pretty bummed about this and I just need to keep fighting until I get my groove back. I'm already planning an early morning ride to close out the week and hopefully I will be able to get that done tomorrow morning. Plus, I have a short ride tonight.

In other news - I made an appointment with my PT for a day in mid-July. Not only do I figure I will need him by then but he is more than worth the wait.

It's Thursday so I hope you all are gearing up for a great long weekend! Enjoy!

2021-05-27 4:37 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Got a nice run in this morning. Ran 4.3 miles. My legs were still pretty sore (I went to the gym yesterday so haven't had a proper rest day, but still ran a decent pace.
2021-05-27 4:51 PM
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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Ran 40 minutes Wednesday morning, and again Friday morning. About 37F this morning, my long sleeved thermals got their first outing of the year but got it done. So that's 10 minutes more total than last week, with another run, maybe 45-50 minutes rather than 40, to come on Sunday.

DQ Have you read Dave Goggins book? I've just finished it (4 flights over 6 days means lots of reading opportunity) It's not the be all and end all, but some of the stuff he talks about about accountability, and just getting sh1t done might help you get up for those early morning workouts. I definitely found some I could apply to myself. Hope you got those rides in.

Have a good weekend team

Edited by bulfrog 2021-05-27 4:53 PM
2021-05-30 4:10 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Nice 40 minute easy jog Sunday morning.

Total for the week, 3 runs, 2 hours, 15.5km. longest time and distance in a week since IMNZ.

Miss 5 months has started moving to her own room over the weekend, long story short very poor night sleep for her, myself and mrs bullfrog last night so made the conscious decision to stay in bed for the extra 90 minutes rather than run this morning.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
2021-05-30 6:38 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Went to my gym yesterday and got a good workout in. The weather here has been pretty dreary all weekend. Took a much needed day off today to rest my legs. Supposed to play volleyball all morning tomorrow, and want to squeeze a run in before, so figured I should have rested legs

Hope you all are well! Happy Memorial Day weekend to anyone in the states!

2021-06-01 8:57 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Hi All:

Another weekend come and gone and I didn't get a workout in. Here's what I told myself and my family - it's not safe to go out in the rain. But the truth is that I love cycling in the rain because it makes me feel like a badass (see the Velominati Rules 1-9 and I have gone out on dozens of bike rides - some epic - in the rain. What's missing is the fire that used to burn deep inside of me. I've got to get it back if I want to run the Virtual Boston Marathon with my son in October. I know I still have plenty of time left but I just need to light the match, to blow on that spark so to speak. So here are my weekly goals:

1) 3 bike rides with the times ranging from 45 minutes to 1:15 on Tues, Thurs, and Sunday
2) 3 walks Wed, Fri, and Saturday
3) Write down my race schedule for the year (which I've tried doing for the last three weeks)

I wish you all well on your monthly goals! I hope you crush them
2021-06-01 8:58 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Nicole, way to get consistent!! I will totally take you up on a run should I get a BWI overnight! I missed out meeting Gretchen in Louisville, I would love to meet up with folks on my travels, that would be so fun! Maybe Mike can join us or we could all go get a beer together, that would be cool.

DQ, I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through with your family. I have a family member going through similar except they both have equal custody at the moment. I’m a sounding board for one of them and I’m just so frustrated not knowing how to help or what words to use to help soothe. The other person has become someone I’ve never known.
I’m so glad you reached out to Thor, I miss his sage advice on this forum, he’s good people. Have him pop in to say hi!

Andrew, I sooooo remember those days of little sleep (prepped me well for my current job). As you know it doesn’t last and soon there will be other challenges (my 16 year old is finishing up Driver’s Ed and prepping to take his test for his driver’s license.. ack! More sleepless nights for Mom!). Way to sign up for the race series!! Crush it!! Goals will help keep you consistent!!

Mike, how’s the back treating you? Swimming go okay with it? How’s that new, sweet bike?

Sappho and Nicole (new) what’s going on over in Europe? Are things opening up over there? I know it’s been a back and forth.
2021-06-01 9:15 AM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Bah. I meant to write Nathalie, not Nicole (new). I’m in Houston right now so it made me think of the other Nicole. Haha

I was home for part of the weekend. My plan called for an Oly on Sunday but I was traveling back to work that day. Saturday I was hoping for maybe a 3 hour ride but got in an hour plus core work. My hubby and kids were heading to camp and wanted to do a Memorial Day barbecue with me before I went off to work so I compromised and got something in at least. Sunday late afternoon I got to Louisville and my roommate was there and wanted to go for a long walk so I did that - just over 5 miles fast walking with her plus a core class. Yesterday I travelled to Houston and got her late afternoon. My colleague and I went to dinner at 18:00 so I had about a half hour to workout - managed a 10 minute core class and a 20 minute legs and glutes class. - I do these through a Peloton app that I have found to be quite handy on the road. I slept like poo last night - due to German bratwurst, potato salad and sauerkraut I washed down with two Czech-style pilsners at a pub down the street from my hotel. I was actually born in Germany when my dad was in the service and my mom learned to cook a lot of German food so I just can’t turn it down, though I have it very infrequently. Anyway, it was way out of my typical eating pattern. Today I don’t head to work until about 18:30 so I can spend all day in the hotel gym. Haha. They don’t have a spin bike here but do have weights, weight machines, and other usual cardio equipment plus two rowing machines. Something’s gonna happen.
A few more weeks and my bike should arrive!

Edited by aviatrix802 2021-06-01 9:19 AM
2021-06-01 1:24 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Nicole, way to get consistent!! I will totally take you up on a run should I get a BWI overnight! I missed out meeting Gretchen in Louisville, I would love to meet up with folks on my travels, that would be so fun! Maybe Mike can join us or we could all go get a beer together, that would be cool.

That sounds great and would definitely be awesome! I almost met Juan (from a few years ago) when I was in Spain 3 years ago but he got called away for work. Definitely would love to meet some BDAS'rs!
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