General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Marathon Training Plans for Triathletes Rss Feed  
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2021-11-11 11:16 AM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: Marathon Training Plans for Triathletes

What are people's go-to plans for training for an early spring Marathon?

My first choice for the FIRST run-less-run-faster plan because I have been playing with using different parts of it for my training for 20+years.  

I saw a 12-week Marathon Plan for Triathletes came out in the Triathlete Magazine on November 1st and so I have been looking through it too.

Finally, I have been looking at some of the traditional pure running plans.  I would like to do some sprint/oly triathlons about 6-8 weeks after the marathon.  The triathlons are my "A" races but I think there is enough time between that I can do the Marathon as an A race too and am trying to make decisions on my training for the next 6 months. 

Do you guys: 

1) go run focused,

2) do a hybrid marathon plan for triathletes, or

3) just stick with your triathlon plan and then go run the marathon knowing that you are going to be better trained on your tri plan than 90% of the runner there who are following marathon plans?

2021-11-19 11:44 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Marathon Training Plans for Triathletes

So...I signed up for Duathlon Nationals which are 4 weeks after my Marathon.  So It looks like I will be going Multisport training plan route.  I had been doing the Run Less Run Faster Key Workout #1 and Key Workout #2 for the past three weeks.  The Long Runs with that plan were am 8 mile at 10K race pace + 60 sec, 9 mile at 10K race pace + 70 sec, 10 miles at 10K race pace + 60 sec.  I already had been building my long runs so I did 10K+60 for the last three weeks at 12.5, 14.25, and 16.5 miles all of them with tempo work included.


I sprained my ankle at the office soccer game on Tuesday so now I get some time off.  When I get back to some light runs to test the ankle in a week I think that I will be ready to go back to where the Run Less Run Faster plan is at in its schedule.  I have a 12-week FTP builder plan that I will start out with on the bike.  It has three sessions a week that are 45-75 minutes each.  I will build to 2+ hour bike rides after I finish the FTP build plan and probably do a lot of 4x8' @ FTP type stuff on my other two bike days after I finish my 12-week plan.  I will keep swimming 1-2 hours a week too.

2021-11-19 10:27 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26


Subject: RE: Marathon Training Plans for Triathletes
2021-11-20 6:58 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Marathon Training Plans for Triathletes
I have a mary in mid-Feb and it's got my undivided attention at the moment. I do have a coach who's known me for a while(BT's phatnot) and his mission is to get me to do weekly volume I wouldn't choose to do on my own and in different structure than my 'time to go for a run' approach. Also, to let me back off if I'm getting close to an injury. Good luck with that.

Anyhoo, he's multisport focused and I'm riding three hours a week up to when I'm at 50mpw of running and then down to two hours. He's also got one swim session/week but I've been pushing back on that. I think his rationale for swim and bike workouts is less about staying prepared for triathlon than it is the benefit of breaking up the run sets(which is how I started with tri in the first place).

What marathon are you doing, BlueBoy26? I'm going to MesaMarathon near Phoenix with a BQ as my non-secret goal. Good luck with your training.
2021-11-30 3:07 PM
in reply to: alltom1

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Marathon Training Plans for Triathletes

I am going to do The Woodlands Marathon in the Houston area.  It is 30 minutes from where I live.  I did a 10-mile race there in September which was a lot of the same course as the IM Texas run course and The Woodlands Marathon.  So it looked like a good fit for me.  There should be around 5,000 participants and winning times that are in the 2:20's.  It is a flat course and could be a good race. 

It is too early for me to make secret goals for the Marathon.  I went for goal time in my first two marathons and they both were miserable and I bonked on both of them.  My last marathon I just did it to finish and doing it 10-15 sec/mile slower than what I would have done if I was trying to PR was way more fun.  In the last six miles, I was able to speed up rather than being reduced to a gimpy walk. I will see how I feel the weeks leading up to the Marathon.  My purpose in signing up is not to set a PR.  It is just to enjoy the race.  If I get a PR too that will just be a bonus.

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