Soooooooooooooo I've been on the couch for awhile when it comes to triathlon. Randomly started swimming again last summer and pulled the plug on a tri in early June. It's been so long since I've actually done a triathlon race, how prevalent will wetsuits be in a local sprint tri? Will I look out of place in just tri shorts and top? I have perused the threads about its advantages, but *Apparently* the wetsuit I had from some years ago, er, um doesn't fit quite well anymore. I'm kinda loathe to run out in haste and buy one.
Just wanted to field some thoughts.
If I was just racing for fun and not worried about cold water, I'd probably skip it. You wouldn't be the only one. Whenever I see someone not wearing a wetsuit I assume they are much better, tougher, swimmers than me and I think it's badass.
What’s your tolerance for cold water? What’s the expected water temp?
The shorter the swim, the easier to skip the wetsuit, but make plans to recover from the cold, which might mean pulling on long sleeves, socks, gloves, etc. for the ride.
As noted wetsuits help with buoyancy and warmth, and both depend on your tolerances and/or swim skill. For me I'm throwing away speed if I don't wear one so I'll push the limits on water temp to wear one (up to an Oly). If cold doesn't impact you then don't worry about it.
And welcome back - I have my first tri in 8 years next weekend! The water is currently 60 degrees so I'll be definitely wearing one!
Thanks everyone! It's a short sprint on a small inland water, more like a pond really, maybe 1/2 mile long, 3/10ths wide so with the warmer temps rn should be brisk, but do-able. Then I can ponder my purchase for the July Oly on deck