Subject: Hit by a car - on a big wheel My 4 year old Katie was hit by the mail truck yesterday afternoon! She's OK now but it was the scariest thing of my life. We were all across the street using the neighbor's circular driveway as a big wheel track. The 80-ish year old neighbor was standing in the driveway talking with us and I was in the street being the traffic cop letting the kids know when they could go. The mailman came and handed Betty her mail then a few minutes later he was across the street at my house. I thought I would be nice and go over and get it so he didn't have to get out of the truck (mail slot is next to the garage.) I told the kids to stay there (in hindsight that was really stupid obviously) and I walked across the street. I started to walk in front of the truck to go back to Betty's but the mailman strated moving so I went behind the truck. Then I heard Betty shout "stop!" and I heard plastic scraping on the street and my daughter screaming. I strated screaming, threw my mail in the street and ran to see what happened. Katie was laying on the steet screaming and the big wheel was knocked on its side. grabbed her and ran to the grass to check her out. After a few minutes of screaming I got her to calm down for a second - then she laughed and told me there was a bird right behind me. I figured then she was OK btu I checked everything. All I could see was road rash on her left arm. We were all fraking out and after the mailman picked up my mail from the street and got Katie's big wheel and shoes (which had fallen off) we went inside. I called my husband to come home so I could take her for an X-ray just to be sure her arm wasn't broken because by now she was crying again. My husband was mad because I hadn't called the cops so he did that while Katie and I were of to the hospital. She had calmed down by then and in the waiting room I saw her put pressure on the arm so I was pretty sure she really was OK. They had us in and out of there in under two hours and she was OK - no X-ray or anything. Whuile we were in there I did notice that the side of her short was all black and had three holes in it though. I think it was good that she was on the big wheel and not her bike. The big wheel has those back wheels that stick way out to the sides so I think the truck hit the wheel before it hit her- that's why she doesn't even have a bruise on the side that was facing the truck. he must have hit the wheel and she got thrown off and slid on the street. The streets down here have bits of broken shells in them - ouch!! Anyway - she is one tough girl who is going to have me nervous for years because she's also fearless! |