Beginner Triathlete - Swim Q&A by articles

author : Amy Kuitse
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photoYou ask yourself if a couple of months will be enough time to prepare for that sprint; and how must swim training change in volume and intensity for the longer distances?
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photo I went to the pool the other day and realized I can't float at all. It makes it really hard to swim properly. I get no propulsion from my kick. Any suggestions?
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photo I can swim long with ease and have decent endurance, but I have a race coming up and I don't want to be last anymore. Help?
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photoIt seems that if I swim that slow I begin to sink and I have to either kick or pull harder to compensate while my heart-rate starts going up. I find myself kicking too hard trying to keep afloat.
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photoI downloaded a 20 week program, obviously I would not want to jump in the swimming volume since the plan assumes I have already been swimming. Can you suggest an alternative?
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photoThe reason why you may have trouble breathing bilaterally (to both sides) is that you are not balanced in the water, either on one side or both. Here are some basic drills.
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photoMy problem is I can only swim about 30-40 meters without having to rest. What is the best way to improve this? I need to get from 40 to 750 meters in 6 months.
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photoIn running, when trying to increase your distance, you don't want to add more than about 10% a week to avoid injury from overtraining. Is there a similar limit with swimming?
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photoThere are a few things you can do prevention-wise to avoid these annoying toe cramps (one of which is NOT eating tons of bananas as the common wisdom dictates!)
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photoI have been swimming for ten months and it has been quite a challenge. I'm sure you have heard this before but I am a sinker.
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photoSo tell me why I want to bother swimming the other strokes? I'm IM training, and plan to swim freestyle for the entire race, is there an advantage to working on the other strokes?
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photoI am still pretty weak in the water and have a pair of Zoomers that I use for drills. What do you think of wearing fins to swim in the pool until I build up endurance?
author : Coach AJ
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photoI'm wondering if anyone else has had luck with moving to a five-stroke breathing pattern. Is this okay for endurance swimming? What are its benefits and drawbacks?
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photoI have 10 lessons with a coach and he keeps telling my I'm holding my breath. I cannot figure out where since I'm breathing out and in every 3rd stroke. Any drill recommendations?
comments : 6
photoUntil I feel comfortable in the pool, would it be silly to put in my pool time while wearing a snorkel? I really want to swim until I'm tired and force myself to go further each time.
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