BT Blogger

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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 0

I have about 5 minutes to blog before teaching today.  Highlights of my life right now:
Our cruise was wild.  We made it home safely but it was hard.  Mom's dementia is awful and she needs to be in a home yesterday.  She escaped the hotel room overnight in Barcelona the first night and was wandering and we woke up at 2am with the manager bringing her back to our room.  That was the start to the trip.  Along with mistaking the elevator for a bathroom (almost), not knowing we were on a boat, hallucinating non stop, etc. Thank god we made it home.  Lisbon was my absolute favorite city.  Maybe would have enjoyed more, but our 
While I was in Morocco, my husband accepted his dream job in  CHICAGO! We are moving there at the end of August.  It's been his dream to be a Landscape Architect (he's currently a board certified master arborist and was managing an office now working in commercial sales and totally bored.).  He was off[...]
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 0

ymca WL + dirt trail PT 8 / 196
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 0

Back at it with work today, before the Senior State meet this weekend. It's that time of year...
Workouts? What are those? lol
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 0

Here is a brief photo recap of the weekend, not including photos of our now defunct air conditioner which is going to be fully replaced with a heat pump and a new furnace tomorrow. SERENITY NOW. 
Mediation today, followed by dinner in the city with Coverage Counsel. I think I'm going to take the 4:37 train which gets me in at 5:50 and just be a wee bit late for dinner, which is at 6PM. 
 -- Monday | Mediation | Coverage Counsel Dinner 
 -- Tuesday | OTF 5:45 PM 
 -- Wednesday | Office | Bike after work 
 -- Thursday | OTF 5:45 PM
 -- Friday | Doctor's Appt 1:40 PM
 -- Saturday | Bike with Chris
 -- Sunday | Cubs Game with the Pickles!
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 0

Morning strength - chest/biceps
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 0

Worked all day yesterday on volleyball stuff, thinking I was having a meeting to hand over responsibilities tonight. Looked at my calendar later in the evening and realized the meeting is NEXT week. Whoops! Oh well, now I'm a bit ahead of schedule! Went to see the new Despicable Me with Flower and all the kids last night. Got home a bit later than I wanted considering I was running on a few hours of sleep, but it was fun. Slept in a bit this morning tho.
Framing, packing, and shipping paintings to Crested Butte this morning. Once these are out the door, I am officially DONE with my summer show responsibilities!! Think I might legit take the week off from painting to play catch up on volunteer stuff, clean my house, and help Owen get his room organized. I also need to get him going on his driver's ed classes and summer homework for high school. 
Once I get the paintings out today I'm going to sit down and finish all of the training for my Level 1 mountain bike coaching licens[...]
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 1

Our power was out most of yesterday. I woke up around 1am to loud rain/wind, and the power went out about 2 mins after I got up. I was standing in the kitchen and it took me a minute to figure out why the microwave clock was blank.  The day exhausted me between efforts I chose (walk, swim, etc.) and also dealing with the power.  Dinner out with a friend really did me in.  I was SO HAPPY to see lights on the house when I returned home.  It was hot and humid, so as the day wore on the house got warmer and warmer.  Yuck.  There are still lots of people without power, so I am feeling really lucky. 
Last week was my first using the Runna app. I actually skipped one run, while working on recovering from last weekend's race.  I feel good about the app - I am excited to start week 2! I like the flexible programming and how it connects to my calendar and other apps.

Runna workout
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 1

Definitely getting into the thick of summer. Quieter at the gym - could tell from the parking situation. Also had the unicorn commute to work where the whole trip was 23 mins - including backing out of our stupid driveway which always takes a minute. 
Supposed to storm today. We've had a really wet summer so far. The kids are at a mostly outdoor camp so they'll have to go in the not air conditioned school when it starts rolling through. 
I have two weeks off starting July 29 which I am really looking forward to. This week my manager is having surgery so i'll need to be on for her at the end of the week. I have taken very few days off so far this year. Really looking forward to a break. 
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July 15, 2024
Inspires : 0

8:06am: A weird-feeling weekend. Both days I woke up a little panicked because my alarm hadn't gone off and I was running late -- except that it was the weekend and so I didn't need to get up for work. And then today felt like it should have been a Saturday. Not sure how my internal calendar got to messed up, but it certainly is.
I've now been on the 5mg dose of Zepbound for a little over a week and I can't say that I notice much difference between this dosage and the lower 2.5mg dose. 
Leaving for Bar Harbor family vacation on Thursday and still need to get things organized and think a little about the schedule (outside the things we needed reservations for) although mine won't be the only opinion that matters.
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July 14, 2024
Inspires : 0

Solid 4 weeks of Ironman Santa Cruz 70.3 training with no major issues to derail more of it. :)
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July 14, 2024
Inspires : 0

Had a great trip to Montana that ended in kind of a crappy flight home. Started getting texts that our flight was delayed after we were already driving to Missoula. No big deal - we went and had early dinner at a super good brewery in downtown Missoula, and walked around a bit on the path by the river (not long though - it was 100 degrees and we were roasting!). Took off 2.5 hours late, but no biggie. I noticed that we seemed to be flying in figure eights above Winter Park on the flight map, and after a while, they came on and announced that there was wind in Denver so we couldn't land there, but we didn't have enough fuel to circle, so we had to divert to Colorado Springs. Got to Colorado Springs and had to sit on the runway for THREE HOURS while they waited for fuel. Finally left Colorado Springs at 1:30 am and got off the plane at DIA at 2:00. Made the long drive up the mountain to home, and walked in the door at 3 am. Oof! The good thing about all of this was that the flight[...]
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July 14, 2024
Inspires : 0

bucked hay 3,600 pounds
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July 14, 2024
Inspires : 0
July 14, 2024
Inspires : 0

Phase 30
Week 2
A set
Phase 30
Week 2
B set
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July 13, 2024
Inspires : 0

We planned to make this a boat day on Flathead Lake, on our way back to Missoula to catch our flight. At the last minute, Aspen needed help with her college essay, so we drove down to Poulson and the guys took a boat out while I hung out at Starbucks and helped her a bit. I was fine with that, honestly - I was a bit peopled out and happy to just hang out and get some work done. 
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