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Hyannis Half Marathon - Run

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Hyannis, Massachusetts
United States
20F / -7C
Total Time = 1h 53m 54s
Overall Rank = 426/1215
Age Group = 40-45
Age Group Rank = 85/136
Pre-race routine:

Had a WICKED awesome pre-race pasta dinner with Cappy jack and stone. SO many laughs!! (i think my finger nail marks are still on hOOters front door...;))

After leaving the capt and stone in the towering inferno, I ditched it home for a good snooze.

AM tried and true oat meal and juice. Check on 'ski' report from cappy...4 inches of fresh powder overnight and temps in the BALMY high teens with a REFRESHINGLY BRISK westerly wind!!!!

met up with the crew at base camp. Got a GREAT hug from nikki in the lobby. kept warm in the hotel while waiting for isis.
Event warmup:

WARMUP!!!!! We all jogged to the start line and were INSTANTLY toasty warm with the BIG smile and signs and hugs from joanne!!! What an awesome cheerleader...not sure what we are going to do when she is back to racing again.

Oh, cool is it to be about 5 ft, from the racing legend Bill Rodgers at the start!! he is such a cool guy.
  • 1h 53m 54s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 08m 41s  min/mile

AH...what a glorious run!! Stone dusted us VERY quickly at the start...saw his little green hat bobbing WAY ahead!! go man go!!
rob, arron and i slipped thru the crowd and fell into a very comfy pace and joked and laughed along the way. Arron was awesome with his garmin to keep the pace going.
Wondeful to see Arrons family along the course!! kids and wife, all smile s and waving at dad!!! :)
Rob kept me paced for the race, didnt allow me to flame out too early. My PB for the course was entirely due to his mentoring and pacing. What a great guy!!! Due to him, I was able to pull out the reserves at the end and kick up the pace.
isis seemed to be around every corner with her pom poms, smiles, cheers and signs!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

What would you do differently?:

NOT A THING!!!!!!!!!!! keep this one in the memory for a lifetime.
Post race
Warm down:

met up with my bud, bob, from track club and fellow bter kzchoc at the finish.
jumped into the shower....ALONE!!!! ;) and then hopped out to find mark in the course. What a guy he is!! he looked GREAT!! at mile 24. he says he didnt feel good but he was evenly pacing and looked well.
very glad to be able to be there for his first mary.

hung out at BT base camp with crew, berniect, capt, jack, stone, kzchoc,and isis54 for a BREW!!!! and tall tales.

Last updated: 2006-02-28 12:00 AM
01:53:54 | 13.1 miles | 08m 41s  min/mile
Age Group: 85/136
Overall: 476/1215
Performance: Good
Course: course was flat with a few small hills, great scenery.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2006-02-28 11:11 PM

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wrightsville beach, North Carolina
Subject: Hyannis Half Marathon

2006-03-01 7:07 AM
in reply to: #357304

Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon

Great race Glen...that's 2 years in a row you had a blast at Hyannis!  Wish I could have made it.


2006-03-01 11:30 AM
in reply to: #357304

Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon
ROFLMAO!!! Really... People are saying, "What's so funny? You have to tell us."

Great race buddy and CONGRATS on the course PB. I'm sure you would have given Mark a run for his money on his time around the course if I hadn't been draggin' ya' down.

"Rob kept me paced for the race, didn’t allow me to flame out too early.” I couldn't go any faster! Seriously, I really appreciate you sticking back and pacing me, Glen. I wouldn’t have cut that time in that wind if it hadn't been for you.

Had a blast and can't wait to do it again! Now I have to get some napkins and wipe the water off my monitor.
2006-03-01 11:48 AM
in reply to: #357304

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon
Glad you ahd a great time.  However I find it completely depressing that you can run 13.1 miles faster than I can run 9.3   Next year come to Gasparilla
2006-03-01 1:03 PM
in reply to: #357304

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Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon

Awesome job at the PB of the course!!  Glad you had a great time.

Looks like I missed out a lot the past weekend.

2006-03-01 1:10 PM
in reply to: #357304

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon
Days Like These.

2006-03-01 1:11 PM
in reply to: #357304

Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon
Great run was fun going out to dinner the night before, really took my mind off the race. I agree, it was an awesome BT get together.

2006-03-01 4:24 PM
in reply to: #357304

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Oak Ridge,
Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon

Nice run.  Had a great time running with you and Rob before you guys dusted me.  Interesting neither you nor Rob mentioned the "lover's spat" you had that many of the runners behind you two commented on.

Look forward to catching up a future events. 


2006-03-01 5:30 PM
in reply to: #357304

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon
Great job on the PB Glen!! It was great to meet up with you guys, and get my Glen hug.  I wish i was able to hang around after the race and have a brew with all of you. Maybe next time. (Next time, maybe i'll have a respectable time too!).
2006-03-01 9:37 PM
in reply to: #357304

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon
WOW!  Glad you had an awesome race!!! 
2006-03-02 7:28 AM
in reply to: #357304

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon
Good Job! You are looking good for Boston

2006-03-02 10:09 PM
in reply to: #357304

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Subject: RE: Hyannis Half Marathon

Great Race!!

Races are so much more fun with good friends from BT to run with, cheer you on, and hang out with!

I must admit I'm glad I didn't opt for this race given the wether conditons this year which is why I picked the March RtR. have really been putting in great miles this winter!

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