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California Half Ironman - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

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Oceanside, California
United States
Ironman North America
Total Time = 6h 02m 33s
Overall Rank = 1018/2033
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

1 can Ensure at bedtime (8 PM), 1 can ensure at 2 AM bathroom visit, 1 can Ensure at wake up (4 AM) (350 cals each). Had Ultramet (?) with three cans pineapple juice & 16 oz water for breakfast (520 cals). Left the hotel feeling full.
Event warmup:

I went to one of the port-a-pottys to "take care of business" and it started raining pretty hard and the wind really picked up off the ocean. The port-a-potty was still clean so I thought about just hanging out there for awhile. Instead I went and set my transition up with everything in garbage bags. What a pain.

From the Ironman site - After a night of rain, Oceanside dawned to mostly blue skies this morning. All fingers are crossed that a rain front predicted for around 8am misses Oceanside.

By San Diego standards, it’s colder than a polar bear eating an Eskimo Pie in the Antarctic with the air conditioning on in winter. It’s around 50 degrees with light winds. The water temperature is 56 degrees.

There have been 6 cases of hyperthermia. All are in the medical tent that has been heated to 110 degrees to facilitate quick recovery."
  • 37m 20s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 46s / 100 yards

While we lined up waitng for our waves it was raining fairly hard and it was COLD. I definitely wondered what I got myself into and why.

You are only allowed in the water 3 minutes before yor wave which is about enough time to swim to the start line and warm up your suit. There was no practice swim.

When the horn sounded I felt like I forgot how to swim. My stroke was short and choppy, not long and smooth. I guess it had to do with the cold water. I keept taking my face out of the water when breathing which is a no no. At some portions on the backside I got a little rhythm but then I had some mild cramps from the cold.
What would you do differently?:

Relax and swimlike you can.
Transition 1
  • 05m 25s

Now I had to get all my stuff out of the garbage bags I packed them in! Arghh! Also, I usually put on only my shoes and helmet and go, today I put on socks, a jacket, shoved gloves in my pocket, put shoes and booties on... I felt like I was taking residence at T1. I really could have used the extra time for the run. Oh well.

I also bled some air from my wheels as the roads were wet.
What would you do differently?:

Race in warm weather
  • 2h 56m 31s
  • 56 miles
  • 19.04 mile/hr

I was very relaxed during the majority of the bike ride. I felt no pressure for the first time doing a half. From the time I signed up for this race I thought of it as just a step towards IM CDA this June. I just "was out for a ride." My pace was decent and my effort was actually pretty low (HR 153). I was able to sit going up all the big climbs. With about 16 miles left we turned into the headwinds that were with us for the rest of the bike. this was the portion of the course I was told you can "let the dogs run all the way to T2." It was a little demoralizing to feel my exertion level climb as my avg pace plummetted. I had a few hard patches in here.

Drank 2 * 20 0z bottles of 1.5 scoops cytomax and 1.5 scoops carbo pro for 267 cals each, plus 3 Gu's and 2.5 bottles of water. 834 cals for 3 hours. This is a probably a touch low.
What would you do differently?:

I have been training in the mountains almost exclusively. I need some work on the flats so I can put some time in the aerobars. My back was talking to me at the end.
Transition 2
  • 03m 29s

Those damn garbage bags again! But I was sure glad my shoes were dry. I added 5 minutes more than usual to my race due to the weather precautions in the transition area. That is really hard to make up.
  • 2h 19m 48s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 10m 40s  min/mile

Ugh. More bricks. I'm not a fast runner ever but I'm not this slow! I didn't blow myself up on the bike at all so I figured I would be close to my stand alone 1/2 mary times. If so I would be very happy. It was not to be.

I kept looking at my watch to see if I could break 6 hours and just kept watching the opportunity slip. There was a 300 meter section of beach (sand) running you did 4 times. I knew I had to cross that section to get back to the finish line and I knew I couldn't run it. For whatever reason my legs aren't strong enough to run in the soft sand. Some serious lack of coordination. That psyched me out from just putting my head down and trying to run it home.

I could tell the first two miles my exertion level was too high but I couldn't slow myself down. I think the bricks will help me get used to the difference in momentum your body feels from bike speed to run speed.

I unfortunately had many walk breaks. I had no problems with cramping but I couldn't tell if I needed to eat or not eat. I might need to rethink my nutrition strategy. During training I can eat bars on the bike but have not tried that in a race before.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked about 2 miles to the car with my 3 year old boy on my shoulders - ouch!!! One of us was happy.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Got sick two days before and was hacking up a storm during the bike and run. Didn't train for this race, it was just the mid point of my Ironman training. I wanted to do well and tried as much as I could given the point in the training program.

Event comments:

The marines were very helpful and some were fun. "Come on maggot this is what you trained for!" "1088 - you get yourself up this hill!!" It was the first time I rode through street with "Tank Crossing" written in the road.

Unfortunately I let myself get psyched out about the weather conditions beforehand. It wasn't as bad as I imagined.

I know what I need to work on during the next 97 days leading up to Ironman. So the race served its purpose. I trained for 3 months compared to 6 months prior to this half and I did about 7 minutes faster so I'm going in the right direction.

The good thing about the race is I am very psyched about triathlons again and will go back to training with a renewed vigor.

Will I do this race again?????????????

Profile Album

Last updated: 2006-01-08 12:00 AM
00:37:20 | 2112 yards | 01m 46s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/2033
Performance: Below average
Suit: Orca Predator - Fullsuit
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Waves
Water temp: 56F / 13C Current: Low
200M Perf. Bad Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 05:25
Performance: Bad
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
02:56:31 | 56 miles | 19.04 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/2033
Wind: Headwind
Road:   Cadence: 81
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Time: 03:29
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
02:19:48 | 13.1 miles | 10m 40s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/2033
Performance: Bad
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? No
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2006-03-19 7:09 PM

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: California Half Ironman

2006-03-19 7:27 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman

Great race and report.  Man, you can really bike even in the adverse conditions we were in!!!  Must be all that hill training you put in.  You have some information in the report which are interesting and I might try, especially the nutrition part (ensure). 

Again, congrats on your great race!

2006-03-19 7:34 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman

Where to hang tough.  If nothing else it's a mental challenge conquered.  You can beat adverse conditions....


2006-03-19 8:31 PM
in reply to: #373757

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
Good race. And kudos for sticking to your IM training and throwing this in as a brick. I see it as a very successful IM workout in adverse conditions. Can't beat that.
2006-03-19 8:41 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Extreme Veteran
Lufkin (East Texas)
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
Those kind of conditions can be more mentally defeating that then physical toll it takes. Way to hang in there and get it done. I like that you kept focused on the real goal - your Ironman. Sounds like you made a big step in that direction.

2006-03-19 10:26 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Subject: RE: California Half Ironman

Thanks for sharing your RR...shows your great determination and focus to the race at hand...nasty weather....but you put together a solid race and set a PB! The race helped you figure out what worked and what didn't and for the big one that will help a lot!

I'm not sure I would have done the race but you are amazing!

Keep those shoulders well as the ride back to the car was I'm sure fun for your son! Those are the things kids remember about their Dad.

I look forward to reading your IM RR.

2006-03-20 6:14 AM
in reply to: #373731

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Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
Man, you are tough.  After that bike ride, I would have crawled in a garbage bag and hid out in t2.  Great perseverance and how great job transferring what you learned in this race to what you need to do in the future.  You rock!
2006-03-20 7:54 AM
in reply to: #373731

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Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
Kick a$$ job, Buddy! Wait for me at the CdA finish line.

Edited by jamesreeves 2006-03-20 7:55 AM
2006-03-20 10:05 AM
in reply to: #373731

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Subject: RE: California Half Ironman

Great race report, Paul! Egads - hard rain and cold water, not my idea of ideal race start. Way to persevere! Love the image of you and your son at the end.

Congratulations on your HIM!

2006-03-20 11:27 AM
in reply to: #373731

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
What would you do differently?:

Race in warm weather

Classic.  congrats, and like it was said above, good job staying focused on your real goal.

2006-03-20 11:45 AM
in reply to: #374254

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
Good race given those conditions. Way to persevere. I'd take that bike on good day Thanks for your advice on he HIM hydration and I'm going to try bars too. Great RR thnx.

2006-03-20 12:11 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman

Great time for an early season 1/2.  Hell, great time for ANY 1/2!!!! 

Congrats & looks like you're ready to rock your full!  Good luck.

2006-03-20 12:55 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
Great job in the race, especially in the gnarly weather conditions!  Loved the part where you wanted to just hang out in the porta potty...that had me laughing out loud! 
2006-03-24 1:08 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
Uploaded photos.
2006-03-24 1:17 PM
in reply to: #373731

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: California Half Ironman
You rock dude! It was nice meeting you. See ya at CDA

2006-03-24 1:49 PM
in reply to: #373731

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Subject: RE: California Half Ironman

Wow, that sounded ... cold.

Great job! Can't wait to see you race by at CDA!

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