BT Development Mentor Program Archives » LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2008-04-22 9:18 AM

South Jersey
Subject: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

NAME: LaurenSU02/Lauren

STORY: 27 year-old female (USAT 28 this year). I started competing in triathlons in 2005. Triathlon is something I had always wanted to do and talked about for years. I don't know what got me started, but one day, I just said to myself, "I'm going to start training." I really didn't know much at all about training at the time...I just got out on my bike (a borrowed early-90s Specialized Allez that was hot pink, weighed like 80 lbs, and had frame shifters) a few times a week, and swam and ran a few times a week. I was actually pretty horrible my first season; but I had a lot of fun, and knew it was something I wanted to continue doing. Four years and three bikes later, I am still going strong, having the time of my life, and, oh, I am not that horrible anymore .

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my bike . Otherwise, single...very single... 

CURRENT TRAINING: I train pretty hard core (you can check my logs to verify that). I do have a coach, which is great, because I love not having to put together my own training plan. I am in Ironman training right now, so the volume is getting pretty high.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: Last year, I competed in four races - a du, a sprint, an Oly, and a HIM. I placed in my AG in both the du and sprint; in the Oly, I went 2:36 and finished 9/102 in my AG and was like 33rd female OA (excluding the pros). The HIM was my first half iron ever; I finished in 5:49 and was quite happy with that. I was pretty satisfied with my season last year. I had a coach last season as well.

2008 RACES:  This year, I am doing Ironman Lake Placid. Unfortunately, an injury earlier this year has really put a kink in my run training and my pre-IMLP race season. So, as of now, that's my only race this season. I am targeting an early-June sprint and/or Oly, and do have a few races in mind for after IMLP. I just have to see how the post-IMLP recovery goes.

WEIGHTLOSS: Well, I currently weigh the most I've ever weighed, but I'm down a pant size... 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: With some pretty heavy training on the horizon, I am pretty sure my BT time will decrease a little. That said, I am on here every day and should be able to find time at least once a day to respond to your inquiries. I try to make my rounds in people's logs, but it's hard for me to find the time and privacy at work to do don't get worried if I am not inspiring you frequently. I am wondering if I am a little crazy for entering the mentor program just as I am embarking on IM training, but I also think I am at a point in my tri career in which I can offer solid advice to others. I've learned a lot of the past few years, and have gone from BOP to FOP (at least at the shorter stuff), so there's a lot I can share...I hope.

I do just have to warn you that from July 15-22, I won't be on BT much, if at all (IMLP is July 20). And if I am, I might be too focused on IMLP to provide any good advice. Ron, if that's a problem, I understand. I also will be out of town a few times here and there for work and training. Those will only be for a few days, though, and I'll give you advanced notice.

Also, for those of you who know I train with a powermeter, I am by no means an expert. I just send my files to my coach and he tells me what to do. I really can't offer any power advice. Maybe a little, but not much. Sorry.

LOL, I guess I just listed all the things that could make me a bad mentor. That said, I'm pretty cool, love to talk tri, and will do anything I can to answer your questions. I love the sport and have so much fun, and I want all of you to love it and have fun too .


Edited by LaurenSU02 2008-04-23 1:45 PM

2008-04-22 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

I'm in if you got space!  I'm new to this, but I will try to be a good mentee!

2008-04-23 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1354337

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Aikidoman - 2008-04-22 11:53 AM

I'm in if you got space!  I'm new to this, but I will try to be a good mentee!

Yay, my first mentee. WOOT!! So cool. Yep, you're in!

How about if for the good of the group, you give a little background on your tri career and what races you're planning this year? I am sure you'll be able to provide some helpful advice to beginners as well .

2008-04-23 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1356335

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

nm - it was fixed . Thanks, Ron .

Edited by LaurenSU02 2008-04-23 8:26 AM
2008-04-23 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

I need a mentor!!


2008-04-23 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1356432

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
newleaf - 2008-04-23 9:41 AM

I need a mentor!!


haha. Well, feel free to stop by from time to time; I'm anticipating a lot of fun in the thread!!

2008-04-23 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

I'd really like to join your group too if there's space!!

2008-04-23 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1356469

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
vball03umd - 2008-04-23 10:00 AM

I'd really like to join your group too if there's space!!

Of course you can! We'd love to have you!! WOOT!

Can you just give the group a little history of your tri career and what your planned races, goals, etc., are for this year? And, of course, if you have any questions, concerns, or doubts at this time, ask away .

2008-04-23 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1356484

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Yay!  I like vball03 too!  Starting of well for a good group!
2008-04-23 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1356556

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

Yay!! It does look like it's starting off to be a great group.. whoo

A little background about me...

This is my first tri season and I haven't done an outdoor race yet.  I did do an indoor tri a few weeks ago but it was based on time instead of distance.  10 minutes swimming / 30 minutes biking / 20 minutes running.  I wasn't nervous at all because I know I can keep going for an hour and no one could really tell how fast / slow you were anyway   I'm 26 (turning 27 in about a month and a half.)  

I'm doing my first tri, an Olympic distance, in Philly on June 22nd.  Honestly, I am kind of freaked out about the bike and the swim.  I signed up to do two more sprint tris during July and August.  I'm thinking about signing up for an Olympic dist in Sept, but I'm getting married at the beginning of Oct so I may need some time to fit wedding stuff in too!   Goals for the season: make it through the Olympic, go all out on the sprints, and have some fun.

I come from a pretty athletic background.  I've played sports for several years..mainly basketball, volleyball, tennis, and I rowed for a season in college.   I still play volleyball and some tennis.  Not so much bball but I can play a mean game of horse.  None of those sports involved much running, biking, or swimming though so this is all new to me.  I'm a SLOW swimmer, not as slow of a biker, and an OK runner.

I'm really excited to be part of this group Lauren!  I periodically check out your logs and you're awesome & going to be a great mentor.  Thanks so much for volunteering to do this!



2008-04-23 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Hey Lauren,
I looked through all of the other coaches and I think your workout philosophy will be the best to motivate me. I very much would like to join your group.

About me:

Name: Matt Gomes
Occupation: Wind Power Developer
Location: The Hot and Steamy South Florida Coast (Jupiter, FL)
Vitals: 31, 6 feet tall, ~245lbs

Family: Married to a wonderful, but not athletic wife. One son (13 months), one baby girl on the way next month!!!

Current Training: I would like to do an Oly in June, problem is that is when the new baby will be awake all night, needing constant attention and so will the mom. Next event on the schedule is a sprint in June, another in August, and then the Marine Corps Marathon in October. I've got a pretty good routine when I'm not traveling and I won't be traveling again before baby #2 is born.

Races: I finished a 5K, a sprint, and the relay across florida (14.5 miles was my contribution to the 173 mile race).

Weight: I was a wrestler in high school and college so weight has always been a game of yoyo. Previous mindset with this seeason was that I would start training and the pounds would fall-off no matter what I ate. Problem is that didn't work. I'm on a diet now, have a nutritionist appointment in two weeks and hope to get down to 205 and stay down there.

What will make me a good groupmate: I have learned the hard way on a lot of stuff. I am very motivated and like to keep other people going, checking-in on their training, etc. I have very ambitious goals to run a half-iron next year and the marathon this fall and because I only recently started with racing, I still remember all the stupid stuff that caused me to come across the line a little later than I should've and I can pass that on as a warning to others.

Happy Training,

2008-04-23 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1356635

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

Awesome stuff, vball. Your training is looking great and you had a solid 10K last week, so I think you are definitely on the path to having a strong first season. I just noticed you're in my AG...maybe I should be happy I can't do Philly this year .

Philly is a great race and you're going to love it. The swim can vary from year to year as it is in a river. Last year was the only year I did the swim, and I can honestly say it was great. Little to no current, perfect water temp for a wetsuit, and because it's a fairly "dead" river, you didn't have any of the gross river stuff to deal with (i.e., you didn't accidentally touch anything with your hand or feet that kind of freaked you out). It's a deep-water start, so hopefully the race is wetsuit legal, so you can just kind of float out there before the gun. If not, just hang onto the dock beforehand, or tread water. Our AG is fairly early (3rd or 4th out of like 15), so that's good.

The bike is a really fun course. Riding is my strength and I am a decent climber, so I didn't find the hills to be bad at all. I know a few people who did their first tri on this course last year and said afterwards, "The hills weren't that bad; I was worried for nothing." As the race gets closer, we can go over the course hill by hill if you want. But honestly, just don't hammer them, and you'll be fine. The bike course can get a little crowded on the second loop. Just make sure you know the rules of the road (i.e., staying right, drafting rules, etc.)'ll go a long way on that course as it's crowded and a mix of newbies and some REAL FASTIES .

The rest of your season sounds great. If the Oly in September isn't expected to sell out quickly, feel free to wait and see how the season goes before signing up. Which one are you considering? I might be looking to do an Oly in September as well.

And, congrats on the engagement !!

2008-04-23 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1356662

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

GomesBolt - 2008-04-23 11:07 AM Hey Lauren, I looked through all of the other coaches and I think your workout philosophy will be the best to motivate me. I very much would like to join your group. About me: Name: Matt Gomes Occupation: Wind Power Developer Location: The Hot and Steamy South Florida Coast (Jupiter, FL) Vitals: 31, 6 feet tall, ~245lbs Family: Married to a wonderful, but not athletic wife. One son (13 months), one baby girl on the way next month!!! Current Training: I would like to do an Oly in June, problem is that is when the new baby will be awake all night, needing constant attention and so will the mom. Next event on the schedule is a sprint in June, another in August, and then the Marine Corps Marathon in October. I've got a pretty good routine when I'm not traveling and I won't be traveling again before baby #2 is born. Races: I finished a 5K, a sprint, and the relay across florida (14.5 miles was my contribution to the 173 mile race). Weight: I was a wrestler in high school and college so weight has always been a game of yoyo. Previous mindset with this seeason was that I would start training and the pounds would fall-off no matter what I ate. Problem is that didn't work. I'm on a diet now, have a nutritionist appointment in two weeks and hope to get down to 205 and stay down there. What will make me a good groupmate: I have learned the hard way on a lot of stuff. I am very motivated and like to keep other people going, checking-in on their training, etc. I have very ambitious goals to run a half-iron next year and the marathon this fall and because I only recently started with racing, I still remember all the stupid stuff that caused me to come across the line a little later than I should've and I can pass that on as a warning to others. Happy Training, Matt

Hi Matt, welcome to the group!! It sounds like you are well underway with your training. I can't really speak to the weight-loss part, but it's great you're working with a nutritionalist. But I am a big believer in that it's not the number on the scale you want to look at, but rather how you feel and how your clothes fit .

I think it's a good idea skipping the Oly in June if you feel your training, sleeping, etc. will be disrupted by the new baby. One's first Oly is a big deal, so you want to go into it feeling 100% ready. It sounds like you have a great season planned, and MCM this fall will be awesome. I can't wait to follow your progression.

Welcome to the group. I haven't made my way over to your log yet, but I'll get there shortly...

2008-04-23 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1354013

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

We have a great group shaping up. So far it's:

Gomesbolt, and

And, I guess from time to time, we'll let newleaf in to play

Feel free to add everyone to your FRIEND'S list, so we can keep tabs on each other.

Edited by LaurenSU02 2008-04-23 10:53 AM
2008-04-23 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1354013

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN


The Philly bike course is a bit technical. As far as downhills, there are only two I can really think of that might be of some concern (most of the bigger climbs aren't immediatley followed by the downhill). Right after the first aid station on the bike course, you go around a loop, and when you come around the loop, you'll head into a pretty decent downhill. You'll have guys whizzing past you at about 40+ mph, so just stay right and hold your line. I think the road curves a few times going down that one, but not too bad. Also, there is a downhill at the end of the course. It's a little tricky, because there's a turn at the bottom and as you're entering the turn, you need to decide to stay left for loop #2 or stay right to head into transition (if you're finishing your second loop).

There are a few other pretty fast sections of the course. There aren't any steep downhills, though. Just a few places where you can really fly -- and trust me, the fast guys FLY!

2008-04-23 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Well I'm in a group from the January Mentor group, but I'd love to join this one.

I started out as a swimmer and swam for 12 years and even swam at Clemson University for 3 years (got mono and had to stop). I took too many years off after that, ok so only 3, so I have gotten a bit soft and I need a new challenge.
I started with my first sprint triathlon last year with absolutly no training. It was alot of fun (despite the pain) and I really wanted to become a triathlete. Per ususal, I procrastinated starting training till 2 weeks before my first one this year. I completed that triathlon in 99th place out of 650 people. I ended up hurting my foot on the run, but its getting back to normal now.

I am 24 years old and I really am looking forward to becoming a triathlete. I am currently weighing at 228ish and want to get down to about 205 (I really don't think my body will go below that). I work a regular 7-4 job and I have a gf that works alot so I have a good amount of time to train.

I am planning about 7 triathlons this year. Hopefully 6 sprint and an Olympic distance at the end of the season. I currently belong to Ohio State University Masters Swim Club, so swimming shouldn't be a problem. My biggest issue will be in getting my running up to par. I know if I was able to properly run I would get good, but I have some foot issues that are holding me back right now.

I have also given myself a new goal of completing a half ironman this year... even if I have to walk part of the run.

2008-04-23 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1356774

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN


Welcome to the group. It'll be so good to have you. You can be our resident swimmer as I don't think that's any of our specialties! I am sure we can all learn a lot.

What type of foot issues are you dealing with (you don't have to tell us if you don't want to)? I had tendonitis and a tear in my peroneal tendon earlier this year, hence all the aquajogging in my log. BTW, aquajogging is an awesome run supplement, so let me know if you want to incorporate it into your training. I'll give you some tips. As a side note, Deena Kastor (she won the Women's Olympic Trial Marathon this past Sunday) is an aquajogger as well .

I haven't made it to your log yet, but will get there soon. We're excited to have you !

2008-04-23 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1354013

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Also, dlswimmer, with all the races you have planned, you're going to have to assign importance to them (A, B, C race), so you can be properly prepared for them and ready to kick butt at the ones that are most important. Some of those races you'll just have to train through, especially with the Oly at the end of the season. The Olympic should definitely be an A race .
2008-04-23 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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New Orleans
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

Sign me up! I've gotten some great advice from Lauren over the last year or two, and her training and effort is second to none.

Here's my info:

Name: Jeremy, occupation: Coast Guard.

I've been on this site since around Feb 2006. Since that time, I've had ups and downs with my training. Finally, late last year, I was at the peak of one of my "downs" and decided that I needed to crack the whip. My training the last few months has been consistent, but un-structured.

To date, I've completed a couple of sprints and one oly (the swim portion of the oly was only 800m). I've run one half-marathon and several 10k/5k's.

My goals, lofty as they might be, are to run the Tupelo marathon in September and The IM 70.3 New Orleans in April '09. I'm also planning on doing various running races and sprints over the next year as time/training/life permits.

Current weight is 182, goal weight is 165.

Towards the end of May, I am going to a 5-week school in California. I'm working on trying to get my bike shipped out there, but worst case scenario, that won't happen and I'll be riding the schools mountain bikes for those 5 weeks. But there is lots of hills out there and there is a 25y pool on base, so I'll be able to keep up the rest of my training and the hills will be an added benefit.

Thanks for mentorins Lauren. You are definitely the right person for the job.

2008-04-23 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1356848

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

WOOT, we've got jjweav !

I think your goals of Tupelo and the NOLA 70.3 are great! You've been training with a lot of consistency this time around, and it looks like you're on a good path to accomplishing them. You're going to have to get on a mary plan soon -- have you started thinking about which one?

I really hope you're able to ship your bike out to CA when you go. You should just head to your LBS and they'll pack it up for you, etc. There's some awesome riding out there, so I'm told.

Sorry for my brevity. I have to get off BT for a bit, but I wanted to respond to this !

2008-04-23 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1356734

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
LaurenSU02 - 2008-04-23 11:33 AM

We have a great group shaping up. So far it's:

Gomesbolt, and

And, I guess from time to time, we'll let newleaf in to play

Feel free to add everyone to your FRIEND'S list, so we can keep tabs on each other.

Make that:

jjweav, and

2008-04-23 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1356790

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Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
I have extremely flat feet, which causes my feet to collapse when running and which is the biggest reason I have pain. I also have a bit of PF. I end up getting shin splints, knee aches, and pain in the bottom of the foot. It really keeps me from training the running part, which is never a good thing for Tri's.

As for the rating of the races, I think I am going to pretty much train through all of the tris I am doing until August and do an Olympic that month which I may taper for. I want to do a HIM as well which I know I will have to heavily train for and have a significant taper.

In the short term, I am going to the podiatrist to try and resolve some of the foot issues and getting back to training as soon as this cold is done.
2008-04-23 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN


I would love to join if you still are accepting!

I am a 29yr old female (sorry my pic got deleted for some reason but I'll get a new one up there soon) and I am very interested in hearing about your effort towards your IM.

This is year 3 for me with triathlon and I am aiming for my first HIM in July. If it goes well enough, I am thinking about signing up for IM KY for '09 (I will be a volunteer there for this years race).

I am the type of person that struggles not to overtrain. Currently I'm building my training back up slowly as I come back from some knee stress from a poor pedal set up I had on my bike. I usually learn all the training/equipment set-up mistakes the hard way



2008-04-23 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN


Thanks for the info on the Philly bike course.  It really helps to know what to expect ahead of time!!   It sounds like the end of the course is kind of interesting.  Hopefully I'll be able to remember whether to go right or left.. yipes!


2008-04-23 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

can i join? looks like several of the people in the group are Female 25-29, and I need to keep tabs on the competition. HA!  

Lauren, you seem to have done what I would like to do - get consistent with training and pull myself from BOP to FOP, or at the very least MOP. the last 6 months or so are the first few months i've ever been serious or consistent about training and i need that to keep happening! i've been on BT for 3 years, have had longs spurts of lurking or not logging on, but i've clocked record amounts of time on BT in the last 6 months, and i really hope to kick a$$ this season!


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