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2010-05-04 8:20 AM

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Subject: Faster with a pull buoy?
i swam today....some regular swim and some pull....and my splits were faster with a pull buoy!Does this mean my kick is slowing me down?

2010-05-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2835378

Tempe, AZ
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
depends on what your kick beat is and how fast you swim. Pool buoys help guys more than they help women on average, because of the way we all store fat. men tend to have more muscle in the legs and muscle sinks. women tend to have more fat in the thighs/butt so they float easier. that being said, being an efficient swimmer means having a good stroke and making yourself sort of glide along the surface...the more level you get your body the faster you can go.

so yes..the pool buoy probably did speed you up cause it brought your legs closer to the probably felt like you could swim all day with that.
2010-05-04 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
I'm not an expert.  My experience was that yes, the PB made me faster.  As suggested, this was, I think, due to poor balance and poor rotation, both of which the PB corrects to some extent.  I'm now about the same with or without, and continue to work on balance and proper rotation.
2010-05-04 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Rattlesnake - 2010-05-04 9:20 AM i swam today....some regular swim and some pull....and my splits were faster with a pull buoy!Does this mean my kick is slowing me down?

I'm no expert either but your kick is not as much a problem as your body position as the others have stated. A good kick does help you maintain good form. I have a pitiful kick and am much faster with a buoy (or wetsuit).
2010-05-04 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?

I am also faster with a bouy and have a weak kick.

Here is something to think about as you swim with out the bouy. I focus on pusshing my hips (butt) toward the surface, just like what a bouy would do. I find I am faster when I do that but I have to be thinking about it a lot, you have to focus.

2010-05-04 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Yep, same here.  I am dramatically faster with a buoy.  My issues is VERY stiff, inflexible ankles that cause my feet to point straight down to the bottom of the pool even when "relaxed."  I've been doing flexibility drills to improve the problem.

My HIM is only six weeks away so right now I'm doing long swims to make sure I survive and will revisit lessons and technique afterwards.  In the meantime, I'm hoping that at least means my OWS pace with a wetsuit will be a lot better than what I'm doing in the pool, especially since I don't do flip turns.


2010-05-04 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2835752

Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
I was a heck of a lot faster with the PB until someone told me I should cross my feet.  Then my legs sank, and I felt really awkward.
2010-05-04 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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SF Bay Area
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
I'm a leg sinker so much faster and easier with a buoy. It provides flotation to your hips and reduces drag. It's like a little wetsuit for the pool.
2010-05-04 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Agree with above...I'm a leg over distances like 100 yds +, I'm faster with the pull buoy.  But if I'm sprinting, I'm swimming fast enough to keep my legs streamlined...and I'm kicking I'm faster without the pull buoy.
2010-05-04 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Rattlesnake - 2010-05-04 6:20 AM i swam today....some regular swim and some pull....and my splits were faster with a pull buoy!Does this mean my kick is slowing me down?

Well, it definitely suggests your body position is slowing you down.  I'm slightly slower with a pull buoy and I have a pretty weak kick, but reasonably good body position.  It isn't necessarily just your kick that contributes to letting your hips sink...which is likely what the p/b is correcting for you.
2010-05-04 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2836024

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
tcovert - 2010-05-04 12:49 PM
Rattlesnake - 2010-05-04 6:20 AM i swam today....some regular swim and some pull....and my splits were faster with a pull buoy!Does this mean my kick is slowing me down?

Well, it definitely suggests your body position is slowing you down.  I'm slightly slower with a pull buoy and I have a pretty weak kick, but reasonably good body position.  It isn't necessarily just your kick that contributes to letting your hips sink...which is likely what the p/b is correcting for you.

It's an indication of body position, not kick efficiency.  IMO, the best thing that a PB does for you is show you what it should feel like when your body is in the right position swimming.

2010-05-04 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2836148

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Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
awesome replys guys...thanks.  I think lack of flexibility in my ankle is definately a problem
2010-05-04 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2836219

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New York
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Not trying to jack the thread at all, but does anyone think you do yourself a disservice by doing longer swims workouts with the p/b?  I swim with it, and I'm hoping my transition from pool with p/b to open water with wetsuit won't harm me.
2010-05-04 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2836474

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
BrandonCohen - 2010-05-04 3:16 PM Not trying to jack the thread at all, but does anyone think you do yourself a disservice by doing longer swims workouts with the p/b?  I swim with it, and I'm hoping my transition from pool with p/b to open water with wetsuit won't harm me.

I think that yes, I did hurt myself early on by swimming with the PB too much.  It became a crutch for me and I didn't learn good position and rotation.

I went for several months without it, and that helped.  Now I use it, but sparingly.
2010-05-04 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2836497

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?

I normally try to avoid giving potentially bad advice, which this might be... but I will tell you my experience.

My balance was so poor when i started, I relied heavily on the PB to get my workouts in.  I swam all long workouts with the PB to prepare for my first Oly.  TO ME, the PB and the wet suit feel very much the same.  It wasn't a difficult transition.

HOWEVER, I knew I needed to do better in the off season because some day I might want to do a race where I can't wear the suit.  I took myself off the PB for many, many months.  I couldn't swim a normal lap after I'd used it and knew my reliance was too strong. 

Now that I've worked through other issues, I use the PB for pull specific sets.  I have no trouble switching back and forth.  For me, triathlon was about "getting it done" and not becoming a super swimmer, so that worked for me.  I feel this decision is very personal in that way.  There are a zillion ways to improve your swimming and sometimes you need a little help to work on each component.

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-05-04 3:36 PM
2010-05-04 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2836688

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?

By the way, I am WAY faster with the PB still   Oh well...

2010-05-04 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2835378

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Similar to others, for shorter distances (300m or less) my speed is fairly similar between PB and no PB but I do feel my level of effort is more without the PB.  I can maintain the same speed with a PB for longer distances.  But for any particular race I make sure I can swim the distance without the PB.  If the race is wetsuit legal then life is easier.
2010-05-04 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2836219

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Rattlesnake - 2010-05-04 1:50 PM awesome replys guys...thanks.  I think lack of flexibility in my ankle is definately a problem

IMO, it is very unlikely that this is why you are faster with a pull buoy.  Odds are that it's body position/balance.  A lack of ankle flexibility will make your kick less powerful, but this isn't a major issue for most triathletes, because our races aren't sprints where a powerful kick is needed.  At the distances we swim in most races, kicking just needs to stabilize us, and propulsion is not as critical.

Maybe one of the true fish can confirm this (My swimming pedigree is only as a high school swimmer, someone who reads a lot, and has received some coaching in recent years by a former NCAA All American.  I was not a college swimmer and I'm not a coach).


2010-05-04 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2836497

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Experior - 2010-05-04 3:27 PM
BrandonCohen - 2010-05-04 3:16 PM Not trying to jack the thread at all, but does anyone think you do yourself a disservice by doing longer swims workouts with the p/b?  I swim with it, and I'm hoping my transition from pool with p/b to open water with wetsuit won't harm me.

I think that yes, I did hurt myself early on by swimming with the PB too much.  It became a crutch for me and I didn't learn good position and rotation.

I went for several months without it, and that helped.  Now I use it, but sparingly.

I agree.  It's a tool that should be used for specific purposes.  Overuse can make it a crutch.
2010-05-04 5:16 PM
in reply to: #2835378

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Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
yes it does, if you are going to use one hold it inbetween your ankles, it's great for your core!
2010-05-04 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2836688

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
Been there done that with the PB!
Bad body position will be the direct result of a bad kick.  When I first started years ago I would hardly move with a kickboard, read a thread on BT about using Zoomers and went out and bought some Zoomer blue flippers and learned how to kick properly.  This helped me out a lot with body position.  Only then could I learn out to swim!

These days I'll only use PB when I use Finis Freestyle paddles for some stroke work.  Couple of years ago I would rely on the PB to do long sets but decided to dump it as it wasn't helping me.

Like in another post above, I swim to get the swim done, not to be a super fast swimmer.  If I were to be racing a lot of tri races per year I'd have to do more of it.  That being said, in my last sprint race I could have had a podium spot if I could swim at least top of the MOP vs top of BOP.  Oh well!

2010-05-06 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2835378

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Subject: RE: Faster with a pull buoy?
I used a pull buoy for the first time last night because my foot/ankle was a little sore and I wanted to give it a rest.  I could not believe how much faster I could swim!  Obviously I need to do some major work on body position but I am looking forward to getting a wetsuit and getting into some OW!  Please tell me that the pull buoy feels similar to a wetsuit as I've haven't used one yet.  My races last year were try-a-tris so I didn't feel like I needed one for the short distance but with sprints this year I'm all about the wetsuit!  I'm suddenly jazzed about the swim leg thinking it might not be my downfall afterall!
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