Subject: Big Biker Bunnies Team Thread Welcome to the March Challenge.... This month you are the Big Biker Bunnies - a rag tag group of misfits who cause havoc around Peep town. Your are ace bike handlers with skills that are unmatched! Your team line up is: 1. cathrone
2. chrisrunsz26 3. colesdad 4. dcossey 5. Gaarryy 6. HammerOZZ 7. KenD 8. kenj 9. trimore 10. wildee Please take the time wherever you can to get to know your team members through team chatter here and inspires on their logs. The more motivation you can give each other, the higher chance you wont be declared marshmallows at the end of the month! (I mean who doesnt like some team support to get them going?) You need to chose a team captain and I will drop back in the next couple of days with a spreadsheet for you to use to track your team results. I will set up a teamcaptain/ leaders thread for each team to check in everyweek. As mentioned in the original post reporting weeks for the challenge are as follows: Week 1: March 1 - 9 Week 2: March: 10- 16 Week 3: March 17 -23 Week 4: March 24-31 Please make sure your logs are up to date at the end of each week, and don't forget to report your weekly results to your team! You can increase your individual goal anytime throughout the challenge, just make sure your team captain knows of the change so they can let me know in the weekly check ins. I will post an update on the challenge in a thread each week and let your team know when it is ready... I make these on a separate thread as its a good chance to mention how great you are going to the other teams!!! In case you missed it there is a loosing penalty for this challenge: 1) If your team looses the Peep Wars then you will be required to change your avatar to a Peep/Marshmellow for the month of April 2) If you fail to meet your personal goal in the Peep Wars, you must add a signature line that declares " I am a marshmellow and need to harden/toughen up!" for the month of April FINALLY... this is a competition so feel free to drop in on the other teams with pictures, comments and banter - they will probably do it to you! So I suggest you introduce yourself to your team below with information like your training history, upcoming goals, family life.. whatever you like to share.. and THEN... RIDE YOUR BIKE! Im sure no one wants to end the month as a Peep, or a marshmallow! Happy cycling Cat |